Who was Hitler

Who was Hitler?
Adolf Hitler (born April 20, 1889 - died April 30, 1945) was Chancellor of Germany from 1933
and Fuhrer (leader) of Germany from 1934 until his death. He was leader of the National
Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP),
AKA Nazi Party.
Basically, Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany from 1933-1945. He tried to create
what he thought was the (Aryan race) "Perfect Race" and tried to eliminate anyone who
didn't fit that description. He led Germany through WWII into most of their victories and
to their defeat, too. He also put people (Jews,Gypsies,Homosexuals, rebels) in buildings
where the gas would pour out of the ceiling- the people thought they were taking a bath
and they would eventually be poisoned by the gas.
Adolf Hitler was a bad man who wanted to make Germany a better place. Instead of
doing that, he only succeeded in plunging Europe into war, killing millions of people
from various minorities, especially the Jews and in disgracing Germany.
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was Chancellor and Fuhrer (leader) of Germany during World
War II. He led the National Socialist German Workers Party (the Nazi Party). In 1939 he
ordered the German Army to attack Poland as a result of which France and Britain
declared war on Germany. He later ordered Russia to be attacked with huge losses in men
and machinery. After his defeat by the combined forces of Russia, Britain and the United
States he committed suicide.
Hitler was the man that was the cause for the WW2. If Hitler had died before the war
started he would of been a hero for what he had done for Germany, but he went insane
about how the world should be. He committed suicide by taking cyanide capsule. Hitler
was a man that the world will never forget.
Hitler is the man that would have gained absolute power of Europe and possibly the
world if the Allied forces (not including America at the beginning of WW2) had not
defeated him and been victorious.
An evil little man who attempted to take over Europe by war and by seizing all Jews,
taking their property and converting it to cash to finance his war.
Adolf Hitler was an evil dictator, ruler of the Nazis. He was a very very naughty man
Adolf Hitler was the person that wanted to take over the world. He was a evil person that
did not want any Jews alive. Hitler was telling everyone in Germany that Jews were the
ones that had made them lose World War 1. Hitler told everyone one this because he
thought it was the Jews' fault.
Hitler established an odious dictatorship in Germany, and imprisoned, tortured and killed
opponents. In 1937 Germany bordered on ten other countries. By 1941 Hitler had taken
over or invaded all Germany's neighbours except Switzerland and also many counties
much further away, such as Norway, Greece and the Soviet Union. His armies plundered
ruthlessly and systematically wherever they went. In addition, Hitler was responsible for
genocide on a vast scale in the Holocaust. He was evil through and through, and is widely
seen also as the leading icon of evil.
Hitler was a warmonger and a mass murderer full of hatred. He plunged Europe into war
- World War 2 - and was the driving force behind the Holocaust.