Ecclesiastical Breakdown - AP Euro at SHS with Ms. Beebe

Ecclesiastical Breakdown
Avignon Papacy
Babylonian Captivity
Great Schism
Conciliar Theory
Alex Hatcher
Sam Lombard
Amal Cheema
Avignon Papacy Causes
o Royal Challenge to Papacy
 Boniface Versus Philip the Fair
 Focus: taxes on clergy
 Reaction: Philip stops all money from France to Rome
Boniface concedes and canonizes
 Unam Sanctum
Boniface tries to assert papal authority over Philip
o Uh oh! Philip beats up Boniface with an army
o Benedict and Clement VI are in subservience
o Rome in Rebellion
 Italian Families repudiate
Spiritual Franciscans accuses papacy of:
o heresy, simony, murder of Celestine
o Papacy is now secular power
 loss of spiritual power for secular
 subject to monarchs for money
o Papacy is in unfavorable position
 materialistic
 Rome's interest and not local
What was the Avignon
Creation of Avignon Papacy
Clement V moved to Avignon (pope's land)
o independence from Philip's presure
o escape Rome ridden with strife
Not really under French influence
o ECONOMIC: expand papal taxes
 indulgences and expansion on salvation doctrines
Cultural implication: materialism and political scheming
Pope John XXI
o when he tries to return to italy
 He challenges Emperor Louis XI
SO, Marsilius and Ockham create Defender of Peace
Papacy is opposed!
Effects of Avignon!
o England
 restricts payments to Papacy
o France
 Gallican liberties regulates papacy...French Church gains power
o German and Swiss
 reduce Papacy's power
o Rise of Hussites and Lollards
o Hussites of Bohemia win significant religious reforms from Council of
Basel after John Huss is excommunicated
o start of Protestant Reformation
Great Schism
Babylonian Captivity
o The Church in Avignon
o Pope Greg XI reestablishes Pope in Rome
What is to happen....
Political Cause
o Succeeding Urban VI wants to reform the Curia
 The (majority) French cardinals do not like that idea- support
return to Avignon
Charles V wants papacy to stay within French influence
Then to fix it, the Conciliar Theory is considered- people want
representative council to have power to regulate actions of the Popebelieved that Pope was only one part of the Church and that the council had
more power than the Pope alone
Wait, what?
Great Schism
Pope Clement VII (cousin of French King) is elected
o TWO POPES?????
 England, HRE, Hungary, Bohemia, and Poland for Urban
 France, Aragon, Castile, Scotland for Clement
 -_- scandalous!
What to do....?
o Mutual cession or reign one
 Obviously, we have to make a council to depose both!
 proposed the Pope was a tiny part, the Church should be
dominated by the faithful
Conciliar Theory
What it meant!
o Pope was to maintain unity. Obviously not being done
o Pope is just a small part of the body of the Christians
o Council of the Church has more power than the pope
o Council of Pisa
 disposed both Popes
 elected Alexander V
accepted by most, but there are THREE POPES! Woah...
o Council Of Constance
 Pope Martin V is elected. Ends Great Schism
 deposed and accepted resignation of the three other Popes
o Council of Basel
 negotiates with Hussites
 Eastern Church rejoined Papacy, ending Conciliar Movement and
restored Papacy
Effect of Conciliar
Effect of Conciliar Movement
o A leader of an institution must provide for his people
o Delegates religious responsibility to laity and secular govts
 Secular institutions now had to keep the Church in check
o Papal states can now be opposed for national and religious papacy
What you just learned
Avignon Papacy, known as the Babylonian Captivity
o allowed for secular rulers to gain power of the Church
When the Avignon Papacy resolved
o there was little spiritual power
o The Great Schism was a show that the papacy could be politically
The Great Schism was resolved by the Conciliar Theory
o Hussites and Lollards were challenges to the Church
o In the Faith: Since when did God have two representatives on Earth?
 Pope's word is no longer law!
o the Council of Basel gave religious responsible to the lay and secular
So this was all important because
o The Church lost power- Protestant Reformation and Crack in Medieval
Mind (remember Manchester!)
o Humanism!
o Absolutism