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Event Delivery Gateway
Event Delivery Gateway
Xiaobo Deng, Xiaoqi Lei, Yujie Song
Supervisor: Selo Sulistyo
Project report for IKT419 in Spring 2010
University of Agder
Faculty of Engineering and Science
Grimstad, 15 March 2016
Status: Final
Keywords: Gateway, Event, UPnP, P2P, Sun SPOT
The aim of this project is to design a gateway to deliver an event from one network to another.
The system has to prove that it is possible that the gateway can resolve the problem that we are
We have to define several use cases of UPnP–based DEBS (Distributed Event-Based Systems)
and implement one of them. An event was happened in one network, monitoring component
finds it and try to sent it to the gateway, this gateway will transmit the event to a gateway which
belongs to another network. And some reactive action would be taken corresponding to value of
the specific field of the event.
The gateway can resolve the problems in distributed event-based systems. Mainly for the
communication problem between two networks.
We also can compare differences between WebService and P2P technology which are both can
be used in the implementation of the gateway.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (
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Event Delivery Gateway
Version Control
25 May 10
28 May 10
28 May 10
28 May
Introduction, theory, Implementation
Use case, Sun SPOT Implementation
Xiaobo Deng
Xiaoqi Lei
Xiaobo Deng
Version indicates the version number starting at 0.1 for the first draft and 1.0 for the first review version.
Date is given in ISO format: yyyy-mm-dd
Change describes the changes carried out since the previous version
Author is the one who did the change
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Event Delivery Gateway
The project “Event Delivery Gateway” is part of IKT-419 course. It was proposed by Selo Sulistyo
and we built up the group. We had regular meetings with our supervisor to discuss about the
project. We also had unofficial meeting with our supervisor when we encountered big problems.
We would like to thank Selo Sulistyo who proposed this project for providing the equipments for
us and for the support he provided during our project. We also want to thank Jan Pettersen Nytun
who gave us good suggestions about the presentation.
May 2010
Xiaobo Deng, Xiaoqi Lei, Yujie Song
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Event Delivery Gateway
Introduction ...................................................................................................................6
1.1 Problem statement ...................................................................................................6
1.2 Problem solution ......................................................................................................6
1.3 Report outline...........................................................................................................6
Theoretical background ................................................................................................7
2.1 Sun SPOT ................................................................................................................7
2.2 UPnP .......................................................................................................................8
2.3 CyberLinkForJava ....................................................................................................9
2.4 P2P and WebService .............................................................................................11
Solution ......................................................................................................................13
3.1 Requirements.........................................................................................................13
3.2 Design Specification...............................................................................................13
3.3 Implementation ......................................................................................................15
3.4 Validation and Testing ............................................................................................19
Discussion ..................................................................................................................21
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................22
Appendices ..........................................................................................................................24
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Figure List
Figure 2.1-1 Sun SPOT devices .................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2.3-1 Device class diagram ............................................................................................... 9
Figure 2.3-2 Control point class diagram ....................................................................................10
Figure 2.4-1 Architecture of web service .....................................................................................11
Figure 3.2-1 function design specification ...................................................................................13
Figure 3.2-2 Intel UPnP device—Device Spy and Network Light ................................................15
Figure 3.3-1 Sun SPOT java code of user_setup ........................................................................15
Figure 3.3-2 Sun SPOT java code of sample ..............................................................................16
Figure 3.3-3 Sun SPOT java code of starting application ............................................................16
Figure 3.3-4 device type variable in control point ........................................................................17
Figure 3.3-5 java code of eventNotifyReceived method ..............................................................17
Figure 3.3-6 java code of transfer a SSDP packet into a string ...................................................17
Figure 3.3-7 java code for starting a P2P application ..................................................................18
Figure 3.3-8 java code for sending event ....................................................................................18
Figure 3.3-9 java code for receiving event ..................................................................................18
Figure 3.3-10 java code for invoking display() method ................................................................19
Figure 3.3-11 java code for sending event to UPnP devices .......................................................19
Figure 3.3-12 java code for receiving the event ..........................................................................19
Figure 3.4-1 test 1—gateway test ...............................................................................................20
Figure 3.4-2 information which received by gatesway .................................................................20
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1 Introduction
1.1 Problem statement
Event processing has become the paradigm of choice in many monitoring and reactive
applications. An event based system is software in which event cause reaction. Mainly there are
three important parts in these event-based systems which are monitoring component,
transmitting component and reactive reacting component. These event based systems are
developed in many domains.
