CCC Diagnostic Essay Name _________________________________ Domain 1: Content Category Thesis Multiplier and Score 1x Does Not Attempt (0) No thesis given. Does not Meet (1) Approaching Expectations (2) Meets Expectations (3) Exceeds Expectations (4) Thesis does not give the main idea of the essay; structure is poor. The main idea of the essay is given, but the discernible elements of opening generalization, background information, and thesis, are not apparent. A restatement of the main idea is evident, but the elements of the conclusion are missing or unclear. Paragraph development is weak, with ideas that are stated but not elaborated upon. Connection to the thesis is tenuous. No counter argument or response. Thesis is not as clear as it could be, and is evident in some, but not all areas of the essay. Introduction gives the reader a good idea of the main point of the essay, but individual elements are not as clear as they could be. Transitions between elements are weak or missing. Thesis gives a main idea, is properly structured and is evident in the essay. Conclusion includes a thesis restatement, but summary of main points is not as clear as it could be, and the closing sentence is weak or missing. Paragraph development has begun, but all of the ideas are not yet there. More information is needed, and ideas need to relate back more clearly to the thesis. Includes counter argument but no response. Student has chosen appropriate audience and attempts to use rhetorical techniques to address that audience. Conclusion gives a thesis restatement, summarizes the main points, and ends with a sense of closure. Thesis is clearly stated, in a properly structured complex sentence, and it governs paper throughout. Introduction is interesting, pulls in the reader’s attention, includes relevant background information and a properly placed thesis. Sentences flow smoothly from one to the next, funneling down into a thesis. Conclusion is interesting, includes a thesis restatement, a thorough summary of main points, and ends with a note of finality. Each body paragraph has ideas that are developed fully and support the topic sentences. Paragraphs also include sound arguments and detailed examples. Includes counter argument and effective response. Student has chosen an appropriate, specific audience and uses effective rhetorical techniques to address that specific audience. Introduction 1x No introduction is given. Conclusion 1x No conclusion given. Development and Support 4x Paragraphs are not developed. Rhetorical Style and Argumentation 4x No persuasion. Audience selection is unclear and/or rhetorical techniques do not clearly address chosen audience. Category Does Not Attempt (0) No clear paragraph structure exists. Does not Meet (1) Approaching Expectations (2) Meets Expectations (3) Exceeds Expectations (4) Paragraph structure Multiplier and Score 2x Topic sentence is evident but not as clear as it should be. Main points and examples are jumbled with no clear organization. There is no sense of closure. Topic sentence needs to communicate the main point more clearly. Main points are clear, but examples are not as fully developed as they should be. Closure is not apparent at the end of the paragraph. Topic sentences effectively communicate the main point of the paragraph while relating back to the thesis. Sub points are clear and supported by examples. Paragraph ends with a sense of closure. Essay organization 2x No evidence of the 3DSE structure is evident. The 3DSE structure is evident. Little to no thought is given to logical order. All elements of the 3DSE are evident. Body paragraphs are not necessarily put in any logical order. All elements of the 3DSE are evident. Ideas are logically given, each in its own paragraph. Transitions/Coherence 2x No transitions are present. Use of transitions between and/or within paragraphs is inconsistent, simple, and/or predictable. Use of transitions between paragraphs and within paragraphs is simple and predictable. Specific and original transitions seamlessly link ideas between and within paragraphs. Each paragraph includes a clear topic sentence that gives the main idea of the paragraph while relating back to the thesis. Paragraphs also include sub points supported by detailed examples, and end with a sense of closure. The essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion (3DSE). Paragraphs are presented in a thoughtful, logical order that enhances argument. Specific and original transitions are used strategically and seamlessly link ideas between and within paragraphs. Introduction gives a reasonable hook to draw in the reader, includes background information and a properly placed thesis. Sentences flow logically. Body paragraphs are developed with good information and good arguments that make a clear connection back to the thesis. Includes counter argument but ineffective response. Student has chosen an appropriate audience and uses rhetorical techniques to address that audience. Domain 2: Organization Domain 3: Research Category Does Not Attempt (0) No sources used. Does not Meet (1) Approaching Expectations (2) Meets Expectations (3) Exceeds Expectations (4) Source Use Multiplier and Score 2x One source is used. Sources do not support or enhance the main points. Two sources used but not balanced. Sources do not work to support the main points as effectively as they could. Unbalanced use of quotes or paraphrases. Cited Material 1x No quotes used. Quotes support the main points but are not formatted properly or incorporated smoothly into the text; or only 1 quote. Research Quality & Credibility 2x No research was done by the student. Quotes are poorly chosen and do not support the main points. Quotes are not integrated smoothly. Research is thin. Most sources are unreliable; missing database sources. Each paragraph includes a variety of sources; connection between sources and main ideas is evident. Both quotes and paraphrases are evident (at least 2 paraphrases). At least 2 quotes support the main points and are formatted properly and incorporated smoothly. Holes in research suggest student was not thorough in researching. Source credibility is questionable. Research is thorough, sources are reliable, and they work to support the main points of the essay. Each paragraph includes at least two sources; sources work to support the main ideas of the author. There is an effective mix of quotes and paraphrases (at least 2) At least 2 quotes are well-selected, enhance the main points and are formatted properly and incorporated smoothly into the text. Thorough research is evident as well as the selection of reliable and appropriate sources that support the writer’s ideas. Writer establishes credibility. Category Multiplier and Score 2x Does Not Attempt (0) No documentation present. Sources 1x No Works Cited Page included. Works Cited format 3x No Works Cited included. Category Multiplier and Score 2x Does Not Attempt (0) Incomprehensible Does not Meet (1) Approaching Expectations (2) Meets Expectations (3) Exceeds Expectations (4) Meaning is impeded by frequent errors. Minimal errors impede meaning. Minimal errors do not impede meaning. No errors are present. 2x No consideration of word choice is apparent. Word choice is partially clear and appropriate but is unsophisticated or mundane. Word choice is clear and appropriate; may be unsophisticated or mundane in part. Word choice is precise, sophisticated, and vivid. 2x Sentence structures are below level. Word choice is vague (big, stuff, things, junk, many, etc.), may be below grade level, and/or overcomplicated with unfamiliar words. Sentence structures are repetitive. Sentence types are unbalanced. Sentence types are balanced. The may be varied. Sentence types are balanced, varied, and used mindfully. Domain 4: Documentation Parenthetical Documentation Does not Meet (1) Approaching Expectations (2) Meets Expectations (3) Exceeds Expectations (4) Not all research is documented or internal citations follow MLA format with frequent errors. Student has entries on the Works Cited page that are not cited in the essay or sources in the paper that are not on the Works Cited. The Works Cited page follows MLA format with frequent errors. Internal citations follow MLA format with some errors. Internal citations follow MLA format with minimal errors. Internal citations follow MLA format with no errors. Student has attempted to include all sources cited on the Works Cited page, but entries and citations do not match. All sources cited are on the Works Cited page. There may be one entry and citation that do not match. All sources cited are on the Works Cited page. All sources listed on the Works Cited page are cited in the paper and entries match. The Works Cited page follows MLA format with some errors. The Works Cited page follows MLA format with minimal errors. Works Cited page follows MLA format with no errors. Domain 5: Mechanics and Requirements Conventions Vocabulary appropriateness Domain specific Sentence Fluency Total Score ________________ /34 categories = _Average of_______________ = ________________ %