NAME _________________
Complete the following statements using the terms listed below. Not all terms will be used.
A. Neonatology
H. Quickening
B. End of infancy
I. Senescence
C. Atherosclerosis
J. Childhood
D. Uterine tubes
K. Chorion
E. Morula
L. Organogenesis
F. Sexual maturity
M. Labor
G. Histogenesis
1. The loss of deciduous teeth occurs during _____.
2. Fertilization occurs in a structure called the _____, which is part of the internal anatomy of
the female.
3. A structure in the blastocyst called the _____ will develop into a fetal membrane called the
4. When fertilization occurs, the zygote immediately begins to divide, thereby forming a solid
mass of cells called the _____.
5. The study of how primary germ layers of the embryo develop into many different kinds of
tissues is called _____, and the study of how those tissues arrange themselves into organs is
called _____.
6. The childhood period of development extends from _____ to _____.
7. _____ is the process that results in the birth of a baby.
8. The accumulation of fat in blood vessel walls is called _____.
9. The medical and nursing specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of
the newborn is called _____.
10. The term _____ is used to describe the first recognizable movements of the fetus.
Multiple Choice
21. When the human embryo is a hollow ball of cells consisting of an outer cell layer and an
inner cell mass, what is it called?
A. morula
B. chorion
C. blastocyst
D. zygote
22. Degenerative changes in the urinary system that accompany old age include which of the
A. decreased capacity of bladder and the inability to empty or void completely
B. decrease in the number of nephrons
C. less blood flow through the kidneys
D. all of the above
23. The frontal and maxillary sinuses of the facial region acquire permanent placement or
develop fully when the individual is in a stage of development known as which of the
A. infancy
B. childhood
C. adolescence
D. adulthood
24. The first 4 weeks of human life following birth are referred to as which of the following?
A. neonatal
B. infancy
C. prenatal
D. embryonic
25. Any hardening of the arteries is referred to as which of the following?
A. angioma
B. atherosclerosis
C. angina
D. arteriosclerosis
26. Which of the following is characteristic of the disorder called presbyopia?
A. It is very characteristic of old age.
B. It causes farsightedness in some individuals.
C. It is characterized by the lens in the eye becoming hard and losing its elasticity.
D. All of the above are true.
27. Which of the following events is not characteristic of infancy?
A. one spinal curvature present
B. head approximately one-fourth of total body height
C. quickening apparent
D. 50% increase in body length
28. Which of the following events, if any, is not characteristic of adolescence?
A. Bone closure occurs.
B. Secondary sexual characteristics develop.
C. Very rapid growth occurs.
D. All of the above events are characteristics of adolescence.
29. Which of the following events is not characteristic of the prenatal period of development?
A. Blastocyst is formed.
B. Histogenesis occurs.
C. Bone closure occurs.
D. Amniotic cavity is formed.
30. Which of the following structures arises from the ectoderm?
A. lining of lungs
B. brain
C. kidneys
D. all of the above
31. What is the membrane that surrounds the testes called?
A. tunica albuginea
B. interstitial cells
C. prostate glands
D. septum
32. Testosterone is produced by which of the following?
A. seminiferous tubules
B. interstitial cells
C. ductus deferens
D. pituitary gland
33. What is the condition called in which the testes are undescended?
A. tunica albuginea
B. orchidalgia
C. cryptorchidism
D. none of the above
34. What is the area within the sperm that carries the genetic material of inheritance called?
A. interstitial cells
B. tail
C. head
D. neck
Amanda is a 13-year-old girl. She is concerned that she has not yet started her period. She asks
you at what age girls normally start their periods.
35. What do you tell her?
A. Normally, girls start their periods between the ages of 12 and 13.
B. Most girls start between 10 and 16.
C. She should start her period within the next 7 years.
D. It is perfectly normal for girls to start menstruating between 15 and 20.
36. Amanda’s mother is satisfied with your response to her daughter’s question, but she is
concerned about her son who is 6 feet 1 inch tall. She asks you at what age does a boy
usually stop growing. You tell her that generally males complete their growth by age
A. 21.
B. 16.
C. 22.
D. 18.
Select the most appropriate answer from Column B for each item in Column A. (Only one
answer is correct for each.)
Column A
Column B
11. Arteriosclerosis
12. Atherosclerosis
13. Parturition
14. Cataract
15. Adolescence
16. Amniotic sac
17. Glaucoma
18. Senescence
19. Hypertension
20. Placenta
High blood pressure
“Bag of waters”
Hardening of arteries
Fat accumulation in arteries
Secondary sexual characteristics
Clouding of eye lens
High eye pressure