An event was defined by Chandy [9] as a significant change in the state of the universe. So any
state change in our universe can become the event like temperature change, lighting intensity
change and objects’ movement. WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) is a typical technology used in
the system as monitoring component to collect these events.
In most applications, the reaction part is not in the same network with the monitoring component.
So it is necessary to connect them together.
There are more and more devices appearing in modern life. In order to share the resources on
different types of devices, UPnP technology is created. The basic idea of UPnP technology is to
let the device coordinate with other devices which are in the same network.
UPnP device will send different messages and events to other devices and control points. So an
UPnP device can inform other UPnP devices about what it capable of, the control point also can
send control action to device. When more and more devices join into the network, lots of
messages and events will be transmitted on the network. It may cause the network overloaded.
At the same time, it is possible that different UPnP networks have the needs of communicating
with each other to exchange information.
1.2 Problem solution
The situation mentioned above requests a gateway system to control the events. Through
configuration, gateway determines the events which would be sent out. A gateway is an UPnP
controller receives events from UPnP device and delivers events as well.
The gateway also takes the responsibility to communicate with the gateway which belongs to
another network. It shares the information with other networks. With the help of the gateway,
UPnP network can send and receive specific events.
1.3 Report outline
Chapter 1 is the introduction about problem statement and the solution for it. Then Chapter 2
illustrates the theories that would be used in this project. Chapter 3 is the implementation details
of the system which includes requirements and design specification. Then Chapter 4 is the
discussion about this system. The final chapter is the conclusion for this project.
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2 Theoretical background
2.1 Sun SPOT
Sun SPOT(Sun Small Programmable Object Technology) is a wireless sensor network mote
development by Sun Microsystems.[]. The basic unit
includes some sensors and inputs and outputs.
The development tool provides two spot device and base station. We can see the device in
Figure 2.1-1.
Figure 2.1-1 Sun SPOT devices
There are three sensors on SUN SPOT device: temperature sensor, light sensor and accelerator
sensor. Temperature sensor can detect the environment temperature value and return it back as
Centigrade or as Fahrenheit. Light sensor return the light tense from 0 to ***[Need to be done to
specification]. The accelerator detects movement of three dimensions. This information can be sent
by wireless connection to base station. Developer can program on base station to get this data and
sent it to the application on devices like computer with USB interface.
Developer can program on Sun SPOT by using the Sun SPOT API. Sun SPOT API is based on
Java and integrates virtual components corresponding to real device. The developer can
implement their own systems by these resources.
Sun Microsystems provides Sun SPOT Manager Tool to help developer to develop their own
system based on Sun SPOT. Sun SPOT Manager Tool integrates mainly 5 tools.
1. Tutorial in the tools introduces the structure of the device and shows the functionalities of
each part. You can find the detail explanations for typical sample code. It also gives the
developer the steps of creating a application.
2. Sun SPOT upgrades the firmware of the Sun SPOT device. The device’s information can
be check here.
3. You can install SDK in SDKs part. All the relevant documents can be found here including
SolariumUserGuide and SunSPOT-Ownermanual. And you can find tutorials for all
sample code.
Before you install the manage tool, you have to install JDK/JRE on your computer first. So the
program depends on Java can be executed.
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When you install the manager, it recommends you to install ANT. ANT is a build and deploy tool
to help the developers to organize their work. And developer can use ant –var to deploy code to
the Sun SPOT device.
In addition, Sun SPOT Netbeans modules can enable programmer to program under Netbeans
and deploy the program to Sun SPOT device directly.
