Dec 17th 2011 at 12: 02 PM by Allan Ralph Andrews, born Long Beach, California, Sept 13th 1939 at 4:03 AM, written by Allan Andrews in Bakersfield, CA. Posted to mythicmind website. John Gribbin’s “In Search of the Multiverse” is a book that expresses much of my point of view. I basically believe in a world that is scientific. I believe in the science of string and M theory, of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics, and mathematics, and relativity. I believe in the standard models of chemistry and biology and anthropology and sociology. I believe in Newton and Darwin and the Periodic Table and Continental Drift and DNA and RNA and the neurochemistry of the brain. I believe in the History described by Arnold Toynbee in his studies of the rise and fall of human civilizations. But my notion differs from the standard notion of complementarity, an electron is both a particle and a wave, the universe is both a hologram and not a hologram, etc., in the extension of complementarity to all major issues of philosophy and metaphysics, the universe is both the product of designing gods and the designing gods are a product of the universe. God both exists and does not exist, is both one and many, the soul both exists and does not exist, is immortal and mortal. Astrology and ESP are both true and false, depending on which way you look at them. This goes back to the philosopher Kant who said that all metaphysics comes back to unresolved antimonies between infinite and finite and determinate and free, between necessary and contingent, between simple and complex. I believe that these antimonies are not resolved because the universe emerges from an infinite everything that is so large and so expansive that all deep truths become complementary and are generate polar opposites depending on how you view them. For example, the ancient notion of four basic elements, I think symbolizes these tendencies. If Fire Element symbolizes freedom, it has a determinate opposite I call “Water Bowl.” If Earth Element symbolizes the finite, it has an infinite opposite symbolized by “Heaven.” So Water Element symbolizes the complex and “Salt” symbolizes its simple opposite. Air Element symbolizes the necessary and “Dust” its contingent opposite. Now, I also use the lines of the Chinese I Ching as symbols of these polarities. The I Ching has eight different stacks of three broken (or unbroken lines) called “Trigrams.” I use Heaven Trigram for “Heaven Element.” And Earth Trigram for Earth Element. I use Wind Trigram for Air Element and Thunder Trigram for Dust. I use Lake Trigram for Water Element and Water Pit Trigram for Water Bowl and Mountain Trigram for Salt. I use Flame Trigram for Fire Element, resulting in four pairs of complementary opposites, as with the philosopher Kant: Infinite Heaven to Finite Earth, Simple Mountain to Complex Lake, Necessary Wind to Contingent Thunder, Free Flame to Determinate Water Pit Trigram. So the Romantic Temper in Art is Heaven Trigram and the Realistic Temper is Earth. Cubism is Flame Trigram and Baroque Absolutism is Water Pit. Impressionism is Mountain and Post-Impressionism is Lake. The Classical is Wind and the Expressionist is Thunder. So the Supernatural is Romantic Heaven and the Natural and Scientific is Realistic Earth. The Existential is Flame and the Astrological is Water Pit. The Empirical is Mountain and the Dialectical is Lake. The Idealistic is Wind and the Practical is Thunder. It is all complementary opposites within the one everything, so that scientific knowledge of the simple prevents dialectical knowledge of the complex, existential knowledge of freedom prevents rational knowledge of fate. So I am into atheistic science as long as we are in the finite and the simple, when things start to involve moral issues and astrological symbols, I no longer use the simple and the scientific, because I have left the here and now realm where they can apply. I believe that nature has given me a brain with a fact oriented left hemisphere and a symbol oriented right hemisphere because that is the calculation system that works in a universe of complementary polarity. Several works explain this. Gribbin does well with the scientific part. Richard Tarnas in “Cosmos and Psyche,” and Arnold Mindell in “Quantum Mind” explore the supernatural aspect. It begins with the Heaven Trigram, as infinite flux makes the improbable probable. The improbable that is made probable is the pi of the endless curve of the inclusion of everything in circle with an infinity of sides in which these infinitesimal sides become the imaginary number root of minus one, of a universe turning inward and concentrating in the integration that changes into pleasure and the disintegration that changes into pain, the inward creative essence that is eternal novelty spreading out threads of primal time from which the complex time of the visible world is woven, as energy becomes passion and information becomes reason from within. This sphere of an imaginary number times pi becomes the power of “e” as the natural log base. Now “e” becomes the root of the mathematics of the cosmic mind, of Nous, and the expanding pi curve includes everything in the hen one through the medium of the private jiva Pneuma Atman monads that are the imaginary number of the creative spirit. This is the ultimate ideal, the necessary ideal that is the Wind Trigram essence that serves as the deep center of all integration, of the realm of the precious and the improbable, the Kingdom of Heaven, of Paradise. This core paradigm, symbolized by the yin and yang lines and trigrams of the Chinese I Ching, extends itself thorough all things and becomes the central model of their organization. In nature it is Heaven as mutation and Earth as phenotype, Wind as genetic ideal in an adaptive peak and Thunder as its opposite in maladaptive expressions of genes. Mountain is