De: victor hugo figueroa zambrano ( Enviado: lunes, 29 de junio de 2009 18:10:15 Para: HOLA RAQUELITA COMO ESTAS?. ESPERO QUE MUY BIEN!! OK, AQUI TE DA LAS PAUTAS PARA APLICAR... CENCONTRE UN LINK INTERESANTE, ES DE GRAN AYUDA EN ESPECIAL PARA LAS PRUBAS, ENTREVISTAS TALVEZ... TODO LO QUE ESTA EN ROJO LO E ESCRITO YO... EN CADA LINK HE TRATADO DE DAR UN COMMENT. LO QUE SI HABRIA DE CONSULTARLES BIEN ES EL PRIMER ITEM DE LOS FORMULARIOS PARA SEPTIEMBRE 2010. ESTA MUCHO ESPERAR MAS DE UNA AÑO PARA RECIEN APLICAR. OJALA SEA 2009. LE MANDAS ESTA CARTA, MAS O MENOS ASI, AHI LE ARREGLAS O LE MODIFICAS. 28/06/2009. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ANSWER, I HAVE A QUESTION, IN THE E-MAIL YOU SENT ME, IT STATED THAT THE application forms for September 2010 admission will be ready in JUNE. IS IT REALLY 2010 OR IT MAY BE 2009? DOES IT MEAN THAT IF I GET THOSE FORMS I WILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL SEPTEMBER 2010 TO GET REGISTERED IN THE ADMISSION PROCCESS?, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. SINCERELY, RAQUEL GUZMAN. OK, ESTAREMOS EN CONTACTO!... BUENA TARDE LOS REQUISITOS PARA APLICAR A HARVARD COLLEGE: ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ DICE QUE LOS FORMULARIOS RECIEN DAN EN SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2010?? QUE MAL YA. TALVEZ SE EQUIVOCARON Y ES 2009. LO DEMAS SI ESTA PLENO, NO IMPÓRTA DE DONDE ERES IGUAL TIENES LAS VENTAJAS. TO APPLY **Our application forms for September 2010 admission will be ready in JUNE. If you request an application booklet via our web site one will be sent to you as soon as possible after they become available. Applicants to Harvard College apply to the undergraduate program, not to a specific department. Our admissions policies and procedures are the same for all applicants, regardless of citizenship. Our financial aid policies are the same for all applicants, regardless of citizenship. You can read more about financial aid by scrolling down the page to the heading "Financial Aid." DESPUES DE QUE LLENAS LOS FPORMULARIOS DICE QUE VAS A RECIBIR UN EMAIL CON UN CODIGO PARA QUE VEAS COMO VA EL PROCESO DE TU PALICACION. APPLICATION STATUS After you have submitted the Common Application form you will receive a confirmation e-mail that contains your personal access code. You can use this number to check your application status at the following web site: You should receive your confirmation e-mail within 48 hours of submitting your online application. If you submitted your application through the mail, and/or do not have an e-mail address, you will receive a paper confirmation letter about three weeks after your application has been received in the Admissions Office. Please be aware that this may vary depending on your local mail service. Please contact if you have not received a confirmation after the above-mentioned waiting periods. OK, AQUI TE DICE QUE TIENES QUE COJER LOS TEST SAT I o ACT, SAT II Y SIN QUE ESTE ULTIMO SEA EN ESPAÑOL. AQUI ENCONTRE UN LINK DONDE TOMAN ESTAS PRUEBAS: SERIA BUENOQUE TE DES UN SALTITO POR AHI... UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES REQUIRED TESTS All applicants must take either the SAT I or ACT, and three SAT II Subject tests. Applicants may take any three SAT II subject tests. The Admissions Committee has no preference. However, please be aware of the following exceptions: Applicants whose first language is not English should not take an SAT II test in their native language as one of their three subject tests. - The ELPT is not accepted as one of the three required tests. Even if you are submitting the results of your school leaving exams (e.g., GCE A levels, International Baccalaureate, etc.), you must submit the results of the SAT I or ACT, and three SAT II Subject Tests. Students who do not have access to a testing center in their country are the ONLY exceptions to this policy. If you do not have access to a testing center, we will consider other internationally recognized credentials, such as the results of the Graduate Record Examination. If you take the GRE, please list the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as a recipient of your score (code number = R3451). Please be sure to designate Harvard as a recipient of your test scores. The SAT code number is 3434; the ACT code number is 1840. You may also, if you wish, send your score report with your application. Harvard does not have clearly defined, required minimum scores; however, the majority of students admitted to the College represent a range of scores from roughly 600 to 800 on each section of the SAT I as well as on each SAT II Subject Tests. We regard tests results as helpful indicators of academic ability and achievement when considered thoughtfully among other factors. The Admissions Committee understands that international students may not be as familiar with the SAT and ACT formats as American citizens. Nevertheless, international students who distinguish themselves for admission often present the Committee with exceptionally strong standardized testing. For more information on the SAT exams please visit the following web site: For more information on the ACT exam please visit the following web site: Students are encouraged to visit the web sites as early as possible to get information about the testing