Presentation link: Passion, Humor and Hope Jo Prusha, Ph.D. Director of Curriculum and Instructional Services, Benton Community @joprusha 319-228-8701 ext. 408 What drives us? We’ve been doing business the same way for 40 years and there are very few 40 year old business models that are successful forever. ■ periods of disruption are periods of disproportionate opportunity ■ to be out there in the messy mosh pit of change with unclear direction and unclear implications, that’s much more important ● GapQuest -- FAST April 2015 What drives our students? “When children create for the world, they make it good. When children only create for their teachers, they make it good enough.” Rushton Hurley Ryan Wise -- School Leader Update Aug 2015 “Key ingredient to improving student learning is to strengthen the knowledge and skills of teachers.” Passion - Engagement What are your passions? Passion - Gary Gordon Building Engaged Schools, ● Enlist talented teachers and principals to cultivate the potential within each student day by day ● Educational excellence relies more on the talent and engagement levels of the people w/in the individual school than on any other factor ● Improve outcomes of students by identifying and leveraging the underutilized talent of students, teachers, support staff and principals Passion - Steve Jobs ● Be willing to be open to the talent of others ● Be willing to be inspired by others and challenged by their talent ● But also to inspire them to do amazing things he knew he couldn’t do himself ● His best collaborators understood that “you had to listen past the yelling to understand what the yelling was about.” Passion - Tim Cook ● Steve thought most people live in a small box -- they think they can’t influence or change things a lot - calling that a limited life. ● If you embrace the things that you can do are limitless, you put your own ding in the universe. ● Insights are years in the making -- result of careful, deliberate, try, try, try....improve, improve, improve. Have the patience to get it right. ● Culture drives things -- create a standard for insane level of excellence. ● selection of people helps propel the culture Passion - Sam Intrator Leading from Within ● Opportunities for leadership are all around us ● The capacity for leadership is deep within us ○ “A leader shapes the ethos of which others must live, an ethos as lightfilled as heaven or as shadowy as hell. A good leader is intensely aware of the interplay of inner shadow and light, lest the act of leadership do more harm than good.” Parker J Palmer ○ “You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. And you can be that servant.” MLK Humor -- Where I find it! “Coach” “Spin City” “Carol Burnett” “Everybody Loves Raymond” “My Family” “Our BC Family” What makes you laugh? Humor - Productive-social humor 1. People enjoy working when humor is present. 2. Humor is a potent stress buster - Laughter is a physical response that relaxes. 3. It is humanizing - come together for common ground. 4. It puts others at ease - break thru tension barriers. 5. Spurs creativity! 6. It helps build trust - authentic selves. 7. It boosts morale and collaboration. 8. People who use humor tend to be more approachable. 9. Humor can allow your company to stand out. 10.Increases productivity. Hope What do you hope for? Hope -- Shane Lopez Making Hope Happen ○ Ripples of hope -- Give hope to one another ○ Hope happens in head and heart when rational selves meet our emotional selves ○ When we choose hope we define what matters most to us ○ Hopeful people spread hope to almost everyone they meet ○ Teach hope ○ Hope core beliefs ○ Hope matters How will you build passion, humor and hope in your life? I’m planting seeds to trees I will never sit under. Hope for these cuties! @joprusha 319-228-8701 ext. 408