2.2 UPnP
UPnP™ technology defines architecture for pervasive peer-to-peer network connectivity of
intelligent appliances, wireless devices, and PCs of all form factors. It is designed to bring easyto-use, flexible, standards-based connectivity to ad-hoc or unmanaged networks whether in the
home, in a small business, public spaces, or attached to the Internet. UPnP technology provides
a distributed, open networking architecture that leverages TCP/IP and Web technologies to
enable seamless proximity networking in addition to control and data transfer among networked
Unlike most devices these days that need installing driver before it can be used, an UPnP based
device can join a network, get the IP address, discover other device and inform its capabilities,
get and execute control action from control points. And this device can remove from the network
In order to make the dynamical plug and play, six important procedure of UPnP device have to
be paid attention which are: addressing, discovery, description, control, event notification,
IP addressing is the foundation of UPnP. Each device need to search and find out a DHCP
server to request an IP address. If the DHCP server doesn’t exist, this network is unmanaged
and the device must assigned itself an address. This procedure that the UPnP device assigns
itself an IP address is known as AutoIP.
When a new device joins to the network, it will advertise its device and service information to the
control points on the network. Similarly, when a control points is add to network, discovery
protocol enable the control point to search the interest device.
The SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) is used in this procedure. The device (includes
device and control points) could send SSDP packet to network. In the packet, there are many
parameters to indicate the device information. USN is the unique identifier of the device and
NTS indicate the state of SSDP service and so on.
Discovery enables control points to find the device while there is not enough information in SSDP
packet. So description makes control point learn more about the device and the service. The
control point will find the device’s capabilities by the UUID which existed in SSDP packet.
A control point get the service of UPnP device can provides by description step and it can invoke
the actions and receive response from the device. Control point posts an action to the device,
and waits for the executed result or error message.
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Event notification
A description file is consisted of list of actions and list of service. The service publishes state
updates when the value of states changes. This updates will be sent as event message and the
subscriber receive and process it. The message contains one or more state variable and the new
value of the state.
Presentation exposes an HTML-based user interface for controlling and/or viewing device status
A control point can retrieve the device’s information and service and display them on the HTML
page according to the URL which get by precious step.
2.3 CyberLinkForJava
CyberLinkForJava is open source framework which is used to develop UPnP applications. It
provides virtual device and control points as well as many listeners to help developer.
CyberLinkForJava uses KXML and Xerces as its XML parser, so you have to import the library to
your project before you implement you own system.
It provides two kinds of device which are Control Point and Device.
Figure 2.3-1 Device class diagram
When you want to create your own UPnP device you have to make description file. In the
description file for device, the uuid should be assigned and URL for service description file has to
be marked, the presentation URL is optional. And new device is create by this description file like
String descriptionFile = “description/description.xml”;
Device upnpDevice = new Device(descriptionFile);
And you have to start the device by the code:
The device begins to send notify packet to network.
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In the service description file, actions are seals in actions. The state variable in this file is used to
post an event.
You can get you service by the code:
ServiceList serviceList = upnpDev.getServiceList;
For(int index=0; index<serviceList.size(); index++){
Service service = serviceList.getService(index);
ActionList actionList = service.getActionList();
//get action by interator
To receive the control point from control point, upnp device have to implement ActionListener
interface as well as actionControlReceived() method. When device want to sent its state to the
subscriber, it has to get the stateVariable first and set the value to it, then this event would be
updated to the control point.
Control Points
Figure *** is the class diagram for cyberLink UPnP control point.
Figure 2.3-2 Control point class diagram
One of difference between control point and device is that there is no description file for control
point, you can create control point like this:
ControlPoint ctrlPoint = new ControlPoint();
And start it by
To receive notify event from device, control point implement NotifyListener interface and
implement deviceNotifyReceived() method. So all information in the packet can be get by :
String uuid = ssdpPacket.getUSN();
String target = ssdpPacket.getNT();
String location = ssdpPacket.getLocation();
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Control point knows the new device and removed device by adding DeviceChangeListener. The
method deviceAdded(Device dev) is for a new device notify and deviceRemoved() method is for
the removed device sending byebye message.
2.4 P2P and WebService
P2P techbology
A peer-to-peer, commonly abbreviated to P2P, is any distributed network architecture composed
of participants that make a portion of their resources (such as processing power, disk storage or
network bandwidth) directly available to other network participants, without the need for central
coordination instances (such as servers or stable hosts).[].
