Chapter 6

Tissue Healing and Wound Care
Chapter 6
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Force and Its Effects
• Two potential effects of force:
– Acceleration
– Deformation
• Factors that determine injury
– Magnitude of force
– Material properties of tissues involved
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Response to Force
• Small load - elastic response
– Load is removed, material returns to its original shape
• Load reaching yield point - plastic response
– Load is removed, some amount of deformation
• Yield load
– Maximum load a material can handle without
permanent deformation
• Failure
– Force such as loss of continuity, rupturing soft tissue
or fracturing bone
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Direction of Force
• Many tissues are anisotropic
– Different strengths in response to loads from
different directions
• Anatomic make-up of joint
– Susceptibility from a given direction
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Categorize Force Relative to Direction
• Axial
Force that acts on the long axis of a structure
• Compression
Axial load that produces a crushing or squeezing type
• Tension
Axial force in opposite direction; pulling or stretching
the tissues
• Shear
Force parallel to a plane passing through the object
Tends to cause sliding or displacement
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Categorize Force Relative to Direction
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Magnitude of Stress
• Stress
– Force divided by the
area over which the
force acts
• A given force over a large
area vs. a small
concentrated area can
have very different results
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Strain vs. Force
• Strain
– The amount of deformation relative to the original
size of the structure
– Result
• Compression - shortening and widening
• Tension - lengthening and narrowing
• Shear - internal deformation
• Problem: high strain rather than high force
• The ability to resist strain relative to strength of tissues
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Element of Time
• Acute injury
– Results from a single force
– Causative factor - macrotrauma
– Characterized by a definitive moment of onset
• Chronic or stress injury
– Results from repeated loading
– Causative factor - microtrauma
– Characterized by becoming more problematic over
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Positive Stress vs. Adverse Stress
• gradual mechanical stress
size & strength
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• Moment arm
– Perpendicular distance
from force line of
action to the axis of
• Torque
– Force × moment arm
– Produces rotation of a
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Torque (cont.)
• Injury potential
• Tension on one side of
object and compression
on the other side
• Twisting an object's
longitudinal axis
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Soft Tissue – Anatomic Properties
• Collagen
Primary constituent of
skin, tendon, ligaments
Protein substance strong
in resisting tensile forces
Wavy configuration that
allows for an elastic type
deformation or stretch
but, otherwise, is inelastic
• Elastin
Protein substance
Adds elasticity
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• Epidermis
• Dermis
– Multidirectional
arrangement of
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• Muscle to bone
• Dense connective tissue with
unidirectional bundles of
collagen and some elastin
• Collagen - parallel arrangement
Helps in resisting high,
unidirectional tension
loads from the attached
• Two times as strong as muscle
it serves
Yield point 5-8% in length
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• Attach muscle to other muscles or bone
• Dense connective tissue
• Strong, flat, sheet-like
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• Viscoelastic
– Extensibility - ability to be
– Elasticity - ability to return to
normal length
• Viscoelasticity allows muscle to
stretch to greater lengths over
time in response to a sustained
tensile force
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Muscle (cont.)
• Irritability - ability to respond to a stimulus
– Electrochemical - nerve impulse
– Mechanical - external blow
• Contractility - ability to develop tension
– Isometric
– Concentric
– Eccentric
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Joint Capsule
• Membrane that encloses a joint; composed primarily of
• Function: hold bones in place
• Inner lining: synovial membrane
– Exit for waste; entrance for nutrients
– Secretes synovial fluid (lubricates and nourishes)
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• Bone to bone
• Collagen is parallel and
Resists large tensile loads
along the long axis of the
ligament and smaller
loads from other
• Collagen and elastin intermixed
(more elastic than tendons)
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• Fluid-filled sacs
• Reduce friction
• Common sites – areas of friction
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Classification of Joints
• Fibrous (synarthrosis)
– Held together by fibrous tissue
– Can absorb shock but permits little or no
movement of the articulating bones
– Example: sutures in the skull
– Syndesmoses
• Joined by dense fibrous tissue
• Permit extremely limited motion
• Example: interosseous membrane
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Classification of Joints (cont.)
