DOC - University of Hawaii



University of Hawaii at Manoa Faculty Senate, March 18, 1998

Law School, Classroom 2

44 Senators Present: Nell Altizer, Barry Baker, Caroline Blanchard, Thomas Brislin, Patricia Burrell,

Catherine Caveletto, Rahul Chattergy, Virgie Chattergy, Ross Christensen, John Cox, Steve Dawson, Robert

Duesterhaus, Marilyn Dunlap, Samir El-Swaify, Stephen Ferreira, Elizabeth Fisher, James Gaines, John

Halloran, Sue Hanson, Kathryn Hoffmann, Ruth Horie, Judith Kellogg, Kenneth Kipnis, Sumner LaCroix,

David Lally, William Lampe, Michael Maglaya, John Mahoney, Alexander Malahoff, Gertraud Maskarinec,

Karl Minke, Jane Moulin, Gwen Naguwa, Peter Nicholson, Thomas Olson, C.S. Papacostas, Tom Ramsey,

Thomas Schroeder, Eldon Wegner, Joel Weiner, Lesley Wright, Dina Yoshimi, David Yount, Halina Zaleski

7 Senators Excused: Donna Ching, Robert Cooney, James Cowan, Kathy Ferguson, Patricia Hickman, Aspy

Palia, Randal Wada

17 Senators Absent : Alton Arakaki, Sandra Chang, Eric Decarlo, Arnold Edelstein, John Hardman, Roderick

Jacobs, Casey Jarman, Nancy Lind, Stacey Marlow, Jennifer Matsuda, Gay Reed, Alison Regan, Morris Saldov,

Steven Seifried, Miriam Sharma, Virginia Tanji, Roy Wilkins

Members of the Administration: President Mortimer, Dean Smith, Tom Bopp, David Robb

39 faculty, guests and others signed the guest list.

Chair Alex Malahoff opened the meeting at 3:05.


Minutes of the Congress meeting of February 18, 1998, were approved.


President Mortimer addressed the Senate and expressed his appreciation for the Senate's useful and beneficial advice and counsel, citing athletic policy, admissions and the undergraduate experience

Committee as examples. Noting this was a week of rumors and newspaper articles about possible program cuts, he said vigorous debate is sometimes misunderstood by those who observe us, but this is a good university and faculty, you are debating the right issues, and "get on with the debate."

Autonomy bill: Both houses have similar bills that are encouraging for UH. "The Legislature does seem to be supporting us getting additional degrees of freedom and that's a big deal in the long run."

Budget Cuts: It is still too early to tell what the result of Legislative action will be. The President said he didn't have a list of cuts in his pocket. Rumors have come from asking two faculty committees to look at the situation. Better decisions come from vigorous debate and we need to find a way to tell people outside the University that debate is routine in a University. "Sometimes I'm asked to quiet someone and I reply that I cannot, and I wouldn't if I could. I believe in academic debate."

3. Alex Malahoff reported on three Senate initiatives. The Faculty Ambassadors program is doing well,

UH Admissions Policy is being reviewed, and the Undergraduate Experience Committee is ready to report.



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Undergraduate Experience Committee Report: Ken Kipnis reviewed the Committee's establishment and charge from the Senate, the six findings, and the seven recommendations.

The six findings include: a. Manoa does not effectively and systematically mentor incoming first-time freshmen, thereby encouraging their connection to our academic community. There is no common academic challenge for freshmen, no shared vision of an attractive, distinguishing experience that would build on our resources as a research university. b. Manoa does not ensure that foundational courses are taken early in a student's academic career. c. Manoa lacks co-curricular and extra curricular programs and resources that would enhance the quality of academic life for freshmen. d. Manoa does not prioritize the allocation of its institutional resources to lower-division instruction nor does it adequately reward excellence in that arena. e. Manoa lacks an administrative/faculty nexus for coordinating the academic experiences of lowerdivisional students. f. Manoa does not provide systematic feedback to admissions staff, thereby continually refining our admissions and recruitment.

