Electron capture branching ratios for the nuclear matrix elements in double-beta decay using TITAN ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Nuclear matrix elements in double-beta decay. Present uncertainties Measurement of electron-capture branching ratios. A new method using TITAN D. Frekers, J. Dilling, I. Tanihata and TITANEC collaboration TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 1 Double Beta Decay ◆ Two-neutrino decay (2nbb) ◆ This decay is allowed by the standard model and has been observed. Calculations of the nuclear matrix elements are the main issues to understanding the decay rates. Zero-neutrino decay (0nbb) This mode of decay is forbidden by the standard model. Requires the neutrino to be a Majorana particle with a mass. Recent observations of the neutrino oscillation suggest the non-zero mass of the neutrino and thus this decay mode may exist. New generation experiments for detecting this mode of decay are in progress. Majorana neutrino mass would be determined if this mode of decay is observed and reliable estimation of the nuclear matrix elements are available. TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 2 Rate of a 2nbb decay A Z A (Z 2) 2e 2ne 2n G 2n [Allowed by the standard model] 2n 2 (Q, Z ) M DGT 4 G where G 2n (Q, Z ) C F cosc F2 f (Q) 2 2n 2 M DGT : Nuclear matrix element Q: decay Q value Qc: Cabibbo angle GF: Fermi coupling constant F-: Coulomb factor for b- decay f(Q): phase space factor C: Relativistic correction TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 3 Nuclear matrix element for 2nbb decays 2n M DGT f k k k 1m 1m k k k 0igs 0 gs m 1 Q E(1 m ) E0 2 M m (GT )M m (GT ) Em m Gamow-Teller transitions to all available states. Fermi-type transitions are negligible due to the isospin conservation. . . . . . . 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 0+ i A(Z+1) AZ 2nbb 0+ f A(Z+2) TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 4 Rate of 0nbb decay (Neutrinoless decay) A Z A (Z 2) 2e 0n G 0n 0n (Q, Z ) M DGT [Forbidden by the standard model] gV 0n M DF gA 2 mn e Both Gamow-Teller and Fermi transitions are involved. mn e is theeffective Majorane neutrino mass = U ei2 mi i TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 Uei: mixing matrix mi: mass eigenvalues of neutrinos 5 Matrix elements of 0nbb decay 0n M DGT f l k l k H GT (rlk , Ea ) i lk 0n M DF f l k H F (rlk , Ea ) i lk Rlk: proton neutron distance in the nucleus Ea: energy parameter related to the excitation energy TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 6 Theoretical approaches to the matrix elements ◆ Weak-coupling shell model based on G-matrix nucleonnucleon interactions ◆ W.C Haxton and G.J. Stephenson, Jr., Part. Nucl. Phys 12 (1984) 409. E. Caurier et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 1954. But not available for all double beta-decay candidates. Quasiparticle Random phase approximation (QRPA) J. A. Halbleib and R. A. Solensen, Nucl. Phys. A 98 (1967) 542. J. Suhonen, Phys. Lett. B 607 (2006) 87. TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 7 ◆ ◆ ◆ One can test the precession of calculations by comparing calculations to measured two-neutrino decay rate. The operator involved in the 2n decay mode is the GamowTeller operator that connects the initial and final states via virtual transitions to Jp=1+ states in the intermediate nucleus, only. The neutrinoless mode, on the other hand connect to all states in the intermediate nucleus. For this reason, comparison in 2n is not a direct test of the precision of the 0n rate calculation, but can be taken as a necessary condition for the reliability of the calculation. M. Bhattacharya et al., Phys. Rev. C 58 (1998) 1247. TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 8 Theoretical situation (QRPA) ◆ ◆ ◆ Both decay modes can be described with ONE parameter, gpp, that is the particle-particle coupling part of the proton-neutron two-body interaction. gpp is fixed by the experimental 2nbb decay half life (gpp~1) 40.0 0nbb decay is insensitive to gpp. Decomposition of M GT 30.0 ◆ So just trust us!! Only 1+ is sensitive to gpp 20.0 10.0 However… 0.0 TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 -10.0 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 0- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7gpp = 0.89 gpp = 1.00 9 gpp = 0.96 gpp = 1.05 116Cd The case of A=116 J. Suhonen, Phys. Lett. B 607 (2005) 87. Single state dominance One can obtain the transition strength