Lesson Plan Week 3

Grade Level Planning
Weekly Lesson Plan—Gus Garcia Middle School
Teachers: Medrano, Jorge
First American colonies
(Jamestown and Plymouth)
Week of: Sept. 9th -13th
Subject: U.S. History
Activities/Strategies/Procedures including times
as well as how the activity will be delivered
2. Review last weeks lessons
3. Finish First American colonies (Jamestown
and Plymouth)
4. Importance of Mayflower Compact
5. Reading assignment on Mayflower Compact
2. Introduce regions (new england, middle, and
south) geography map identify physical
characteristics and climate zones
3. Color regions
4. Exit ticket
1. IFa
2. Start 13 colonies
(reasons for colonization)
3. New England colonies and key founders
4. Middle colonies and key founders
5. Exit ticket: what is the difference between NE
and middle colonies (climate, physical geo,
reasons for settlement)
1. IFA
2. Cont. 13 colonies (SOUTHERN colonies and
key founders
3. Students will create double bubble map on two
regions (use notes to complete assignment)
Gus Garcia Middle School. ‘A Community of Excellence’
Evidence of
Create foldable reviewing first
Grade Level Planning
1. IFA
2. Review
3. Test #1
4. Set up homework assignment
Step 1: Reflection: Did your students master last week’s objectives? If not what’s the plan for re-teaching the objective? What
instructional strategies were most effective/least effective?
How will you assess the effectiveness of the reteach?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Step 2: Identify the targeted objectives/TEKS for the up-coming week: Include what the student should know, understand, and do
upon mastery
How is/are this/these objective(s) tested on TAKS?
Essential Vocabulary (what words/phrases are necessary for students to know to master the objective):
What specific activities/strategies (utilizing Marzano’s Six Step Process) will be implemented to ensure effective student
comprehension of essential vocabulary?
3: Process of the Lessons: How will daily warm-ups contribute to the lesson? What strategies will be used? What activities will
be used to address the targeted objectives? How can/will the lesson be differentiated/modified? Include any unique materials needed.
Gus Garcia Middle School. ‘A Community of Excellence’
Step 4: Assessment/Evaluation: What assessments will be utilized throughout the week? Attach copies of formal assessments. How
will student progress be measured throughout the week?