Human Resources: A Plan to Enhance Performance

Human Resources: A Plan
to Enhance Performance
Week 5 Essay
Eric Zeidman
Eric Zeidman
Week 5
Human Resources: A Plan to Enhance Performance
I have selected the Achieve Model to utilize as an assessment tool/model for performance in
my organization. In my organization it seems that managers are strong in identifying the
problem, but weak in analysis or diagnosis. The Achieve model can help my organization
determine why problems occur. Hersey and Goldsmith in developing this model wanted to find
the major factors that influence staff performance and show the managers how these factors
can be used and remembered by their managers. (1)
Assembly of shirts is such a critical area because if an order is sent out wrong the company
must pay for any damage they have caused. I have seen numerous situations where there is a
wrong shirt in the order and the and nine out of ten times the customer says that it was their
best shirt that is missing and it will cost a hundred dollars to replace. Another thing that I have
seen is that if there is a wrong shirt in the order the customer will say that none of the shirts in
the order are their’s and they want full payment for all of the shirts. Missing buttons, torn collars
from wear and discolored shirts from spills are also blames that we receive in our shirt
department. The option is to pay, lose the customer, or be sued in court for damages. This is a
very critical part of our business if we intend to stay in business.
For our purposes the Achieve Model isolates the key factors that influence performance
management. This model stresses that the worker needs to have a certain amount of ability to
do the job and wants to be able do it. The model also uses feedback to show workers how they
are doing and what to do on a continuous basis. Validity is another factor which documents
manager’s decisions and justifies them. Hersey and Goldsmith came up with seven variables
that relate to effective performance management. (1) Achieve stands for: Ability, Clarity, Help,
Incentive, Evaluation, Validity, and Environment.
In my dry cleaning operation ability means that the workers can complete the job
successfully. When the individual is hired they go thru a light training process on how to do the
job. For example in shirt assembly, the person works with a trainer for a complete week. If they
can handle that the trainer puts them up by themselves and rechecks the person’s work
continually. No other training is required if things work out after a few days the individual is
trusted with their job. If things do not work out they will be replaced as there is no room for
mistakes in this job.
Clarity can sometimes be a problem especially with people who do not speak English well
enough. We have several people however, who can translate to the new worker. I have found
that marginal workers who are unsure of themselves say they do not understand any English at
all. They are then sat down and talked to and if a satisfactory resolution can not be made they
will be replaced. Usually, it is just a matter of confidence in job performance. Help is probably
the key factor in getting the worker to effectively complete the task. In the dry cleaning plant and
we have several people who can do any job in the store. When we hire a new worker, these
helpers continuously monitor the new workers progress until they are competent. They will
answer any questions that the workers may have and assist them in solving problems.
We try to provide key workers with a performance base incentive. The whole team is
rewarded for certain production levels in the shirt department. After reaching one thousand two
hundred shirts a day the all receive five cents extra for every shirt finished and produced. Two
times a week we have coaching and evaluation sessions with team leaders to see what areas
need improvement and what we can do to make thing move along faster. If someone comes up
with a good point we will try to implement it and see if it works. If it does work the employee is
given either a couple of movie tickets or a dinner gift certificate at a local restaurant. When we
talk about validity we strictly follow the local, state, and federal laws on employment and we
document in writing any problems that may occur. There is also a monthly environmental gripe
session which can be private or public to hear factors that can influence employee behavior.
This can be anywhere from personal problems to changing family conditions or needs.
While our basic Achieve Model is our reference point the question comes up; “How are we
going to Enhance performance?” Once again team leaders are strong in identifying a problem
but weak in finding a satisfactory solution. We have settled upon the worksheet for establishing
job performance standards. (2) Each person will now be given a written description of their Job
tasks that will include their responsibilities and everyday duties. For example, a shirt bagger will
be required to finish complete lot (100) shirts before the next one can even be put up. Any
missing items from the lot will be reported to the area supervisor who will then find the missing
item or items. If an item can not be found it will immediately be reported to the supervisor who
will record the problem. The minimum bagger assembly requirement will be one thousand shirts
per day as long as there are no mechanical breakdowns. A mechanical breakdown will
implement a pro rated day depending on the amount of down time.
There will also be implemented a standard for the average worker with time and experience
on the job. This standard will include a minimal of mistakes in packaging. They are allowed two
mistakes a week. If they go over they will be written up and asked to sign the paperwork. Three
or more write ups in a two month period will result in dismissal for poor job performance. An
employee with less than two months experience can be subject to retraining if the management
team thinks there is a good chance to correct the problem. There is also the possibility of also
moving to a less stress based job if the employee shows a good work ethic. One other factor
that should be noted is that the employee is never charged monetarily with a problem they might
have caused in shirt assembly, since we want to promote teamwork.
1. Hersey, Paul, Blanchard Kenneth H., Johnson, Dewey E., 2008. Management of
Organizational Behavior: Leading Human Resources Ninth Edition. Pearson
Prentice Hall 70-74.
2. Exhibit 5-4, A worksheet for establishing job performance standards