TRANSCENDENTALISM PROJECT “Transcendentalism was an intellectual movement, founded in the 1830s and 40s, that influenced philosophy, religion and literature. The movement was a response to problems in society, and focused on intuition rather than reason.” While there are a wide range of topics for a presentation within transcendentalism, there are a few ideas that better lend themselves to this format than others. STUDENTS WILL WORK INDIVIDUALLY OR IN PAIRS. YOU WILL DEVELOP A VIDEO WITH IMAGES REPRESENTING TRANSCENDENTALISM, USING QUOTES FROM RALPH WALDO EMERSON, DAVID THOREAU, WALT WHITMAN AND OR NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. DEVELOP A SERIES OF IMAGES WITH MUSIC AND QUOTES ALONG WITH ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS AND A BIBLIOGRAPHY. SEE BELOW: Provide at least one example for each characteristic of transcendental thought. You may provide more than one example if you wish. • Choose a different quotation for each category of your chart. See links for Ralph Waldo Emerson and David Thoreau. You can not repeat images, but should find different example quotations or actions. For instance, your quotations might come from Ralph Waldo Emerson, David Thoreau, Walt Whitman or Nathaniel Hawthorne search under Quotations in Google and Type the name of each writer. The Quotations should apply to the transcendentalist thought, ideas or images that you are showing. • Look at the sample of Transcendentalism by Claudia on you tube to give you an idea how to create your video. Do not copy other people’s work! Its call PLAGIARISM and you will be written up if you plagiarize and receive a fail grade. • Be sure that you provide explanations for the quotations or examples that you’ve chosen that show why each is an example of transcendentalist thought. • If possible, attach a copy of each of your examples to the chart that you submit. For instance, attach a copy of a newspaper editorial or provide the link to a website or YouTube video. YOU WILL PRESENT THE VIDEO IN FRONT OF THE CLASS. YOU WILL RECEIVE EXTRA POINTS IF YOU TURN THE WORK EARLY. SEE RUBRIC BELOW FOR GUIDANCE. (A YouTube video we can watch, a song we can listen to, inserted on your video along with quotes and Bibliography etc.) Suggested songs that are related to transcendentalism are those related to nature, rain, the wild, ocean etc. Examples (Vivaldi 4 seasons, Titanic theme song, dust in the wind by Kansas, beautiful day by U2 etc..) STANDARDS: 2.2 Write responses to literature: a. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the significant ideas in works or passages. b. Analyze the use of imagery, language, universal themes, and unique aspects of the text. 2.3 Write reflective compositions: a. Explore the significance of personal experiences, events, conditions, or concerns by using rhetorical strategies (e.g., narration, description, exposition, persuasion). Comprehension and Analysis 2.4 Make warranted and reasonable assertions about the author's arguments by using elements of the text to defend and clarify interpretations. Examining Transcendentalism Video Project Final Project Rubric CATEGORY 9-10 8 7 6 Quotations and Examples Provides unique examples for each characteristic of transcendentalism using images of nature, the wild, ocean along with quotes Provides unique examples for each characteristic of transcendentalism from one genre of popular culture. Provides examples for each characteristic of transcendentalism from one or more genre of popular culture, but repeats information. Provides some examples of characteristics of transcendentalism from one genre of popular culture, but information is incomplete. Description Inserted quotes, essential questions and music during the sequence of images, used different resources. Have some description and most of the examples or quotations from nature, popular culture resources. Makes a detailed description of some of the examples or quotations from popular culture resources. Descriptions are not detailed or complete. Explanation Accurately describes several dominant characteristics of transcendentalism and accurately relates how they are used in the example or quotation. Accurately describes a couple of dominant characteristics of transcendentalism and accurately relates how they are used in the example or quotation. Describes some dominant characteristics of transcendentalism, but has difficulty describing how these relate to the movement. Has trouble picking out the dominant characteristics of transcendentalism. Presentation of Oral presentation is highly interesting, easy to see/hear and understand, communicates main ideas clearly, and shows outstanding effort. Oral presentation is interesting, easy to see/hear and understand, communicates main ideas, and shows effort. Oral presentation is somewhat interesting, generally easy to see/hear and understand, covers the basics, and shows fair effort. Oral presentation is messy or disorganized, hard to understand, does not support main ideas, and shows little effort. The Video in Class Total: _________/