UNIT 3 OUTCOME 3 Alternative Viewpoints Response Sample

Alternative Viewpoints Response
Sample Structured Paragraphs
Mary and Max
Review by Alexander Zalben
What the SAC looks like
Outcome 3 PRACTICE SAC: Considering Alternative Viewpoints
Assessment Task
Read and analyse the views expressed in the review by Alexander Zalben, Mary and
Max - Modern Animation , and make comparisons with your own interpretation.
Word Length: 600 - 800 words
Time for official SAC: 1 period planning time, 2 periods writing time
Conditions for official SAC: Task to be completed in class. You may use 1 page of
notes, the text and the review to assist in the completion of this task.
Marks: This task contributes 20 marks out of the 100 allocated for Unit 3.
Key ideas to consider:
• What does the author of the review claim about the text?
• Is your reading of the text similar or different? Provide evidence
• What does the reviewer identify as the most significant elements in the text? Does
this align with your view?
• What does the reviewer consider to be features of a successful/worthy film? To
what extent do you agree with this?
Understanding of the views expressed in the review (3
Reference to key concepts in the review essay (2 marks)
Exploration of the values and assumptions underlying
one or more viewpoints on a text (2 marks)
Evaluation of the review, critically commenting on the
author’s observations and interpretations. Compare this
with your own observations and interpretations (5
Ability to use evidence to support your independent
interpretation of the text and discuss this in comparison
to the reviewer’s
(5 marks)
Appropriate, expressive and fluent language and
coherent ordering and development of the response (3
• Remember – this is like a passage analysis response – you will not get a
prompt. You can choose what you want to include and discuss.
• You do need to make a plan – how you will divide your ideas??? You
need to cover:
 Characterisation – importance of characters
 Key ideas – are the effectively conveyed? Views/values? Were social
conventions/beliefs challenged?
 Style – effectiveness of devices used to create meaning: setting,
imagery, symbols, voice, tone, narrative etc.
 You do not have to agree with the reviewer! Make your interpretation of
the text clear! What did you think worked and why? What did you think
of the content – appropriate?
The plan provided here is only an example of one way you can divide your
ideas up – making links between your analysis of the text and the reviewer’s
What you need to do….!
• Briefly summarise the text’s main concerns and
• Introduce the interpretation you are analysing by title,
offering the publication details and acknowledging the
author. For example, ‘Bob Smith in his review
“Loneliness in Mary and Max’ (filmcritic.com,
14/17/2010) contends that Mary and Max is…..’
• Continue this statement by identifying the critic’s main
• Identify the main points of the critic’s discussion
Sample Intro starter…..
Alexander Zalben, in his review ‘Modern
Animation’, (filmcritic.com 14/17/2010), contends
that Adam Elliot’s Mary and Max is an emotional
portrayal of social issues in modern society. (States
text, critic, title, date, contention) Whilst he
questioned the length of the narrative, he
maintains that the form of text was appropriate in
the exploration of dominant social issues….
(Awareness of wider aspects critic covers – you can
add more detail and complexity)
Body Paragraphs
What you need to do….
• Explore the critic’s judgements and how they justify
their views. This includes:
 Evidence from the text
 Appealing to commonly held values and beliefs
 Using logical arguments
• Indicate whether or not you endorse these views and
then offer evidence from the text to support your
• Remember to use evidence from the text and the
Paragraph One and Two
Form and style of Text
Within his memoir, Zalben contends that we can no longer
hold stereotypical assumptions about the significance of
animation, as it is no longer merely about ‘wisecracking,
family friendly-animals’….. (looks at assumptions of text form,
includes quote) Whilst the form has elements of success, it
also detracts from the depth of ideas..... (what is your opinion
of the form of text? Do you agree/disagree with critic? What
evidence can you use from the film)
Zalben believes that Elliot ‘effectively’ utilised colour in order
to …… however,……….. (comment of devices used to create
meaning – look at what Zalben comments on and discuss
others also)
Paragraph Three and Four
Key Ideas/Values
Elliot does not confer to the assumed conventions of the
stereotypical comedy drama genre, ‘filled with easy
answers’ …….. The ending of the film showing there are
no happy endings’…….. The ending is significant in regards
to…… (Link to review (use a quote) - What views and
values are evident in the ending? Do you agree with this
assumption? You could add your interpretation of wider
text and the key ideas raised)
The linear narrative enables
characterisation…..depicting…What do the characters
reveal about the issues? Is it successful?)
