
Keith Neer
CSC 415: Programming Languages
William F. Lyle III, PhD.
14 November 2013
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History of JavaScript
In the mid-1990s, the use of the Internet was becoming increasingly popular; however, the user
interaction needed adjustments. Brendan Eich, an employee of Netscape at the time, developed a
scripting language in ten days that became known as Mocha. This original name was given by the
founder of Netscape. Shortly after, the name was evaluated and renamed as LiveScript. Later that year
in December, Netscape received a trademark license from Sun. This time, the name changed to
JavaScript, not because of the Java programming language, but to support Sun Microsystems. At this
time, Sun Microsystems developed a language called Java to compete with the programming language
JavaScript is an interpreted language that can be utilized over multiple platforms and is strongly
object oriented. JavaScript is not a standalone language, but can be easily embedded and executed in
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files. JavaScript can support client-side or server-side depending
on the needs of the application. The need for JavaScript was to have a lightweight interpreted language
that would complement other programming languages such as Java and Microsoft Visual Basic. To this
day, JavaScript is the most popular programming language on the web. Its trademark is currently under
the Oracle Corporation with Mozilla as one of their entities.
Overview of JavaScript Design, Syntax, Semantics
Names, Binding, and Scopes
JavaScript is very similar to the C-Based languages in terms of naming variables. In JavaScript,
the variable names are case sensitive and must start with a letter, dollar sign ($), or an underscore (_).
Therefore, the variable names ‘count,’ ‘COUNT,’ and ‘Count’ are each different by these rules. As in
most languages, reserved words may not be used as variable names. JavaScript currently reserves 26
key words and potentially 15 additional key words that cannot be used as variable names. There is not a
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maximum length declared for variable names in JavaScript, however, some environments may dictate
the length of the variable. There has been documentation that on some applications, the scripts run
slower with abnormally long variable names.
JavaScript supports static scoping which is also known as lexical scoping. This type of scoping
is used for both variables and functions in JavaScript. For a better understanding, JavaScript has a
global scope which is declared at the outer most level. Global scope variables can be used anywhere
they are called on in the script. The function scope is where the variable is declared within a function
and only lives in that specific function. Once the function is completed, the function-scoped variable is
Data Types
JavaScript uses dynamic typing. Dynamic typing means that the same variable can be used for
different data types. For example, we declare a variable called ‘test’ to demonstrate dynamic types in
Line 1: var test;
Line 2: var test = 5;
Line 3: var test = “Hello”;
In line 1, test is an undefined data type. In line 2, test becomes a number type. In line 3, test becomes a
string type.
JavaScript supports primitive, composite and special data types. The primitive data types
consist of string, number, and Boolean types. A string will handle anything that involves a series of
characters or even just a single character. A string in JavaScript can be represented with any text in
double quotation marks (“”) or single quotation marks (' '). The string indexes are zero-based, which
means the first value is 0, then the next is 1, and to the nth index. The escape character (\) is used in
order to display special characters, such as a single quotation mark in a string. For example, “don\'t”
would display “don't”, but without the escape character you will receive an error message. The number
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data type is capable of handling integers, doubles, floats, decimals and other numerical types.
JavaScript stores all numbers as a double precision-floating type number. JavaScript stores the numbers
in 64-bits. Bits 0 through 51 hold the numbers. The exponent numbers are stored in bit 52 to 62 and the
sign bit is stored in bit 63. The Boolean data type is similar to most other languages. It is either true or
false. When a Boolean variable is first initialized there is no value. If the value assigned to the Boolean
variable is 0, -0, “”, NULL, false, undefined, or Not a Number (NaN) then the Boolean variable is set
to false. All other assignments will set the variable to true. Even when the assigned variable is “false”,
when written as string it will be true.
The composite data types include objects and arrays. JavaScript treats everything as an object;
in addition, it allows the programmer to define their own objects. The only data types that JavaScript
does not treat as objects are undefined and null. Objects are special in the fact that they have properties
and methods that the programmer can use to manipulate them. JavaScript offers different ways to
implement user-defined objects. JavaScript supports arrays which allow a variable to hold more than
one value at a time. The indexing of the array starts at zero and increases in increments of one.
The special data types include undefined and null. Undefined acts more like a property when a
variable is declared, but not assigned a value. Basically, undefined means that there is no notion of the
variable having any data type and it has never been referenced in that scope. A null is where the
variable exists and has a type, but no value assigned to it.
Expressions and Assignment Statements
In JavaScript there are two types of expressions. There are expressions that assign a value to a
variable and there are expressions that only have a value. For example, var x = 3 is an example of
assigning a value to a variable, whereas 4 + 8 is an example of only having a value. In the first example
there is an example of an assignment operator. It is taking the value of 3 and assigning it to variable x.
