The Weak Interaction Sun sun sun Rising sun the creator Mid day blazing sun the destroyer Rudra Setting sun the maintainer and continuance Greatest of all Sun sun sun (Gajanan Mishra) 1. Costituents of Matter 2. Fundamental Forces 3. Particle Detectors 4. Symmetries and Conservation Laws 5. Relativistic Kinematics 6. The Static Quark Model 7. The Weak Interaction 8. Introduction to the Standard Model 9. CP Violation in the Standard Model (N. Neri) 1 Simple facts The Weak Nuclear Interactions concerns all Quarks and all Leptons The Weak Interaction takes place whenever some conservation law (isospin, strangeness, charm, beauty, top) forbids Strong or EM to take place In the Weak Interaction leptons appear in doublets: Q L(e) = +1 L(μ) = +1 L(τ) = +1 0 e -1 e Doublets are characterized by electron, muon, tau numbers (each conserved, except in neutrino oscillations) whose sum is conserved. …and the relevant anti-leptons. For instance: (see the section on Fundamental Interactions) 2 Simple facts Weak Nuclear Interaction violates Parity The Parity violation is maximal The fundamental weak couplings are to fully left-handed fundamental fermions (and fully right-handed fundamental antifermions). Discovered first in the Wu experiment. Confirmed in all other experiments on Weak Interactions. Weak Nuclear Interaction violates CP This fact will need to be incorporated in the theory: a phase in the CKM matrix. CPT is conserved by Weak Interactions Weak Interactions violate P, C, CP, T but not the combination CPT. 3 Weak Interactions allow for processes otherwise impossible At low energy: Fermi Theory At high (and low) energies: Electroweak Theory Neutron decay 103 s Long lifetime due to the small mass difference Inverse n decay 10-43 cm2 Has only weak interactions Lamda decay p- 10-10 s S=1: strong/e.m. interactions forbidden Pion decay + 10-8 s Leptons are the lightest particles The first theory of Weak Interactions was developed by Enrico Fermi in close analogy with Quantum Electrodynamics. The process to be explained was the nuclear beta decay. Nature rejected his paper “because it contained speculations too remote to be of interest to the reader.” ‘Tentativo di una teoria…’ , Ric. Scientifica 4, 491, 1933. 4 Fermi Theory of the Beta Decay A(Z , N ) A(Z 1, N 1) e e n p e e d u e e At the fundamental (constituents) level u d g J weak 1 M W2 Z GF ' J weak g g 2 ' LFermi GF J J 2 J J MW ' The rate of decay (transizions per unit time) will be: 2 2 2 dN W GF M dE0 M E0 2 Integration over spins and angles Energy of the final state 5 F: Fermi transitions. No nuclear spin change ∆J (Nuclear Spin) = 0 Leptonic state: spin singlet ↑↓ │M│2 ≈ 1 GT: transizioni alla Gamow-Teller. Nuclear Spin change ∆J (Nuclear Spin) = +1,-1 Letponic state: spin triplet ↑↑ │M│2 ≈ 3 Several transitions are mixed transitions (F e GT). In the assumption of no interference, one typically has : 2 2 G M G c M F c M GT 2 F 2 F 2 V 2 A 2 With weights: cV 1 c A / cV 1.25 6 Beta Decay Kinematics dE0 arises from the finite lifetime of the initial state dN dE0 Q-value E0 electron, p, E proton, P, T neutrino, q, E Final state In the rest frame of the neutron : P q p 0 T E E E0 The recoil kinetic energy of the nucleon Is negligible : 2 P / 2 M 10 3 MeV Energy carried away by the neutrino : cq E0 E 7 Number of neutrino and electron available states with electron and neutrino momenta in the ranges p,p+dp e q,q+dq Vd 2 p dp h3 Vd 2 q dq h3 Choosing a normalized volume and integrating over the angles : 4 2 p dp 3 h 4 2 q dq 3 h Neglecting dynamical correlations between p,q… Moreover, there is no free phase space for the proton, since given p,q its momentum is fixed: P p q The phase space is : 16 2 2 2 d N 6 p q dp dq h 2 Now, expressing q as a function of the total available energy and E : cq E0 E dq dE0 / c 8 16 2 2 d N 6 3 p ( E0 E ) 2 dp p 2 ( E0 E ) 2 dp dE0 hc N E0 E Kurie plot 2 p 2 N ( p)dp F ( Z , p) p 2 ( E0 E ) 2 dp N ( p)dp F ( Z , p) p ( E0 E ) 2 2 General form Coulombian Correction F(Z,p) m2 Coulombian Correction and non1 dp zero neutrino mass ( E0 E ) 2 Kurie plot 9 Beta Decay Spectrum in short The coupling constant enters here 10 Total decay rate The total decay rate depends on the coupling constant and the phase space. For a fixed coupling constant, the rate is the integral of : d 2 N 16 2 2 6 3 p ( E0 E ) 2 dp p 2 ( E0 E ) 2 dp dE0 h c over the electron spectrum. This quantity features a sharp dependence on the Q-value E0 This can be quickly appreciated in the (somewhat crude) relativistic electron (E = pc) approximation : N E0 0 E05 dE E ( E0 E ) E dE E dE E 2 E0 dE E 30 2 2 2 0 2 4 3 Sargent’s rule 11 Coupling constants : Eelectromagnetic and Weak A reminder : e2 1 c 137 In rationalized and natural units e is adimensional : The Weak Fermi constant dyne cm cm erg cm e2 1 4 137 e 0.09 GF 5 2 1.2 10 GeV ( c )3 GF 2 g2 3 (c ) 8M W2 c 4 GF 9.1105 MeV fm3 The Weak Coupling constant is actually bigger than the fine structure constant. But at low energies it is damped by the W mass into the small GF constant g GF 2 w 8 MW c2 2 2 g w 0.65 g w2 1 w 4 29.5 12 Weak Decays and Phase Space in the low energy regime According to the Sargent’s rule one has – roughly : The neutron lifetime : n n G m m GF2 (m) 5 4 2 