Ch.9: Late Middle Ages Social and Political Background

Ch.9: Late Middle
Ages Social and
Video to set stage Dark Ages
The Black Death
Known as the Bubonic Plague
Results of
Economic depression
Bad Health and Hygiene
The Black Death Continued
Named for discoloration of body
Believed to have introduced because of seaborne rats from the
black sea
40% of Western Europe had lost its population
Lack of sophisticated medicine led to superstitions:
Poisonous fumes released by earthquakes
Corruption of Atmosphere
Black Death continued
Farm laborers decreased in numbers but number of skilled artisans
Peasant rebelled against government efforts to limit their wages
Peasant Revolt of 1381
Cities and skilled industries prospered from the effects of the plague
which created a need for more expensive goods
The economic power of artisans and guilds grew
The Hundred Years’ War and Rise of
National Sentiment
Toward the end of middle ages Monarch began to assert power in
England and France result in The Hundred Years War (1337-1453)
English King Edward III claimed the right to French Throne after
death of Charles IV
The territorial proximity of the England and France and their quarrel
over rights to Flanders exacerbated the dispute
English Success- Longbow and Unity
France weakness- infighting and lack of leadership
Joan of Arc- led French to Battle of New Orleans- which would lead
to defeat of English
Breakdown and Revival of Late
Medieval Church
Pope Innocent III transformed Church into a secular power
Created a Papal Monarchy with Political Mission that included
disposing of benefices and saints
Pope Urban IV continued secularization of the Church establishing
its own court, Rota Romana, broadening benefices system, and
politicizing College of Cardinals
Pope Boniface VIII refused efforts of France and English to Tax
Clericis laicos forbid taxation of clergy without issue of papal bull
Declared Unum Sanctum which declared temporal authority was
subject to the power of the church
Breakdown and Revival of The
Medieval Church
Pope Clement the V moved the papacy to Avignon to avoid the
French and Rome. This time period is called Babylonian Captivity
Pope John XXII tried to restore papacy to Rome
William Ickham and Marsilus of Padura protested papal Power
John Wycliffe and John Huss led popular movements (the Lollards
and Hussites) that protested the rights of the papacy
Great Schism (1378) and Conciliar
The Great Schism- Pope Clement VII, a cousin of French King, was
elected to the College of Cardinals just five months after they
elected arch bishop Pope Urban VI
Cardinals deposed both Popes and elected new pope Alexander
V. All three claimed spiritual authority
Conciliar Movement- efforts to regulate the actions of the pope by
council grew at this time. 1414 the council met. Document known as
the Sarcosanta, the council recognized one pope, Gregory XII
Medieval Russia
Prince Vladimir of Kiev chose Greek Orthodoxy as the religion of
Russia (1015)
Kiev was culture center that rivaled Constantinople
Three groups developed: The Great Russians, the White Russians, the
Little Russians (the Ukrainians)
Russian Hierarchical social structure divided freemen (clergy, army
officers, boyars, townspeople, peasants) from slaves
Mongols, led by Genghis Khan, ruled Russia, until their liberation by
Grand Duke Dimitri and Ivan the Great