Mr. Bedoya World History II Final Exam Review Sheet 1. The

Mr. Bedoya
World History II
Final Exam Review Sheet
1. The following terms and concepts are important ones you should know to both know in life and expound upon on
your final exam:
Absolute monarchy
Natural Rights
Adam Smith/Laissez Faire
French Revolution (causes & effects)
Simon Bolivar
Haitian Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Opium War
Russian Revolution
Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini
English Civil war-English Bill of Rights
Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen
Congress of Vienna
Toussant L’Overture
Latin American Revolutions
Socialism & Communism
Imperialism (causes & effects)
Berlin Conference
Chinese Revolution
Great Leap Forward/Cultural Revolution
Cold War
Collapse of the Soviet Union
2. Essential Questions To Keep In Mind When Reviewing These Terms:
1. What factors influenced CHANGE in societies we studied this year?
2. What factors led to REVOLUTION? Why did some succeed? Why did some fail?
3. What is NATIONALISM? How has it affected the world?
4. To what extent is INDUSTRIALIZATION responsible for change in our world? What about for problems in our world?
5. How has IMPERIALISM shaped the world we live in? What are its effects/consequences?
6. What role has TECHNOLOGY played in world developments after the Industrial Revolution?
7. What accounts for the rise of COMMUNISM, FASCISM, and TOTALITARIANSIM in the 20th century?
8. What impact did WWII have on the global community?
9. How did the COLD WAR system shape the world after WW II?
10. What GLOBAL ISSUES do we face today in the 21st century?
3. Text References
Absolutism: Chapter 21
Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment: Chapter 22
French Revolution: Chapter 23
Spread of Nationalism & Revolution: Chapter 24
Industrialization: Chapter 25
Imperialism: Chapters 27 & 28
World War I: Chapter 29
World Between Wars: Chapter 31
World War II: Chapter 32
Cold War: Chapter 33
Decolonization: Chapter 34
End of Cold War: Chapter 35
In addition, please refer to your notes, any handouts, and primary source documents.
4. Review
 What are the main characteristics of Absolutism
 What led to the rise of absolute monarchs
 What were the policies of absolute rulers?
 What was different about the English monarchy?
Terms: Phillip II, Louis XIV, absolutism, Peter the Great, westernization, Charles I, English Civil War, Glorious Revolution,
Constitutional Monarchy
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment:
 What caused the Scientific Revolution? What were its main achievements?
 Who were the main Enlightenment thinkers and what were their ideas?
 What was the Enlightenment?
Terms: Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Hobbes social contract, Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, laissez-faire,
French Revolution:
 What were the causes of the French Revolution? What was the main cause?
 How was the National Assembly formed/what were its accomplishments?
 What were the results of the French Revolution? (social, political, economic)
Terms: Estates General, National Assembly, Robespierre, Reign of Terror, Declaration of the Rights of Man, Tennis Court
Napoleonic Period:
 What policies or actions did Napoleon carry
 How did Napoleon ‘s rule affect Europe
 How was the French Revolution similar and/or different from other Revolutions we studied?
Terms: Lycees, Waterloo, Napoleonic Code
Bolivarian Revolutions/Haitian Revolutions:
 What were the goals of the Bolivarian Revolutions in Latin & South America?
 What inspired Bolivar to undertake a campaign of Liberation in South America?
 What were the outcomes of the Bolivarian Revolutions?
Terms: Penninsulares, Creoles, Mulattos, Toussant L’Overture
 What caused the Industrial Revolution
 How did the Industrial Revolution change the way people lived? How did it affect society? Politics? Economics?
 What is Socialism? Communism? How did Marx develop his theories regarding communism as a result of the
Industrial Revolution?
Terms: Agricultural Revolution, entrepreneur, urbanization, corporation, capitalism, communism, socialism, Karl Marx
 How did Industrialization cause Imperialism?
 Why did European nations colonize African and Southeast Asian nations in the 1800’s? What were the most
significant factors?
 How did Imperialism occur (methods)
 How did Imperialism affect the colonizer? The colonized?
Terms: colony, sphere of influence, protectorate, White Man’s Burden, social Darwinism, missionaries, Berlin
Conference, Opium War, Treaty of Nanking, extraterritoriality, British East India Company, Sepoy Mutiny, Meiji
Restoration, Boxer Rebellion
World War I:
 How did the attempt to maintain a ‘balance of power’ help start WWI?
 What caused WWI? In what ways was this war different from those before it?
 How did WWI affect Europe? The world (political, social, economic)?
Terms: Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Archduke Ferdinand, Gavrilo Princep, Central Powers, Allied Powers, submarines,
armistice, Woodrow Wilson, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations
World Between the Wars:
 What factors led to the Russian Revolution?
 Why did Lenin gain popular support, especially amongst the peasants?
 Why did China have a revolution in 1911? What role did Sun Yat Sen play? What was the purpose of the KMT?
 Why did Mao and the Communists gain support in China?
 What policies did Mao implement to establish communism?
 How did the Weimar Republic create the conditions for the possibility of Nazi Germany?
 How did Fascism and Totalitarianism rise in Europe between the wars?
 How were Italy, Germany, and Japan similar in the 1930’s
 How were Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin similar?
 How did Western Nations respond to Hitler?
Terms: Alexander III, pogroms, Nicholas II, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Duma, Lenin, Stalin, totalitarianism, command
economy, 5 year plan, Great Purge, Sun Yat Sen, Chang Kai Shek, Mao Zedong, Hitler, Stalin, Hirohito, Mussolini,
Fascism, Nazi, appeasement, Munich Conference, Third Reich
World War II
 What factors led to WWII?
 How did WWII affect the world? (social, political, economic).
Terms: Blitzkrieg, Charles de Gaulle, Winston Churchill, Battle of Britain, Atlantic Charter, Yamamoto, Nuremburg,
Kristallnacht, Nuremburg Laws, Final Solution, Genocide, Ghettos, Eisenhower, Stalingrad, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge,
Kamikaze, Nuremburg Trials, Atomic Bomb
The Cold War:
 What factors led to the Cold War after WWII?
 How did Imperialism effect the development of these conflicts
 How did decolonization movements affect the development of the Cold War?
 How did these conflicts play out?
 What are the patterns?
 How did the Cold War conflicts affect the world?
 How successful were the US and USSR in achieving their goals?
 What factors led to the collapse of Communism?
Terms: U.N., Iron Curtain, Containment, Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, NATO, Warsaw Pact, Brinkmanship, Red
Guards, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, Vietnam, Vietcong, Korea, 38th Parallel, Domino Theory, Ho Chi Minh,
Third World, First World, Nonalignment, Balfour Declaration, Nasser, Suez Crisis, Bay of Pigs, Fidel Castro, Cuban Missle
Crisis, Kruschev, Kennedy, Glasnost, Perestroika, Ethnic Cleansing, Six Day War, Israel.