WWII - Alvin ISD

A Return to Isolationism
0After WWI Americans returned to
0America also tried to improve
relations with Latin America under
the Good Neighbor Policy
0The U.S. agreed not to interfere in
Latin American affairs
The Rise of Dictators
Joseph Stalin- established a brutal totalitarian
dictatorship in Russia after the Russian Revolution
Benito Mussolini- the fascist dictator in Italy who came
into power after WWI
Adolf Hitler- Nazi leader who rose to power in
Germany as a dictator and was determined to achieve
German domination in Europe. This aggression helped
start WWII. http://youtu.be/0rZ4xwuAWFE
Axis Powers
The Failure of the League of
0 Created after WWI the League of Nations was too
weak to resist these dictators
0 Collective Security- the idea that peaceful nations
would band together to stop aggressors
0 America and the Soviet Union did not join the League
of Nations
0 Essentially the League did nothing to stop Germany,
Italy and Japan
Appeasement Fails
0 Appeasement- “giving in to satisfy the demands of a
potential enemy
Munich Conference
Expansion of Germany
0 Hitler promised to expand Germany and so demanded
the Sudetenland a part of Czechoslovakia
0 Initially Britain and France promised to protect
Czechoslovakia but when Hitler threated war, they
gave in.
0 At the Munich Conference Britain and France gave
Czechoslovakia to Germany with consulting the
people of that country.
0 With this action, Germany felt confident that Britain
and France were weak and so he made more demands
Axis Powers Aggression
1933- Germany re-arms
Sept. 1933- Japan invades Manchuria
March 1933- Hitler takes control of Germany
October 1935-Italy invades Ethiopia
1936 Germany invades the Rhineland-violates Treaty of
August 1937 Japan invades China
1938- Germany annexes Austria and the Sudentenland
March 1939- Germany takes over all of Czechoslovakia
September 1939- Germany invades Poland
Japanese Aggression
Germany Re-Arms
Non-Aggression Pact
0 By 1939 Germany wanted Poland, Britain and France
refused to give in
0 Germany signed a pact with Stalin agreeing to secretly
invade Poland and divide up the territory
0 In September of 1939 Germany invades Poland and
Britain and France Declare war
0 WWII officially begins
0 In Poland Germany unleashes a new type of warfare
the world had never seen. Rapid fire by tanks,
airplanes, and infantry at one time
Poland destroyed by
Flying Tigers - A group of American fighters who
did not want to see all of China fall to Japan joined
the fighting before U.S. enter the war
Neutrality acts- prohibited Americans from
traveling on ships from foreign countries
Lend Lease Act- sell, lease or lend war
materials to any country whose defense the
President deemed vital to defending America
Cash and carry- Americans could sell non military
goods to Britain
America enters the War
0 Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United
States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air
forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of
Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking
toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese
air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the
Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our
secretary of state a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply
stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it
contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack.
0 http://youtu.be/lK8gYGg0dkE