In the P2P network, there is no typical server and client but coordinate peer nodes. Each
participant shares its resources. As a new node join in the network, the capacity of the network
increase. While in the traditional server-client architecture, a new client means asking for more
resources from the server. P2P technology is used to distribute calculating. The big task will split
into small ones by distributed algorithm and hand out to the peer nodes. Each node take the task
and return the result.
P2P application can get through the firewall of the network and so it can be a communication tool
between two networks.
WebSerivce is a technology that enables the client access the service from remote endpoint.
Service provider publishes API (Application Program Interface).
Basically there are 3 role sin WebService architecture which shown in Figure ***. Service
provider creates some services and registers these services on register server. When service
requester sent service request to the register server, server will return the WSDL (Web Service
Description Language) to identify the location of the service. The WSDL are always shown as a
HTTP link. Service requester can send parameters according to this URL. Service provider
process the request and return result to this requester.
Figure 2.4-1 Architecture of web service
We can use JAX framework to implement webservice application with Eclipse. And we can
create a webservice client to test the service.
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In our system, we need to transmit the event immediately when the event arrives. The problem is
we have to start the web service separately. More importantly, there are many limits for the
service which would be published, while P2P technology does have those limits. And that is the
reason why we choose P2P technology rather than webservice.
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3 Solution
3.1 Requirements
Functional requirement:
1. Get environment information and sent it to UPnP device by Sun SPOT device.
2. Create UPnP device which can receive specific datas.
3. Create a gateway which can receive the event and transmit it to the other gateway.
4. Create a gateway which can receive the data and encapsulate the data to an packet.
5. Create a control device which can send control action.
6. Create an UPnP device which can receive control action.
Non- functional requirement (assumptions)
1. There is only one gateway in a network and this gateway does not take the responsibility
of managing this network.
2. There are only two gateways in this system and the data transmission is just between
these two gateways.
3.2 Design Specification
3.2.1 Functionality Design
As shown in Figure 3.2-1. There are mainly three parts: network 1, network 2 and transmission
In network one, Sun SPOT collect information like temperature and sent it to the UPnP device
that we create. The UPnP device will encapsulate this information into SSDP Packet and send it
out. The event listener of gateway will get the relevant information. Gateway will sent them out by
P2P technology. Gateway2 will get the packet and control UPnP device according to the packet.
Figure 3.2-1 function design specification
3.2.2 Use cases
Before we implement the gateway application, we define some event based use cases.
Baby Take Care System
The Baby Take Care System consists of a set of sensors, a control system, and some end point
devices. It will be needed when the parents are not in the same room with the baby.
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There will be a sound sensors monitoring if the baby is crying and an accelerometer sensor
monitoring if the baby is sleeping in peace. Once it monitored the baby doesn’t sleep very well, it
generates events via the control system to notice parents in another room by alarming. And it
could play some music and turn on the light in the baby's room as well.
Auto Switching TV System
The Auto Switching TV System will automatically switch the playing TV set to the room where the
house owner stands. There should be some TV in different rooms, controlled by the controller.
And there should be some radio receivers in each room receive the signal of the micro radio
transmitter brought by the user to monitor the position of the user.
Once the user moved from room A to room B, a switching event will be generated from the room
A and send to the TV controller in room B to open the TV in the same channel. Once the TV in
room B is opened successfully, another event will be generated in room B, and notice the TV in
room A to shut down.
Remote Burglar-Proof & Alarming System
The Remote Burglar-Proof & Alarming System consists of some sensors, cameras, some
terminal devices and an event based system, to protect your home from burglars.
Once the user's house door is opened by others, an alarm will be to the user's mobile device
wherever he is. And if he wants, he can watch the real-time video through the camera to judge if
the door is opened by strangers. If it is, the user can choose to turn on the speakers in his home
to persuade the strangers to leave, or he can report to the police.
3.2.3 Discuss the software tools that are to be used during the implementation
Eclipse and Netbeans both can be used. While Sun SPOT Manage tool provides corresponding
develop modular which enable Netbeans to deploy the programme to the Sun SPOT device
directly. So it seems better to choose Netbeans, but that’s not so critical in our project.
