HSPD 8: National Preparedness Update Brief for the National Response Teams/Regional Response Teams Co-Chairs Meeting March 8, 2005 Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness U.S. Department of Homeland Security Outline National Preparedness HSPD-8 Overview HSPD-8 in Context HSPD-8 Timeline HSPD-8 Approach Update: National Preparedness Goal Update: Stakeholder Engagement Update: Target Capabilities List Update: Communications and Outreach HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 2 National Preparedness The 9/11 attacks underscored the need for all levels of government and all response disciplines to work together To assure effective response and recovery To help prevent future attacks Major events will continue to require a national response All entities must have core capabilities in place All entities must be able to communicate and coordinate resources effectively The President issued Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8: National Preparedness (HSPD-8) to ensure a unified national approach to developing needed capabilities HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 3 HSPD-8 Overview HSPD-8 establishes policies to strengthen the preparedness of the United States to prevent and respond to threatened or actual domestic terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies by: Requiring a National Preparedness Goal that establishes measurable priorities and targets Establishing mechanisms to improve delivery of Federal preparedness assistance to State, local, and tribal governments Outlining actions to strengthen preparedness capabilities of Federal, State, local, and tribal governments HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 4 HSPD-8 in Context Strategy The National Strategy for Homeland Security Presidential Directives National Initiatives Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 National Incident Management System (NIMS) Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 National Response Plan (NRP) National Infrastructure Protection Plan Results Common approach to national incident management: Prevention Protection Response National Preparedness Goal Recovery Preparedness Homeland Security Presidential Directive 8 Capabilities-Based Planning Tools (Scenarios, UTL, TCL) Homeland Security Grant Program Guidance National Preparedness Guidance HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 5 HSPD-8 Implementation Timeline Proposed HSPD-8 Timeline • National Preparedness Goal & Guidance issued • FY06 Annual Report to the President • Begin coordination with State, local, tribal, and NGO partners on setting capability levels • Capability levels set • Begin requirements gathering for building National Preparedness Assessment & Reporting System (pending funding) • UTL & TCL updated and reissued FY05 4/1/05 4/15/05 • Launch National Preparedness Assessment & Reporting System (pending funding) • Begin full capability assessment at all levels of government FY06 10/1/05 11/1/05 • FY08 Comprehensive Annual Report to the President • FY07 Annual Report to the President FY07 4/1/06 • Issue guidance on how to conduct limited reassessments focused on national priorities and attendant capabilities • Submit Addendum to State/UASI Strategies focusing on National Priorities and attendant Capabilities • Issue guidance on adding Addendum to State/UASI Strategies • Grants tied to submitting Addendum to State/UASI Strategies 10/1/06 FY08 4/1/07 • Submit fully revised State/UASI Strategies for review • Grants tied to submitting revision of State/UASI Strategies 10/1/07 4/1/08 • Submit data on full capability assessments • Grants tied to closing the gap between assessments and target levels of capability • Issue guidance on implementing IED scenario and tactical interoperable communications in follow-on to FY05 grant guidance HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 6 HSPD-8 Approach Scenarios Tasks Capabilities The National Planning Scenarios illustrate the range of major events that pose the greatest risk to the Nation. The Universal Task List (UTL) provides a comprehensive menu of tasks from all sources that may be performed in major events illustrated by the National Planning Scenarios. The Target Capabilities List (TCL) provides guidance on specific capabilities and levels of capability that Federal, State, local, and tribal entities will be expected to develop and maintain. • 15 Scenarios • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive, Agricultural and Cyber Terrorism • Entities select only the tasks that apply to their assigned roles and responsibilities • Prevention • Protection • Natural Disasters • Response • Pandemic Influenza • Recovery • 37 Capability Summaries • Description, Outcome, ESF/Annex, Associated Critical Tasks, Measures, Capability Elements, Linked Capabilities, Event Conditions, References • Tailored to levels of government based on assigned roles and responsibilities • Tailored to Tiers or groups of jurisdictions based on risk factors HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 7 HSPD-8 Approach Capabilities-Based Planning helps answer two critical questions: “How prepared do we need to be?” and “How prepared are we?” Capabilities-Based Planning focuses on developing capabilities that can be applied anytime, anywhere, nationwide Capabilities-Based Planning IS: Capabilities-Based Planning IS NOT: All-hazards planning A way to develop a common language to describe essential tasks, capabilities, and responsibilities A way to ensure that we can manage incidents that exceed the capacity of any single jurisdiction Solely scenario-based planning Prescriptive resource requirements Scenarios are only tools to define the range of tasks and capabilities needed Individual entities determine how to achieve desired outcomes A funding formula The capabilities for preparedness are defined regardless of funding source HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 8 Update: National Preparedness Goal A draft Goal was sent out for national review in August 2004 The Goal was signed by Secretary of Homeland Security on September 14, 2004 Work has continued with the Homeland Security Council to further revise the Goal; the addition of national priorities is the most significant change The draft National Preparedness Goal was sent out for a second national review on February 14, 2005 An interim Goal will be released on March 31, 2005 HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 9 Update: National