centers in their area and the test dates. AQUI TE DICE QUE DEBES SER PILAS PARA EL INGLISH, PERO NO ES TANTO REQUISITO: ENGLISH PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENT Harvard international students must have near native speaker ability in the English language. Applicants whose English language skills are deficient will not be considered strong candidates for admission. The SAT II English Language Proficiency (ELPT) is not acceptable. The TOEFL is not required unless you are applying from a country without access to SAT or ACT testing. (See above section on REQUIRED TESTING). AQUI TE DICE QUE LO MACXIMO QUE PUEDES EN VIAR LOS FORMULARIOS ES DIC. 1 O ENERO 1; LO QUE ME CONFUNDI ES QUE NO SE A QUE AÑO. AL PRINCIPIOS DECIA 2010... OJALA SEA 2009 APPLICATION DEADLINES Please send in your application forms as soon as possible. Our preferred deadline is December 1, but the final deadline to submit all application materials is January 1 (postmark), this includes the Teachers Evaluations and your Secondary School Report. Please see the following web site for general time table information: action/checklist/index.html AQUI TE DA LA DIRECCION QUE DEBES MANDAR LOOS FORMULARIOS QUE TE DEN : APPLICATION FEE / FEE WAIVER We ask that international applicants send us the $65 application fee in the form of a foreign draft, a check in U.S. dollars that is drawn through a U.S. bank, which is generally available in most foreign banks. If you are applying online and have trouble paying with a credit card issued outside of the United States, please check with your card issuer to be sure that the card is enabled to work on the Internet. You may also wire the fee to us using the following information: Bank name: Fleet Bank Bank Address: 100 Federal St., Boston MA 02109 ABA number: 011000 390 Account name: President & Fellows of Harvard College Account number: 531-37234 Message: Applicant’s full name Attention: Cheryl Froderman, 5-8821 To request an application fee waiver, please have your guidance counselor/college counselor (or other designated school official) attach a brief letter to the front of the application. The statement should explain why you are requesting a fee waiver (i.e., family financial situation, unfavorable rate of exchange). If you have already sent your application materials, please send the fee waiver request separately to the Admissions Office. Be sure your complete name, address, and date of birth are written clearly in the letter. DICE QUE SI LLENAS EN ESPAÑOL LOS FORMULARIOS DEBES HACER UNA TRADUCCION: SUBMITTING INFORMATION WRITTEN IN LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH We appreciate the effort that many applicants make in providing the Admissions Committee with a translation of the recommendations submitted on their behalf. We would ask, however, that any translations include the name of the translator and that any original (untranslated) reports be submitted as well. We prefer translations be done by someone other than the applicant. NECESITAN 2 RECOMENDACIONES DE TUS EX-PROFESORES. TEACHER EVALUATION AND THE SCHOOL REPORT FORM We require two teacher recommendations. You may ask any teacher who has taught you recently to write on your behalf, but you should choose one who knows you well. Please ask your guidance or college counselor to fill out the School Report. If you do not have a guidance or college counselor, please ask a designated school official to complete the form. *If you have been at your current school for less than two years, please ask your previous school to send a transcript/school report in addition to your current school. DE LA AYUDA FINANCIERA, SE DAN DESPUES QUE HAS SIDO ACEPTADA FINANCIAL AID Harvard's financial aid policy is "need-blind" and "need-based." This means that we make our admissions decisions without regard to whether or not an applicant is a candidate for financial aid, and we meet the full, demonstrated financial need of every admitted student. There are no athletic, academic, or merit scholarships at Harvard College. All financial assistance is based on demonstrated financial need, regardless of citizenship. Our policies for funding international students are exactly the same as those for funding U.S. citizens. Calculations for financial aid awards are made after the student has been admitted, and an admitted student may review his or her award before accepting the offer of admission. For more information on Financial Aid at Harvard College, please visit: Students who are not United States citizens or permanent residents should complete the "Financial Statement for Students from Foreign Countries," whether or not they plan to apply for financial aid. Without complete information and appropriate certification, visa documents cannot be issued. LOS COSTOS... COSTS For information on costs at Harvard College please see the following web site: SI CON OS FORMULKARIOS VAS A MANDAR FOTOS, VIDEOS, MAS INFO, ETC... SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS If you submit supplementary materials or materials separate from the application forms (CDs, tapes, slides of artwork/photos, etc.) please write your full, legal name, date of birth and name of secondary school on all supplementary materials. Please underline or highlight your family name. DICE QUE LAS ENTREVISTAS LAS DAN