Developer Tools for UPnP™ Technology
The Developer Tools for UPnP™ Technologies is a set of development and reference tools for
creating software that is compatible with the UPnP specifications. These tools includes generic
devices and control points, stack generation tools and UPnP AV debug and reference
In this tool kit, there are many tools like AV Media Renderer, AV Media Server, Device Spy and
Network Light.
Device Spy can find UPnP devices which are in the same network. The devices services are
displayed and can be invoke to control the device. As shown in Figure 3.2-2, the network light
has been started, so the Network Light can be found in the Device Spy. There are two different
services on this light: Dimming service and Switch Power service. Dimming service can be used
to adjust the tense of the light while switch power service can be use to turn on the light or turn
off it.
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Figure 3.2-2 Intel UPnP device—Device Spy and Network Light
So when you click the invoke button and set the variable value, and control event will send out.
The state of the light would be changed.
3.3 Implementation
3.3.1 Monitoring component
The application to drive SunSPOT device consists of 2 parts: on SunSPOT and on host. There is
an event based framework inside the SunSPOT sensor network. The SunSPOT device
generates and sends events to the host through the base station by radio. And once the events
are received by host, they are extracted and processed in advance.
The application implemented on the SunSPOT has 2 important classes: Sensor and MIDlet. The
MIDlet class is the entrance of the application running on SunSPOT, and it accesses the sensor
through the class Sensor.
In our case, the Sensor class is extended to EDemoBoard class, the user_setup() method is
used to access the sensor and store the value. And the sample() method is used to encapsulate
and send the data.
Figure 3.3-1 Sun SPOT java code of user_setup
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Figure 3.3-2 Sun SPOT java code of sample
And the MIDlet class is extended to StartApplication class. The startApp method will be
automatically called by the VM to start the application. In the startApp method, we monitor the
connection to the host and the command from the host, and routinely generate events with the
information provided from the EDemoBoard class.
Figure 3.3-3 Sun SPOT java code of starting application
In the host application, we use SensorFramework.getInstance().registerNodeEventListener()
method to register a class as the event listener, and then we can extract the information and
process the data.
3.3.2 Transmit component
We use P2P technology to transmit data from one gateway to another. The reason we choose
P2P technology but not WebService is that P2P technology is more suitable for this application.
When WSebService is developed by MyEclipse, the service has to be started running separately
as a service. And there are some limits in WebService which are become the barrier we integrate
the service. P2P technology is better to use and flexible.
Step 1: Receive the event.
In order to receive the event sent by UPnP device, gateway has to implement some Listeners
such as NotifyListener, EventListener and SearchresponseListener.
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Figure 3.3-4 device type variable in control point
Also we have to implement eventNotifyReceived() method to get the data. As shown in Figure ***,
we can get uuid, sequence number, variable name and the value. The service can be got by uuid
which is the Universal Unique Identification for the service. And we can get the device by the
service. The SSDP Packet sent by the device can be got by the device. We need to transmit this
packet to anther gateway.
As P2P technology can sent string type and document type but not SSDP packet, so we have to
find another way to transmit it.
Figure 3.3-5 java code of eventNotifyReceived method
Finally, we find that we can transfer the packet into a string and then repacked it. We know that
the transferred string is the data part of the packet from the code below, which means we can put
this string into the data part of new SSSP packet on the other side.
Figure 3.3-6 java code of transfer a SSDP packet into a string
Step 2: Establish service pipe
First, we need to create network manager.//Get the details of P2P .
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Figure 3.3-7 java code for starting a P2P application
Step 3 Send event
Figure 3.3-8 java code for sending event
Step 4 Receive the event
Figure 3.3-9 java code for receiving event
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3.3.3 Reactive component
Reactive component is the third partial of the system. In the domain, the gateway will broadcast
event to the UPnP network. All devices in this network will receive the event and only the display
equipment will process the event.
So first we need to get the event information. In order to extract the string out, we use commas to
divide the message. Method sendEvent(String str) can make it happen and set each parameter
into an array.
Figure 3.3-10 java code for invoking display() method
In the gateway we create new device called gatewayDev to send the state variable.
Figure 3.3-11 java code for sending event to UPnP devices
In DisplayDevice, the code shown in Figure ** implement the eventNotifyReceived() method.