The second example demonstrates the use of the addition (+) operator without storing the value to any
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JavaScript provides the following four types of expressions: arithmetic, string, logical, and
object. Arithmetic operators take numerical values as parameters and return a single numeric value.
JavaScript supports the standard operators that most languages support. They are: addition (+),
subtraction (-), division (/), multiplication (*), modular division (%), increment (++), decrement (– –)
and unary negation (-).
JavaScript provides very little support for string operators, which are the comparison operator
and concatenation operator. The comparison operator (==) compares two strings. If the strings do not
match, then the operator will return false. This operator is case sensitive. For example, “Name” does
not equal “name”. The concatenation operator (+) takes two strings and returns a single string with the
two strings appended.
Like most languages, logical operators are used with Boolean values; however, in JavaScript
they are not limited to Boolean values. JavaScript uses the three main and simple logic operators. They
are and (&&), or (||) and not (!).
Statement-Level Control Structures
Often when writing code, the programmer may want the application to perform a task based off
of the outcome of specific actions. For this, the programmer would need to implement a conditional
statement. JavaScript provides the user with two main conditional statements, which are switch and if
statements. If statements may be used with an else and it may also be nested. If statements and switch
statements in JavaScript work like they do in the C-based languages. The programmer will start with
the common if <expression> and followed by the condition. If the condition is true, then it will execute
the code structure. If it is false, then the application will continue to the next statement. If the
application hits an else statement, then the program will execute the code block for when the if
statement is false. If the programmer wants to add another condition, then they may add an if statement
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after the else. This may be repeated until the desired outcome is reached. If the programmer is going to
use several if else statements, they should reconsider their design and consider using a switch statement.
A switch statement in JavaScript works like it would in other programming languages. The switch
statement is used when you are checking the value of a variable with many options, but only one
selection can be made.
JavaScript offers four ways to implement iterations. There are while, for loop, for/in loop and
do while. Each type of loop that JavaScript offers can be modified to do same thing, but each is
implemented in a different way. The while loop requires a Boolean expression, and as long as that
expression is true, the application will continue to execute that block of code. For the while loop, it is
possible that the block of code never gets executed. The following example shows how to implement a
basic while loop.
While (condition) {
//Code block to execute if true
}//end while loop
This is true for the for loop, but the for loop is set up differently. The for loop has three
parameters which can be omitted. The first parameter can be used to declare a variable, but is mainly
used to assign an initial value to a variable. The second parameter is the conditional parameter. As long
as this parameter is true, the code block will continue to execute. The third parameter is the
increment/decrement parameter. This is used to create the value that will eventually create a false
condition. This is so it will stop looping when the desired condition is met. The for/in loop is a special
type of loop. It is used to iterate through user created objects and arrays. The do while is very similar to
a while loop, but the code block is always executed at least once. The condition statement of the while
is placed after the code block.
Methods and Functions
A function is a block of code that can be called by the programmer. Functions are typically used
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more than once or to simplify written code for better readability. Functions can be called anywhere in
the code and can be called when an event occurs. Variables that are going to be used in the function
from an outside source may be passed to the function by using parameters or arguments. The
programmer may pass as many parameters that they need, but they will need to be separated by using a
comma. Functions in JavaScript also allow the programmer to return values if necessary. JavaScript
does not require the programmer to declare the return type at the beginning; all they need to do is add a
return statement. Usually the return statement is located at the end because the application will leave
the function after it hits the return statement. In JavaScript, methods are basically the same thing as a
function, but methods are tied with an object.
Exception and Event Handling
“Event handling plays a large role in JavaScript applications. JavaScript’s interaction with
HTML is handled through events that occur when the user or browser manipulates a page” (JavaScript
Events). Everything that happens on a web page is an event. This ranges from loading a page, to
browsing products, to purchasing products. In JavaScript, events are part of the Document Object
Model (DOM) Level 3. With the DOM, every HTML element has the ability to trigger various codes
written in JavaScript. JavaScript provides various levels of event handling to make ease of handling
events. Event handling can be used to trigger a variety of events to occur. For example, change the text
or color of a button with the mouse by hovering over the button, open a new page when the button is
clicked, and download a file with a button click.
Due to the nature of the environment that JavaScript will be used in, there is a high likelihood
that errors will occur. There could be errors for invalid inputs, unable to access server, or even lack of
internet access. Errors are unforeseeable in JavaScript because of its operating environment. JavaScript
does provide try catch statements and also allows programmers to throw errors. The try catch
statements as well as the throw statements work very similarly as they do in the C-based languages. In
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the try block, the programmer will be able to define a block of code to be tested for errors and typos.
