Professor Jagdish (Jay) Narayan North Carolina State University The 2011 Acta Materialia Gold Medal Award Honors and Awards Working Experience Acta Materialia Gold Medal and Prize Fellow National Academy of Sciences, India Lee Hsun Lecture Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences Inaugural MRS Fellow Edward DeMille Campbell Lecture and Prize ASM Gold Medal TMS Life Member and Fellow APS Life Member and Fellow ASM-International Fellow AAAS Fellow US DOE Outstanding Research Award Three IR-100 Awards: 1979, 1981, 1983 Honorary Member and Fellow MRS-I Fellow Bohmische Physical Society Distinguished Alumnus Award (IIT/K) NSF Distinguished Service Award and Director, Division of Materials Research (1990-92) The John C. C. Fan Family Distinguished Chair Professor and ORNL Distinguished Visiting Scientist 2002- The John C. C. Fan Family Distinguished Chair Professor 2007- ORNL Distinguished Visiting Scientist 1990- NCSU Distinguished University Professor ( Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics) and Director of Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures 1990-92 National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, Director 1984- North Carolina State University, Professor 1984-86 Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, Director 1972-84 Oak Ridge National Lab., Senior Scientist and Leader of Thin Film and Electron Microscopy Group Dr. Narayan 1971-72 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. has graduated more than 57 Ph.D. and M.S. students during his 30 years of teaching at NCSU. Many of them are in academia and industries around the world… Dr. R. Aggrawal Dr. V. Bhosle Dr. N. Biunno Dr. M. Borek Intel Corp. Intel Corp. Zymet Raytheon Dr. D. Chakraborti Dr. A. Chugh Dr. K. Dovidenko Dr. S. Okytyabrsky Intel Corp. Intel Corp. SUNY SUNY Dr. T. Dutta Dr. J. Haverkamp Dr. J. Park Dr. H. Wu Intel Corp. Novellus Temple U AMD Dr. S. Mal Intel Corp. Dr. S. Ramachandran Dr. P. Pant Dr. N. M. Ravindra Dr. R. D. Vispute NJIT University of Maryland Intel Corp. Dr. S. Sharan Dr. Q. Wei Dr. T. Zheleva Johns Hopkins U ARL Intel Corp. Intel Corp. Dr. A. Sharma Dr. P. Tiwari Dr. A. Rengan Dr. R. Vaidyanathan Intel Corp. Intel Corp. Ohio University OSU Dr. G. Trichy Dr. H. Yang Intel Corp. Novellus Dr. A. Gupta Dr. H. Porter Intel Corp. Intel Corp. Dr. A. R. Srivatsa Dr. L. Ganapathi Dr. C. Jin Dr. D. Kumar RTI NCSU NC A&T Dr. A. Kvit Dr. C. Lee Dr. D. E. Moxy NCSU NC A&T NC A&T Dr. R. Vaidyanathan KLA Tencor Dr. T. Rawdanowicz Dr. N. Sudhakar NCSU NCSU ACR Dr. Q. Wei UNC Charlotte Dr. V. P. Godbole University of Pune, India Dr. S. M. Kanetkar Dr. A. Tiwari University of Pune, India University of Utah Dr. T. K. Nath Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India Dr. R. Chowdhary Dr. H. Wang Dr. R. Kalyanraman Dr. A. Kumar Dr. M. Ichimura Texas Instrument Texas A&M University U of Tennessee USF Nagoya Inst Tech, Japan Dr. W. Wei Dr. X. Zhang Dr. H. Zhou Dr. R. K. Singh Dr. Y. Yamagata NASA Texas A&M University ORNL University of Florida kumamoto university, Japan And appreciations from all his former graduates… Drs. Xinghang Zhang and Narayan in 2001 Drs. Haiyan Wang and Narayan in 2002 Drs. Haiyan Wang, Narayan and Honghui Zhou in 2004 Drs. Qiuming Wei and Narayan in 1998 Drs. Hugh Porter, Chunming Jin, Wang, Narayan, and Gupta, in 2002 2011 Spring MRS for Narayan Symposium