The seven recommendations in summary form are: a. Orientation: The University should provide all entering freshmen with a comprehensive orientation experience, without additional fee. b. Cohorts, Clustering and Contact: Entering first-time freshmen should be organized into learning communities of 15-20 student each, taking the equivalent of approximately 3 or 4 common, clustered, related introductory-level courses. c. Faculty Credit and Recognition: Faculty should receive appropriate teaching credit, recognition and rewards. d. Feedback to Admissions Process: Freshmen grades in core courses should be reviewed by the admissions staff in order to refine admissions standards and recruitment practices. e. Faculty Oversight: Appropriate faculty bodies should be employed to encourage, facilitate, review, approve, and evaluate all course clusters: to work with the Administration to coordinate and integrate co- and extra-curricular programs into the clusters; and to generate, as needed, standards to ensure that freshmen are adequately prepared for higher-level course work. f. Administrative Commitment: The administration should provide funds and resources and assign clear administrative responsibility to an office commensurate with these tasks.



An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution

M ĀNOA F ACULTY S ENATE g. Extension of the UGE Committee for a second year to work with the administration, on behalf of the

Senate, in the process of implementing and refining the recommendations.

Discussion from the floor followed, and included:

The recommendations were sent to the Senate by the Senate Executive Committee with a recommendation to approve. Kathryn Hoffmann reported the Arts and Science Executive Committee supported the recommendations. Eldon Wagner reported CAPP had followed the Committee's progress carefully and voted to accept the recommendations. They are an important step for the University to take and the details are still to be worked out. Gwen Naguwa reported the CSA also followed the

Committee's work carefully, and strongly supported the recommendations.

The assumptions of 1500 freshmen, cohorts of 15 to 20 students, 75-100 cohorts, 3-4 linked courses per cohort, and 225-400 clustered courses will create problems for faculty organization student organization and a bureaucracy to make the system work. An simpler alternative for the identified problems might be preferential registration for freshmen and sophomores in core courses, enhanced faculty advising and mentoring programs, and voluntary cohorts.

The "simpler solution" produced an extended debate, including the following points. (1) We should deal with the spirit of the recommendations and leave the details to those who implement our policy. The report allows for working out the details. (2) Cohort groups can be in larger classes, as a part of the class. In Psychology, for example, there are 14 classes for freshmen in various forms this semester, including ACE Program students in larger classes. (3) Are cohorts needed? Cohorts get students out of the high school mode and into a common university experience. (4) Freshmen only classes may produce better learning environments than if upperclass students are in the classes. (5) The University of Oregon recently held an orientation in Hawaii for prospective students and its program featured cohorts, mentoring, and orientation. "When I chose between a more expensive Oregon and a less Expensive UH,

I don't want my daughter to have a bad buy if chose UH for the lower cost. I want us to make a commitment to the recommendations." (6) A suggestion that administrative commitment to the program might be demonstrated by assigning the program to an undergraduate dean drew criticism. A committee member said the committee had argued about this, and wanted to avoid a "lower level" person being given a big task without resources to do it. (7) Not all students need cohort groups or the fixed clusters of courses. What about a student with advanced placement credits? The Committee's response was this is the type of fine tuning problem to be worked on at the next stage. Also, if students come in with enough advanced placement credits, perhaps they will not be freshmen and hence not in the program.

Vote was 25 yes, 8 no, and 5 abstentions The motion to send the report and recommendations forward carried.


David Robb, Director of Admissions and Records, addressed the Senate. He reported on admission requirements for freshmen and recruiting efforts to raise the percentage of students admitted who accept.

Thirty-one percent of this year's 1,556 first-time freshmen were in the top 10 percent of their graduation classes.



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Summer Session/CCECS Reorganization: Eldon Wegner reported on CAPP's review and introduced a proposed resolution supporting the reorganization. CAPP's report and the resolution were available for the Senate. The proposal is to merge Summer Session and the College of Continuing

Education and Community Service into a single administrative unit, which will have the status of a college with a Dean. The unit will have responsibility for the continuing education program, outreach education, lifelong learning, distance education, and summer session, both at and from the Manoa campus. The primary reason for the proposal is cost efficiency through the consolidation of various administrative activities, including computer services, accounting systems, and so forth.

The resolution passed with 30 yes, 0 no, and 1 abstention.


Admissions Resolution: Eldon Wegner reported on CAPP's review of Manoa's Admission Policy and a working arrangement between the CAPP Admissions Subcommittee and Admissions and Records. He introduced a resolution that the distributed statement of Admissions Policies and Practices should be approved as the official University of Hawai`i at Manoa Admissions Policies and Practices.

