Survey of the Animal Phyla I

Eukaryotic (cells with a nucleus)
Multicellular (organisms are generally large
Motile (can move at some point of its life)
Heterotrophic (feeds on other organisms)
There are 31 Animal Phyla identified by
Major Evolutionary developments occur along
the roughly 600 Million years of the Animal
We will Identify the 10 Largest Phyla of
Lack True Tissues
Are Filter Feeders
Have Choanocytes for Water movement
Entirely aquatic
9000 Species
Parametazoa- Animals without Tissues
Examples include All variety of salt water and
fresh water Sponges
First Eumetazoans- Animals with tissues
All members of this phyla have “Stinging
Cells” called nematocysts
Have gel-like bodies
Salt or fresh water
Body form are Polyp (mouth up) or Medusa
(mouth down)
All have Tentacles with Nematocysts
All have Tentacles with Nematocysts
Have extra-cellular digestion with a
gastrovascular cavity “sac body plan”
Have Radial Body Plans
10,000 Species
Examples: Hydra, Jellyfish, Man-o-war, Coral,
Sea Anemone, Sea Fans
First Animals with Bilateral Symmetry
All are “Flatworms” with ribbon-like bodies
Simplest organisms with specialized organs
Single opening into a digestive gut.
Can absorb nutrients directly into body
Simple Nervous system
Many are parasitic living in hosts
Free living flatworms live in water
20,000 species
Examples include….Planaria, Tapeworms,
Flukes, and Marine Flatworms.
First organism with an alimentary canal with
both mouth and anus
Microscopic fresh water organism
Has jaws surrounded by cilia to bring in food
2200 Species
One way digestive tract
Covered by a Thick cuticle
First organism with a pseudo-coelom
12,000 species
Free living and Parasite species
Examples: Pinworms, Ascaris, Hookworms,
heartworms, Trichina spiralis (Pork)
110,000 species (Second Largest)
Breathe by Gills
Mantle secrets a shell in most species
Have a true visceral mass with many complex
internal organs.
Has a muscular “foot” for movement
Three main classes of Mollusca
◦ 1. Gastropods-single spiral shell, scraping mouth
piece called a “radula”
◦ Examples are snails, slugs, conches
◦ 2. Bivalves-two piece hinged shell, two siphons for
filter feeding.
◦ Examples : Clams, Oysters, Scallops, Mussels
◦ 3. Cephalopods-no shell but has a well developed
head region, 8 arms/tentacles, mouth part includes
a Beak. Eyes very similar to Humans
◦ Examples: Squid, Cuttlefish Octopus, Nautilus
12,000 Species
Internally and externally segmented
Well developed nervous system
Have a closed circulatory system
First organisms with a true body cavity
Three Classes:
1. Oligochaeta- terrestrial Earthworms and
2. Hirudnia- Parasitic worms like Leeches
3. Polychaeta- marine worms like
sandworms, bristleworms, tubeworms and
Largest Animal phyla with over 1.5 million
General Characteristics
True body cavity
Jointed Appendages
Exoskeleton made of Chitin
Must “Molt” to grow
7 Classes of Arthropods
Trilobite- Extinct aquatic species
Merostomate- Includes only Horseshoe Crabs
Crustacians-mostly aquatic, Crabs, Lobster,
Shrimp, Barnacles, Pill bugs
Insects- largest arthropod class, undergo
Metamorphosis, 3 pr. of legs, only group that can
Insects- largest arthropod class, undergo
Metamorphosis, 3 pr. of legs, only group that can
fly. Includes beetles, ants, butterflies, bees,
mosquitoes, weevils and grasshoppers
Arachnids- 4 pair of legs, have fangs instead of
jaws, most produce venom, includes spiders, ticks,
scorpions, chiggers
Diplopods- four legs per segment, herbivores,
includes all Millipedes.
Chilopods- two legs per segment, aggressive
carnivores, includes all centipedes
10,000 Species
Endoskeleton with interlocking plates called
5 part Radial Body Plan
Fundamentally Bilateral
Has a Water Vascular system that controls
water flow, suction and tube feet.
Uses skin gills for respiration
Remarkable regenerative abilities.
Examples include, sea stars, brittle stars, sea
urchins, sea cucumbers and sand dollars
Animals with a Notocord
42,500 species
All chordates have Bilateral Symmetry,
notochord, spinal cord and highly developed
Head region and brain.
Three Sub Phyla
1. Urochordates2. Cephalochordates3. Vertebrates-
Vertebrates- Largest Group of Chordates
Notocord becomes the Vertebrae during
embryo development
Largest group of Vertebrates are fish
First Vertebrates originated around 500
million years ago.
Seven Classes of Vertebrates
1. Agnatha- Primitive jawless Fish. Long tube
bodies breathe by gills, Salt Water….
2. Chondrichthytes----Cartilage Fish
Has a skeleton made of cartilage, All Salt
Water species, gills
Includes Sharks, Skates and Sting Rays
3. Osteichthyes—Boney Fish----fresh or salt
water, skeleton made of calcium bone. Gill
Breathers…. Ex. Include, Bass, Goldfish, Eels,
Marlin, Catfish and Tuna
4. Amphibians---Four Legged creatures that
can live out of water but need water for
reproduction. Lung Breathers as adults, gill
breathers as young, Soft Moist skin….
Includes Frogs, Toads, Salamanders and
5. Reptiles Breathe by lungs in all stages.
 Body
covered by scales.
 Eggs
produced on land are tough and
 First
to have Internal Fertilization.
 Includes
Lizards, Snakes, Turtles, Alligators
and relatives. Most include Dinosaurs based
on general characteristics
All Aves…..
Have feathers instead of scales
Are warm blooded
Have a 4 chambered heart
Produce hard shelled eggs
Provide much parental involvement in the
Mammalia--- the Advanced Vertebrates
All have hair on the body
Warm blooded
Have a Four chambered heart
Internal fertilization
Give live birth
Nurse the young with milk
External ears
1- Parametazoans to Eumetazoans
2. Radial symmetry to Bilateral Symmetry
3. Acoelomate to Coelomate
4. Gill Breathing to Lung Breathing
5. Protostome to Deuterostome
6. Invertebrates to Vertebrates