F And this has a general validity. In fact : The muon lifetime : ( ) (n) (mn m p )5 (m me )5 103 2.71010 s 107 s For a charmed particle : (mn m p )5 5 3 1.3 11 ( D) (n) 10 s 10 s 5 (mD mK m ) 1000 13 Electromagnetic e f Weak f f ig f q 2 e 2 f e f g q 2 M 2c 2 g2 f Low Energy Matrix Element ig q f High Energy Matrix Element i ( g q q / M 2c 2 ) f f f W e f g 2 f g f e2 f g f i ( g q q / M 2c 2 ) q 2 M 2c 2 g 2 ig M 2c 2 2 g G F 2 e 14 Inverse Beta Decay e p n e e e p n 2 2 2 dN W GF M dE0 1 2 GF2 M p 2 p is the momentum of the neutron/positron system in their CM This is a mixed (Fermi + Gamow-Teller) transition 1043 (cm2 ) p 2 ( MeV / c) 2 M 4 2 A very small cross section The cross section increases with E 15 Neutrino discovery: Principle of the experiment In a nuclear power reactor, antineutrinos come from decay of radioactive nuclei produced by 235U and 238U fission. And their flux is very high. 1. The antineutrino reacts with a proton and forms n and e+ e p n e Inverse Beta Decay 2. The e+ annihilates immediately in gammas 3. The n gets slowed down and captured by a Cd nucleus with the emission of gammas (after several microseconds delay) Water and cadmium Liquid scintillator 4. Gammas are detected by the scintillator: the signature of the event is the delayed gamma signal ( e p ne ) 10 43 cm 2 1956: Reines and Cowan at the Savannah nuclear power reactor 16 17 The size of the detector might be important. And this is because of the small cross neutrino section. Not a specific detector. But… the typical configuration of a low energy, low background undergound neutrino detector : Neutrino beam Massive, instrumented detector Detector transparent to signal carriers Background control! « I went to the general store but they did not sell me anything specific» 18 Parity violation in Beta Decay 1956: Lee-Yang, studying the decay of charged K mesons hypotesized that Weak Interactions cold not conserve Parity. 1957: esperiment by Wu et al. 60 Co 28 Ni e e 60 27 A sample of Co-60 nuclei at 10 mK in a magnetic field. The Co-60 spin (J=5) get statistically aligned by the magnetic field. The daughter nucleus (Ni*) has spin 4 The experimentally observed distribution for the emitted electron has the form : I ( ) 1 Hz p v 1 cos E c p e J (Co60) 19 p v I ( ) 1 1 cos E c Hz p e J (Co60) P: B B P: P: p p P : p p This term violates Parity, by correlating the momentum of the electron to the Co-60 spin. This alignment fades away with increasing energy. 20 V-A structure of Weak Interactions The helicities of neutrino and electron are : e v/c e v/c 1 Neutrinos are considered 1 massless ! This property must be part of a consistent theory of Weak Interaction: the description of Dirac-type elementary constituents «Electroweak analogy». What is the structure of the weak current(s) ? e p e p Electromagnetic 2 e M 2 J baryonsJ leptons q J baryon p p e p n e Weak g w2 weak weak M 2 J J baryons leptons q M W2 J lepton e e 21 g w2 weak weak M 2 J J baryons leptons q M W2 M weak Charged weak currents According to the original idea by Fermi : GF pO n eO 2 At low energy O In the earliest days of the parity violation discovery, it was natural to guess that the violation itself might be a special property of neutrinos. The two component neutrino theory: if neutrinos were massless , then they could be polarized only parallel to the direction of motion (positive helicity) or antiparallel to it (negative helicity). But parity violation was seen also in reactions like p And was found to be a general property of the Weak Interactions. A theory of the Weak Interactions had to be based on concepts like universality and parity violation. 22 The two-component theory of the (massless) Neutrino i The spin-1/2 pointlike particle wave function obeys the Dirac Equation : Four components : two spin states of particle two spin states of antiparticle m 0 2 • Massive particle: both spin states must be described by the same wavefunction because the spin direction is not Lorentz-invariant. • Massless particle: it always travel at the speed of light, so its spin direction can be defined in a Lorentz-covariant way (parallel or antiparallel to the direction of the momentum, i.e. positive or negative helicity). In the Weyl representation of the Gamma Matrices: 0 1 0 1 0 0 k k k 0 23 Introducing the bispinors (upper and lower components) : i u v u i i u mv t v i i v mu t m 0 Dirac Equation in the Weyl representation For a massles fermion, the upper and lower components are decoupled : u i i u t v i i v t E p E p u R 0 Right-handed spinor For a massles particle, E= p for u for v 0 L v p p p p Left-handed spinor 24 Let us now introduce the Gamma-5 matrix (in the Weyl representation) : 1 0 i 0 1 5 One can then build right-handed or left-handed wavefunctions by using the projectors 0 1 2 3 u 1 5 R 2 0 0 1 5 L 2 v More in general, in the case of massive particles : 1 5 PR 2 gives a v/c polarization along the direction of p (+1 when v=c) 1 5 PL 2 gives a -v/c polarization along the direction of p (-1 when v=c) Before the Parity violation experiments, there was no reason con consider the right and left-handed spinors as particularly useful. However, detailed evidence was found that only the left-handed spinor occurs in Weak