genetic isolation, speciation, and input of information and Lake is its opposite in recombination, hybrid formation, sexual reproduction, population genetics, and gene pools. Flame is extinction, competition and natural selection, and Water Pit is homeostasis and feedback mechanism that maintain homeostasis. The movement of energy toward entropy, driven by the expansion of the universe, generates energy dissipative structures that compete and evolve, driven by the Darwin selection described above cause the emergence of level after level of organization: particles into atomic nuclei into atoms and molecules and macromolecules and cellular structures and primitive cells and cell nuclei of complex cells, the emergence of tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms and tribes and populations of organisms (humans) with speech, communities with writing, ecosystems with mechanical systems, biospheres filled with electronic broadcasting, planets with computer programming, solar systems organized by robots, star clusters by androids, galaxies explored by super minds and galaxy clusters organized by creative intelligence, universes and multiverses control and created by gods and supergods. Elsewhere, I have shown how these systems can emerge in cycles. I have created a system of spread sheets, pictures, and diagrams that show the patterns of some of these evolving supersystems and I have posted the results to my website. In some of my writings, I have attempted to discuss these systems in some detail. As John Gribbin points out in his works, some of these systems are probably created by intelligent beings, some emerge from dissipative structures, see Daniel R. Brooks and E. O. Wiley in “Evolution as Entropy,” and some is just the factor of chance in an infinite flux in a everything multiverse where whatever is not prohibited is required to be by probability considerations. “The Shape of Inner Space,” by Shing-Tung Yau and Steve Nadis and “The Cosmic Landscape,” by Leonard Susskind show how the multiverse can be unexpectedly productive. Gribbin give solid evidence for the real existence of the multiverse. But, I postulate a reality more in accord with the old beliefs of Theosophy and Spiritualism in a world of higher and higher levels of “vibration.” I suggest that variant amounts of energy going into a multiverse, relative to other multiverses, and various possible planck lengths of the universes that make up a multiverse, can generate and infinity multiverses, at various levels of energy investment, relative to each other, and refinement in respect to the basic length constant that makes up the quantum structure of the system involve, that is an infinity of various of the planck length going down to the infinitesimal and generating all possible degrees of refinement of the particular multiverse quantum structure. Furthermore, I postulate that the private interior of consciousness does not occur at the quantum level at all but at the infinitesimal monad of the now Pneuma jiva level and that the infinitesimal monad communicates and interacts with the finite quantum planck constant public world through an infinity of intermediate astral body compounds, a ghost world that provides the deep substrate to the shadow that we call real. To postulate such things violates Occam’s razor of parsimony, except that mathematics has banished the razor and parsimony in favor of the rich complementary reality that is the multiverse described in M theory and String Theory, and Brane Theory and “The Cosmic Landscape.” Out of the infinity of infinitesimal souls, and improbable, and boundless emergence that is the Heaven Trigram of the gods and demons emergence the openness and the natural selection that is the hells of Flame Trigram and the refinement and integration that is the paradise of Wind Trigram. An astral world emerges where the souls attach to bodies at various levels of complexity and planck length refinement quantum relations. Out of this emerges the visible realm of our multiverse in the Earth Trigram, and its expansion into the entropy as evolution of Thunder Trigram. In between Heaven Earth lie a Hindu Buddhist Muslim Christian Taoist panoply of Heavens and Purgatories, the Water Pit Systems of punishment and reward symbolized in Dante in “Purgatorio.” Supporting the systems of astral soul purgation in Water Pit trigram, is samsara, is the cycle of birth and death, the astrological order, in synchronicity of Lake Trigram. Lake Trigram is the complex time and space that emerges from the simple time that is Mountain Trigram, as the astral ghosts of Mountain Trigram become trapped in the complex cycles of Lake. It is freedom from this entrapment that is the salvation offered by Christ, and Mohammed, the release from rebirth offered by Krishna and Buddha. The Buddha Atman Christ Krishna Spirit is an eternal sattva guna state of salvation, conservation of the soul, that integrates it in the Nirvana Brahman, Elohim, Hen Allah One that is pure love and joy and bliss and peace. This endless interaction of the jiva atman pneuma souls and the Hen One through the medium of the Nous has created the e to the imaginary root of minus one x pi plus one = zero that is the perfection of all things in the trinity of imaginary root Pneuma and e Nous and pi Hen One infinite circle expansion though the extension of the circle to the infinite in an infinity of dimensions. This is symbolizes in the Paradisio of the Divine Commedy of Dante. God as Vishnu, Jahweh, Father Mother, Allah, is the archetype generated by this infinite interaction of the ultimate with the infinity that is nirvana and the infinity of infinitesimals that is the Creative Spirit Pneuma. There is no boundary to the creative power that the infinite pours into the infinitesimal, that the Father gives the Son, the Holy Mother givers her Child in this eternal archetype of