Memory: Introduction - People Server at UNCW

Memory: Introduction
Zara A. Melikyan
(some slides are courtesy of Dr. G.P.Sutton)
Lecture Plan:
Memory: definition, subtypes, and processes
Memory: assessment
What is memory loss
Clinical examples of memory loss - patients H.M. & C.W.
Example of progressive memory loss - Alzheimer’s dementia
Memory: Definition
Memory is the process in which information is:
- Encoded - receiving, processing, combining information
- Stored - creation of permanent record of encoded information
- Retrieved - calling back the stored information to use in activity
Temporal Memory Organization
Sensory Memory - limited capacity 12 elements (G.
Sperling), limited duration (hundreds of milliseconds).
Registers all the sensory information.
- Iconic
- Echoic
- Haptic
Short-Term Memory - limited capacity (7+/-2, or 4-5
elements), limited duration (18-30 sec). Registers information
to which attention is paid. Information is rehearsed and
Long-Term Memory - close to unlimited capacity, unlimited
Memory Models
Atkinson-Shiffrin Model (1968)
Baddeley & Hitch Model of Working Memory (1974)
Types of Long-Term
memory (LTM)
Declarative vs. Nondeclarative
Declarative memory
- Memory that can be stated or described
- Capital of Italy
Nondeclarative (Procedural)
- Memory about perceptual/motor procedures
- Demonstrated via performance (not conscious recollection)
- Riding a bicycle
Episodic vs. Semantic
- Detailed autobiographical memory
-15th birthday party
- Generalized declarative memory
- Facts and information acquired through learning
- Capital of Italy
Skill Learning vs. Priming vs. Conditioning
Skill Learning
Learning how to perform a task by repeating a process
May include:
- Sensorymotor skills (mirror tracing)
- Perceptual skills (reading mirror-reversed text)
- Cognitive skills (planning and problem-solving)
Skill Learning vs. Priming vs. Conditioning
- Change in how you process a stimulus (e.g. word,
picture) because you have seen it (or something
similar) previously
- Does not require declarative memory (intact in H.M.)
Skill Learning vs. Priming vs. Conditioning
Involves relationships between events
Associative learning
- Classical conditioning. Association is formed between
two previously unrelated stimuli. Pavlov’s dogs.
- Instrumental/operant conditioning. Association is
formed between behavior and cosenquences. Skinner box.
Study of Memory
- Verbal: word lists, paragraphs
- Visual: shapes, objects, scenes
- Tactile, audial, memory for smells
Learning and immediate retrieval, delayed recall,
Recency and Primacy Effects
Patient 1:
Henry Gustav Molaison (1926-2008)
The case of H.M. is widely studied and published on. Played
important role in cognitive neuropsychology of memory;
Suffered intractable epilepsy: partial seizures, after 16y.o.
tonic-clonic seizures;
Source of epileptic discharge - left and right medial temporal
1953 (27 y.o.) bilateral medial temporal lobe resection hippocampi, amygdalae, enthorhinal cortex, anterolateral
temporal cortex. Most structures were not functional;
Patient 1:
Henry Gustav Molaison (1926-2008)
After the surgery: epilepsy is controlled, severe memory impairment:
Severe anterograde amnesia: explicit & semantic memory;
Moderate temporary-graded retrograde amnesia: could not
remember most events 1-2 years prior and some events 11 years
prior to surgery;
Intact: working memory, procedural memory;
At the end of life: worked crossword puzzles, able to fill in answers to
cues related to pre-surgery knowledge, able to modify old memories
with new information;
Resided in care institute 1953-2008. Sliced brain in UCSD.