ESTUDIANTES GRADUADOS DEL HARVARD COLLEGE... OJALA HAYA ALGUNO POR AQUI; PUEDES AVERIGUARTE EN EL FULLBRIGHT INTERVIEW We encourage international applicants to have an admissions interview when and where possible. Our interviewers abroad are normally graduates of the College who offer their assistance on a volunteer basis. Except in the case of students applying from schools in Canada and the United Kingdom, applicants may be asked to initiate contact with an interviewer. A list of interviewers abroad is enclosed with the application booklet. If you did not receive this booklet, please visit the web site listed below to request it. Please include your full name, mailing address (including postal code if applicable) and the country from which you are applying. If an interviewer is not available sufficiently close to you to make an interview a possibility, please be aware that the absence of an interview will not adversely affect your candidacy. For more information on international interviews, please visit: NO NOS INTEREA YA QUE NO TE VAS A TRANSFERIR DE UNA UNIVERSIDAD A OTRA.. PROSPECTIVE TRANSFER STUDENTS Once a student has completed one year of full-time study at a single college or university, he or she ordinarily may apply to Harvard College only as a transfer student. However, Harvard College will not be able to admit transfer students during the 2009-2010 admission cycle. For more information on Transfer Admissions, please visit: After visiting the web site if you still have questions please email the Transfer Admissions Office at ESTO TAMPOCO PORQUE NO VAS A VISITAR LA U SOLO POR UN AÑO VISITING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT PROGRAM For more information about how to spend a term or year at Harvard as a visiting undergraduate, please visit the following web site: SI HAS SIDO ACEPTADA TE MANDAN LOS PAPELES PARA ENROLARTE EN MAYO (2010 LO MAS PROBABLE) STUDENT VISA Students who are admitted to Harvard College and decide to enroll will be sent the necessary papers in May to enable them to apply for a student visa at the U.S. Embassy in their home country. De: victor hugo figueroa zambrano ( Enviado: jueves, 25 de junio de 2009 20:18:48 Para: RAQUELITA COMO ESTAS, ESPERO QUE BIEN!!, AQUI MAS O MENOS LAS CARTAS QUE PLANEAMOS AYER... AL HARVARD UNIVERSITY.(SI PODIAN ACEPTARTE DIRECTAMENTE) QUITO, JUNE22, 2009. HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ANSWER. I HAVE A QUESTION, IS THERE ANY CHANCE THAT I CAN APPLY FOR HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL WITHOUT GOING THROU COLLEGE?; AND IF I INDEED GO FIRST TO COLLEGE, HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE ME TO GRADUATE FROM HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL AS A PROFESSIONAL DOCTOR? Receive my gratefulness in advance and my best regards from Ecuador. Yours truly Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas. ESTA PARA EL HARVARD COLLEGE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ANSWER. I HAVE A QUESTION, AS FAR AS I CAN SEE, TO MAJOR IN SCIENCE IN COLLGE, IT WILL TAKE ME 4 YEARS. IS THERE ANY WAY SO I CAN DO IT IN LESS TIME? HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FROM COLLEGE TO HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL TO BE A DOCTOR IN MEDICINE? Receive my gratefulness in advance and my best regards from Ecuador. Yours truly Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas. Y PARA EL FINANTIAL AID. Harvard College-Finantial Aid. Let me introduce myself, my name is Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas, I am a young Ecuadorian. I graduated from High School in Chile, I was trying to apply to Harvard Medical School and they sugessted me to communicate with you, and now I have some questions for you: In the case I get accepted to college, what is the percentage that this program is available to help me finantially? Is there any form that I have to fill out first so you can see my finantial needs? Receive my gratefulness in advance and my best regards from Ecuador. Yours truly Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas. . esas son raquelita, ahi le aumentas no mas o le corriges, cualquier preguntita me escribes; estaremos en contacto!!! saludos x alla, cya De: victor hugo figueroa zambrano ( Enviado: miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009 18:01:01 Para: Raquelita, aqui el harvard college te dice que si quieres ser una medica tienes que primero graduarte primero en cualquiera de estas ciencias en el harvard college: biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, history, social studies, psychology--Most Harvard College students who wish to pursue medicine as a career choose to major in one of the hard sciences: biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, etc. However, it is not uncommon for students who have concentrated in history, social studies, psychology, etc., to enter medical school, although they usually need to take a few years of science classes to prepare themselves for medical school after college. It is not possible to study medicine at the undergraduate level. Y aqui va lo importante, te dice que solo dan los formularios a estudiantes que han sido admitidos??? pero la embajada te pide primero esos formularios para salir como estudiante. asi que vamos a terner que preguntarles