Bio Vocab 2 Help Sheet Matter and Life 2014

LHS Academic Biology
Mr. Zahm, Rm 507
Name: ____________________
Blk __ - __
Date: ____
Vocabulary #2 Help Sheet: “Matter and Life”
Use this document to help you complete your Vocabulary assignment according to the
“Vocab Format”.
The help will be provided in this format:
Word (part of speech)
1) atom (noun)
Definition: The simplest type of matter and the smallest amount of an “element” (see periodic
table) - that exists.
Fact: Elements are the simplest, pure type of matter.
Fact: Atoms are made of three types of electrons, protons, and neturons.
Fact: Two or more atoms put together make a “chemical compound”.
Characteistic: They are smaller than even one molecule.
Exs: Carbon atoms, Hydrogen Atoms, Oxygen atoms, and Nitrogen atoms,
2) molecule (noun)
Definition: The smallest amount of a chemical (compound) that exists.
Fact: Chemical compound (noun): two or more atoms chemically attached to each other.
Fact: One molecule of water has two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen (H 2O).
Characteristic: A molecule is larger than an atom.
Ex: H2O (water), CO2 (carbon dioxide), C6H12O6 (glucose, a sugar), CH4 (methane gas)
3) organism (noun)
Definition: Any, single, living thing.
Synonym: “Living thing”
- Fact: Organisms in the same species can reproduce together.
- Exs: one bacteria (“a bacterium”); one cat; one yeast cell; one apple tree
4) organelle
Definition: Tiny “organ-like” structures inside of eukaryotic (you’-carry-oats; see below) cells that
each “perform a
different function (job)”.
Characteristic: Organelles are simpler (and smaller) than a single cell.
Characteristic: Organelles are like “tiny organs” of a cell.
Fact: Prokaryotes (bacteria) do not have organelles (only DNA, cytoplasm, and ribosomes).
Ex’s: Mitochondria (energy factory), Chloroplast (performs photosynthesis), Vacuole (stores
5) cell (noun)
Definition: i. The simplest thing that is alive,
Characteristic: Cells are larger than even the biggest chemical compound.
Fact: A bacterium is a living thing made of a single cell (unicellular).
Ex’s: Skin cell; Muscle cell; Nerve cell; Pancreas cell
6) tissue (noun)
Definition: Two or more like cells, working together (to do a job).
LHS Academic Biology
Mr. Zahm, Rm 507
Name: ____________________
Blk __ - __
Date: ____
Fact: There are four types of tissues: nervous tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue, and
epithelial tissue.
Characteristic: A tissue is more complex (complicated) than a cell.
Ex’s: White Matter (nervous), Heart (muscle) Ligaments/tendons (connective), Skin
(epithelial tissue).
7) organ (noun)
Definition: Two or more tissues, working together (to do a job).
Characteristic: Organs are more complex and (usually) larger than tissues.
Fact: Some simple animals, like sponges and corals, do not have organs.
- Ex’s: Heart, Eye, Lung, Blood, Brain.
8) organ system (noun)
Definition: Two or more organs, working together (to do a job).
Characteristic: Organ systems are more complex and larger than organs.
Fact: The digestive system includes the, tongue, mouth, esophagus, and stomach (and
digests your food).
Ex’s: Digestive System; Endocrine System; Musculo-skeletal System; Respiratory System;
Reproductive Sys.
9) prokaryote (noun)
Definition: The simplest types of organisms, those without a nucleus or organelles.
Fact: The adjective form of this word is “prokaryotic”. (Bacteria are prokaryotic.)
Characteristic: All prokaryotes are single-celled or made of just one cell.
Fact: Prokaryotes do not have organelles and they do not have a “nucleus” – a membrane
around their DNA.
Ex: All bacteria are prokaryotes. (They are all “prokaryotic”.)
10) eukaryote (nound)
Definition: More complex organisms whose cells have a nucleus and organelles.
Fact: The adjective form of this word is “eukaryotic”. (Animal and plant cells are eukaryotic.)
Characteristic: Eukaryotes are more complex (more complicated) and larger than
Fact: Eukaryotes include all animals, plants, fungi, and protists (like algae & amoeba).
Characteristic: Most eukaryotes are multi-celled or made of more than one cell.
Fact: Eukaryotes have organelles and a “nucleus” – a membrane around their DNA,
protecting it.
Ex: All members of the Animal, Plant, Fung, and Protist Kingdoms are eukaryotic
Plant Cell
Organelles in a
LHS Academic Biology
Mr. Zahm, Rm 507
Name: ____________________
Organs & Tissues
Organs of the Endocrine System
Cell Organelles
Proks vs Euks
Blk __ - __
Date: ____