The J - J. Turner Hood School

Welcome to The J. Turner
Hood Elementary School
Informational Presentation
Our School Theme
“Hand & Hand Together We Can”
“Hand and Hand Together We Can.”
As a faculty and a school community we
believe that “Hand and Hand Together We
Can.” We believe that we can accomplish
many goals if all the members of the J.
Turner Hood School community remain
cognizant of our theme and continue to
work collaboratively in order to benefit our
Welcome from our Staff
Contact Information
J. Turner Hood School
298 Haverhill Street
North Reading, Mass.
Phone: (978) 664-7817
Fax: (978) 664-7805
Our Website
J. Turner Hood Elementary School
Mission Statement
The mission of J. Turner Hood Elementary School is
to educate and challenge students to their fullest
potential. J. Turner Hood students will become
lifelong learners with social, intellectual and critical
skills that will enable them to function as successful
adults in our global society.
J. Turner Hood Elementary School
Vision Statement
The J. Turner Hood School aims to provide a success
oriented, quality education that will enable all
students to reach their full potential within a
respectful, caring and secure environment.
J. Turner Hood Elementary School
1. Improve student achievement.
2. Continue to implement our philosophy of working together as a Professional Learning
3. Provide a safe learning environment for all children, free of ridicule where children will
be able to express themselves freely.
4. Maintain strong relationships and partnerships with School Committee, School Parents’
Association, School Councils, school staff and school community at large.
Enrollment Data
2009-2010 Enrollment
425 Students
First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
Class Size
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Se st
Fo d
Town of North Reading
The Town of North Reading is an outlying suburban town in
Middlesex County, lying entirely within the watershed of the
Ipswich River. It was created as an independent town in
1853 and retains a number of well-preserved houses dating
back to 1730. The town center retains its complete historic
fabric with a Federal style meeting house and an affluent
Federal village with a well-preserved district of period
School Profile
The current enrollment of the J. Turner Hood School is 425 students. The
physical plant houses three Grade One classes, three Grade Two classes,
three Grade Three classes, four Grade Four classrooms as well as three
classes of Grade Five and one Language-Based classroom. We host one full
day kindergarten class in addition to one half day kindergarten class. We
also have two pre-kindergarten classrooms and the SEEM Collaborative
program for the Hearing Impaired in our building.
School Facility
The J. Turner Hood School is located on
16.30 acres in North Reading
 The building is 55,000 square feet
including 4 modular classrooms.
Hood School Facility
This fully operational, elementary school was
originally built in 1959 (upper wing) with a 1969
(lower wing) addition. In 1998, library, art and
music rooms were added and the administration
area was expanded and most classrooms were
renovated with all new unit ventilators to improve
indoor air quality. Four modular classrooms were
added in 2003 at the west end of the 1969 wing.
The school is all on one floor with a stair lift
connecting the upper and lower wings and is ADA
compliant and is fully sprinklered.
The Hood School Mascot
During the 2003-2004 school year, the
students voted on a new school
mascot. They chose the Hood School
Hound Dog!
How do Hound Dogs best represent all of
us at the J. T. Hood School?
Hounds are always noble and
dignified, and they are characterized
by wisdom and strength.
As Hood School Hound Dogs, students
are respectful of others; dignified as
they follow directions from adults,
work together as a learning
community, and in their treatment of
one another.
They have the strength to stand up for
themselves and for each other, to work
their hardest and to do what is right.
They have the wisdom to make the
best choices.
Who was J. Turner Hood?
Original Photo of Mr. J. Turner Hood meeting with the North Reading
School Committee in 1953 with Mr. J. Turner Hood at the right.
Statement of Philosophy
The North Reading School District is an inclusive
school district. As such, we are a collaborative
culture that welcomes all members into our
learning community. With the recognition that
students share more similarities than differences,
our learning community respects each individual’s
unique contributions. In our schools, we expect all
adults to share the responsibility to provide every
student with access to and participation in high
quality general education.
