Version 1.0 This document provides the steps to setup IIS Live

Version 1.0
This document provides the steps to setup IIS Live Smooth
Streaming using the following components:
IIS Media Services 3.0 \ 4.0 \ 4.5 Beta
Expression Encoder 4.0
IIS Media Services 3.0 x86 :
IIS Media Services 3.0 x64 :
IIS Media Services 4.0 :
Expression Encoder 4.0 with\without SP1
Expression Encoder 4.0 :
Expression Encoder 4.0 SP1 :
Version 1.0
Creating a Live Smooth Streaming Publishing Point on IIS Server
It is assumed that IIS Media Services is installed on top of IIS Server already:
1. In IIS Manager, select the desired Web Site or virtual directory, and then double-click the Live
Smooth Streaming Publishing Points icon. Such as
2. On the Live Smooth Streaming Publishing Points page, in the Actions pane, click Add.
Version 1.0
3. In the Add Publishing Point dialog box, on the Basic Settings tab, enter the following information:
File name. Enter a name for the Live Smooth Streaming publishing point definition file. In this
example and throughout the rest of this walkthrough, we use the file name
LiveSmoothStream. If you specify a different file name, be sure to substitute it appropriately
as you follow the steps in this walkthrough.
4. On the Advanced Settings tab, select the Start publishing point automatically upon first
client request check box. This setting allows an encoder to connect to the publishing point when
the broadcast starts. Connection errors might occur if you don't enable this setting.
Version 1.0
For more information about the additional settings that you can configure on the Advanced
Settings tab, see Add/Edit Dialog Box.
5. If you want to deliver live streams to Apple® mobile digital devices, on the Mobile Devices tab,
select the Enable output to Apple mobile digital devices check box.
Note: This option is only available on IIS Media Services 4.0 and above
Version 1.0
Important: For more information about the requirements and publishing point configuration for
Apple HTTP Live Smooth Streaming: Apple HTTP Live Streaming with IIS Media Services.
6. Click OK. A newly created Live Smooth Streaming publishing point definition file named
LiveSmoothStream.isml is added to the Web site root.
7. Select and right click on created Live Smooth Streaming Publishing Point
Version 1.0
8. The publishing point State value changes from Idle to Starting, which means it is waiting for
external data (in this case, a live stream pushed to it from an encoder).
9. The state of publishin point changes from “Starting” to “Start” once Microsoft Expression Encoder is
configure to push data to this publishing point.
Pushing a Stream to the Live Smooth Streaming Publishing Point
Note Live Smooth Streaming is available only in Microsoft Expression Encoder Pro.
1. Start Expression Encoder (click Start > All Programs > Microsoft Expression > Microsoft
Expression Encoder 4).
Version 1.0
2. In the Load a new project dialog box, select Live Broadcasting Project, and then click OK.
3. Set up the source to use for your live broadcast. The source could either be File Sources or a Live
4. On the Presets tab, choose any of the preset (depending upon the bitrate requirement) with IIS
Smooth Streaming in the preset name, and then click Apply.
Version 1.0
Note Clicking the Apply button automatically updates the Output Format, Video, and Audio
settings on the Encode tab.
Alternatively, you can specify your own values for the Output Format, Video, and Audio options on
the Encode tab.
5. On the Output tab, select the Streaming check box to activate streaming.
In the Location box, type the URL of the Live Smooth Smooth Streaming publishing point that you
want to publish your live broadcast to.
URL syntax: http://ServerName/SiteName/DirectoryName/PublishingPointDefinitionFileName.isml
For the example Live Smooth Streaming publishing point that we created in the previous section, the
URL would be:
Click connect to establish the connection with Publishing point.
Version 1.0
6. Click Cue to enable your source for broadcasting (a cued file source is shown in the following figure)...
...and then click Start to begin your live broadcast.
As the broadcast runs, you can monitor Statistics and Connections data in the corresponding panels.
Important : If you enabled the publishing point to stream content to Apple devices, such as iPhone® and
iPad™ devices, be sure to review the encoding requirements and settings outlined in Apple HTTP Live
Streaming with IIS Media Services.
Note: To be able to play the Live stream, you need to have a Silverlight client player as the media doesn’t work
with normal WMP client. There are Silverlight client player templates available in Expression Encoder 4 and
some more available on the internet for download such as and
Codeplex. You can also develop your Silverlight player using Smooth Streaming Client SDK.