Syllabus EDTECH 533

EDTECH 533 YouTube for Educators
Fall 2014: August 25 - December 12
3 Credit Online Course
Boise State University, Department of Educational Technology
EDTECH Website:
Instructor information
Dr. Aprille Noe Black
Phone: (336) 324-1510 (cell) (336) 334-3054 (office)
e-mail: or
YouTube Channel: Click Here
Office Hours: TBA (Mountain Time)
Virtual meetings may be scheduled by appointment. I am a big fan of Google Hangouts and
would love to connect with you via Google Hangout!
Instructor E-Mail Response Time
I typically respond to e-mail twice per day Monday through Friday during the semester.
Exceptions to this rule occur when there is a holiday, BSU break, or during other unavoidable
situations that sometimes come up (e.g. power failure, out of town presenting a paper, etc.). If
you send an e-mail during the week you should typically have a reply within 24 hours. If you do
not receive a reply to your e-mail within a reasonable period of time please send it again.
Sometimes e-mail is captured by SPAM filters, is addressed incorrectly, or just simply does not
make it through. Also, check your own e-mail filters that screen out junk mail. In the past, my
replies to students have sometimes been filtered out and were later located in the junk e-mail or
SPAM folder.
EDTECH 533 Course Description
Produce educational video for YouTube using digital video cameras and editing software.
Design and develop appropriate instructional activities that integrate online video. Examine the
benefits and controversial aspects of video sharing in the classroom.
Course Objectives
After completing this course the student will be able to
Access, analyze, evaluate, use, or create educational video or media assets.
Curate and organize educational videos on YouTube.
Create video playlist lessons that map to the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
Record reflective commentary with a video camera or webcam.
Synchronize an accurate text caption track on a video.
Use appropriate privacy settings for sharing video uploaded toYouTube.
Locate, evaluate, and use legal media for video projects.
Use presentation software (i.e., PowerPoint) to prepare a visual concept lesson for video.
Use screencasting software and a microphone to create a narrated PowerPoint movie.
Conduct background research for a short documentary video.
Use a portable digital video camera to record educational video segments.
Use video editing software to produce high-quality video for YouTube.
Compose a short video documentary with media assets that effectively tell the story or
convey the information.
Use a special effect in an educational video to promote understanding of the topic.
Use screenrecording technology to prepare a video-editing tutorial.
Design and produce educational interactive video.
Create a storyboard that documents the video production process.
Collaboratively discuss educational video production and the role of YouTube in
Course Location and Login Information
This is an online course hosted on the EDTECH Moodle site at:
If you have taken courses with us before in Moodle, then login as you did before. If you
have lost your password, click the "Forgotten your user name or password?" link under
the login area of the EDTECH Moodle.
If you have never taken a course in the EDTECH Moodle then you will need to create a
new account. Click the "Create new account" button on the Moodle login page.
After you login to Moodle look in the list of courses for a link to EDTECH 533-4201: YouTube
for Educators (FA14) . This link will be visible on the course start date of Monday, August 25
(possibly earlier). The enrollment key can be found in an e-mail sent during the week before the
semester begins.
Course Materials
Software Requirements for Video Projects
This course involves video production with hosting on YouTube. We will work primarily with
the following pieces of software.
1. Video Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Part of the Creative Cloud
2. Screen Recording Software: Camtasia: or
3. Presentation Software: PowerPoint or Google Presenter
Software Substitutions: You may use alternative software titles, but there are no guarantees that I
can help with problems or that the software will be adequate for completing class projects. The
software we use for this course is available in both Mac and Windows versions, although there
may be some differences in functionality.
Hardware Requirements
Webcam: A high definition (HD) webcam is recommended.
Computer Microphone: Obtain either a headset or desktop microphone for your
computer. This will be used to record narration in some projects. Computer microphones
are widely available in many stores that sell computer equipment.
Portable Digital Video Camera: A good HD digital camcorder is recommended, but a
low-cost pocket camcorder or iPhone camera might be adequate.
Tripod and/or Gorillapod: A tripod and/or Gorillapod ( is
recommended stabilize your camcorder for smooth recording without camera shake.
Textbooks and Learning Resources (Recommendations)
No textbooks are required for this course, but here are some recommendations for books and
video courses or tutorials you might find helpful.
Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Classroom in a Book. Available in paperback or Kindle
versions. Free reading apps are available for reading Kindle books.
Adobe Premiere Help and Tutorials: Tutorials and information.
Adobe TV: Video tutorials for Adobe Premiere and related video editing topics.
Techsmith Learning Center: has a learning center for Camtasia that will help you learn
the basic features of the software.