Preparedness Goal The proposed interim National Preparedness Goal statement: “To achieve and sustain risk-based target levels of capabilities that enable the Nation to successfully prevent terrorist attacks on the homeland, and rapidly and effectively respond to and recover from any terrorist attack, major disaster, or other emergency that does occur to minimize the impact on lives, property, and the economy.” HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 10 Update: National Preparedness Goal In order to help Federal, State, local, and tribal entities achieve the National Preparedness Goal, Federal resources will be allocated to support the following proposed national priorities: Overarching Priorities Expand Regional Collaboration Implement the National Incident Management System and the National Response Plan Implement the National Infrastructure Protection Plan Capability-Specific Priorities Strengthen Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) Detection Capabilities Strengthen Interoperable Communications Capabilities Strengthen Medical Surge Capabilities HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 11 Update: HSPD-8 Stakeholder Engagement DHS has engaged a broad stakeholder audience in HSPD-8 implementation: Over 1,500 national organizations invited to comment on the National Preparedness Goal DHS has partnered with a State, Local, and Tribal Working Group with experience in developing NIMS and the NRP DHS has held large stakeholder conferences with national representation in support of Universal Task List and Target Capabilities List development DHS seeks close cooperation and consultation with national stakeholders in ongoing HSPD-8 implementation efforts, including UTCL and TCL revisions HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 12 Summary of Comments from Review 475 Total Comments Received on Goal Breakdown of Preliminary Adjudication: Accepted 23% Noted 36% • No changes required • To be addressed in Guidance • Accepted • Accepted with modifications Forwarded 13% 28% Rejected • Target Capabilities List related • National priorities related • Outside scope of Goal • Contrary to guiding principles • Editorial opinion HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 13 Federal Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Health and Human Services Department of Homeland Security Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of Labor Department of Treasury Department of Veterans Affairs Environmental Protection Agency Federal Bureau Investigation Homeland Security Council Office of Management and Budget Office of Personnel Management Secret Service United States Naval Reserve Corps HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 14 State, Local, and Tribal Governments Arizona Office of Homeland Security California Governor's Office of Emergency Services City of Los Angeles County of Los Angeles Office of Emergency Management Delaware Emergency Management Agency Colorado Department of Local Affairs New Hampshire Department of Safety Florida Department of Law Enforcement Hawaii State Civil Defense Indiana Counter Terrorism and Security Council Ohio Homeland Security Oregon Emergency Management State of Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Tennessee Office of Homeland Security Washington State Military Department, Emergency Management Division Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Miami-Dade Office of Emergency Management Missouri State Emergency Management Agency Montana Disaster & Emergency Services New Jersey Office of Counter-Terrorism New Jersey Office of the Attorney General New York City Police Department New York State, Department of State, Office of Fire Prevention and Control Ohio Emergency Management Agency HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 15 State, Local, and Tribal Associations Associations Association of State and Territorial Health Officials Emergency Management Accreditation Program International Association of Emergency Managers International Association of Fire Chiefs National Association of City and County Health Officials National Emergency Management Agency National Fire Protection Association National Governors Association National League of Cities National Tactical Officers Association Non-Governmental Organizations American Red Cross HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 16 Target Capabilities List 1. Animal Health and Emergency Support 19. Information Sharing and Collaboration 2. CBRN Detection 20. Intelligence Fusion and Analysis 3. Citizen Preparedness 21. Interoperable Communications 4. Critical Infrastructure Protection and Risk Management 22. Isolation and Quarantine 5. Critical Resource Logistics and Distribution 23. Mass Care (Sheltering, Feeding, and Related Services) 6. Economic and Community Recovery 24. Mass Prophylaxis 7. Emergency Evacuation 25. Medical Supplies Management and Distribution 8. Emergency Operations Center 26. Medical Surge 9. Emergency Public Information 27. On-Site Incident Management 10. Engineering Operations 28. Planning 11. Environmental Health and Vector Control 29. Pre-Hospital Triage and Treatment 12. Explosive Device Detection and Response Operations 30. Public Health Epidemiological Investigation and Laboratory Testing 13. Fatality Management 31. Public Safety and Security Response 14. Firefighting Operations/Support 32. Restoration of Lifelines 15. Food and Agriculture Safety and Security 33. Terrorism Investigation and Intervention 16. Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis 34. Urban Search and Rescue 17. Hazardous Incident Response 35. Volunteer Management and Donations 18. Information Collection and Threat Recognition 36. Water Search and Rescue 37. Worker Health and Safety HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 17 Update: Communications and Outreach DHS is implementing an aggressive outreach campaign Regional roll-out conferences will be held in the Spring to orient stakeholders to the Goal and Guidance State by state training and orientation will occur beginning in June An HSPD-8 Information website has been developed at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/odp/assessments/hspd8.htm Information on HSPD-8 is available on the ODP Secure Portal at https://odp.esportals.com and Lessons Learned Information Sharing at http://www.llis.gov Fact Sheets on the National Preparedness Goal and related HSPD-8 initiatives are being developed HSPD 8: National Preparedness March 8, 2005 18