MOSFET I-Vs ECE 663 Operation of a transistor VSG > 0 n type operation VSG Gate Insulator More electrons Source Channel Substrate Positive gate bias attracts electrons into channel Channel now becomes more conductive VSD Drain Some important equations in the inversion regime (Depth direction) VT = fms + 2yB + yox Gate Insulator yox = Qs/Cox Source Channel Qs = qNAWdm Wdm = [2eS(2yB)/qNA] Substrate x VT = fms + 2yB + [4eSyBqNA]/Cox Qinv = -Cox(VG - VT) Drain MOSFET Geometry VG Z VD L S D z y x ECE 663 How to include y-dependent potential without doing the whole problem over? ECE 663 Assume potential V(y) varies slowly along channel, so the x-dependent and y-dependent electrostats are independent (GRADUAL CHANNEL APPROXIMATION) i.e., Ignore ∂Ex/∂y Potential is separable in x and y ECE 663 How to include y-dependent potentials? VG = yS + [2eSySqNA]/Cox yS = 2yB + V(y) Need VG – V(y) > VT to invert channel at y (V increases threshold) Since V(y) largest at drain end, that end reverts from inversion to depletion first (Pinch off) SATURATION [VDSAT = VG – VT] ECE 663 So current: j = qninvv = (Qinv/tinv)v I = jA = jZtinv = ZQinvv Qinv = -Cox[VG – VT - V(y)] v = -meffdV(y)/dy ECE 663 So current: I = meff ZCox[VG – VT - V(y)]dV(y)/dy Continuity implies ∫Idy = IL I = meff ZCox[(VG – VT )VD- VD2/2]/L ECE 663 But this current behaves like a parabola !! I = meff ZCox[(VG – VT )VD- VD2/2]/L ID IDsat VDsat VD We have assumed inversion in our model (ie, always above pinch-off) So we just extend the maximum current into saturation… Easy to check that above current is maximum for VDsat = VG - VT Substituting, IDsat = (CoxmeffZ/2L)(VG-VT)2 ECE 663 What’s Pinch off? V0G V0G VG VG 0 0 0 VD Now add in the drain voltage to drive a current. Initially you get an increasing current with increasing drain bias When you reach VDsat = VG – VT, inversion is disabled at the drain end (pinch-off), but the source end is still inverted The charges still flow, just that you can’t draw more current with higher drain bias, and the current saturates Square law theory of MOSFETs I = meff ZCox[(VG – VT )VD- VD2/2]/L, I = meff ZCox(VG – VT )2/2L, VD > VG - VT J = qnv n ~ Cox(VG – VT ) v ~ meffVD /L VD < VG - VT Ideal Characteristics of n-channel enhancement mode MOSFET ECE 663 Drain current for REALLY small VD Z 1 2 I D m nCi VG VT VD VD L 2 Z I D m nCi VG VT VD L VD VG VT Linear operation Channel Conductance: ID Z gD m nCi (VG VT ) VD V L G Transconductance: I D Z gm m nCiVD VG V L D ECE 663 In Saturation • Channel Conductance: I D gD 0 VD V G • Transconductance: ID sat gm Z 2 m nCi VG VT 2L I D Z m nCi VG VT VG V L D ECE 663 Equivalent Circuit – Low Frequency AC • Gate looks like open circuit • S-D output stage looks like current source with channel conductance I D I D I D VD VG VD V VG V G D i g D v d g mv g ECE 663 Equivalent Circuit – Higher Frequency AC • Input stage looks like capacitances gate-to-source(gate) and gate-to-drain(overlap) • Output capacitances ignored -drain-to-source capacitance small ECE 663 Equivalent Circuit – Higher Frequency AC • Input circuit: i in jCgs Cgd v g j 2fCgatev g • Input capacitance is mainly gate capacitance • Output circuit: i out g mv g i out gm i in 2fCgate I D Z gm m nCiVD VG V L D ECE 663 Maximum Frequency (not in saturation) • Ci is capacitance per unit area and Cgate is total capacitance of the gate Cgate Ci ZL • F=fmax when gain=1 (iout/iin=1) fmax gm 2C gate fmax Z m nVDCi m nVD L 2Ci ZL 2L2 ECE 663 Maximum Frequency (not in saturation) f max max m nVD 2L2 1 L/v (Inverse transit time) v mVD / L ECE 663 Switching Speed, Power Dissipation ton = CoxZLVD/ION Trade-off: If Cox too small, Cs and Cd take over and you lose control of the channel potential (e.g. saturation) (DRAIN-INDUCED BARRIER LOWERING/DIBL) If Cox increases, you want to make sure you don’t control immobile charges (parasitics) which do not contribute to current. ECE 663 Switching Speed, Power Dissipation Pdyn = ½ CoxZLVD2f Pst = IoffVD ECE 663 CMOS NOT gate (inverter) ECE 663 CMOS Vin = 1 Vout = 0 NOT gate (inverter) Positive gate turns nMOS on ECE 663 CMOS Vin = 0 Vout = 1 NOT gate (inverter) Negative gate turns pMOS on ECE 663 So what? • If we can create a NOT gate we can