take responsibility for yourself as a learner +

ISTC 541
Dept. of Educational Technology and Literacy
Towson University
Welcome! and introductions
 Dr. Sarah
Lohnes Watulak
Ed. D, Communication and Education, Columbia University
Research interests: new literacies, millennials, web 2.0
policy and practice in higher education
 Who
are you? Tell us about yourself and your
interests in instructional technology.
Course Themes
 Survey
of the field of instructional technology
 Develop
an awareness and understanding of theories
and philosophies underlying the field
 Hands-on
work with common instructional technologies
 Graduate
level, academic research and writing
Course Strategies
 Reading
and class discussion
 Student
presentations: sharing useful technologies
for teaching and learning
 Online
group collaboration
 Hands-on
lab sessions: web design, digital
 Research
and research paper writing
What you can expect from me
To be respectful of others’ perspectives
To communicate to you in a timely manner
To be clear in my expectations
To facilitate discussion
To attempt to help you clarify your concepts related to the field of
instructional technology
To create a supportive, tolerant community of learners
To care about your success in this class and as a student at this
What I expect of you
To carefully and thoughtfully prepare for class (e.g.- complete the
reading and come with questions, comments, connections, or
To participate thoughtfully in class discussions
To be respectful of others’ perspectives
To complete assignments in a timely manner
To communicate with me in a timely manner
… take responsibility for yourself as a learner
Class discussions
 Preparation: read, take
notes, do blog response
 You
are not allowed to say “I don’t know” in this
class when asked a question
 You
are not required to know, but you are expected
to think.
Speculate, wonder aloud, make connections with other
academic and personal experiences…
Course technologies
Where to find what in the paperless classroom
Blackboard = home base
Course info – syllabus, rubrics, etc.
Assignments (descriptions, submit)
Discussion boards
Resource Links
Blackboard Activities
Log on to Blackboard
Explore the site, especially Schedule
Go to Discussion Board
Subscribe to Help!! forum
Initial definitions of IT discussion
Create a new thread and respond to the following prompt: What
is your initial, informal definition of instructional technology?
Respond to at least one classmate’s post
Blog = reading response journal
 Post
response to weekly prompt
 Post
anything else related to the course that you
think might be of interest!
 End
product = cumulative log of your interests and
thoughts regarding the issues in our field
Create a Blog
Create an account on Blogger or Wordpress
Follow their instructions to create a new blog
Write your first post: topic of your choosing
Email your blog’s URL to me so that I can post it on Blackboard
Questions for viewing:
-What surprised you?
- What did you find yourself disagreeing with?
Pay Attention video