Camera Model II


776 Computer


Jan-Michael Frahm, Enrique Dunn

Spring 2013

Last class

Last Class

scene pose transformation: T scene


T 





 projection: P


1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0

I 0

 sensor calibration: K

 

 f x s c

0 f y c y

0 0 1 x

  m

PM , P


0 scene


T  T

K R R C 

2D point



Camera to pixel coord. trans. matrix


Perspective projection matrix


World to camera coord. trans. matrix


3D point


Facing Real Cameras

• There are undesired effects in real situations o perspective distortion

• Camera artifacts o aperture is not infinitely small o lens o vignetting

Radial Distortion

o Caused by imperfect lenses o Deviations are most noticeable near the edge of the lens

No distortion Pin cushion Barrel slide: S. Lazebnik

Radial Distortion

• Brown’s distortion model o accounts for radial distortion o accounts for tangential distortion (distortion caused by lens placement errors)

(x u

, y u

) undistorted image point as in ideal pinhole camera

(x d

,y d

) distorted image point of camera with radial distortion

(x c

,y c

) distortion center


P n n n-th radial distortion coefficient n-th tangential distortion coefficient

• typically K

1 is used or K


, K


, P


, P


Facing Real Cameras

• There are undesired effects in real situations o perspective distortion

• Camera artifacts o aperture is not infinitely small o lens o vignetting, radial distortion

Depth of Field

Slide by A. Efros

How can we control the depth of field?

• Changing the aperture size affects depth of field o A smaller aperture increases the range in which the object is approximately in focus o But small aperture reduces amount of light – need to increase exposure

Slide by A. Efros

F Number of the Camera

• f number (f-stop) ratio of focal length to aperture f


= focal length aperture diameter

Varying the aperture

Large aperture = small DOF Small aperture = large DOF

Slide by A. Efros

Facing Real Cameras

• There are undesired effects in real situations o perspective distortion

• Camera artifacts o aperture is not infinitely small o lens o vignetting, radial distortion o depth of field

Field of View

What does FOV depend on?

Slide by A. Efros

Field of View

f f

FOV depends on focal length and size of the aperture

Smaller FOV = larger Focal Length

Slide by A. Efros

Field of View / Focal Length

Large FOV, small f

Camera close to car

Small FOV, large f

Camera far from the car

Sources: A. Efros, F. Durand

Same effect for faces

wide-angle standard telephoto

Source: F. Durand

The dolly zoom

• Continuously adjusting the focal length while the camera moves away from (or towards) the subject slide: S. Lazebnik

The Dolly Zoom

Facing Real Cameras

• There are undesired effects in real situations o perspective distortion

• Camera artifacts o aperture is not infinitely small o lens o vignetting, radial distortion o depth of field o field of view

Digital camera

• A digital camera replaces film with a sensor array o Each cell in the array is light-sensitive diode that converts photons to electrons o Two common types

Charge Coupled Device (CCD)

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) o

Slide by Steve Seitz

Color sensing in camera: Color filter array

Bayer grid

Estimate missing components from neighboring values


Why more green?

Human Luminance Sensitivity Function

Source: Steve Seitz

Problem with demosaicing: color moire

Slide by F. Durand

The cause of color moire


Fine black and white detail in image misinterpreted as color information

Slide by F. Durand

Color sensing in camera: Prism

• Requires three chips and precise alignment

• More expensive



CCD(B) slide: S. Lazebnik

Color sensing in camera: Foveon X3

• CMOS sensor

• Takes advantage of the fact that red, blue and green light penetrate silicon to different depths better image quality

Source: M. Pollefeys

Facing Real Cameras

• There are undesired effects in real situations o perspective distortion

• Camera artifacts o Aperture is not infinitely small o Lens o Vignetting, radial distortion o Depth of field o Field of view o Color sensing

Rolling Shutter Cameras

• Many cameras use CMOS sensors (mobile, DLSR, …)

• To save cost these are often rolling shutter cameras o lines are progressively exposed o line by line image reading

• Rolling shutter artifacts image source: Wikipedia

regular camera

(global shutter)

Rolling Shutter

rolling shutter camera

Facing Real Cameras

• There are undesired effects in real situations o perspective distortion

• Camera artifacts o Aperture is not infinitely small o Lens o Vignetting, radial distortion o Depth of field o Field of view o Color sensing o Rolling shutter cameras

Digital camera artifacts

• Noise

• low light is where you most notice noise

• light sensitivity (ISO) / noise tradeoff

• stuck pixels

• In-camera processing

• oversharpening can produce halos

• Compression

• JPEG artifacts, blocking

• Blooming

• charge overflowing into neighboring pixels

• Smearing o columnwise overexposue

• Color artifacts

• purple fringing from microlenses,

• white balance modified from Steve Seitz

Conventional versus light field camera slide: Marc Levoy

Conventional versus light field camera slide: Marc Levoy

Conventional versus light field camera slide: Marc Levoy

Prototype camera

Contax medium format camera Kodak 16-megapixel sensor

Adaptive Optics microlens array 125μ square-sided microlenses

4000 × 4000 pixels ÷ 292 × 292 lenses = 14 × 14 pixels per lens slide: Marc Levoy

slide: Marc Levoy

Digitally stopping-down

• stopping down = summing only the central portion of each microlens



f / N light field camera, with P × P pixels under each microlens, can produce views as sharp as an f / (N × P) conventional camera slide: Marc Levoy

Digital refocusing

• refocusing = summing windows extracted from several microlenses


Σ f/N light field camera can produce views with a shallow depth of field ( f / N ) focused anywhere within the depth of field of an f / (N × P) camera images: Marc Levoy

Example of digital refocusing

images: Marc Levoy

Extending the depth of field conventional photograph, main lens at f / 4 conventional photograph, main lens at f / 22 light field, main lens at f / 4, after all-focus algorithm

[Agarwala 2004] images: Marc Levoy

Digitally moving the observer


• moving the observer = moving the window we extract from the microlenses

Σ images: Marc Levoy

Example of moving the observer

slide: Marc Levoy

Moving backward and forward

slide: Marc Levoy

Historic milestones

Pinhole model: Mozi (470-390 BCE),

Aristotle (384-322 BCE)

Principles of optics (including lenses):

Alhacen (965-1039 CE)

Camera obscura: Leonardo da Vinci

(1452-1519), Johann Zahn (1631-1707)

First photo: Joseph Nicephore Niepce (1822)

Daguerréotypes (1839)

Photographic film (Eastman, 1889)

Cinema (Lumière Brothers, 1895)

Color Photography (Lumière Brothers, 1908)

Television (Baird, Farnsworth, Zworykin, 1920s)

First consumer camera with CCD

Sony Mavica (1981)

First fully digital camera: Kodak DCS100 (1990)

Alhacen’s notes

Niepce, “La Table Servie,” 1822

CCD chip

Early color photography

• Sergey Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944)

• Photographs of the Russian empire (1909-


Lantern projector

First digitally scanned photograph

• 1957, 176x176 pixels
