soc wiki crime theories

It’s in the name
Using the names of the theorists to make links that would help you to remember the basic ideas behind
their theory. It started off as a joke (so excuse me lol) and a way to get me interested in learning this but
it really helps me to remember so if it works for you too then cool!
Emile Durkheim= E.D = Everybody (needs) Deviance if they have a M.A.C computer but ah not
me (anomie) I have a P.C (re-read notes on this theory if u were confused after reading this)
Merton- a ton weighs a lot and hence causes strain so in response take some CIR3 supplements
daily (re-read notes on this theory if u were confused after reading this)
Cohen- HEN-you ever realise how much hens stay in one coup, that’s because they stick
together like the theory giving a collective response to strain  delinquent subculture.
Cloward and Ohlin (1960)
K well they lame I couldn’t think of anything you would have to learn off this one. Well they
identified three responses to the differential access to opportunities which hare criminal
subcultures, conflict subcultures and retreatist subcultures.
Shaw Mc Kay and Parks- Parks are located throughout the country so remember that they spoke
about crime as related to geographical distribution and the circle. Remembering the names of
the circle from inside out :
Central business zone, Transitional zone, Working class zone, Residential zone, Commuter zone
Central (floods) Terribly When Rain Comes (N.B learn the characteristics of each section)
Gottfredson and Hirschi (don’t think she gave the year)
Think of Fred’s son as Hirschi and Hirschi commits crime because Fred is never around to
monitor him
Sutherland (1939)
I find it sounds like a university so if you think of the University of Sutherland (lol) you’ll
remember he said basically that criminal behaviour is learnt in intimate groups just as you go to
university to learn..Well hopefully.
Hirschi (1969)
Think of how people are addicted or attached to Hershey’s chocolate. Remember Hirschi’s
theory is the social bond or attachment theory. Talking about why conformists don’t commit
crimes. A good way to remember it is that they don’t commit crimes because they believe that
commitment involves attachment. The four reasons are really belief, commitment, involvement
and attachment so learn what each reason entails.
Cohen and Felson (1979)
I didn’t think of anything for them either. They suggested 3 minimal elements of a criminal event
which are 1) a suitable target 2) absence of a capable guardian and 3) a motivated offender. A
lack of any one is sufficient to prevent crime
N.B You still have to learn off the criticisms to the different theories and if I left out any
somebody add them in please.