Interactions 25 Only left-handed spinor particles (and right-handed spinor antiparticles) take part in the Weak Interactions. This has several consequences : a) The existence of a two-component massless neutrino theory (see before) b) Maximal Parity violation If we carry out the P operation on the neutrino described by ψL, we obtain a neutrino described by ψR, which is unallowed in the theory. c) Maximal C violation If we carry out the C operation on the neutrino described by ψL, we obtain an antineutrino described by ψL, which is unallowed in the theory. d) T conservation This is because T reverses both spin and linear momentum. e) CP conservation (see the lecture on Symmetries and Conservation Laws) There exists – however – tiny violations of CP and T invariance in the Weak Interactions (see lecture on CP violation) 26 1 5 PR 2 Notable properties of the projection operators 5 i 0 1 2 3 2 1 5 PL 2 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 PL PL 1 5 2 1 ( 2) 1 5 PL 2 2 4 4 2 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 PR PR 1 5 2 1 ( 2) 1 5 PR 2 2 4 4 2 1 5 1 5 1 1 5 5 2 PR PL PL PR 1 5 1 5 5 0 2 2 4 4 1 5 5 1 5 2 1 5 PR 5 1 PR 2 2 2 5 5 1 1 5 2 1 5 5 5 PL 5 1 PL 2 2 2 27 5 1 1 PR 1 5 PL 2 2 And this is because : (an odd number of exchanges with a different matrix) 5 i 0 1 2 3 (1) i 0 1 2 3 5 5 1 1 PL 1 5 PR 2 2 The Universal Four-Fermion Matrix Element Propagator and coupling constant i ( g q q / M 2c 2 ) q M c 2 2 2 g 2 ig 2 2 M c g G 2 GF M weak DLO B CLO AL 2 2 F A B g g C D Now, which is the form of the current ? We know that it has to be of the form : L C O AL C PR OPL A 28 Electromagnetism Weak Interactions C O A C C PROPL A Scalar Vector i Tensor 2 5 Axial Vector Now, which is the form of the current ? We know that it has to be of the form : (because of Lorentz invariance requirements) 5 Pseudoscalar In the case of the Weak Interactions : Scalar (originates F transitions) PROPL O PR PL 0 Vector (produces F transitions) PROPL PR PL PL PL PL Axial Vector PROPL PR 5 PL PL 5 PL PL 5 PL PL PL PL (GT transitions) Pseudoscalar Tensor (GT transitions) PROPL PR 5 PL PR PL 0 PROPL PR ( ) PL PL PL PL PL PR PL PR PL 0 29 The Universal Four-Fermion Matrix Element : ..can be constructed with the only non-zero matrix elements (V and A). A general form could be : CV 5C A 2 The fact that a massless neutrino is produced in a pure helicity eigenstate requires CA= - CV giving precisely the helicity projector in the current : 5 1 2 In general, this holds for any massive fermion, leading to the general form : M D (1 5 ) C GF B (1 5 ) A C A 1 CV Low-E «propagator» Weak Current Weak Current 30 Corrections to the V-A current structure ? They need to be considered when the Weak Interaction involves Hadrons ! Let us first consider the electric charge of a proton The proton is a complicate object, continually emitting and absorbing quark-antiquark pairs as well as gluons The charge of the proton – however – is equal to the charge of the (elementary) electron ! The electric current (a vector current V) is conserved by the Strong Interaction What about the Weak interaction V-A current ? CV 5C A The general experimental situation indicates that the V part is conserved (Conserved Vector Current, CVC hypotesis. Goldberger-Treiman). The A part of the corrent gets (most or all of) the Strong Interaction corrections : n p e e n e e C A / CV 1.26 p e e C A / CV 0.72 C A / CV 0.34 31 Pion decay and V-A structure of Weak Interactions Let us compare the decays : e H Negative Pion has spin 0 Neutrino and muon must have antiparallel spins (J conserved) Neutrino has -1 helicity For a massless neutrino helicity is an exact quantum number Muon MUST have negative helicity (the «wrong» helicity!) If we compare the two processes : e l ( e, ) u d W From fundamental physics viewpoint, coupling constant, Feynman diagrams, they are essentially the same thing! The main difference is the phase space. 32 From the point of view of the phase space, the decay in the electron is largely favored But…in this decay the LEPTON is forced to have an «unnatural» helicity ! p, , m 0 H Negative p, l , m Experimentally, one has the following electron energy spectrum from stopping pions e R 1.310 4 ( Anderson et al., 1960) 33 Introducing the W and the Z0 M W 80.385 0.015 GeV M Z 91.1876 0.0021 GeV W 2 GeV Z 2.5 GeV 1 1 And the relevant expression for the propagator : i ( g q q / M 2c 2 ) q 2 M 2c 2 g 2 i g ( Mc ) 2 g2 Low energy limit Lifetimes ? 200 MeV fm 100 10 15 25 s s 3 10 s 8 8 3 2 GeV 310 m 3 10 10 34 The Weak Charged Current and the Weak Neutral Current States connected by a W States connected by a Z (no flavor change whatsoever) In fact, there is no (flavor changing) tc,tu,bs,bd,cu 35 Now let us consider – as a meaningful example – the neutrino scattering process in ordinary matter : e e If the neutrino is an electron neutrino : e e e W e e e Z e e If the neutrino is a muon neutrino : There is no annihilation diagram possible, leaving only the Z possibility (exchange of a Z between the two leptons). Only NC Z e e 36 Recalling the discovery of the third leptonic family: the Tau SLAC, 1975, Martin Perl et al., studying the products of e+e- collisions With hindsight : e e e e Detection of final states featuring an electron and a muon This indicates intermediate states emitting invisibile leptons (neutrinos). This is because the Lepton Numbers (elettronic, muonic) are violated. Is this the only possible interpretation of an eμ final state? 