Source: North Reading Public Schools
Elementary School Handbook for Students and Parents
Student Support Services
Student Support Services
Our learning community
includes specialists who
provide direct services to our
students within the classroom
This format allows each
student the opportunity to
learn within the least
restrictive environment
throughout their school day.
In cases where more
specialized therapies need to
be provided, additional pull
out services can be offered.
Introducing such therapies in
an inclusive setting offers
reassurance, as well as
motivation, for additional
sessions with specialists.
Student Support Services Continued
All students benefit from the
specialized instruction provided by our
In cases where more specialized
therapies need to be provided,
additional pull out services can be
offered. Introducing such therapies in
an inclusive setting offers reassurance,
as well as motivation, for additional
sessions with specialists.
Students can be active participants or
active observers.
Teachers and paraprofessionals also
benefit from observing and
participating in such activities
Differentiated instruction is more
attainable when such a collaborative
approach to learning is appropriately
Our learning community of specialists
an Occupational Therapist
a Physical Therapist
Reading specialists
Learning specialists
Title 1 math support
Speech and Language Pathologists.
School Psychology
We are also joined by members of the
SEEM Collaborative’s Program for
Deaf and Hard – of – Hearing Children.
The SEEM Collaborative Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
is a day school program housed in two public schools educating
students grades PreK-1. All students present with an educationally
significant hearing loss including moderate, severe and profound
sensorineural losses as well as auditory dys-synchrony. Students
use a variety of amplification devices including traditional hearing
aids, FM systems and some students have cochlear implants. In
addition, all students use a combination of spoken English and
signed English to communicate.
Both the preschool and the kindergarten classrooms participate in
at least two structured, teacher directed activities daily. These
activities are language-based (emphasizing the development of
specific vocabulary and receptive/expressive language skills) and
incorporate academic material from across the curriculum. All
instruction and curriculum is aligned with the Massachusetts State
Curriculum Frameworks.
Reading Services Grades 1 & 2
In September of 2008 the reading teachers at the Hood School began the process of
implementing the initial stages of a Response To Intervention model, commonly
referred to as RTI, to provide reading support services to regular education students.
This model has continued forward into the 2009-2010 school year. Within this RTI
model, reading support is provided to students who have been identified as reading
below grade level expectations. In order to implement this model the reading
teachers administered the Developmental Reading Assessment, commonly referred to
as the DRA, to all first and second graders, a total of 128 students. This assessment
provided the school staff with a comprehension, word accuracy, and fluency score,
which when combined, gave us an overall instructional and independent reading level
for each student in grades 1 & 2. This data was analyzed by school staff to determine
those students that need remedial reading services.
Reading Services Grades 3, 4 & 5
In order to assess the reading abilities of third, fourth, and fifth grade students the
Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test, commonly referred to as the Gates, was administered.
The Gates was designed to provide a general assessment of reading achievement
comprised of a vocabulary test and a reading comprehension test. Derived scores
such as national percentile ranks (NPR), national stanines (NS), and grade
equivalencies (GE) were then defined by the raw scores of the vocabulary and
reading comprehension test. Instruction for identified students in third, fourth, and
fifth grades focuses on phonics, spelling, reading comprehension, and in some cases
writing development. This data was analyzed by school staff to determine those
students that need remedial reading services.
The J. T. Hood School is a
learning community where all staff work
together to create an environment that fosters
mutual cooperation, emotional support, and
personal growth as we work together to
achieve what we cannot accomplish alone.
•Ensuring that Students Learn - The core mission of
formal education is not simply to ensure that students are taught,
but to ensure that they learn.
•A Culture of collaboration - All members of the staff work
together to achieve the collective purpose of learning for all. Structures
are created to promote a collaborative culture.
•A Focus on Results - Every team member participates in an
ongoing process of identifying the current level of student achievement,
establishing goals to improve the current level, working together to
achieve those goals, and provide periodic evidence of progress.