The working agreement states that the University of Hawaii at Manoa undergraduate admissions policies and procedures fall under the joint purview of the Faculty Senate and the Admissions and

Records Office. The Manoa Faculty Senate's Committee on Academic Policy and Planning has created a standing Subcommittee on Admissions to provide faculty oversight for admissions policies and practices and related matters. The Subcommittee shall meet regularly with representatives of the admissions office to review existing policies and practices, consider proposed changes, and address outstanding issues and concerns. As appropriate, the Subcommittee shall prepare recommendations for action by the Manoa

Faculty Senate. In particular, all changes to admissions policies shall be forwarded via CAPP and the

SEC to the Manoa Faculty Senate for review and action.

CAPP's summary of the resolution is that it approves what already exists, and by approving it the

Senate can change and amend admissions policy later.

Vote was 26 yes, 3 no, and 2 abstentions.


Strategic Plan Resolution: Eldon Wegner reported the Manoa Strategic Plan is being discussed,

CAPP has not spent much time on it, and CAPP has a resolution that indicates the significance of Senate participation in the review. The resolution was:

In regard to the document, "The University of Hawaii Manoa Vision and Strategic Objectives in the UH

Manoa Strategic Plan 1998-2007, be it resolved it is mandatory that there be Faculty Senate participation in policy development and planning in implementing the Manoa Strategic Plan.

Discussion from the floor involved the lack of information about the Manoa strategic plan and the vote on the resolution failed with 11 yes, 13 no votes.

The Manoa strategic plan is available at and responses can be sent to Tom

Bopp at



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Dean Smith, Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs/Executive Vice

Chancellor, addressed the Senate on a range of issues related to the budget situation, rumors of program cuts, and University responses to the budget situation.

The threat of budget cuts is serious, events are overtaking us, newspapers report practically every day what might be happening next at UH, and somehow while this is happening we need to adapt creatively to changes in our environment. The positive view is this a maturing of a research university.

Any University restructuring, Smith said, should (1) provide excellence in undergraduate education, (2) maintain strong research activities, (3) lead the State's economic recovery, (4) offer numerous professional programs, (5) meet land grant expectations, (6) provide expertise on public issues, and (7) compete in Division 1 athletics. The UH is trying to reduce expenditures, raise revenues, and there is little room for tolerance of inefficiencies. Some consolidations are underway (CCECS and Summer

Session), and others are under review (TIM and CBA, Arts and Sciences, Medical School/ Cancer

Center/PBRC/Public Health). If UH has a 10 percent budget cut, closures of programs are inescapable.

Even at a 5 percent budget reduction some closures may occur. Only the BOR has the authority to close programs. The process to be observed is (1) faculty input sought, (2) Executive Vice Chancellor recommends actions to President, (3) Faculty Senate and Unions consulted, and (4) the President recommends action to the BOR. Program evaluation criteria will be (1) centrality, (2) comparative advantage, (3) demand, (4) cost, (5) effectiveness, and (last but not least) (6) quality. Additional administrative evaluation criteria are (1) instructional impact, (2) availability elsewhere in the State and is it a viable alternative, (3) program quality (very important, we want to come out a better institution and will not reduce a high quality program) and (4) faculty recommendations. It should be crystal clear that BOR Policy means commitments to students in programs shall be met.

Dean Smith described expectations for the coming year in the areas of market driven degree programs, consolidation of related programs, selected program closures (How much depends on the budget, but we cannot keep dragging everything down with across the board cuts), and changes in faculty appointment policy. At present faculty are I or R. Smith sees a single system with faculty moving from I to R, or R to

I, as careers proceed, and/or needs of the university change.

Discussion for the floor followed. Dean Smith was asked whether the "vertical Cut" committees had considered cuts in the administration. He responded that "I don't think they have." He has looked in his office at duplicative staff positions and he has tried to trim as much as possible.

Cuts take time. What if we get a cut on July 1? What do we do? Dean Smith's response was that Deans have been told we may have substantial cuts, and "I can't answer beyond that."

If we cut vertically, how do we meet the needs of students? Dean Smith's reply was that workload might increase and class size increase. undergraduate education? "I can't give

Golden handshake retirements? Incentive early retirement is in place now. It is one year at a time, for three years.



An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution


Why are we looking at Division 1 for Athletics, and will the response to the budget hurt the athletic efforts on gender equity? Dean Smith replied That John Burns set us on this path and that Donna Shalala while Chancellor at the University of Wisconsin supported athletics as a way of communicating with the public and encouraging alumni support. Regarding gender equity, we are obligated to meet expectations, and we will.