mejor que debes hacer para ser admitida en el college y asi que te den los formularios para la embajada. We only issue I-20 documents to admitted students. entonces no mandaras la otra carta, que mal, era de haber leido esta primero... ashhhh jeje ok, mas o menos asi, le aumentas no mas cualquier cosita; Quito, June 22, 2009. Harvard College. Thank you very much for your answer. What I see so far is that to get the student visa I have to be admmitted by the Harvard College. What is the process to get admmitted in tha Bachelors science program in Harvard College?, Do I have to fill out any form? Receive my gratefulness in advance and my best regards from Ecuador. Yours truly Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas De: raque daniela guzman rojas ( Enviado: jueves, 18 de junio de 2009 19:28:08 Para: Nabuco lo que esta con rojo es la respuesta que me dio Haravard. Leela me conecto en la noche. Nos Vemos. Raquel Guzman Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 10:08:46 -0400 To: From: Subject: Re: INFORMATION. Thank you for your e-mail. The application is on-line so it is not necessary for you to travel here to fill out any forms. It seems to me that you will need an undergraduate degree first. You should contact Harvard College at At 04:21 PM 6/17/2009, you wrote: Quito, Ecuador<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> June 17, 2009 Harvard University Office of the Committee on Admissions Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts. Dear Gentlemen: Thank you for answer my email, I can understand your position however for me is necessary that you help me, because in the American embassy here in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Ecuador, they can’t give me the visa. The reason is that I really need those formularies (I-20 or DS-2019). I called the American embassy and I explained your position, and the embassy responded that I have to wait until you can accept me. For me these position represent a problem because, if I can’t travel to the United States, I can´t apply, and therefore it is extremely necessary that you help me with some way. If you can not really help me with those forms, could you at least help me with some document stating that I am going to apply to Harvard Medical School. Also I have other questions, what documents are necessary so I can give it to you and make this applying visa process easier. What are the documents that I have to have so you can accept me to apply in the Harvard Medical School, because I studied High School in Chile, is it necessary to present this documents in the American embassy in Chile, so in Chile they can stamp my documents there? Another question, I graduated from High School in Chile, and I took the following courses for my specialization: · 1. Biology. · 2. Chemistry. · 3. Physics. · 4. Mathematics. · 5. Expository Writing. · 6. Additional requirements for the HST Program. Does it work that for applying at Harvard? Or do I have to do some homologation, or there is another place that you recommend for foreign students in which I can take those courses. Receive my gratefulness in advance and my best regards from Ecuador. Yours truly Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas. Color coding for safety: Windows Live Hotmail alerts you to suspicious email. Sign up today. ______________________________________________________ Jason Graff on behalf of The Office of the Committee on Admissions Harvard Medical School 25 Shattuck Street, Gordon Hall 306 Boston, MA 02115 phone: (617) 432-1550 fax: (617) 432-3307 e-mail: (Admissions Office HMS) ______________________________________________________ De: raque daniela guzman rojas ( Enviado: miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009 17:11:32 Para: Nabuquito Figueroa ( Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 11:01:31 -0400 To: From: Subject: Re: Graduate School Admissions (was Re: Info.) At 03:32 PM 6/22/2009, you wrote: <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Quito, Ecuador<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> June 3, 2009 Harvard College Let me introduce myself, my name is Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas, I am a young Ecuadorian. I graduated from High School in Chile, I was trying to apply to Harvard Medical School and they sugessted me to communicate with you, and now I have some questions for you: 1. What courses do I have to take so I can apply to Harvard Medical School? Does It count my Biology and Chemestry courses in Chile as the same as your courses?,or Can you homologate my courses? 