• Cartilaginous (amphiarthroses)
– Primary
• Held together by hyaline cartilage
• Example: sternocostal joints; epiphyseal plates
• Can absorb shock, but permits little or no
– Secondary
• Held together by fibrocartilage
• Movement of the articulating bones
• Designed for strength and shock absorption
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Classification of Joints (cont.)
• Synovial (diarthroses)
– Freely movable joints
– Classified according to their shape – dictates type
and range of motion permitted
• Plane
• Hinge
• Pivot
• Condyloid
• Saddle
• Ball and socket
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Classification of Joints (cont.)
• Synovial joint
– Articular cartilage
• Covers ends of long
bones, cushion and
protection, no nerve or
blood supply
– Joint cavity
• Filled with synovial
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Classification of Joints (cont.)
– Articular capsule
• Joint capsule
– Synovial fluid
• Reduces friction
– Ligaments
• Capsular, extracapsular
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Skin Injury Classifications
• Abrasions
– Scraping away of layers of skin
• Blisters
– Accumulation of fluid between epidermis
and dermis
• Skin bruises
– Accumulation of blood within skin
• Incisions
– Clean cut
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Skin Injury Classifications (cont.)
• Lacerations
– Irregular tear
• Avulsions
– Complete separation of skin
• Punctures
– Penetration of skin and underlying tissue
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Classification of Muscle/ Tendon Injuries
• Mechanism: compression
• Signs and symptoms (S&S)
– Onset - acute
– Pain - localized
– Ecchymosis: if superficial
– Restrictions in ROM
– Swelling
– Associated nerve compression
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Contusion (cont.)
• Basis for rating severity – ROM
– 1st – little or no restriction
– 2nd – noticeable reduction
– 3rd – severe restriction
• Concern: can lead to muscle strain
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• Stretch or tear of a muscle
• Mechanism: tension force
• Most common site for tears: near the
musculotendinous junction
• Key factor: magnitude of force and structure's
cross-sectional area
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Classification of Strains
damage to fibers
few fibers torn
nearly half torn
all fibers torn
moderate (reflex
muscle spasm
loss of function
severe (reflex
palpable defect
yes (if early)
moderate /severe
depends on swelling
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Cramps and Sprains
• Involuntary muscle contraction
• Cramp
– Biochemical imbalance, fatigue
– Types
• Clonic - alternating contraction/relaxation
• Tonic - constant
• Spasm
– Reflex action due to:
• Biochemical or
• Mechanical blow to nerve or muscle
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Myositis and Fasciitis
• Myositis
– Inflammation of connective tissue
• Fasciitis
– Inflammation of the fascia surrounding portions
of a muscle
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Tendinitis and Tenosynovitis
• Tendinitis
– Inflammation of tendon
– Pain and swelling with tendon movement
– Problems - repeated microtrauma
• Degenerative changes
• Tenosynovitis
– Inflammation of synovial sheath
– S&S
• Acute: rapid onset, crepitus, local swelling
• Chronic: thickened tendon, nodule formation in
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Myositis Ossificans
• Ectopic calcification - located in place other than
• Bone (calcium) is deposited within a muscle
• Usually macrotrauma, but can be microtrauma
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Chronic Conditions
• Result of repeated irritation of tissues
• Classification
– Stage 1: pain after activity only
– Stage 2: pain during activity, does not restrict
– Stage 3: pain during activity, restricts performance
– Stage 4: chronic unremitting pain, even at rest
• Problem – low-grade inflammatory condition that results in
collagen resorption and scarring
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Joint Injury Classifications
• Stretch or tear of ligament
• Mechanism of injury (MOI) – tension force
• Compromises the ability of the ligament to
stabilize the joint
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Classification of Sprains
damage to ligament
few fibers torn
nearly half torn
all fibers torn
distraction stress
<5 mm
5-10 mm
>10 mm
muscle spasm
loss of function
increase or decrease
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• Joint force beyond normal limits
• MOI: tension
• S&S
– Loss of limb function
– Deformity
– Swelling
– Point tenderness
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• Problem of reoccurrence
– Due to overstretching of capsule to the extent
that it will not return to normal; unstable joint
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• Inflammation of bursa
• Acute or chronic
• MOI: compression
• S&S: swelling, pain, loss of function, eventual
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• Degeneration of articular cartilage
• S&S: pain and limited movement
• No definitive cause; rather, several contributing
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Soft Tissue Healing
• Inflammatory phase (0-6 days)
– Acute or chronic inflammation possible
– Exudate forms
– Mechanisms for stopping blood flow
• Local vasoconstriction
• Platelet reaction
• Coagulation cascade
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Soft Tissue Healing (cont.)