create other gates (e.g. NAND, EXOR) ECE 663 So what? Ring Oscillator ECE 663 So what? • More importantly, since one is open and one is shut at steady state, no current except during turn-on/turn-off Low power dissipation ECE 663 Getting the inverter output ON Gain OFF ECE 663 I D gD 0 VD V G gm I D Z m nCi VG VT VG V L D What’s the gain here? ECE 663 Signal Restoration ECE 663 BJT vs MOSFET • RTL logic vs CMOS logic • DC Input impedance of MOSFET (at gate end) is infinite Thus, current output can drive many inputs FANOUT • CMOS static dissipation is low!! ~ IOFFVDD • Normally BJTs have higher transconductance/current (faster!) IC = (qni2Dn/WBND)exp(qVBE/kT) gm = IC/VBE = IC/(kT/q) ID = mCoxW(VG-VT) 2/L gm = ID/VG = ID/[(VG-VT)/2] • Today’s MOSFET ID >> IC due to near ballistic operation ECE 663 What if it isn’t ideal? • If work function differences and oxide charges are present, threshold voltage is shifted just like for MOS capacitor: VT VFB 2e s qN A (2y B ) 2y B Ci 2e s qN A (2y B ) Qf fms 2y B Ci Ci • If the substrate is biased wrt the Source (VBS) the threshold voltage is also shifted VT VFB 2e s qN A (2y B VBS ) 2y B Ci ECE 663 Threshold Voltage Control • Substrate Bias: VT VFB 2e s qN A (2y B VBS ) 2y B Ci VT VT (VBS ) VT (VBS 0) 2e s qN A VT Ci 2y B VBS 2y B ECE 663 Threshold Voltage Control-substrate bias ECE 663 It also affects the I-V VG The threshold voltage is increased due to the depletion region that grows at the drain end because the inversion layer shrinks there and can’t screen it any more. (Wd > Wdm) Qinv = -Cox[VG-VT(y)], I = -meffZQinvdV(y)/dy VT(y) = y + √2esqNAy/Cox y = 2yB + V(y) ECE 663 It also affects the I-V IL = ∫meffZCox[VG – (2yB+V) - √2esqNA(2yB+V)/Cox]dV I = (ZmeffCox/L)[(VG–2yB)VD –VD2/2 -2√2esqNA{(2yB+VD)3/2-(2yB)3/2}/3Cox] ECE 663 We can approximately include this… Include an additional charge term from the depletion layer capacitance controlling V(y) Q = -Cox[VG-VT]+(Cox + Cd)V(y) where Cd = es/Wdm Q = -Cox[VG –VT - MV(y)], M = 1 + Cd/Cox ID = (ZmeffCox/L)[(VG-VT - MVD/2)VD] ECE 663 Comparison between different models Square Law Theory Bulk Charge Theory Body Coefficient Still not good below threshold or above saturation ECE 663 Mobility • Drain current model assumed constant mobility in channel • Mobility of channel less than bulk – surface scattering • Mobility depends on gate voltage – carriers in inversion channel are attracted to gate – increased surface scattering – reduced mobility ECE 663 Mobility dependence on gate voltage m0 m 1 (VG VT ) ECE 663 Sub-Threshold Behavior • For gate voltage less than the threshold – weak inversion • Diffusion is dominant current mechanism (not drift) n n(o) n(L) ID JD A qADn qADn y L n(0) ni e q ( y s y B ) / kT n( L ) n i e q ( y s y B VD ) / kT ECE 663 Sub-threshold qADn ni e ID L y B / kT 1 e qVD / kT e qy s / kT We can approximate ys with VG-VT below threshold since all voltage drops across depletion region qADn ni e y ID L B / kT 1 e qVD / kT e q VG VT / kT •Sub-threshold current is exponential function of applied gate voltage •Sub-threshold current gets larger for smaller gates (L) ECE 663 Subthreshold Characteristic Subthreshold Swing S 1 log ID VG ECE 663 Much of new research depends on reducing S ! Tunneling transistor – Band filter like operation Ghosh, Rakshit, Datta (Nanoletters, 2004) (Sconf)min=2.3(kBT/e).(etox/m) Hodgkin and Huxley, J. Physiol. 116, 449 (1952a) J Appenzeller et al, PRL ‘04 Subthreshold slope = (60/Z) mV/decade Much of new research depends on reducing S ! • Increase ‘q’ by collective motion (e.g. relay) Ghosh, Rakshit, Datta, NL ‘03 • Effectively reduce N through interactions Salahuddin, Datta • Negative capacitance Salahuddin, Datta • Non-thermionic switching (T-independent) Appenzeller et al, PRL • Nonequilibrium switching Li, Ghosh, Stan • Impact Ionization Plummer More complete model – sub-threshold to saturation • Must include diffusion and drift currents • Still use gradual channel approximation • Yields sub-threshold and saturation behavior for long channel MOSFETS • Exact Charge Model – numerical integration Z esm n ID L LD 0 y VD y s B e y V np0 F y,V , p p0 ECE 663 Exact Charge Model (Pao-Sah) – Long Channel MOSFET ECE 663 ECE 663