We will also use a variety of online resources including:
YouTube Help Center:
YouTube Creator Hub:
YouTube Policy and Safety Hub:
YouTube Copyright Center:
Internet Connection and YouTube Access
During this course you must have access to both the Internet and also YouTube
( YouTube is blocked at many schools and some institutions, so please
make sure you have a way to access YouTube from home or somewhere else to complete course
Privacy Information
This course involves both online delivery and social media. We are using YouTube to create
educational projects. Please be aware that YouTube is not maintained or managed by Boise State
University or the Department of Educational Technology. In the online course, your name, email
address, and Moodle profile will be visible to others who have logged into Moodle. Furthermore,
your name will be displayed on any discussion forum posts you submit within Moodle. This
course also requires creation of a public YouTube channel where you will post assignments
created in this course. Some of these will be public and can be viewed by anyone. It is possible
that your name will be visible on your public YouTube channel. However, you have control over
your own privacy settings and the information you choose to post on the YouTube site. The link
to your YouTube channel will be posted inside the Moodle course site as part of a class list. Your
peers will be able to view the video projects posted on your YouTube channel. Please do let the
instructor know in advance if you have any concerns regarding your privacy or the public display
of your work.
Assignments and Grades
Detailed information about assignments and how to complete them will be posted in Moodle as
we progress through the semester. The course schedule has been set up so that new assignments
will be posted on Wednesdays. Due dates are set on Tuesdays.
Educator's YouTube Channel
Create an organized collection of educational videos on
your own YouTube channel.
Playlist Lessons
Develop a set of video playlists with lesson plans for
instruction in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
learning domains.
Vlog with Closed Captioning
Use your webcam to record a video blog (VLOG), upload it 50
to YouTube, and add a synchronized closed-caption track.
PowerPoint Movie
Use screencasting software to record a narrated PowerPoint 50
Mini Documentary Video
Produce a short documentary video with media resources
you create and/or download from public domain or
Creative Commons archives.
Special Effects Two-Part Video: Example (50) and
Tutorial (50)
Use special effects such as green screen, stop motion, or
PIP (picture-in-picture) in an educational video. Create a
second video to teach how to create the special effect.
Interactive Video (50) with Storyboard (50)
Create a multi-part interactive video on YouTube and a
storyboard that documents the steps involved in creating
the interactive video.
Final Video Reflection
Record a final reflective VLOG to discuss final thoughts
about what you have learned and experienced this semester.
Discussion Forums
(1 per module, 10 points each, plus 5 point intro and
conclusion posts)
Respond to questions or peers in Moodle discussion
Course Alignment to the AECT Standards
This course aligns to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
standards. Project numbers are shown in the table to identify how they map to the standards.
Standard 1
Standard 4
Standard 3
Knowledge &
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8
2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9
1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9
1, 2
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9
2, 9
4, 5, 6, 7,
Diversity of Learners
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9
2, 9
Reflection on
2, 8, 9
Course Grades
Final grades will be based on the percentage of total course points attained. Grades may be
tracked in the Grades and Joule Grader areas of Moodle. Assessment rubrics are provided in the
Moodle course site for each assignment.
90 -100
80 - 89
70 - 79
60 - 69
0 - 59
Advanced Copies of Assignments
Please understand that I am continually updating and revising my course materials. Therefore, it
is not feasible for me to provide advanced copies of assignments.
Submitting Assignments
Assignments are submitted online through YouTube and Moodle. Assignment information
posted in Moodle will explain how and where to submit assignments.
Grading Cycle
Typically, all assignments are graded together as a group to maintain a higher level of
consistency. Grading begins on the first day after a due date and is completed before the next due
date. You may track your progress through the Grades area in Moodle. A message is sent out
when assignments have been graded.
Late Work
Due dates: Please note that all assignment due dates fall on Tuesdays. Assignments must be
submitted by midnight Mountain time on scheduled due dates. For time zone information please
visit the World Clock Web site:
Point deduction for late work: Ten points are deducted for each day an assignment is late. For
example, an assignment that is two days late will lose 20 points as a late penalty.
Emergency pass: If you have a major event such as a death in the family, illness, hospitalization,
or you are out of town without Internet, you may turn in one assignment under the emergency
pass. This assignment may be up to one week late and still qualify for full credit. After the one
week extension has passed ten points per day will be deducted until the assignment is no longer
worth any credit.
Your responsibility with late work: If you will be late for any reason please e-mail the instructor
on or before the scheduled due date. When the assignment is completed you must send a followup e-mail to let the instructor know it is ready to grade. This is how we calculate the number of
days for the late work penalty. Failure to notify the instructor could lead to a grade of zero.
Please avoid end of course late work: Please note that we work under University deadlines for
submitting grades at the end of the semester. If you have an assignment that is late at the end of
the semester there is a chance that it might not be in on time to make the University grade
submission deadline. In this situation, there is no choice but to grade whatever has been
submitted at that time and post grades regardless of the late policy above. Please try to avoid this
Plan your time: Please do your best to schedule specific times to work on your assignments each
week and keep the appointment with yourself. During the fall and spring semesters a three credit
graduate course requires about 9 to 12 hours per week of work. It is in your best interest to start
early on each assignment to give yourself time to fix technical problems or get help before the
due date passes.