– Vasodilation brings neutrophils and macrophages to clean
the area via phagocytosis
– Mast cells release
• Heparin: thins the blood and prolongs clotting
• Histamine: promotes further vasodilation
• Bradykinin: opens the blood vessel walls; causes pain
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Soft Tissue Healing (cont.)
• Inflammatory phase (cont.)
– Zone of primary injury
• Hematoma forms
– Edema occurs
• Increased permeability and pressure within
the vessels forces a plasma exudate into
the interstitial tissue
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Soft Tissue Healing (cont.)
– Zone of secondary injury
• Interstitial tissues affected by
inflammation, edema, and hypoxia
• Prostaglandins promote further healing
and clearing of debris
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Soft Tissue Healing (cont.)
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Soft Tissue Healing (cont.)
• Proliferative phase (3-42 days)
– Repair and regeneration of tissue
– Processes
• Angiogenesis
• Fibroplasia
• Re-epithelialization
• Wound contraction
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Soft Tissue Healing (cont.)
– Hematoma reduces for new healing to take place
– Scar formation with soft tissue
– Accumulated exudate contains fibroblasts that generate
new collagen
– Newly formed blood supply and support of matrix will
determine overall healing of new tissue
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Soft Tissue Healing (cont.)
• Maturation phase (3 weeks – 1 year)
– Associated processes
– Remodeling of fibrous matrix to form mature scar tissue
• Decreased fibroblastic activity
• Increased organization of new tissue
• Decreased water content
• Decreased blood flow
• Resumption of normal cell activity in the area
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Soft Tissue Healing (cont.)
– Scar tissue is fibrous, inelastic, and nonvascular
• Less functional and flexible than original tissues
• Tensile strength
 3-4 weeks – 25% of normal
 4-5 months – 30% below preinjury strength
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Soft Tissue Healing (cont.)
• Maturation phase (cont.)
– Muscle fibers form adhesions
– Tendons and ligaments slower to heal
– Potential for atrophy with immobilization
– Loss of strength and decreased rates of healing
are directly related to length of immobilization
– Begin strengthening as soon as it’s safe after
injury to ensure hypertrophy of healing tissues
and decreased reoccurrence of injury
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Soft Tissue Wound Care
• Open wound
– Follow universal precautions and infection control
– General
• Apply pressure
• Cleanse the wound
• Dress and bandage the wound
• Use of creams or ointments
• Re-dress and inspect
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Soft Tissue Wound Care (cont.)
• Closed wound
– Goal: reduce inflammation, pain, and secondary
– Treatment: ice, compression, and elevation
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Long Bones – Anatomic Properties
• Primary constituents:
minerals, collagen, water
• Components
– Diaphysis
• Shaft - hollow,
• Medullary cavity shock potential
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Long Bones – Anatomic Properties (cont.)
– Epiphysis
• Ends of long bones
• Epiphyseal plate - cartilaginous disc found
near ends of long bones
– Periosteum
• Sheath covers bone
• Life support system
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Long Bones – Anatomic Properties (cont.)
• Bone growth
– Longitudinal
• Continues until
epiphysis closes
– Diameter
• Can continue to grow
through the lifespan
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Long Bones – Anatomic Properties (cont.)