37 The important point was that these events took place when the energy was greater than 3.56 GeV : 3.56 GeV 2 m( ) 2 1.78 GeV This has to be disentangled from events with two charged particles produced by the process : e e Psi(3740) D D D K 0 D K 0 e e Energy threshold of 3740 MeV (as opposed to 3560) Additional hadronic particles in the final state (K, pions, muons) Featuring the same leptonic final state With the discovery of the Tau (and the Tau Neutrino in 2002) the fundamental leptons are : e e 38 A note on neutrino experimental characterization : flavors and currents Key point: different interaction in materials of a neutrino beam. Charged Currents (CC) and Neutral Currents (NC) Muon in the final state (CC event). Muonic neutrino arriving! e Electron in the final state (CC) Electron neutrino arriving! No final state lepton Neutral current (NC) ! Neutrino flavor unknown. Tau neutrino tau interactions e Tau lepton decaying in different ways (including muon, electron) 39 The Weak Charged Currents Weak Vertex Factor The weak charged coupling to leptons is characterised by the fundamental vertex : ig (1 5 ) 2 2 W The Weak Coupling Constant : l ( e, ) g w2 1 w 4 29.5 e( p4 ) Charged Currents Weak Interactions at low energy: the muon lifetime W (q ) ( p1 ) e e The Weak Interaction (CC) lowest order Feynman Diagram : e ( p2 ) ( p3 ) 40 g 1 M (3) w (1 5 ) (1) 2 2 2 ( M W c) gw 5 ( 4 ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) 2 2 e( p4 ) GF 2 g2 3 (c) 8M W2 c 4 W (q ) e ( p2 ) ( p1 ) The muon lifetime result is : M W 12 8 m c2 m g w 4 3 ( p3 ) At low energies, MW and gw always enter in observable quantities as a ratio, which makes it possible to write : 192 3 7 2 5 4 GF m c The best Weak Coupling Constant determination at low energies 41 The Weak Charged Currents : Leptons and Quarks The coupling of W to leptons takes place strictly within a given generation: W e e Purely leptonic Charged Current Weak Processes only involve leptons. Their general structure is : e e W W Jl W Jl Weak decays of leptons into other leptons e e e e e e e e Scattering between leptons (observed only if electrons are present to act as suitable targets) 42 The coupling of W to Quarks : W Similar to the Quark case, there is coupling within a generation : But cross-generational couplings are also there (6 couplings, since bu and td are not shown) : u d W u d c s c s W t b t b Charged Current involving Quarks can originate : Jh Jh W Jl Semileptonic processes W Jh Hadronic processes 43 Charged Current semileptonic processes : They all feature a leptonic and a hadronic charged current e W- n p e e d d u e u d u The neutron decays (and beta decays) l n l p pl l D K 0 The «inversa beta decay» kind of reaction The decay kind of a heavy baryon B D0 l l Beauty and Charm decays 44 Jh Charged Current purely hadronic processes : W Jh u d u d There are weak processed conserving flavor ut they are dwarfed by the much stronger Strong Interaction They are possible (and the only possibility) when the flavor is changed. Other forms of interactions are not allowed. They can connect quarks in the same generation, like in a cs decay : c u d s D K 0 s c W d They can connect quarks in different generations, like in a bu decay : They of course involve Mesons and Baryons as well : d u u b W d K 0 d u p 45 Weak Charged Currents : the Cabibbo theory of Mixing (1963) Weak Charged Interactions have been characterized with a unique coupling constant (and the phase space). However, the intergenerational processes seemed to take place less often than the decays within the same generation : The charm quark was not known at that time Experiments say that : W occurs more frequently than u d W s Cabibbo proposed that the quarks entered the Weak Charged Interactions as “rotated” states : u d cosC ssin C s cosC d sin C 46 The Weak Interaction Eigenstates at the time of the Cabibbo Theory (no Neutral Currents, yet, no taus, no c, b and t) : Weak Interaction Eigenstates related to Mass Eigenstates by : Mixing determined by C 130 the Cabibbo angle sin C 0.22 e e sC cosC dC sin C u dC sin C cosC sc s d cosC 0.97 The new interaction vertices for Weak Charged currents are : u ig 1 5 (cos C ) 2 2 u ig 1 5 ( sin C ) 2 2 W W d s accounting for both the V-A structure and the quark mixing 47 The experimental evidence : p ne e (14O ) u d e e GF2 cos 2 C Cabibbo-allowed 0 e e d u e e GF2 cos 2 C Cabibbo-allowed K 0 e e s u e e GF2 sin 2 C Cabibbo-suppressed GF2 Leptonic e e e( p4 ) Actually the rate of these processes is the motivation for introducing the mixing. All leptonic processes are unaffected. All hadronic processes are affected. In a semileptonic process like a beta-decay : W (q ) u( p1 ) e ( p2 ) d ( p3 ) g gw 1 5 M (3) w (1 5 )cos C (1) ( 4 ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) GF cos C 2 2 2 2 2 ( M W c) 48 In the Standard Model, all flavors are mixed, as represented by the CKM (Cabibbo-KobayashiMaskawa) Matrix : The CKM 3-quark mixing is a generalization of