So the DisplayDevice can get the message which would be shown on the display.
Figure 3.3-12 java code for receiving the event
3.4 Validation and Testing
TEST 1: Test the gateway works
At this step, we use Intel network device to send event. First we need to start the two gateways.
When we run the light, a new device notify was sent out. In this message, UUID is unique
identification of the service and the extra data “-5” is to identify the each message. And the status
is the variable name and “0” is the value of the variable.
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We can find the network light in Device Spy, and invoke the Set Target method. The state of
Network Light would be changed.
Figure 3.4-1 test 1—gateway test
The event will be receive by the gateway and sent it to another gateway. Figure *** shows the
data of the SSDP Packet. The gateway receives this data as a string and will set it into a new
SSDP packet.
We also can see the uuid and value at the end of the message, and the value will be pick out
from it.
Figure 3.4-2 information which received by gatesway
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4 Discussion
Basically, there are two parts in our project which have to be implemented:
1. Design a gateway which can use to delivery event between two networks
2. Choose application to test the gateway.
First we need to choose the technology for the gateway. We can choose P2P or Webservice.
Sun Micorsystems create JXTA framework for P2P application, it has proved that JXTA is a welldesign and easy to use technology. And that is the reason why we choose it. The advantage of
WebService is that client can access the service by HTTP link. So it is easy to implement the
client while it increases the complexity on the server side. And we encountered an unknown error
when we create a web service for this application. It is hard for us to integrate the webservice into
our system.
CyberLinkForJava is the framework we chose for UPnP network. This framework provides APIs
to help us to create our own device. The only problem is the event cannot be sent out by the
device even though we follow the instruction on the specification. After that, we check the source
code about this function and find the service use a HTTP request to send the value. We cannot
figure it out why the event send procedure doesn’t work. In order to continue our work, we
choose Intel UPnP device an alternative. It proved that the gateway works. And the same thing
happened on the other network, so we cannot finish the use case.
In the final system, we can prove that the gateway is ready, but we cannot run the application
completely because of the problem we cannot fix.
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5 Conclusion
In this project, we need the design and implement a gateway. This gateway will transmit an event
from one network to another. In order to emulate the function of gateway, we create two UPnP
networks. Because we encountered a problem that we cannot resolved so we choose Inter UPnP
device as an alternative. And it is proved that the gateway works.
This project is only a simple emulation of event delivery gateway. There are still a lot of problems
that need to be resolved.
1. W kind of strategy to divide UPnP device into different network in a real application?
2. How to coordinate many gateways to let them work more efficient?
3. How to make the gateway more flexible and reliable?
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Follow the IEEE guidelines for references
[1] HiA, Bruk av kilder i skriftlige arbeider ved Høgskolen i Agder, August 2006,
[2] Peter J. Denning, Douglas E. Comer, David Gries, Michael C. Mulder, Allen Tucker, A. Joe
Turner, and Paul R. Young, Computing as a Discipline, Communications of the ACM,
Volume 32, Number 1, 1989
[3] Check, which is very useful when writing reports.
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Appendix A
Glossary and Abbreviations
Appendix B
(Detailed) Specifications (optional)
You may want to include more (sets of) specifications than in the report body. You may have
Functional requirements in the body and Non-functional (not directly related to the user interface)
in the appendix.
Appendix C
Design Documentation (optional)
This appendix may include documentation like program listings, schematic diagrams, drawings
Appendix D
Project Management (optional)
Include here a description of the project and how you organised it.
Answer the following questions:
What is the project title, and who was the problem owner (external company)?
Who were the project participants?
How did you organize the project as a team, was there a project leader, did you have
separate roles in the project? How did you distribute the work internally in the project: who
did what? Did you cooperate with other teams?
Which milestones did you have? What dates?
If you have a cost budget, present it.
Is your project part of a larger project? What is the relation between the two?
Appendix E
Another Appendix
This is just to show you can have as many appendices as you like, but try to restrain yourself. Do
not include more details than necessary.
Finally, please note, that appendices are traditionally numbered by letters A, B, C and so
on. Some newer templates use numericals, but academic tradition prefers letters.
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