The catch block will allow the programmer to write a block of code that is to be executed if an error
occurs. The programmer can use multiple catch blocks per a try statement. This is so they will be able
to catch a variety of errors and be able to handle them in unique ways. The throw statement allows the
programmer to create custom errors or to throw an exception. JavaScript also allows the programmer to
rethrow exceptions.
JavaScript provides concurrency based off of an event loop. Concurrency in JavaScript is
unique compared to the C-based languages. Concurrency will allow the programmer to move expensive
computations to other threads; this will permit responsive programs and open the doors to true parallel
programming. The ideal frame per second in JavaScript is 16ms per frame. Responsive programming is
when the programmer has an expensive computation and does not want to block or slow down the User
Interaction. Parallel Programming is when the programmer wants to use multiple CPU cores by having
computations running concurrently to solve a specific task. Responsive programming can be used in
rendering PDFs, compressing an image to custom a file format, compute A* algorithm in a game and
so on. Parallelization is not a common practice for web applications, but is currently being used on
desktop and mobile applications. The idea of using parallelization for webpages is currently being
worked on. The idea is to use multiple Web Workers to run in parallel and work on the same task but at
a faster rate than a single Web Worker. Concurrency is a very powerful model to implement in
JavaScript applications. Some of the computation will appear sluggish when 16 frames per second are
exceeded. Concurrency will allow the programmer to decrease the frames per second.
Evaluation of JavaScript
Readability is an important evaluation aspect when it comes to evaluating programming
languages. Being able to read the code affects how easily it will be to maintain and ease for other
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programmers to use the script. JavaScript overall is relatively easy to read and understand to an
experienced programmer; however, to a beginner programmer, it may take some time to read and
understand JavaScript. The main issue with readability in JavaScript is understanding that you may be
using more than one language. As I was learning JavaScript, I was writing the code with HTML and
CSS. HTML was used to implement the scripts. For majority of my applications, I was putting the
script directly into HTML.
Writability in JavaScript was relatively easy for me. JavaScript’s purpose was to be an easy and
quick scripting language to better the experience of web users. The biggest problem with writing
JavaScript is finding a good Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to catch some of the syntax
errors. Writing JavaScript in Notepad++ was not ideal. I was unfamiliar with IDEs for JavaScript, so I
started in Notepad++ and tried to run the scripts. My first reel scripts did not run or did run properly
because of some of the errors I did not see. Other than that JavaScript was pretty easy.
Reliability of JavaScript is not at its best. Since JavaScript can be used over a multitude of web
browsers and platforms, there is a tendency to have issues with compatibility. JavaScript and the
numerous web browsers are working to solve these issues, but it would be a lot easier if developers
followed the rule “write once, run anywhere.” Many developers test their applications on very few
browsers, but users will be utilizing a multitude of browsers for their everyday use. This can become
costly when it comes to keeping customers and users.
Overall, JavaScript is a powerful and useful language to create a better web browsing
experience. JavaScript is now starting to play more roles in operating systems, especially with the
recent release of Microsoft Windows 8. JavaScript is a quick and easy language to learn if you have
any prior experience with C-based languages. I highly recommend using JavaScript to create better
interactions for web page users.
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Annotated ES5. (n.d.). Annotated ES5. Retrieved September 23, 2013, from
Efficient Encapsulation of JavaScript Objects. (n.d.) About Code. Retrieved September 18, 2013, from
Expressions and Operators. (n.d.). Mozilla Developer Network. Retrieved September 10, 2013, from
JavaScript Closure. (n.d.). Jibbering. Retrieved September 8, 2013, from
JavaScript Data Types. (n.d.). W3Schools Online Web Tutorials. Retrieved September 13, 2013, from
JavaScript Events (n.d.). TutorialsPoint. Retrieved October 28, 2013, from
JavaScript Scoping and Hoisting. (n.d.). Adequately Good – by Ben Cherry. Retrieved September 20,
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JavaScript/Control Structures – WikiBooks,(n.d.). Wikibooks. Retrieved September 22, 2013 from
JavaScript Language. (n.d.). Scope (Computer Science) – Wikipedia. Retrieved September 9, 2013,
Osmani, Addy. (2012). Learning JavaScript Design Patterns. Cambridge: O’Reilly.
Simpson, Kyle. (2012). JavaScript and HTML5 Now. Cambridge: O’Reilly.
Wright, Tim. (2013). Learning JavaScript: A Hands on Guide to the Fundamentals of Modern
JavaScript. Boston: Addison-Wesley.
Writing Object-Oriented JavaScript Part 1. (n.d.). Code Project. Retrieved September 10, 2013, from