the 2-flavor Cabibbo style mixing Mass eigenstates Weak Interaction eigenstates Experimental values of the magnitude of CKM elements are close to a unit matrix : Same-generation transitions are favoured : DK D favored suppressed u d suppressed c s favored t b 49 The flavor structure of Weak (and Electromagnetic) Interactions Electromagnetism (the photon) couples to charged particles. The Charge Current coupling will couple according to the weak charge e Qi qi qi i W g a ( , ) f f 2 If we are considering leptons, one should write : a ( e , e ) a ( , ) a ( , ) All the other components are zero because of the lepton numbers conservation. For instance, in the case of two families : a( e , e) a( e , ) 1 0 a( , e) a( , ) 0 1 50 In the case of quarks, we now have all four couplings that are different from zero. W This matrix is not diagonal and this is because the mass states are not eigenstates. It can be diagonalized by means of a rotation: d ' d cos C s sin C g a ( , ) f f 2 a(u, d ) a(u, s) a ( c , d ) a ( c, s ) s ' s cos C d sin C The rotation by the Cabibbo angle θC bring us to the Weak Eigenstates In this base : a(u, d ' ) a(u, s ' ) 1 0 ' ' 0 1 a ( c , d ) a ( c , s ) In considering d’,s’,b’ (eigenstates of the Weak Interaction) instead of d,s,b, we can maintain the concept that Quarks and Leptons have the same coupling to the W boson (Universality of the Weak Interactions) 51 The full expression for the Weak Charged Current : W g e e d ' u s ' c b' t 2 In case of just two families of Quarks and Leptons : g 2 g 2 e e d ' u s ' c e e cos C d u s c sin s u C dc The study of the relative intensities of weak decays (comparison of different decay odes) allows to determine the Cabibbo Angle: about 130. When just two families are considered, one can divide all Charge Current Weak Decays of Quarks into Cabibbo “allowed” and Cabibbo “suppressed” decays 52 Introducing the Weak Neutral Currents Theoretical and experimental problems showed up when considering a Weak Interaction theory with Carged Currents alone 1) Theoretical inconsistencies : divergences in the Weak Interaction theory 2) Experimental problems: the discovery of weak processes that cannot be explained by the charged currents The problem of divergences We require for a Quantum Field Theory to be renormalizable. Renormalizability (e.g. the QED case) consists in the possibility of re-absorbing divergent diagrams by redefining bare charges and masses of the theory. A theory is renormalizable if (at all orders of the perturbative expansions, and possibly at all energies) the amplitudes of the processes can be kept finite by suitably tuning a finite number of parameters (charges and masses). 53 Let us consider the weak process e e e e with a cross section given (in the Fermi theory) by : tot GF2 s This cross section increases arbitrarily with energy, ultimately violating the Unitary Limit The W propagator has the effect of mitigating the divergence by introducing a term of this kind in the scattering amplitude : 1 q2 1 2 MW The Fermi pointlike interaction gets “spread out” in a finite range having a size 1 proportional to MW This mitigates the divergence problems. However, divergences of the type still remain, as in the process tot s W W For these reasons, Glashow, Salam, Weinberg started to develop a theory that would unify Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions. These theory is renormalizable (as demonstrated later by t’Hooft) and predicts the existence of a massive neutral boson and of Weak Neutral Currents 54 The observation of weak neutral current processes All interactions observed up to 1973 were compatible with just weak processed induced by the W Weak neautral process are instead mediated by th Z0: The rate of these processes was about one-third of the rate of the related CC events N X Z0 X (Hadrons) lending credibility to the idea of a NC process taking place N Processes of this kind were observed in 1973 with the Gargamelle bubble chamber, at CERN. 55 Gargamelle was a giant particle detector at CERN, designed mostly for the detection of neutrinos. With a diameter of nearly 2 meter and 4.8 meter in length, Gargamelle was a bubble chamber that held nearly 12 cubic meters of freon (CF3Br). It operated from 1970 to 1978 at the CERN Proton Synchrotron and Super Proton Synchrotron. Weak neutral currents were predicted in 1973 and confirmed shortly thereafter, in 1974, in Gargamelle. The name derives from the giantess Gargamelle in the works of Rabelais; she was Gargantua's mother. ( A Neutral Current ecent in E815-NuTeV at Fermilab A muon neutrino is coming from the left-hand side. An hadronic shower with no muons is generated (but a neutrino is present in the final state) 56 An event of the type : e e can only proceed : Z0 e e Note that at low energies, Z induced events are dwarfed by e.m. interactions (unless neutrinos are involved) f f e e 57 The GIM (Glashow-Iliopolous-Maiani) mechanism Particles known in 1970 : If neutral currents are admitted in the model, one should have them in forms like : A charged current is of the type: e e sC cosC dC sin C J u dC u dC sin C cosC sc s d A neutral current can be formed in the more general way as : u u J u dC u d cos C s sin C dC d cos C s sin C