the divine. It is the final salvation of all things precious and good from the wreckage of our attachment to the no self of broken disintegration and suffering in the endless flux driven by unsatisfied desire. So the Water Element of Astrology is true, and the Earth Element of Science is true and the Air Element of Platonic and Buddhist and Taoist and Muslim and Hindu Metaphysics is true, along with the Fire Element of Animism and Shinto and Shamanism and Existentialism and Aboriginal systems of belief as well. All are true in the larger multiverse realm of “all things not logically impossible are compulsive,” and many of the logically impossible are impossible in limited contexts only and become possible once that limited context sets them free. So in the end we have the simplest possible explanation of the observed, that, to the extent the observed is everything, it is indeed everything, and thus our theory of the systematic unification of everything is simply that you systematically unify everything, without qualification or exceptions. Qualifications and exceptions belong to Earth and Thunder, to the contingent and the finite, not to the necessary and the infinite, where anything mathematically possible, hence mathematically necessary at some point, is possible in infinity to an infinite degree. This is what John Gribbin makes plain in his book “In Search of the Multiverse.” Significant here is “Infinity, New Research Frontiers” Edited by Michael Heller and W. Hugh Woodin, Cambridge, 2011, see page 285 of the above and the discussion of Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Hegelian notion of the infinite, which emerges from a plurality of integrated persons. 3:35 pm Dec. 17th 2011 A. R. Andrews, Bakersfield, CA. Why does complementary polarity work for the description of the deep nature of everything one, because the boundless extends into the infinitesimal as well as the infinite and the private as well as the public, the fluid as well as the fixed and the inclusive as well as the exclusive. This means, in mathematics, rational as well as irrational numbers, complex as well as real numbers, imaginary as well as natural numbers, negative as well as positive numbers, known as well as unknown numbers, variable as well as constant numbers, summary as well as factor numbers. It means algebra as well as statistics, and calculus as well as arithmetic, trigonometry as well as group theory, topology as well as set theory. Any unity and integration of boundless everything will pull to the very edges of disintegration and plurality in the process of inclusion, will bend inward and turn the objective subjective and the observed into an observer. Anything else would not be a real theory of everything. How theoretical physics thought it could use the mathematics of the infinite and the infinitesimal and still avoid these problems is something I do not understand. I know that Newton gave them a false hope. The old thinking was that Newton was the realistic one and Leibnitz was the one dishing out the slop. Someone did not read Newton very carefully and failed to understand Leibnitz much at all. So the tables have turned again. No surprise for me. I do not find the quantum world to be odd at all, what I find odd is that physics seems to be shocked and unbelieving. Poor physics, good for metaphysics. Metaphysics, at least Socrates and Plato, had the details all wrong, but Plato and Socrates were right in their reliance on mathematics as the critical piece. But, then my bias is obviously toward Pythagoras, just as theirs was. I believe, with the Buddhists, that what seems to be the soul is a compound complex astral body that eventually decomposes just like the physical body. Thus, what seems to be a self is a no self. However, I agree with the Jains and the Hindus that does not die because it is an infinitesimal spark of the boundless one. I agree with the Buddhists that this is really not a self in the ordinary sense, but it is an atom of existential inexistence of phenomenological inward bending privacy. I agree with the Buddha, though, that the real meaning, the deep meaning of this imaginary number reality belongs to the infinite number of sides bending into the circle defined by pi, that will include all things in the Brahman nirvana Allah Hen One. So although the Jain is right about the atom of inexistent phenomenology, the Buddhist is correct as to its deeper significance. The infinitesimal has no true power, no meaningful existence, short of its total integration into the everything harmony of all things. All the powers of Christ and Buddha come from their union with the everything one that is Allah Elohim Brahman Nirvana Dao Yoga Infinite Cosmic Mind Force. A. R. Andrews, Bakersfield, CA Dec 17th 2011 8:00 pm. The Earth and Thunder Trigrams are attractive because they alone have definite shape and appearance. The soul knows what to expect, what it is attaching to. But, these are the realm of the broken and the particular and they bring limitation, pain and suffering. Yet when the soul pulls away, it must wander separate and alone, or form its own hell, this regions is symbolized by Dante’s Inferno, the realms of the Mountain and the Flame Trigrams. The alternative, the wheels of birth and death, of reincarnation, the realms of Purgatory in Water Pit and are a living death, the soul knows pleasure, but has no freedom, no creativity, is a slave to the systems that it is attached to, to the astral bodies in which it has involved itself and with which it has formed complexes with other souls. There is only one true salvation and that belongs to the Heaven and Wind Trigrams, it involves the alliance of the infinite and the infinitesimal, of both information systems and energy is generating the ultimate harmony, the ultimate divinity, and the ultimate good 1:30 am A. R. Andrews, Bakersfield, Dec. 18th 2011.