Reading Topics Ch. 29 Part 2 Visuals 1 Map 686 & Photo 686…US

Reading Topics Ch. 29 Part 2
1 Map 686 & Photo 686…US in the Caribbean…Roosevelt Corollary in Action. Based on the visuals can
justify the USA as “Isolationist?” Where, specifically, does the USA send troops during WW’s presidency
(1913 – 1921)?
2 bbox 687, PC 687 & Photo 688… all deal w/ what subject? Shows Mex. Pres who? Shows a popular
Mex. Leader, who?
3 bbox 690 & chart 690… both deal with w/subject? To which nation does the USA export the most
goods to 1914 -1916? How Much?
4 PC 690, Map 691, Photo 692, & Adv. 692…all deal w/ what subject? What passenger liner is sunk in
1915? Were the passengers warned?
5 PC 693 shows a very important point….Do a Majority of Americans want to go to WAR before 1917?
Does TR?
6 Election of 1916 Map…Who won? Who was Wilson’s main opponent? Was it close(A58)?
7 Varying Viewpoints 695…Title? Hofstadter claims that the progressives were threatened from above
by__________ __________ and below by the ________ _________ _________? Recent scholars
stressed the role of _____ in advocating progressive reform that focused on programs to protect
_____________ and ____________?
New Directions in Foreign Policy
8 How was WW different in his views on FP from TR and Taft?
9 Why repeal the Panama Canal Tolls Act of 1912?
10 Jones Act, 1916? Independence, when?
11 Japan Crisis, 1913? Why crisis? Explain…how is it resolved?
12 Where does WW face his 1st challenge to his FP and requires him to send troops?
13 What islands are purchased from Denmark in 1917, further protecting the Panama Canal?
Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico
14 by 1913 How much had American Capitalists invested in Mexico?
15 What military leader, an indian, in 1915 becomes President of Mexico?
16 How many Mexicans immigrate to the USA from 1900 – 1930, due to chaos in Mexico?
17 Most prominent American “JINGO” who called for American intervention, he had an hacienda as big
as the state of Rhode Island ….?
18 What was WW’s initial reaction to the chaos in Mexico? “material interests?”
19 WW did not support Gen. Huerta …but did send munitions to his two rivals...who?
20 Where and When does the US-Mexico conflict erupt? Why?
21 What port does Wilson seize?
22 What Countries (ABC Powers) mediate the conflict?
23 Who becomes President of Mexico after Huerta leaves office?
24 Who is described as a combination of Bandit and Robin Hood for his actions in Mexico?
25 What actions of Villa prompts WW to send US Troops to Mexico? Who leads them? When do they
leave? Do they ever capture Villa?
Thunder across the Sea
26 What was the “spark” that started WWI in Europe in 1914?
27 How is the series of events that led to War described?
28 Through which “neutral” country does Germany invade France?
29 Who are the “Central Powers?”
30 Who are the “Allies?”
A Precarious Neutrality
31 Who close to WW dies in 1914?
32 On which side does America fight in 1914…?
33 Most Americans at the outset of War in 1914 opposed or were anti…which country? Who led that
34 What incident in 1915 further inflamed American public opinion against Germany?
35 Did the majority of Americans want to go to War in 1914, 1915, or 1916?
America Earns Blood Money
36 What turns around the US economic recession?
37 Which Wall St. firm loans the Allies 2.3 BILLION $$$$ to purchase goods from the USA during its
period of neutrality?
38 What action of GB prevented the Central Powers from trading with the USA?
39 What was Germany’s response to GB’s Actions?
40 What new weapon did Germany alone possess that struck fear in everyone?
41 “unterseeboot?”
42 What passenger liner/cruise ship is sunk in 1915 w/ 1198 deaths including 128 Americans that causes
an increase in the conflict between the USA and Germany…mass murder….piracy…?
43 What “SECRET” did the American public not know about the Lusitiania?
44 Who resigns over WW’s strongly worded warnings to Germany after the Lusitania is sunk …worried
that they might force the US into War in 1915?
45 What concession does Germany give after sinking the “Arabia” in Aug. of 1915?
46 Sussex Ultimatum/Pledge 1916? Does Germany accept?
Wilson Wins Re-election in 1916
47 Does TR run for President in 1916? Effect on Progressive Party?
48 Republican nominee? From Where? What was his job while he was running (only one ever)?
49 What Slogan was WW’s campaign “built on?”
50 When WW went to bed on election night whom did he and NY newspapers think had won?
51 What state was the key in the 1916 election, decided by a mere 3,000 votes?
52 During the Campaign of 1916 had WW “SPECIFICALLY” promised to “Keep us out of War?”