uu dd cos 2 ss sin 2 sd d s sin cos 0 ΔS=0 ΔS=1 58 J 0 uu dd cos 2 ss sin 2 sd d s sin cos It seems that the neutral current should have both ΔS=0 and ΔS=1 components . K ( NC ) 5 10 K 0 (CC ) Experiments however say that when ΔS=1, Neutral currents are suppressed : The GIM proposal : a fourth quark to complete the doublet. u u dC d cos C s sin C And the new neutral current built in this way, does not have any ΔS=1 terms : c c sc s cos C d sin C u c J u dC c sC dC sC 0 The charged current now has the form : cos C J u c sin C sin C d dC u c cos C s sC 59 Isospin e Hypercharge of fundamental fermions We introduce the concept of Weak isospin, to classify the states of the fundamental fermion. This in fact can be considered as “spin”. As usual, the transformation between the two states bear a formal analogy with space rotations. Starting with the electron and its neutrino: e e e e T3 1/ 2 T3 1/ 2 T3 1/ 2 T3 1/ 2 T = ½ is the Weak Isospin for this doublet of fermion states e e e e The anti-electron and anti-neutrino doublet can be obtained from the electron/neutrino one by changing charge, lepton number T3 An equivalent SU(2) structure is considered for the quark doublets Let us now form composite states, using the rule of addition of the spin: 60 11 e e T = 1, T3= +1 1 e e ee 2 0 1 T = 1, T3= 0 11 e e 0 The composition gives origin to the usual tripet and singlet states T = 1, T3= -1 1 e e ee 2 Rotationally invariant in the T space T = 0, T3= 0 We can now see that the Weak Charged Current : g W e e d ' u s ' c b' t 2 can be written (for the leptons of the first family) as the SU(2) current: W g e e 2 g 11 2 W g ee 2 g 11 2 61 W g e e 2 g 11 2 W This term of course correspond to processes like : g ee 2 g 11 2 e W e e W e 0 It is interesting to note that Isospin invariance REQUIRES the existence of 1 W0 g g 10 e e ee 2 2 which implies the existence of processes like : e W e 0 W 0 e e e e W 0 W 0 e e and similar processes for other Isospin doublets 62 In a Neutral Current vertex the very same fundamental fermion enters and exits (unaltered) f In the case of a NC process it does not matter if one uses the mass or the charged weak interaction eigenstates. In fact, for the case of two generations one can easily verify that : Z f u c u c J u dC c sC u d c s d s dC sC 0 which generalizes to the case of three families (since the CKM matrix is unitary) While the coupling of quarks and leptons to the W is the universal coupling described before, the coupling of the Z has the form : e ν ig w 1 5 2 2 W f f ig Z f cV c Af 5 2 Z 63 u d ig Z f cV c Af 5 2 The coupling of the Z depends on the specific fermion being considered Z But what are gz and the c coefficients ? All these couplings (and the M,Z mass relaitionship) depends on the very same single parameter, which is part of the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg theory of the Electroweak Interactions. This parameter is the Weinberg angle θW The Weinberg angle is a characteristic of nature : W 28.750 sin 2 W 0.2314 64 Electroweak Z parameters are defined by means of the Weinberg angle W vertices igW 2 2 Z vertices ig Z f (cV c Af 5 ) 2 (1 5 ) gW gZ cos W e , , e, , MW MZ cos W cV cA 1 2 1 2 1 2sin W 2 u, c, t 1 4 2 sin W 2 3 d , s, b 1 2 sin 2 W 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 65 The concept of Electroweak Unification Weak Isospin states Weak Isospin fields ee 1 e e ee 2 0 1 g ee 2 W 1 1 11 e e W0 g 11 2 g g 10 e e ee 2 2 W g e e 2 g 11 2 We now introduce a field corresponding to the T=0 state as well : 0 1 e e ee 2 <Q> is the average charge of the Isospin multiplet (-1/2). A different coupling constant is introduced, called g’ B0 2 g ' Q 0 A weak Isospin scalar U(1) group symmetry implied here 66 Note: the B0 field averages on the particles of the multiplet The value of <Q> : Lepton doublets : Q Quark doublets : 1 1 (1 0) 2 2 Q 1 1 (2 / 3 1 / 3) 2 6 We have introduced four spin-1 fields fields dictated by the Isospin Symmetry: W+,W-,W0,B0 These are not the physical fields. For instance B0 does not look like any physical field, with its coupling to electrons and neutrinos : 0 1 e e ee 2 B0 2 g ' Q 0 An electromagnetic field – for instance – should have a coupling like this : A e e e 67 A e e e The e.m. interaction should have the form: g B0 g ' W 0 But let us consider the combination g 2 g '2 And calculate it for the first leptonic generation gg ' ( e e ee e e ee ) And the result is A g 1 10 gg ' 0 10 2 2 g B0 g ' W 0 g 2 g ' Q 0 g ' 1 2 g B0 g ' W 0 g g 2 '2 gg ' g g 2 '2 ee The Electromagnetic Interaction can be introduced as a linear combination of the T3=0 isospin states if we just assume: ' e gg g 2 g '2 68 u ' d What about the first generation of Quarks? T3= + 1/2 T3= - 1/2 d' u Let us build states with T3 = 0 (one with T = 0 and the other with T = 1) 10 1 uu d ' d ' 2 0 1 uu d ' d ' 2 Making the calculation as before, we obtain the electromagnetic interaction of Quarks : A g B0 g ' W 0 g g 2 (recalling <Q>=1/6). em '2 1 ' ' 1 ' ' 2 2 uu d d e uu d d 2 '2 3 3 3 3 g g gg ' So, this is the Electromagnetic Interaction g 2 g '2 1 1 0 1 2 Q 0 A A ' gg e 2 69 Let us now consider the combination orthogonal to Z 0 Z0 g W 0 g ' B0 This is a neutral field which is independent from the one of