of MEC and Mb separately. Exp. EC (direct mea.) Exp. b- Exp. EC (3He,t) M. Bhattacharya et al. Phys. Rev. C 58 (1998) 1247. H. Akimune et al., Phys. Lett. B 394 (1997) 23. TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 10 Experimental data also show inconsistency ◆ Direct measurement of Electron capture (MEC=0.69) ◆ Extremely small branching compared with b- decay. (~0.023%) Nucleon transfer reactions (MEC=0.18) Uncertainty between the proportionality of between B(GT) and the (3He,t) charge exchange cross section. TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 11 Difficulty in electron capture branching ratio ◆ ◆ Measurement should be made by detecting Kx-rays after capture of electrons under the back ground of x-rays and grays associated with b- decays. Neutron activation method,… Reaction with accelerated beam and tape transport system. Kx-rays after shake off by electrons. Bremsstrahlung from electrons. Beta delayed gamma emission. Impurity of decay sample. TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 12 A New Method at TITAN ◆ Observation of x-ray from decays of trapped ions. No material around the decaying nuclei. All electrons are swept away by the magnetic field. No impurity TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 13 ISAC Facility at TRIUMF TITAN TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 M. Bhattacharya et al., PRC 58 (1998)1247. 14 TITAN EC measurement mode Mass measurement mode 42 3 32 1 TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 15 EBIT (Electron Beam Ion Trap) ◆ trap center ◆ 6 4 port for X-ray detector Use it without the electron gun. (Penning trap mode) 7 ports for X-ray detection E-gun (can be retracted) B[T] 2 0 -600 -400 -200 0 200 distance from trap center [mm] 400 TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 16 100Tc case as an example T1/2=15.8 s ◆ Optimization ■ ■ ■ High detection efficiency of 17.5 keV X-rays Low efficiency for g rays. High rejection of eDetector thickness Be window thickness Magnetic field strength For 1 EC 0.01% branch beta: 10000 gamma: 44 500 700 TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 17 Simulated spectra (100Tc) X-ray spectrum by a Si detector (2mm thick) 8x108 decays @0.002% branching ratio with b-ray anticoincidence with 90% rejection rate. 30 30 25 Counts/0.5keV B B 25 20 B Counts 20 B 15 B B 10 B B B B B B BB B B B BBB BB BB B B BB B B B B BB B 5 BB BBBB B B BB B BB B B BB B BB B B B B B B BB BB BB B BBB BBB B B B BB B B B BB BBB B B B B BB B BBB B BB B B B B BBB BB B BB B BBB B BB BB B BBBBB BB BB B BB B BB BB B B BB BBB B BBBB BBB B B BBB BB BBB B B BB BB BB B B B B BB BBBB BBBB B BB BBB B BB B BB B 0 B B B 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Detected energy [keV] 80 90 100 Counts Additional background for 1.5x108 decays. 15 10 B B B BB B BB B B B B BB B B BBB BBB BBBB BB BB BB BB B BB BB B B B B B BBBB B B B B B BB BBB B B B B BBBBB BB B B BB B B B B B BB B BBBBB B BB B B B BBB BBBBBBBBBB BBB B B B B BB BB BB B BB BB BBB BBBB BBBB BB BB BBB B B B BB B BBB B BBB 0 BBB B BBB BBB B B BBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBB BB BBBBB BBBBB 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Detected energy [keV] 80 TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 18 90 100 Simulated spectra (100Tc) X-ray spectrum by a Si detector (2mm thick) 8x107 decays @0.1% branching ratio and no b-ray anti-coincidence rejection, or 8x108 decays @0.01% branching ratio with b-ray anticoincidence with 90% rejection rate. 120 B 100 B Counts/0.5keV B Counts 80 60 40 20 BB BB B B B BB B BBB BBBBB BB B B B BB BBB B B BBB B BBB B B BB BBB BBBBB B BB B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B BBB B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B BB BB BBB B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B BB BB 0 B BB B 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Detected energy [keV] 80 90 100 TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 19 Summary ◆ ◆ ◆ Radioactive beam facilities and ion traps provides a new possibility for a precise determination of an extremely small branching ratio of electron capture. It will give the best test ground for nuclear models of double beta decay. It thus provides information on the matrix elements of 0nbb decays. Please refer to the paper by D. Frekers, J. Dilling, and I. Tanihata submitted to publication for detailed discussion of other cases of double beta decays. Thank you TCP06 Parksville 8/5/06 20