
10th Grade Summer Reading Assignment:
October Sky by Homer Hickam
To maximize the number of novels we can cover in English 2, we are asking that you read this exciting
memoir – October Sky – over the summer. Please write your name in the book we give you, take care
of it, and return it in good condition.
Since we will not see you until the Spring Semester, you will take a short quiz (probably in your PE
class) on this memoir when you return to school in the fall. This 50-point quiz grade will count
towards your semester average in English 2.
Please type your responses to the below questions using times new roman 12 font. Please number your
responses accurately. These questions are designed to help increase your comprehension of this
memoir. Remember you will be taking a quiz on this memoir your first week back to school, so use
these questions as your “study guide” questions. Have a wonderful summer and happy reading!
1. Create a list of major characters and a few memorable quotes from them.
2. Keep track of the major events of this memoir and where (place) they occur.
3. What arouses and sustains the boys’ interest in rocketry?
4. Homer’s father takes him to work one day. Describe Homer’s experience.
5. How does Homer change over time?
6. How does unionism influence the town and its citizens?
7. Why and how does the rocket club succeed?
8. Who is killed during the course of this memoir? Describe this event.
9. Homer’s parents often do not agree on family issues (their children in particular). Describe
some of the issues. How are they resolved? Are all the issues resolved in this novel?
10. How does Coalwood change after the miners begin losing their jobs?
11. Who are the two major adult influences on the boys? Explain.
12. Why does the memoir need an epilogue? Explain.
The MATES English Department