the photon! g 2 g '2 g W 0 g ' B0 g 2 g '2 1 g 2 g '2 A 1 g 2 g '2 g g 1 10 g ' 2g ' Q 0 2 g 2 g '2 1 g 2 10 2 g '2 Q 0 2 And one can show that : it is the physical Weak Neutral Current ! A Z0 0 70 g 11 2 g W0 10 2 W W To summarize, we started from: g 11 2 B0 2 g ' Q 0 and we made a rotation between the neutral fields (the Weinberg angle): A Z0 g B0 g ' W 0 g g 2 '2 g ' B0 g W 0 g g 2 '2 cos W B sin W W 0 cos W 0 sin W sin W B 0 cos W W 0 g g 2 g '2 g' g 2 g '2 The physical fields (A and Z) as a function of the Weak Isospin fields Z 0 em 1 g 2 g '2 1 g 2 10 2 g '2 Q 0 2 g 2 g '2 1 A g g' 2 0 1 2 Q 0 W g 11 2 71 e e Let us elaborate the concept a bit more, using the first generation (Quarks and Leptons) The electromagnetic field is given by : g g gg ' 2 em '2 A u ' d 1 10 2 Q 0 2 e e d' u T3= + 1/2 T3= - 1/2 T3= + 1/2 T3= - 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' ' ' e e u u d d 2 e e 2 ( u u d d ) e e e e 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 ee uu d ' d ' Q f f 3 3 In addition : And also : 10 em 1 1 1 1 2 e e ee uu d ' d ' 2 2 2 2 2 T3 f f 1 10 2 Q 0 2 Q 0 2 em 10 2 We can now write the Z current as a function of the electromagnetic and the Φ10 : 72 1 Z0 g g 2 1 '2 g 2 2( g 2 g ' 2 ) 1 2 0 1 g 1 2 g ' 2 Q 0 g 2 10 g '2 2 2( g 2 g '2 ) 0 1 g '2 0 1 g '2 g 2 g '2 em g' tan W g using : 2 em 10 g 1 0 ' g sin W em 1 cos W 2 Z0 g 1 0 2 sin 1 W em cos W 2 which can also be written as : Z 0 g cos W 2 T Q sin 3 W f f The coupling of th Z to the members of the isospin doublets The free constants of the theory : e, g , g ' ,sin W e gg ' g g 2 '2 Four quantities, subjected to two conditions sin W g' g g 2 '2 Two independent quantities 73 La scoperta del W+ e della Z0 (1983) 1979: decisione del CERN di convertire l’SPS in un collisore protoni-antiprotoni. (e disponibilita’ di un significativo numero di antiprotoni grazie allo “stochastic cooling”) I possibili processi di produzione: l u ud W u u Z u l 0 W Z ud W d d Z0 d l I possibili modi di decadimento: Protoni a 270 GeV u W l l l Z l l , l l Antiprotoni a 270 GeV 74 e u u p u W d ( p p W e ) 1 nb p u d e e u u p Z d ( p p Z e e) 0.1 nb d p u u e 75 Ma la sezione d’urto totale e’ dell’ordine dei 40 mb, determinata dalla sezione d’urto di interazione forte ! Gli eventi interessanti vanno estratti dal fondo adronico sfruttandone le loro caratteristiche peculiari. Momento trasverso elevato, bilancio energetico globale Il calorimetro di UA1 Il rivelatore UA2 76 Un evento in cui e’ prodotto un W che decade: W e e • Un elettrone ad alto momento trasverso pT MW 40 GeV 2 • Uno sbilanciamento in momento trasverso di tutto l’evento consistente con il momento trasverso dell’elettrone e corrispondente al neutrino che non viene osservato. 77 Scoperta della Z0: decadimento Z 0 e e Caratteristiche dell’evento: Un elettrone ad alto pT Un positrone ad alto pT Nessuna energia trasversa mancante “LEGO plot” nello spazio , E naturalmente anche il decadimento Z 0 Caratteristiche dell’evento: • Due muoni di segno opposto ad alto pT • Nessuna energia trasversa mancante Using all data from 1982-3, and combining results from UA1 and UA2: mW = 82.1 1.7 GeV mZ0 = 93.0 1.7 GeV Current values (Particle Data Group 2006): M(W ±) = 80.403 ± 0.029 GeV M(Z0) = 91.1876 ± 0.0021 GeV 78 Summarizing the fundamental ideas of the Electroweak Unification Idea by GSW (Glashow, Salam Weinberg): let us treat Electromagnetic and Weak Interactions as a part of a unified theory. Fundamental idea: SU(2) and U(1) symmetries to predict 4 bosons : W ,W 0 ,W , B 0 W ,W , B0 , Neutral bosons do mix up to generate physical bosons : W 0 0 W , B W W 0 Z , W Z 0 W 0 cos W B 0 sin W W 0 sin W B 0 cos W e e W W Neutral currents are a cure to divergent processes like : The full set of three graphs is now convergent (which is NOT without the Z): e W+ e W- e e e W+ e W+ Z0 W- e W- 79 short summary on the Weak EAin particolare le correnti deboliNeutral neutre:Currents : • They are mediated by the neutral vector boson Z0 • They do not change flavor (no flavor changing neutral currents) • The Z0 couplings to fermions are a mixture of electromagnetic and weak couplings, i.e. they are both vector (V) and V-A • The relative intensity of Z0 couplings depends on a single parameter: W 28.750 sin 2 W 0.2314 80 Electroweak effects in e+eAt low energy, neutral current effects are not easily visible because of the presence of electromagnetic effects However, when we are near to the Z mass, the propagator increases dramatically : f f f Z0 e f e e e i g q q / M Z c 2 q 2 M Z2 c 2 As an example, if one considers the 2-muons final state : (e e Z ) E4 (e e ) (2 E )2 ( M Z c 2 )2 2 Z M Z c 2 2 If 2E<<MZc2 Z E 2 MZc 4 (negligible) resonating at the Z0 mass If 2E~MZc2 Z 1 M Z c2 10 Z (dominating, >200) 81 The Electroweak Theory Proposed in 1961 by Glashow-Salam-Weinberg (GSW) Treat the Electromagnetic and Weak Interaction as only one interaction At high-energy: Electroweak Interaction At low energy: electroweak symmetry is broken into Weak and Electromagnetic Some problems that needed to be solved : • Disparity in strength between Weak and Electromagnetic forces • The photon is massless, while W,Z are massive • Electromagnetic interactions are V, while W couplings are V-A