2. Could you send me the "I-20 OR DS-2019" forms so I can apply for the student visa in the American Embassy here in Ecuador? These is very importand for the embassy here and if you can´t help me with those forms,could you give me any other form for the tramit of my visa? 3. Acording to my case,How many courses will I have to take? How much each of them cost?, and Do you have finantial aid for my case? 4. When does the courses start? and how long will It take me until I can apply to Harvard Medical School? Receive my gratefulness in advance and my best regards from Ecuador. Yours truly Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas. See how Windows® connects the people, information, and fun that are part of your life Greetings! This is the e-mail address for Harvard College. The College offers a four-year undergraduate, liberal arts program for students seeking their first Bachelor’s degree in arts or sciences. The College ( is only one part of Harvard University (, which includes 10 graduate and professional schools, all of which offer programs for students who already hold bachelor’s degrees and seek advanced training in their fields through master’s or doctoral programs. All 10 graduate schools maintain their own admissions offices and teaching faculties, and they are run almost entirely independently, both of one another and of Harvard College. For information about Harvard’s graduate programs, please contact these schools’ admissions offices directly. For more information on the Graduate Schools and Harvard University visit: If you would like to contact the GRADUATE SCHOOL ADMISSIONS: Graduate School of Arts and Science Graduate School of Business Administration Harvard Law School Harvard Medical School Harvard Dental School Graduate School of Education School of Public Health John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard Divinity School Harvard Summer School Harvard Extension School Harvard Design School 617-495-5453 If you have additional questions, reply to this email with "HELP" in the subject line. Thank you for your interest in Harvard! De: raque daniela guzman rojas ( Enviado: martes, 23 de junio de 2009 19:09:31 Para: Nabuquito Figueroa ( Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 13:32:14 -0400 To: From: Subject: Re: Other Question Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. I have interspersed my answers with your questions below. At 03:29 PM 6/22/2009, you wrote: User Name: Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas User email: Subject: Other Question Question: Quito, Ecuador June 3, 2009 Harvard College Let me introduce myself, my name is Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas, I am a young Ecuadorian. I graduated from High School in Chile, I was trying to apply to Harvard Medical School and they sugessted me to communicate with you, and now I have some questions for you: 1. What courses do I have to take so I can apply to Harvard Medical School? Does It count my Biology and Chemestry courses in Chile as the same as your courses?,or Can you homologate my courses? Most Harvard College students who wish to pursue medicine as a career choose to major in one of the hard sciences: biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, etc. However, it is not uncommon for students who have concentrated in history, social studies, psychology, etc., to enter medical school, although they usually need to take a few years of science classes to prepare themselves for medical school after college. It is not possible to study medicine at the undergraduate level. 2. Could you send me the "I-20 OR DS-2019" forms so I can apply for the student visa in the American Embassy here in Ecuador? These is very importand for the embassy here and if you can´t help me with those forms,could you give me any other form for the tramit of my visa? We only issue I-20 documents to admitted students. 3. Acording to my case,How many courses will I have to take? How much each of them cost?, and Do you have finantial aid for my case? Please read more about course requirements on the department websites via this link: Harvard's financial aid policy is "need-blind" and "need-based." This means that we make our admissions decisions without regard to whether or not an applicant is a candidate for financial aid, and we meet the full, demonstrated financial need of every admitted student. There are no athletic, academic, or merit scholarships at Harvard College. All financial assistance is based on demonstrated financial need, regardless of citizenship. Our policies for funding international students are exactly the same as those for funding U.S. citizens. Calculations for financial aid awards are made after the student has been admitted, and an admitted student may review his or her award before accepting the offer of admission. For more information on Financial Aid at Harvard College, please visit: Students who are not United States citizens or permanent residents should complete the "Financial Statement for Students from Foreign Countries," whether or not they plan to apply for financial aid. Without complete information and appropriate certification, visa documents cannot be issued. You can download this form at: The form must be submitted by February 1. If you have further questions please email 4. When does the courses start? and how long will It take me until I can apply to Harvard Medical School? All Harvard College undergraduate students begin classes in the fall of the year in which they are admitted. The undergraduate program at Harvard College usually lasts for four year. In the United States, students then must take MCAT exams prior to applying for medical school. Medical school typically lasts for four years with several years of specialty training to follow. Those questions are better directed to the medical school as I can only address undergraduate requirements. Receive my gratefulness in advance and my best regards from Ecuador. Yours truly Raquel Daniela Guzman Rojas Sincerely, Harvard College International Admissions