•Shared goals
•Shared responsibility
•Shared accountability
•Shared resources
•Shared decision making
•Respect, trust, openness
• Assessment
•Curriculum Activities
•Online North Reading portal for information sharing
•“Looking at Student Work”
•Progress Reports and Report Cards
•Developmental Proficiencies
•Data-Driven Instruction
• MCAS Data
•Third Grade Reading and Math
•Common Assessments
•Reading Benchmark Tests
•Mathematics Benchmark Tests
•Differentiated Instruction
•Modification of assessment and instruction
•Collaboration on delivery of service to students
•Coordination of student support
•Response to Intervention
•Differentiated levels of intervention and support
All teachers access Curriculum Frameworks developed by
the DOE, which are used as the foundation for all
education. The district has developed grade level
Curriculum Guides based on the frameworks for different
subject areas and copies of these are available in the office.
Teachers have some flexibility with curriculum while
working towards the same standards for all students.
Access to the educational experiences students receive and
the quality of education should be equitable so that
students move on to the next grade level with similar
experiences and having achieved the same standards.
Teachers actively engage in Collaboration to discuss and
share strategies so that all students access the curriculum
and have an equitable experience.
Our Parent’s Association & Enrichment
We have an active Parents’ Association dedicated
to promoting a partnership with teachers in order
to provide the best learning experiences for
students! Be sure to attend one of their monthly
meetings, where you can engage in decisionmaking, perhaps win a door prize (maybe that
VIP parking spot!), and meet some new friends.
Meetings take place AM and PM (alternating each
month) and will be advertised when scheduled.
The PA also provides our monthly calendars and
informative newsletters that help keep us
connected to events and happenings at the Hood.
PA Executive Board Members
2009-2010 School Year
Christie Perrone
Gina Prisco
Amy Frammartino
Donna Kavanaugh
Ann Catalano
Janice Gray
Co-Social Directors
Lori Giacalone
Paula Mastro
Co-Enrichment Directors
Jennifer Wallace
Maria Wilson
Co-Publicity Directors
Amy Barry
J. Turner Hood School PA
Enrichment Programs
School Wide Assemblies
Synergy Brass Quintet
Jerry Pallotta
Third Grade
Native American Presentation
Tide Pools
Matt Noyes- NECN Meteorologist
First Grade
Mad Science
Audubon Society- Birds of Prey
Matt Noyes- NECN Meteorologist
Second Grade
High Touch/ High Tech. Simple Machines
Rainforest Reptiles
Native American Perspectives
Matt Noyes- NECN Meteorologist
Star Labs
Brad Jones- State Representative
Jeremy Reiner- Channel 7 Meteorologist
Julie Hahnke- Author
Fourth Grade
Brad Jones – State Representative
Julie Hahnke - Author
Peer Proof
Jeremy Reiner- Channel 7 Meteorologist
Discovery Museum Magnet 2 Program
Fifth Grade
Deana’s Educational Theatre
Julie Hahnke - Author
Brad Jones- State Representative
Jeremy Reiner-Channel 7 Meteorologist
What is Alert Now?
AlertNow allows the school district to send
important information quickly – not only to
parents but to staff as well – via phone and/or email about emergency situations and school
delays or cancellations due to inclement weather.
In addition to notifying parents about school
closings or delays, AlertNow allows every school
to contact parents about important school
information and events, testing schedules, report
card distribution, open houses, delayed buses,
field trips, and more.
Professional Learning Study Groups
In September of 2009, the teaching faculty at the J. Turner
Hood Elementary School became actively engaged in the
study of effective learning and teaching practices as a
collective unit.
Current Topics of Study Include;
 School Wide Behavior
 Response to Intervention
 Life Threatening Allergies
 Data Analysis Team
 Character Education
 School Scheduling to Optimize Learning
J. Turner Hood School Student
Behavioral Expectations
Increasingly, educators are not only responsible for providing
quality instruction, but helping students learn acceptable social
skills and character development. For many children, they enter
school unaware as to what is expected of them both academically
and behaviorally. All students, especially those who come to
school from conditions that are not ideal, need to have clear and
consistent behavioral and academic expectations established,
maintained, and understood for them to be held accountable.