The use of chiral spinors makes it easy to overcome the last difficulty : 1 5 u ( p) u L ( p) 2 1 5 v( p ) vR ( p ) 2 A particle that has helicity -1 in the ultra-relativistic limit An antiparticle that has helicity +1 in the ultrarelativistic limit Left-handed means helicity -1 only in the massles (ultra-relativistic) limit 82 Antiparticles Particles uL 1 u 2 5 vL 1 v 2 5 1 5 uR u 2 1 5 vR v 2 1 5 uL u 2 1 5 vL v 2 1 5 uR u 2 1 5 vR v 2 A Dirac free particle wavefunction : u( p)eipx v( p)eipx particle antiparticle By using this notation, Weak and Electromagnetic interactions are written in a form that makes it easy to see how they can be unified. Let us consider the W vertex coupling to a lepton (say an electron) : We write the leptonic current as (for the electron and electron neutrino case : W e e 5 1 j e 2 83 Based on the properties of the Gamma matrices : 1 5 1 5 1 5 j e e e e 2 2 2 1 5 1 5 e e L eL 2 2 The weak vertex is now purely a vector vertex, but left-handed spinor particles are used. The Electromagnetic current as a function of the chiral spinors : Since in general this expression holds : One can easily show that : j l l lL lL lR lR em 1 5 1 5 u u u uL uR 2 2 The Electromagnetic Current couples to both left and right fermions. And in addition : 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 eR eR e e e e0 2 2 2 2 84 Weak Isospin and Hypercharge currents The weak charged currents can be written as : W W e e e e j eL L j L eL And in a more compact notation, by introducing the lefthanded doublet : 0 1 0 0 Introducing the two matrices : one can write : e L e L 0 0 1 0 j L L 85 j L L Weak Isospin and Hypercharge currents eL L L eL eL eL L eL 0 j L For example : L We note that the tau matrices are linear combinations of the Pauli matrices Introducing the third matrix would give a full Weak Isosping symmetry SU(2) But which is the relative current ? 0 1 L eL 0 0 e L 1 1 ( i 2 ) 2 1 3 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 Let us calculate : j L 3 3 1 L L 2 2 L 1 L L eL eL eL eL 2 86 1 j L L eL eL 2 3 It actually is a neutral current, but not the right neutral current (for instance, it is pure V-A, so it just couples to LH states) The description of Weak Interactions (and Electromagnetism) with an SU(2) and U(1) symmetry makes it possible to have a gauge theory according to a symmetry group. This is important for the renormalization of the theory. ….and recall that the electromagnetic current is : In analogy with the Hypercharge, we introduce the Weak Hypercharge : Its relevant current being : jem eL eL eR eR Y Q I3 2 jY 2 jem 2 j3 2e R eR e L eL L L In terms of the couplings to the vertices, we will introduce a coupling constant g for the weak isospin triplet and a coupling constant g’ for the hypercharge singlet 87 The underlying symmetry has a SU(2)L Weak Isospin U(1)Y structure Weak Hypercharge And the currents are: j L eL L L e L eL 2 j3 e L L 2e R eR e L eL L L jY j And this structure can form the electromagnetic current by means of a combination em j 1 Y j j e L eL e R eR e e 2 3 as well as the weak neutral current 88 SU(2)L U(1)Y The Electroweak Lagrangian The constituents of the Electroweak Standard Model e e L L L u ' d L c t ' ' s L b L eR,μR,τR,uR,cR,tR,d’R,s’R,b’R We have introduced three Weak Isospin and a Hypercharge current : 1 j 2 L L j Y 2 j em 2 j 3 Three Weak Isospin currents A Weak Hypercharge current The symmetry group is related to the following fields : 1 j1 L 1 L 2 jY 2 jem 2 j3 1 j2 L 2 L 2 1 j3 L 3 L 2 89 1 j3 L 3 L 2 This Weak Isospin currents are relative to Weak Isospin charges : T i j0i dx A little bith of math : 1 j1 L 1 L 2 1 j2 L 2 L 2 T , T i i And these follow an SU(2)L algebra : j k T ijk Summary of quantum numbers (just one generation) : Lepton T T3 Q Y νe 1/2 1/2 0 -1 e -L 1/2 -1/2 -1 -1 e -R 0 0 -1 -2 Quark T T3 Q Y uL ½ ½ 2/3 1/3 dL ½ -1/2 -1/3 1/3 uR 0 0 2/3 4/3 dR 0 0 -1/3 -2/3 90 The Electroweak Lagrangian is now being written as : The vector part : By using : L g j W g' Y j B 2 1 1 2 2 jW jW jW j3W 3 j j1 i j2 The vector part becomes : 1 W W1 i W2 2 1 1 jW j W jW j3W 3 2 2 which now contains the physical W+ vector boson of the Weak Interactions ♫ For what concern the neutral part, we have two fields here: W3 and B0 They are the symmetry group fields, not the physical fields. 91 The physical fields are generated via a Weinberg rotation. A B cos W W3 sin W W3 W0 Z B sin W W3 cos W B A cos W Z sin W inverting the rotation W3 A sin W Z cos W The neutral part becomes : 3 3 g ' Y g' g' 3 Y 3 Y g j W j B g sin j cos j A g cos j sin j W W W W Z 2 2 2 If we want that the A coupling describes the electromagnetic interaction : which happens if : 1 g e jem A g e j3 jY A 2 g sin W g ' cos W g e 92 There is only one field, the ElectroWeak Field ! In addition, the coupling to the Z is : ge g' 3 Y 3 2 em g cos j sin j Z j sin j Z W W W 2 sin cos W W The full Electroweak Interaction Lagrangian can be written as L g j W L g' Y g g jW jW j3 (sin 2 W ) jem Z 0 ( g sin W ) jem A j B 2 cos W 2 g g jW jW j3 (sin 2 W ) jem Z 0 ( g sin W ) jem A cos W 2 Weak Charged Weak Neutral and e.m. Pure E.M. Note: this Lagrangian does not include masses of W,Z and fermion masses. It is just the Electroweak Interaction part. 93