Chapter 29: Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad

Chapter 29:
Progressivism at
Home and
 The
“Bull Moose” Campaign of 1912
Who did the democrats nominate in 1912 and what was
his campaign?
Roosevelt was the candidate for what party?
What did Jane Addams nomination of Roosevelt
Why was the Republican party doomed in 1912?
Describe Roosevelt’s New Nationalism progressive
Describe Wilson’s New Nationalism progressive platform.
What happened to Roosevelt in Milwaukee?
 Woodrow
Wilson: A Minority President
Why were the election figures of 1912 fascinating?
Why didn’t the Progressive party have a future?
How did the Progressive party impact Wilsonian
How did Republicans fare in the 1912 election?
 Wilson:
Describe Woodrow Wilson.
How did growing up in the South help shape Wilson?
Describe Wilson’s speaking abilities.
What were some of Wilson’s defects?
How did Wilson’s idealism impact his presidency?
 Wilson
The Idealist in Politics
Tackles the Tariff
What were the three components of the “triple wall of
What did Wilson do differently than other presidents since
How did Wilson make sure the Underwood Tariff Bill
passed through congress?
Describe the provisions of the Underwood Tariff Bill.
 Wilson
What were the most glaring issues with the banking
What banking proposals did Wilson endorse? What did
he oppose?
Describe the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
What was the Federal Reserve Board able to do?
 The
Battles the Bankers
President Tames the Trusts
Describe the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914.
What did the Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914 do to prior
How did the Clayton Act impact labor?
Wilsonian Progressivism at High Tide
Describe the Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916.
Describe the Warehouse Act of 1916.
How did the La Follette Seaman Act of 1915 impact sailors
positively and negatively?
Who did the Workingmen’s Compensation Act of 1916 impact?
Describe the Adamson Act of 1916.
Who was Louis D. Brandeis and why was Wilson’s appointing him to
the high bench significant?
In what way was Wilson not progressive?
How did Wilson appease business people?
New Directions in Foreign Policy
What is one area in which Wilson differed from Taft and Roosevelt?
What did Wilson do about the Dollar Diplomacy policy of Taft?
Describe the Panama Canal Tolls Act of 1912 and what Wilson did
about it.
Describe the Jones Act of 1916.
How did Wilson defuse the crisis between Japan and California?
What caused Wilson to move back towards imperialism?
In what ways did Wilson invoke the Roosevelt Corollary of the
Monroe Doctrine in Haiti and the Dominican Republic?
Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico
How had foreign investors exploited Mexico?
What happened politically during the Mexican revolt in 1913?
How did the revolution impact the US in relation to population?
Why did Americans want to intervene and how did Wilson
respond to public opinion?
How did Wilson respond to Huerta’s presidency?
What happened at Tampico in April of 1914 and how did Wilson
Why didn’t the US end up in a war with Mexico?
Describe Pancho Villa.
Who was John J. Pershing and what did he do?
Thunder Across the Sea
What happened in Europe in the summer of 1914?
What countries joined the central powers?
What countries joined the allied powers?
How did Americans feel about the war?
A Precarious Neutrality
What did Wilson call for at the beginning of the war?
Who did most Americans side with and why?
Why were most Americans anti-German?
American Earns Blood Money
How did the war impact the American recession?
Under what law was American able to still trade with the allied
How did Britain control trade between the US and other
Why couldn’t existing international law be applied to
What was Germany’s policy in relation to neutral ships and how
did Wilson respond?
What happened with the British passenger ship the Lusitania
and how did American respond?
After the sinking of the Arabic what did Germany agree to?
What happened with the Sussex and how did the US respond?
Describe the Sussex pledge and the issues surrounding it.
 Wilson
Wins Reelection
Why didn’t Roosevelt accept the nomination of the
Progressive party?
Who did the Republicans choose for their nominee and
what was their platform?
Describe Hughes’ campaign and his issues with Roosevelt.
Describe Wilson’s campaign policy.
What areas of the US did Hughes win? What areas of the
US did Wilson win?
How did Wilson win the election?