• New bone formed via the periosteum; bone is resorbed around
the medullary cavity
– Osteoblasts – form new bone
– Osteoclasts – resorb bone
• Bone experiences constant remodeling
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Internal Composition: Long Bones – Anatomic
Properties (cont.)
• Cortical
• Cancellous
– Compact bone tissue
of high density (low
– Outside
– Can withstand
greater stress but
less strain
– Bone tissue of low
density (high porosity)
– Inside
– Can tolerate more
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Long Bones – Anatomic Properties (cont.)
• Size will increase in response to increased stress
• Hollow cylinder - strongest structure in resisting
tension and compression
• Anatomic weakness - site where bone changes shape
and direction (especially sudden change)
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Mechanical Forces Affecting Bones
• Tension, compression, shear, bending,
• Stronger in resisting compression than
both tension and shear
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Classification of Bone Injuries
• Disruption in the continuity of bone
– Closed or open
• Type of fracture determined by:
– Force applied
– The health and maturity of bone at the
time of injury
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Types of Fractures
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Stress Fracture
• Stress fracture
– Fracture results from repeated loading with
lower magnitude forces
– Can become worse over time
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• Osteopenia
– Reduced bone mineral density that
predisposes individual to fracture
– Possible causes: amenorrhea, hormonal
factors, dietary insufficiencies
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Epiphyseal Injuries
• Injury to growth plate could
result in alteration in normal
• Acute injury
– Types I-V
• Osteochondrosis
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Epiphyseal Injuries (cont.)
• Osteochondrosis
– Disruption of blood supply to epiphysis
– Idiopathic
– Example: Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
• Apophysitis
– Osteochondrosis of apophysis
– Example:
• Sever’s disease
• Osgood-Schlatter disease
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Bony Tissue Healing
• Acute inflammatory phase
– Formation of hematoma
– Inflammatory response
• Proliferative phase
– Osteoclasts – resorb damaged tissue; osteoblasts –
deposit new bone
– Callus formation
• Maturation phase
– Continued activity of osteoclasts and osteoblasts
– Remodeling of bone
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Bony Tissue Healing (cont.)
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Bony Tissue Healing (cont.)
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Bony Tissue Healing (cont.)
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Bone Injury Management
• Fracture detection
– Palpation, percussion, tuning fork, compression,
• Management – splinting (refer to Application Strategy
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Nerve – Anatomic Properties
• Spinal nerve
– Roots
• Posterior – afferent
• Anterior – efferent
– Heavily vascularized
– Myelin sheath
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Spinal Nerves
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Classification of Nerve Injuries
• Tensile force injuries
– Neurapraxia (grade 1)
• Localized conduction block: temporary loss of
sensation and/or motor
• Resolves within days to a few weeks
– Axonotmesis (grade 2)
• Significant motor and mild sensory deficits
• Lasts at least 2 weeks
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Classification of Nerve Injuries (cont.)
– Neurotmesis (grade 3)
• Motor and sensory deficit
• Lasts up to 1 year
• Compressive injuries
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Classification of Nerve Injuries (cont.)
• Nerve injuries result in a variety of afferent symptoms
– Hyperesthesia
– Hypoesthesia
– Paresthesia
• Neuralgia
– Chronic pain along nerve’s course
• Healing: if completely severed, healing does not occur
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Management of Nerve Injuries
• Mild – follow acute care protocol
• Moderate to severe – physician referral
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• Sources
– Somatic, visceral, and psychogenic
• Nociceptors
– Mechanosensitive
– Chemosensitive
• Fibers transmitting pain
– A fibers
– C fibers
– T cells
• Gate control theory of pain
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Pain (cont.)
• Factors than mediate pain
– Brain production of opioid peptides and endorphins
– Cognitive and affective filters
• Referred pain
– Pain perceived at a location remote from the site
actually causing the pain
• Radiating pain
– Pain felt both at its source and along a nerve
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