Zalben argues that the narrative ‘has a little flab’
and that reasons to add length had to be found.
It appears that Zalben has overlooked the
complexity of the content…….. (what’s your
opinion on the narrative? Include your analysis)
The narrative enables Elliot to take time to
explore the emotional impact of ……..Or…. Too
many concerns are raised and not effectively
explored as is evident when……
Paragraph Five
Within his review, Zanben provides little
discussion on the protagonists, aside from
referring to Mary’s mother as ‘monstrous’. This
is as unfortunate as the characters are essential
in understanding Elliot’s purpose…… (What is
missing from the review? Comment on what is
missing and how it limits the interpretation)
Offer an overall evaluation of how the critic’s
analysis contributes to a reader’s understanding
of the text. What are its central insights? What
are its main shortcomings?
How it can all come together????
What will the response look like?
The following slides provide some sample
paragraph starters
Use chapter 5 from Literature for Senior Students
A basic introduction….
Alexander Zalben’ review Mary and Max,
(filmcritic.com 14/07/2010), contends that
Adam Elliot’s feature length ‘adult’ animation,
Mary and Max, shows ‘fearlessness’ in its
exploration of ‘mature’ issues. Zalben contends
that Elliot utilises specific techniques effectively
to explore complex social issues, however, he
argues that at times sequences were
‘unfortunate’ and the narrative was too long.
Body Paragraphs
• Zalben aptly likens the animated film to Fritz the Cat and
Waltz with Bazir, showing correlations in how this text form
can provide potent social criticisms. He maintains that the
animation is unique to the form, ……. (Comment on the
form) Elliot does try to vary the tone of the animation,
constantly incorporating humour as he explores the key
concerns of mental illness, depression, suicide, bullying and
Asperger’s syndrome. The constant child like references to
‘poo’, the quirky ‘Nobbets’, the play on language with
Henry’s made up words is an attempt to …….however, the
humour is not always effective as it…….When Elliot
exaggerated the eccentricities of Henry, the result was
laughter aimed at him, decreasing the empathy that needs
to be developed for those with mental illness……
Zalben comments on Elliot’s use of colour and
narration, believing that Elliot creat[ed] a world
through narration that never feels like an attempt
to mimic reality’. The use of voice was
effective/distracting (what do you think…?!) was
cleverly implemented as it enabled the audience to
receive and omniscient narrator’s thoughts, which
was particularly essential in developing
understanding of Henry’s thinking and actions.
When Henry…… (provide evidence) In contrast, the
incorporation of Dame Edna’s voice detracted from
the complexity of the text……
Zalben’s comments on colour were also valid, for the drab
hues in the scenes of Mt Waverly and New York
developed a melancholy tone……(expand) The splashes
of red were synonymous with…..
His opinion that some scenes were over described and
precious, and the criticism that the length means finding
reasons to add length is questionable. Whilst the
narrative is longer than the assumed time of an
animation, Elliot utilises the time effectively by…….(look
at key ideas – views/values) At times it is possible to
argue that there were some unnecessary inclusions in the
narrative…..(examples). Whilst they introduced a key
social issue, they resulted in mockery, instead of
challenging stereotypes……
Zalben is astute in commenting on Elliot’s denial
of the assumed conventional ending of
‘everybody is awesome and happy’. A more
realistic and powerful conclusion is offered
through the suggestion that ‘there are no happy
endings, there may be happy middles’. Henry’s
climatic death, and Mary’s response represent….
Little is mentioned about the depth of
characters in the review, aside from the
‘monstrous’ mother, which is a significant
omission. Through the character of Mary, Elliot
has endeavoured to…….. (what key ideas was he
exploring? How could we ’read’ her character?
Feminist reading? Challenging social
conventions? You can look at what is missing
from the review and discuss why it is important)
Conclusion starter…
Whilst Zalben is positive about Elliot’s work, he
offers limited insight ……, whilst his
incorporation of humour……
How would finish this conclusion? Sum up your