Review Tools for Success in the Classroom 1 Ethics Is an action (or inaction) right or wrong? 2 Objectives Understand the meaning of two ethical theories (utilitarianism and duty/rights) Understand the SUNYIT code of ethics as it relates to your actions as a student 3 Ethics and Morals Science: understanding the world Engineering: changing the world 4 Personal Ethics Discussion Where does your ethical “structure” come from? 5 Utilitarianism (John Stuart Mill) Actions are good if they serve to maximize human well-being Focus is on maximizing the well-being of society as a whole (even though individuals can be negatively impacted) Negatives: No emphasis on individuals Must know what leads to the ‘greater good” 6 Utilitarianism-Two Types Act Individual actions Rules can be broken if it leads to the most good Rule Moral rules are important Adhering to the rules ultimately leads to the most good 7 Duty Ethics (Immanuel Kant) Actions are good when they respect the rights of individuals List of duties that respect individuals Individuals have fundamental rights that others have a duty to respect Negatives How do you resolve individual versus group conflicts? Doesn’t account for overall good 8 Business & Personal Ethics Business—Choices on an organizational level Personal—Choices on an individual level Is there overlap???? Should there be overlap??? 9 Ethics and Law Ethical and legal Ethical but illegal Law not yet changed to reflect new realities Legal but not ethical Law not yet changed to reflect new realities 10 SUNYIT Code of Conduct Plagiarism Inappropriate collaboration Dishonesty in examinations Dishonesty in papers and reports Work done for one course and submitted to another Falsification of data Interference with another student’s work Copyright violation Other Miscellaneous 11 Codes of Ethics Professional Societies IEEE NSPE ASME ASCE AIChE 12 Ethics Homework (Individual) Have you observed students cheating? How did they cheat? Whey did they cheat? What could the instructor have done to prevent the cheating? What punishments do you think are appropriate for cheating? 13 Ethics Assignment (Teams of 2) Choose a case study (civil or mechanical) and prepare a .ppt presentation for next week. Include: Background information Questions and your answers Discussion of your answers versus the answers provided on the website Reference: ases.htm#NSF%20Cases 14