FRAME THE LESSON CLASS: 7th ELA-Writing LESSON DATE: TEACHER: Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson Noun=Underline Verb=Italicize 7.14D – edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling 7.16A – write a personal narrative that has a clearly defined focus and communicates the importance of or reasons for actions and/or consequences. 7.19A.ii – identify, use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing and speaking (ii) appositive phrases 7.19Av – identify, use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing and speaking: prepositions, and prepositional phrases and their influence on subject-verb agreement 7.19Avi- identify, use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing and speaking: relative pronouns (e.g., whose, that , which). 7.20A – Use conventions of capitalization. 7.20Bii- recognize and use punctuation marks including: semicolons, colons, and hyphens. Engage Mon 9-7 Tues 9-8 Wed 9-9 Thurs 9-10 Fri 9-11 Labor Day Holiday Mini-Lesson: Relative Pronouns *Half Day* Introduce peerconferencing (video) Active Peer Conferencing Day – Assign or allow Choice of partner Writer’s Workshop – students are allowed to work ... Self-Edit the Personal Narrative that was turned in last week.(use 1 appositive phrase) Using technology make changes to Personal Narrative & print. Model Edit Pair & Share – Have students discuss insights Monitor and observe – give input as needed Explain and/or extend insights & encourage note taking R/WNoteB (Con’t) …on whatever phase of the writing process they need in order.. complete their project to the best of their ability. Students apply concepts to peer conferencing w/ partner (Con’t) Observation – students should finish conf. & be ready to apply… (Con’t) Explore Explain Elaborate Typed copy due Evaluate Stop & Check for Check for Understanding—High Level Questions Describe how the shape of a diamond demonstrates what you need to remember about writing a personal narrative. Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems: Summative Assessment – Final Draft of the Personal Narrative. Journal Entry: Give an example of a relative pronoun and use it in a sentence. Turn to a partner and allow them to read your sentence and pick out the relative pronoun. If they are not successful, teach them about relative pronouns. Teacher input on an as needed basis as students work to complete… ..their personal narrative. Empowering Writer’s Narrative Reader’s Writer’s Notebook Model Edit Peer Conferencing Video Intro Self/Peer Edit Checklist Describe how your personal narrative has changed from last Friday to this Friday. What are specific things that you learned either about your writing style or about the writing process in general? Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection) Vocabulary: Informal Assessment – What makes a one personal narrative effective and another something that you do not want to read?? Resources/Materials: Critical Writing Prompt: The student will make appropriate use of technology to improve their writing by applying the writing process. Closing Product/ Question/ Informal Assessment: M T W TH F Teaching Points & Activities: Unit 1, Week 3: Discovering Voice: Writing Personal Narr & Poetry Objective/Key Understanding: The student will extend their personal narrative by taking a fresh look at writing that they “completed” last week as well as give and accept input from peer conferencing that may open their eyes to things that they have overlooked (punctuation, spelling, reaching the reader, etc…). 9/7 to 9/11 Conferencing Revise Rewrite evaluate Final product conventions relative pronouns prepositions Appositive phrases Good writing happens when people (whether students or adults) are open to evaluating their writing and applying the proper conventions of the writing process. Many times this is something that takes a lot of time and energy; however, well worth the trouble!