
• Introduction
• Fundamental of JavaScript
• Javascript events management
• DOM and Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
Introduction - Outline
• Introduction
– What is Javacript?
– What Javascript can do?
– Examples usage of Javascript
– How to use Javascript?
What is Javascript
• Official name: ECMAScript maintain by
ECMA organisations
• Invented by Brendan Eich at Netscape
(with Navigator 2.0)
• Development is still in progress!
What is Javascript
• Java and Javascript is not the SAME – only
similar to Java and C++
• The fundamentals of Javascript are
similar to Java and/or C++
What is Javascript?
• was designed to add interactivity to HTML
Is a scripting language
an interpreted language (means that scripts
execute without preliminary compilation)
Must be embedded into HTML
Browser dependent
Execute whenever the HTML doc. which contain
the script open by browser.
Free to use without license
What Javascript can do?
• JavaScript can read and write HTML elements
• JavaScript can react to events
• JavaScript can be used to validate data
• JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor's
Examples usage of Javascript
• Event management
• Form management & verification
• Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
• Client-Server application – AJAX
• activity 01
How to use Javascript?
– activity 02
• Inside the head tag (head section)
• Within the body tag (body section)
• In an external file (external script)
How to use Javascript?
- head section
<script type="text/javascript">
function message()
alert("This alert box was called with the onload event");
<body onload="message()">
How to use Javascript?
- body section
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Hello World! from Javascript");
How to use Javascript?
- external script
<script src="myjs.js">
<input type="button" onclick="popup()" value="Click Me!">
// JavaScript Document (myjs.js)
function popup() {
alert("Hello World")
How to use Javascript?
• All code inside head tag (except in
function) will be executed first before the
html <body> load
• js-sequence.html
Use in alert box
• Activity 03
• Chrome > menu > more tools >
developer tools > console
• Firefox > developer > developer toolbar >
click wrench > console
Simple JS application –
input/output – activity 4
Javascript Fundamental
• A light Java/C++
• All other things are more or less the same:
– Keyword, variables
– Operator
– Conditional statement
– Looping etc.
• Case sensitive
• No strong typing in JS for variable
Javascript Variables – activity 5
• Variables name – case sensitive
• No type!
• Can change type during execution
– Activity 05 - a
• Use double qoute for character and string
• Cannot use reserve word for variable
JS – Reserve Word
Javascript variables operation
• Arithmetic operations – same as Java/C++
• + operators is overloaded, can be used for string
• Number + string (or vice versa), result string
– Activity 05 - b
– A = 2 + 5 (result 7)
– A = 2 + “5” (result 25)
– A = A + 2 (result 252)
JS Operators
JS Operators
Javascript – Conditional
expressions – activity 06
• If else, switch statement – same as
• Boolean
– Value 0, false = false
– Value 1, true = true
• String comparison, use the quote!
– if (password == “007”)
• Check the example!
Javascript – Loop – Activity 7
• for loop, while loop – same as C++/Java
• Use break statement to exit loop
• JavaScript For...In Statement
– used to loop (iterate) through the elements of
an array or through the properties of an
– var mycars = new Array();
– for (x in mycars)
• document.write(mycars[x] + "<br />");
• Activity 07
Javascript Array
– activity 08 (.1, .2, .3)
• Array is a built-in object in JS
• Means have methods and properties
• Important properties:
– length (total elements)
– For traversing array elements
• Example method:
– sort() : sorting array elements
– join() : combine all array elements into a string
Javascript Array - creating
var a = new Array(12);
var b = new Array();
var c = new Array(12,10,11);
var d = [12,10,11]; // same as c
var e = [1,,,10]; // 4 elements array, only first & last
element initialized
Javascript array: inserting values
var A =new Array();
A[0]= 10;
A[1]= 20;
JS Array: creating and accessing
JS Array: sort method
Javascript Array - Multidimensional
– activity 08.4
• Technically, JavaScript doesn't support multi•
dimensional arrays
Because array is an object, you can put object
inside of another object, so emulating a multi
dimensional array
So it is possible to have a different dimension
(column) for each row!
Javascript Array - Multidimensional
• var myarray=new Array(3)
• Create a multidimensional array
Javascript Array - Multidimensional
Javascript Array - Multidimensional
Javascript Function – Activity 9
• Functions in Javascript behave similar to
numerous programming languages (C,
C++, PHP, etc).
• No type!
• Put in head section or external
• Variables inside a function is local
• Use return to return value and exiting the
function (return without value) without
Javascript Functions
Involves two steps:
• Define: to define what processes should be taken
• Call/Invoke: to execute the functions
Syntax of function definition:
function function_name (param1, param2, .., param_n)
//parameters are optional
//function’s code goes here
return value_or_object; //optional
Javascript function – activity 09
Javascript – Window & Boxes
Activity 10
– Alert message
– Prompt (getting input)
– Confirm message
– Redirection
JS: Alert
• Creating message box
• No input, only Ok button to continue
• Useful for debugging
– alert (“hello world”);
– var name = “rosely”;
– alert (“hello ” + name);
– var age = 17;
– alert (“your age is: “ + age);
JS: Prompt
• Getting input from user
– name = window.prompt ("Please enter your name", “polan");
JS: Confirm
• Confirmation are most often used to
confirm an important action that is taking
place on a website.
• For example they may be about to submit
an order or about to visit a link that will
take them away from the current website.
JS: Comment
• Same as Java/C++
– // single line comment
– /*
– this
– is
– a multi line comment */
JS: Redirect
• To send user to your new website location
• In case of changing website