B.S.: UNIVERSITY STUDIES-LEADERSHIP (USAL-LED) CATALOG: FALL 2014 Student Name: UIN: Date: LEADERSHIP AREA OF CONCENTRATION (26 HRS) ALEC 201—Foundations of ALEC ALED 202—Intro to Leadership Philosophy ALED 301—Personal Leadership Education ALED 340-C—Survey of Leadership Theory ALED 440-W—Leading Change 2 3 3 3 3 ALED 424 – Applied Ethics in Leadership ALED 481—Senior Seminar (taken last semester) ALED Upper Level Elective ALED Upper Level Elective 3 3 3 3 ***ALL classes for Area of Concentration & Minors must have a grade of a “C” or better*** MINOR #1: MINOR #2: GENERAL ELECTIVES (16-22 HRS) UNIVERSITY CORE CURRICULUM (UCC) (42 HRS) COMMUNICATION (6 hrs) CREATIVE ARTS (3 hrs) UCC Elective* 3 UCC Elective* 3 UCC Elective * 3 SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (3 hrs) MATHEMATICS (6 hrs) UCC Elective* 3 UCC Elective * 3 AMERICAN HISTORY (6 hrs) UCC Elective * 3 UCC Elective * 3 LIFE & PHYSICAL SCIENCES (9 hrs) UCC Elective * 3 UCC Elective* 3 POLITICAL SCIENCE (6 hrs) UCC Elective* 3 POLS 206 – American National Govt 3 UCC Elective* 3 POLS 207 – State and Local Govt 3 LANGUAGE, PHILSOPHY, & CULTURE (3 hrs) UCC Elective* 3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS International & Cultural Diversity International & Cultural Diversity 3 3 21 Hours of 300-400 Level Courses in ALED 300-400 Level Required 2 terms of college foreign language or 2 years of high school 36 Hours of 300-400 Level Courses at TAMU * See Catalog for University Core Curriculum (UCC) Requirements TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY * COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & LIFE SCIENCES *DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL LEADERSHIP, EDUCATION, & COMMUNICATIONS High Impact Experience 120 Total Degree Hours USAL-LED DEGREE PLAN INFORMATION UPPER LEVEL LEADERSHIP ELECTIVES (MUST BE COMPLETED WITH A ‘C’ OR BETTER) ALED 313—Culture Theory, Orientation, & Adaptation 341—Team Learning 342—Learning Organizations 343—Human Resource Management in AGLS 344—Leadership of Volunteers 350—Global Agricultural Issues 400—Public Leadership Development (Application Only) 401—Adv. Professional Leadership Develop. (Application Only) 422—Cultural Pluralism in Agriculture 426—Leading & Training Adult Learners 439—Ag. Extension Philosophy & Land-Grant Mission 441—Agricultural Extension Organization & Methods 442—Professional Communications in AGLS ALEC 380—Workshop in ALEC: National FFA Study Away 412—Tech-Enhanced Instructional Design for Agriculture 450—Global Social Justice Issues in Agriculture MINORS • All courses for the minor must be completed with a ‘C’ or better • All upper level courses for a minor must be completed at TAMU • Be in communication with your minor-granting department o Some courses offered only once an academic year • If you ever want to substitute a course in one of your minors, you need to speak to that minor department’s academic advisor If they approve of a substitution, provide that approval from the minor advisor in writing to your USAL Advisor (email, form) TAMU Minors (http://registrar.tamu.edu/forms/UniversityApprovedMinors.pdf) GENERAL ELECTIVES Are any course you take that is not being used somewhere else on the degree plan (except ICD) Help ensure that the degree adds up to 120 credit hours Number of electives required is determined by choice of minors, if any course double counts and is different for each student UNIVERSITY CORE CURRICULUM For all UCC (University Core Curriculum) requirements and electives, use the current Texas A&M University Catalog available at http://catalog.tamu.edu. MATH REQUIREMENTS Select 3 – 6 hours from MATH 131 – 467, EXECPT MATH 150, 365 – 366 Up to 3 hours can be PHIL 240, 341, or 342 Most common: MATH 141, 142, PHIL 240 May NOT take a combination of MATH 166 & 141 Contact the University Studies-Leadership Advisor at 979-862-3001 to learn about how to apply or visit our website: Alec.tamu.edu – Academics – University Studies – Prospective Students http://alec.tamu.edu/ALECHome/Academics/UndergraduateMajors/UniversityStudiesUSALLED/ProspectiveStudents.aspx Updated 5/2014