Patient 2:
Clive Wearing (born 1938)
Accomplished British musicologist, conductor, keyboardist
In 1985 (47y.o.) contracted Herpesviral encephalitis (Herpes
simplex virus) that attacked his CNS: hippocampus (transfers
STM to LTM), frontal lobes;
Patient 2:
Clive Wearing (born 1938)
Profound total amnesia:
- Severe anterograde amnesia (unable to form new
memories, his memory lasts 7-30 seconds),
- Moderate-severe retrograde amnesia (cannot recall
aspects of past memories, knows that he has children but
does not remember their names, loves his second wife),
- Unable to associate memories effectively,
- Unable to control emotions (labile mood) (e.g. shakes
spasmodically after music stops)
Patient 2:
Clive Wearing (born 1938)
Procedural memory (knows how to play the piano, conduct
an orchestra);
Can learn new practices and very few new facts not from
episodic memory but by procedural memory (e.g. after
having watched a video multiple times he is able to
anticipate parts of it).
Memory Loss
Amnesia, from Greek “a” - without, “mnemi" - memory
- Severe memory impairment: inability to encode and retrive info
- Usually due to injury or disease
Retrograde amnesia
Loss of memories prior to an event. Disruption of memory
Anterograde amnesia
Inability to form new memories (e.g. H.M., C.W.)
Progressive Memory Loss:
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Dementia from Latin: “de” - to depart, “mens” - mind, being out of
one's mind.
General term that describes a wide range of symptoms
associated with a decline in mental ability severe enough to
reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities. These
- Are not present since birth
- Are a change from previous baseline mental function
- Last more than six months
- Not associated with a loss/alteration of consciousness
- Not due to other medical conditions (e.g. depression)
- Progressive
Progressive Memory Loss:
Alzheimer’s Dementia
 Primary - organic brain degeneration (AD)
 Secondary (TBI, infection, intoxication, etc.)
Wide spread due to increased life expectancy and
decreased birth: 2010 worldwide 35.6 million, in 2030 65.7
million, in 2050 115.4 million;
AD 50-75% of all types of dementia;
Associated with significant cost: lost jobs for patients and
caregivers, medical supplies and drugs, home modification,
care, nursing home
Progressive Memory Loss:
Alzheimer’s Dementia
Named after Aloysius (Alois) Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist and
neuropathologist who identified the first case of the disease in 1906
His patient Mrs. Auguste Dete, a 51 year old woman with memory
loss, unusual behavioral changes, hallucinations, delusions, and
impaired social functioning
Post-mortem brain examination: amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary
tangles, and arteriosclerotic alterations of brain matter
Alzheimer’s Dementia: Symptoms
First short-term memory: keeping track of purse, wallet,
keys, paying bills, planning meals and cooking,
remembering appointments, where car is parked, the route
to home
Long-term memory: own biography, names and faces of
family members
Lose the ability to perform familiar tasks, plan activities, and
draw simple conclusions from facts
Inability to understand instructions, follow the logic of
moderately complex sentences. Later: difficulty
understanding own sentences, difficulty forming thoughts
into words
Do not recognize consequences of own actions, unable to
evaluate appropriateness of behavior, level of risk. Behavior
Poor judgement
may become rude, overly friendly, aggressive. Personal
hygiene may be ignored.
Alzheimer’s Dementia: Symptoms
Impaired orientation
To time (date, time), place, person
Decreased attention,
increased restlessness
Quickly begin activity, quickly loose
interest/wander (safety problems)
Visual perception
Behavioral changes,
Lose interest in once-pleasurable
activities, become passive, depressed
(20-30%), anxious (20%). Delusions,
suspicion, paranoia, hallucinations.
Sleep disturbances: insomnia, sleep
interruptions. Disinhibition, impulsivity,
agitation, balance problems, tremor,
troubles eating and swallowing,
wondering and restlessness.
Alzheimer’s Dementia:
Stages of the Disease
Subjective Cognitive Decline (SCD) – no
impairment is seen, just subjective feeling that
something is “wrong”
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) – mild
impairments that do not significantly impair daily
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
Alzheimer’s Dementia: Treatment
- Prevention
Treatment is not effective (e.g. AChEIs,)
Prevention – Modification of life style
Physical exercise
Intellectual activity
Social activity
Avoid risk factors: TBI, stress, infections, etc.
Main points
Memory definition
Temporal memory organization – sensory,
short-term, long-term memory
Types of long-term memory
Declarative – non-declarative (procedural)
Episodic – semantic memory
Skill learning – priming - conditioning
Thank you!