Technical Difficulties
On occasion, you may experience technical problems such as unavailability of Moodle or class
files, Internet service outage, YouTube maintenance, and/or other computer related problems. Do
make the instructor aware if a technical problem prevents you from completing coursework. If a
problem occurs on our end, such as Moodle or server failure, then an automatic due date
extension is granted. If YouTube goes down for maintenance and it causes you to be late please
let the instructor know right away so that a reasonable extension can be granted.
If you experience technical problems with Moodle, please contact EDTECH Moodle
Support at:
For technical issues with Boise State Google Apps, please contact OIT Help desk at 208426-HELP or email them at
Reasonable Accommodations
Any student who feels s/he may need accommodations based on the impact of a disability should
contact the instructor privately to discuss specific needs. You will also need to contact the
Disability Resource Center at 208-426-1583 to schedule a meeting with a specialist and
coordinate reasonable accommodations for any documented disability.
Academic Honesty
It is expected that students in this class will create original works for each assignment. We will
follow the BSU Student Code of Conduct and also observe U.S. copyright laws in this course.
Please adhere to the following guidelines:
Please do your own original work for each project. Projects that were created for other
classes may not be submitted for credit in this course. Each project may only be
submitted for credit one time by the person who created it.
All projects and other assignments should contain original text that is written by the
student who is submitting it. The exception to this is the use of small amounts of quoted
material that is properly cited. Copying and pasting from other sites or projects (including
instructor examples) is not permitted.
Images or other media used in projects should be original, used with permission of the
owner, come from the public domain, or have a Creative Commons License permitting
derivative work with proper attribution given. Please check terms of use on sites
containing these items. If in doubt, don't use it.
Please cite the source for materials that are obtained for your projects unless they are
created by you. If permission is granted for use of copyrighted materials please post a
statement explaining that near those materials.
In the event of academic dishonesty a complaint is filed with the Student Conduct Office with
supporting documentation. This complaint remains on file and actions may be taken against the
student (e.g., loss or credit, grade reduction, expulsion, etc.).
Policy for Incompletes
Incompletes are not guaranteed. However, when they are given they adhere to the incomplete
policy for Boise State University which reads as follows:
Instructors can enter a grade of I—for incomplete—if both of the following conditions are
Your work has been satisfactory up to the last three weeks of the semester.
Extenuating circumstances make it impossible for you to complete the course before the
end of the semester.
In order to receive an incomplete, you and your instructor must agree to a contract stipulating the
work you must do and the time in which it must be completed for you to receive a grade in the
class. The terms of this contract are viewable on my.BoiseState under Your Student Center To
Do List. The contract time varies as set by the instructor but may not exceed one year. If no
grade other than incomplete has been assigned one year after the original incomplete, the grade
of F will automatically be assigned. The grade of F may not be changed without approval of the
University Appeals Committee. You may not remove the incomplete from your transcript by reenrolling in the class during another semester. A grade of incomplete is excluded from GPA
calculations until you receive a final grade in the course.
Course Schedule
The course will unfold in two or three week modules. Please note due dates for each module,
which include all associated activities.
Aug 25 Sept 9
Module 1: Creating Educational Collections on YouTube
Sept 10 Sept 23 Module 2: EDU Vlogging
Sept 24 Oct 7
Oct 8
Oct 21
PowerPoint Movie
Discussion Forum
Module 4: Mini Documentary
9, 10, 11 Oct 22
Vlog with Closed Captioning
Discussion Forum
Module 3: Making Movies with PowerPoint
Educator's YouTube Channel
Playlist Lessons (Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor)
Discussion Forum
Produce a mini documentary video.
Discussion Forum
Nov 11 Module 5: Special Effects for Digital Video
12 & 13 Nov 12 Dec 2
Special Effects Two-Part Video: Example and Tutorial
Discussion Forum
Module 6: Interactive Video and Storyboarding
Interactive Video with Storyboard
Discussion Forum
Thanksgiving break November 24 - 30
Dec 3
Dec 9
Module 7: Final Reflection
Final Video Reflection (Vlog 2)
Discussion Forum
BSU Academic Calendar
Please refer to the BSU Academic Calendar for University dates and deadlines:
College of Education - The Professional Educator
Boise State University strives to develop knowledgeable educators who integrate complex roles
and dispositions in the service of diverse communities of learners. Believing that all children,
adolescents, and adults can learn, educators dedicate themselves to supporting that
learning. Using effective approaches that promote high levels of student achievement, educators
create environments that prepare learners to be citizens who contribute to a complex
world. Educators serve learners as reflective practitioners, scholars and artists, problem solvers,
and partners.
Department of Educational Technology Mission
The Department of Educational Technology is a diverse and international network of scholars,
professional educators and candidates who:
Lead research and innovations in online teaching and learning
Model, promote, manage, and evaluate digital-age work and learning resources in
educational environments
Inspire creativity and expertise in digital media literacies
Design and develop imaginative learning environments
Empower learners to be evolving digital citizens who advocate cultural understanding
and global responsibility
Promote and pattern participatory culture, professional practice, and lifelong learning
Forge connections between research, policy, and practice in educational technology
© 2014 Chareen Snelson, Ed.D.
Last modified: Saturday, August 2, 2014, 7:21 PM