Resolution in Support of Independent Learners: Tom Ramsey introduced at resolution from the

SEC to make credit by exam more realistic and hopefully more available.

The vote was 25 yes, 0 no, and 0 abstentions.

11. Meeting was adjourned at 5:35

Respectively, Submitted,

Steve Dawson, Secretary.

Resolution from the Subcommittee on Admissions of the Committee on Academic Policy and


WHEREAS heretofore there has been no formal procedure for establishing, approving or revising admissions policy, and

WHEREAS heretofore there has been no formal faculty oversight of admissions policy and the last

WASC accreditation report made note of this as an item needing improvement, and

WHEREAS the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning has established a Subcommittee on

Admissions to provide this faculty oversight, and

WHEREAS the Subcommittee on Admissions and the office of Admissions and Records has a signed working arrangement, and

WHEREAS the attached statement of Policies and Practices constitutes the actual admissions policies and practices currently in effect, and

WHEREAS these policies compare reasonably well with admissions requirements at comparable schools, and

WHEREAS it is good to begin the process of there actually being faculty oversight for admissions policies,

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the attached statement of Admissions Policies and Procedures should be approved as the official University of Hawai`i at Manoa Admissions Policies and Practices.



An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution


Resolution on the Reorganization of Summer Session and the College of Continuing Education and Community Service

WHEREAS, the merger of Summer Session and the College of Continuing Education into a single college will consolidate administrative functions in an efficient and cost-effective manner; and

WHEREAS, the new unit will have the responsibility to strengthen the University's efforts to meet the needs of non-traditional students, expand distance education offerings, and provide leadership and support for faculty who use technology to deliver courses; and

WHEREAS, the proposal for the merger does not address perceived inadequacies in the current academic program of the continuing education program of the University of Hawaii at Manoa;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate of the University of Hawaii at Manoa approves the proposed merger of Summer Session and the College of Continuing Education and

Community Service. However, during this process of reorganization, we call on the administration to attend to needed changes in the continuing education program, including exploring policy changes and other steps regarding the following possibilities:

1. expansion of an evening and weekend academic program to offer a greater range of degrees;

2. closer working relationships and shared responsibility with the academic departments and programs of UH-Manoa for the continuing education curriculum to assure an appropriate mix of courses; and

3. an option for regular UH-Manoa students to take continuing education courses without financial penalty.

Resolution in Support of Independent Learners

Whereas Credit by Examination can help accommodate non-traditional students, facilitate distance learning, and substitute for the transfer of credits from non-accredited and foreign institution,

Whereas, although independent learning is a relatively rare phenomenon, the island fragmentation of the

State of Hawaii's physical isolation from the world market make it imperative that UH embrace independent learners,

Whereas each examination normally takes one full day by a faculty member as well as time on the part of departmental staffs and administrators,

Whereas the current fee for Credit by Examination is $15 per examination for one course,



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Whereas CLEP examinations, whose current fees are $61, are appropriate for giving credit to students for work done in high school, are limited to introductory courses and sometimes restricted to students who have accumulated fewer than 24 credit courses,

Whereas the fee charged for Credit by Examination hardly begins to compensate the faculty and department which agree to write and administer the examination for their time,

Whereas some UHM departments now have active policies against Credit by Examination,

Be it resolved that, to provide good incentives to accommodate independent learners,

1. The decision to make Credit by Examination available in any particular instance shall remain a departmental decision and be strictly voluntary on the part of faculty.

2. The fee for Credit by Examination shall be a percentage of the in-state tuition rate on a credit hour basis; this percentage shall be initially set at 50 % and adjusted experimentally for maximum accommodation of independent learners.

3. The fee for Credit by Examination shall be allowed to vary among departments to accommodate different cost structures and markets.

4. The revenue from each instance of Credit by Examination should continue to go to the Department and Faculty administering the particular examination.

5. Statistics of department efficiencies and workload shall include credit hours granted by the Credit by

Examination process.


The Testing Center, which administers CLEP examinations, receive a commendation for providing excellent service and meeting a significant need. The Testing Center is especially to be commended for scheduling CLEP examinations on a monthly basis and for having, due to local administration of the examinations, the flexibility to often accommodate students who apply late for a particular examination.



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