At the J. Turner Hood School, classroom rules are posted in highly
visible locations for the children to see at all times. In order for
the rules to be effective, they must be consistent. Children need
to be guided through the rules and expectations in a
developmentally appropriate progression, considering student’s
individual, educational, and social needs. The J. Turner Hood
School “Hand & Hand Together We Can” behavioral framework is
being implemented to help build consistent and progressive
disciplinary practice throughout our school.
J. Turner Hood School Student
Behavioral Expectations
The goal of this framework is to help create a positive,
caring atmosphere where all children and adults feel
respected and a valued member of our school community.
The desired result is to have a safe, nurturing, and creative
environment where both the students and the staff feel
enthusiastic about learning and sharing ideas. We need to
set and maintain high expectations for all students
both academically and behaviorally. Children will do
what they think we expect them to do. We not only
need to educate our children academically, but we need to
prepare them with listening and positive communication
skills. In addition, we need to educate students on how to
be compassionate and caring individuals who we are proud
to have in our school community.
J. Turner Hood School Student
Behavioral Expectations Sample Page
Student Council
The Grade Five Student Council will
perform various roles. The Student Council
meets with the principal for advisement,
initiates school spirit days and coordinates
fund-raising efforts.
The Green Team
The Green Team
continues to work
towards our goal of
reducing the number
of kilowatt hours of
electricity consumed
at the Hood School.
If you visit the Hood
School and see the
Green Team please
close all doors behind
you and remember to
shut off the lights!
Morning Drop Off
Arrival/Morning Drop-Off
School begins at 8:55, and staff will be available to welcome students beginning at 8:40.
Children should not be brought to school before 8:40 AM as there is no adult supervision. School
staff will greet you and your children at the drop-off loop at 8:40 to let you know that
students may now enter the building.
We do have a morning program that is tuition-based. If your child arrives in the building earlier
than 8:40, he/she will be sent to the morning care program and a note will be sent home with a
friendly reminder to you to pay the fee.
Drop Off Procedures:
Drop off children at the side rotary.
Pull all the way up to the end of the sidewalk before letting your child out.
Let your child out opposite the driver’s side, only.
Do not get out of the car yourself.
There is NO PARKING within the rotary.
Please remain in your car and move forward once your child exits the car, in order to keep the line
moving. For safety reasons, it is important that you follow this procedure.
If you must come into the building, please park within the parking lot
Do not park along the rotary or along the school grounds exit which may disrupt the flow of bus
Please exit only at the other end of the parking lot and proceed through the rotary to exit the
school grounds. It is not safe to be exiting at the parking lot entrance.
On the first few days of school, the North Reading Police Department is here to assist us with traffic
flow and to help assess safety conditions. We appreciate your cooperation with their suggestions.
Our Dismissal
Dismissal/Pick-Up, regular
All walkers exit the building via the Cafeteria. Special requests (Aspen Road, true walkers
who do not wait for parent pick-ups, etc) must be submitted to the principal in writing
During bus dismissal, walkers are escorted to their exit by one teacher per grade level. Please greet
your child in the cafeteria – not the lobby! - To help ease congestion and facilitate a smooth
traffic pattern of students exiting the building. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Remember to supervise your children in the parking lot area.
Do not park along the rotary or along the school grounds exit which may disrupt the flow of bus
traffic. You may park in the parking lot only. It is acceptable to double park behind staff vehicles
– it will help to identify you as a parent/live car if you keep your emergency blinkers on while you
go to get your child.
When entering the parking lot, please enter at the first opening only, when you come into the
rotary. Please exit only at the other end of the parking lot and proceed through the rotary to exit
the school grounds. It is not safe to be exiting at the parking lot entrance.
Aspen Road
Several parents have expressed concern with safety issues regarding Aspen Road. If your
children walk to meet you at Aspen Road, you may wish to review safe crossing guidelines with
your children. If you are a driver, please practice extra caution when picking up children on Aspen
Road. We cannot monitor Aspen Road. Your safest choice would be to pick up your children
directly at school, rather than public roads.
We welcome any questions you have about
our school! Please contact our Principal,
Mr. Glen S. McKay, with any questions you
may have. We look forward to meeting
with you!