+ ISTC 541 Dept. of Educational Technology and Literacy Towson University + Welcome! and introductions Dr. Sarah Lohnes Watulak Ed. D, Communication and Education, Columbia University Research interests: new literacies, millennials, web 2.0 policy and practice in higher education Who are you? Tell us about yourself and your interests in instructional technology. + Course Themes Survey of the field of instructional technology Develop an awareness and understanding of theories and philosophies underlying the field Hands-on work with common instructional technologies Graduate level, academic research and writing + Course Strategies Reading and class discussion Student presentations: sharing useful technologies for teaching and learning Online group collaboration Hands-on lab sessions: web design, digital storytelling Research and research paper writing + Expectations + What you can expect from me To be respectful of others’ perspectives To communicate to you in a timely manner To be clear in my expectations To facilitate discussion To attempt to help you clarify your concepts related to the field of instructional technology To create a supportive, tolerant community of learners To care about your success in this class and as a student at this university + What I expect of you To carefully and thoughtfully prepare for class (e.g.- complete the reading and come with questions, comments, connections, or thoughts) To participate thoughtfully in class discussions To be respectful of others’ perspectives To complete assignments in a timely manner To communicate with me in a timely manner … take responsibility for yourself as a learner + Class discussions Preparation: read, take notes, do blog response You are not allowed to say “I don’t know” in this class when asked a question You are not required to know, but you are expected to think. Speculate, wonder aloud, make connections with other academic and personal experiences… + Course technologies Where to find what in the paperless classroom + Blackboard = home base Course info – syllabus, rubrics, etc. Schedule Readings Assignments (descriptions, submit) Discussion boards Resource Links + Blackboard Activities Log on to Blackboard 1. Explore the site, especially Schedule Questions? Go to Discussion Board 1. Subscribe to Help!! forum Initial definitions of IT discussion 2. Create a new thread and respond to the following prompt: What is your initial, informal definition of instructional technology? Respond to at least one classmate’s post + Blog = reading response journal Post response to weekly prompt Post anything else related to the course that you think might be of interest! End product = cumulative log of your interests and thoughts regarding the issues in our field + Create a Blog Create an account on Blogger or Wordpress http://www.blogger.com http://www.wordpress.com Follow their instructions to create a new blog Write your first post: topic of your choosing Email your blog’s URL to me so that I can post it on Blackboard slohneswatulak@towson.edu Questions for viewing: -What surprised you? - What did you find yourself disagreeing with? Pay Attention video