PASADENA CITY COLLEGE Performing & Communication Arts Division Music Department Spring 2014 COURSE: Music 4D – Keyboard Skills CREDIT: 2 Units OFFICE: CA-002 PHONE: 626 585 7589 E–MAIL: INSTRUCTOR: Joseph Klice OFFICE HOURS: TBA TEXT: Alfred’s Group Piano for Adults, Book One, 2nd Edition, by Lancaster & Renfrow PREREQUISITE: Completion of Music 4C with a minimum grade of C. Concurrent enrollment in Music 2C, Music 3C & Music 10. For students practicing piano solely on campus, Music 140 is recommended. PURPOSE: Study of standard repertoire and functional keyboard skills, correlated with Music 3C in preparation for the keyboard proficiency examination. Primarily for the Music Major/Music Minor. OBJECTIVE: To reinforce and apply materials learned in Music 2C and 3C at the keyboard. To make use of the piano as a tool in one’s musical career using the functional rather than the music conservatory approach. CLASS WORK: Lecture and demonstration of keyboard concepts/skills, including technique, repertoire, transposition, sight reading, and Music 3D coursework- related keyboard harmony assignments. In class practice of new and review material. Attention to individual keyboard problems of both physical technique and musical performance. GRADING IS BASED UPON: (1) Attendance. Class attendance is expected. (PCC policy requires that a student be dropped from the roll when absences total more than the number of hours the class meets in a two-week period. Individual problems of extended absence should be discussed with the instructor in advance of the absence. Students must arrive to class on time – tardiness will affect grade. (2) Music Library/Lab Practice Hours: 1.3 hours of weeky practice time in the CA Bldg. is required of all students. Please remember to sign in and out of the Music Library/Lab Attendance Computer before and after each time you practice on campus. (3) Successful Preparation of Assignments. (4) Playing Quizzes (usually at the end of every class). Grading point system: 5=A=excellent; 4=B=above average; 3=C=average; 2=D=below average; 1=F=not acceptable) (5) Midterm Exam (100 points) (6) Final Exam (100 points). REQUIREMENTS OF STUDENTS: Consistent practice, which yields better results than infrequent practices. Please keep fingernails short. It is expected that assignments be completed by the due date. Late performance may result in a lower grade. Make-up quizzes will not be accepted more than one week beyond the due date, unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. DISABILITIES: If you are a student with a disability and you believe you may need an accommodation to successfully complete the course, be sure to contact Disabled Student Programs and Services in D-209. You should also discuss your needs with me during my office hours, or at another time by making an appointment. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: As a student, you should be familiar with the Associated Student Body Code of Conduct, which indicates that students are expected to maintain satisfactory standards of citizenship on campus, in online courses, and in the community. Unsatisfactory citizenship includes, among other things, cheating and plagiarism. Thus, it is not acceptable to submit any work that is not your own original work. COURSE OUTLINE: Weeks 1 – 3: Repertoire: Handout: Seventh Heaven; p. 70 Schytte; Handout: Jazz Bounce; Handout: Melody in G. Scales in major and parallel minor, two octaves, hands together. Also, arpeggios, two octaves, hands together. Transposition and sight reading of selected pieces from text. Accompaniment patterns. Open score assignment. Keyboard Harmony: Diatonic seventh chords and borrowed chord progressions. Weeks 4 – 6: Repertoire: Handout: Jazz Bounce; Handout: Melody in G. Continuation of scales and arpeggios. Clef reading in two voices, incorporating alto clef. Transposition and sight reading from text. Accompaniment patterns. Keyboard Harmony: Secondary dominants. Introduce Midterm exam. Weeks 7 – 9: Repertoire; Handout: Melody in G. Continuation of scales and arpeggios. Transposition and open score assignments. Keyboard Harmony: Diminished seventh chords. Two-hand accompaniment from text p. 330-331, “Ich grolle nicht” by Robert Schumann. Figured bass and Neapolitan sixth chord. Midterm in 8th week includes: 1) Credo by Schubert, p. 332, open score, 2) all scales and accompanying technique to date, 3) Keyboard Harmony, 4) Melody in G, 5) clef reading, 6) sight reading. Weeks 10 – 12: Repertoire: Handout: Soldier’s March; Handout: Lullaby. Continuation of scales and arpeggios. Open score assignment. Transposition and Sight reading from text. Keyboard Harmony: Two-hand accompaniments to tunes such as “Take Me Out To The Ball Game” p. 155. Introduction of Italian, French and German augmented sixth chords. Weeks 13 – 16: Repertoire: Handout: Lullaby. Continuation of scales and arpeggios. Keyboard Harmony: V9 chords. Continuation of augmented sixth chords including modulations. Final exam includes: 1) all scales and accompanying technique to date, 2) Sight reading, 3) Open score: p. 333, 4) clef reading; p.330: Ich grolle nicht. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Play scales 2 octave hands together, parallel motion up and down, in all Major & minor keys Play velocity exercises to the level of beginning Czerny etudes. Perform selected pieces with various technical problems involving independence of hands and requiring different articulations or phrasing in each hand. Harmonize melodies using various accompaniment patterns, such as broken chord, waltz bass, Alberti bass. Harmonize melodies, singing melody while playing accompaniment. Transpose melodies in right hand with single left hand bass line and/or triad accompaniment. Play chord progressions using all primary and secondary triads. Improvise simple exercises illustrating progressions and cadences. Student Learning Outcomes 1. Develop critical awareness of practice techniques through keyboard performance and sight-reading examples. 2. Read and play at the keyboard a melody in the alto clef in combination with treble and/or bass clefs in 2, 3 and 4-part open score. 3. Realize a simple figured bass in the LH with harmonies in the RH. 4. Play major and harmonic minor scales and arpeggios (two-octaves) on the keyboard with correct spelling and fingerings. 5. Play chord progressions at the keyboard using diminished 7th, secondary dominants, Neapolitan Sixth, and Italian, French and German Augmented Sixth chords. MUSIC 4D WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS – Spring 2014 RH = right hand LH = left hand HS = hands separately HT = hands together 1 oct. = one octave Week 1 Feb. 22 to Feb. 28 CORRECT POSTURE & HAND POSITION, 5 FGR. POSITIONS, MAJOR/MINOR SCALES, DIATONIC TRIADS OF THE SCALE, ARPEGGIOS, TRANSPOSITION, HARMONIZATION, OPEN SCORE READING Week 2 Feb. 28 to Mar. 7 Major/minor 5 fgr. Position review using RH finger numbers 1 3 4 2 5 3 2 4 3 1 4 1 5 2 5 2 1 C Major/c minor har. scales, diatonic triads., arpeggios, cadences in all three positions (pp. 53-55, plus add 3rd position) Sight Reading: p. 234 No. 1 & 2 P. 94: diatonic 7th chords of the key Handout: Seventh Heaven in C; transpose to D Open score: p. 240 4D Keyboard Harmony Sheet One Nos. 1 & 2 TEST: C Major & c minor scales, diatonic triads TEST: Handout: Seventh Heaven in C and D MELODY IN LH, HARMONIZATION AND TRANSPOSITION USING EIGHTH NOTE CHORD ACC., ii1/2 dim CHORDS IN INVERSIONS Week 3 Mar. 7 to Mar. 14 5 fgr. Position exercise G Major/g minor har. scales, diatonic chords., cadences in 3 pos. Sight Reading: p. 165 P. 70 Solo Repertoire, Schytte P. 99 Beethoven harmonization and transposition P. 240 Open score 4D Keyboard Harmony One Nos. 1 & 2 4D Keyboard Harmony Two No. 1 TEST: KH One Nos. 1 & 2 TEST: C Major/minor cadences and inversions, arpeggios SECONDARY DOMINANT REVIEW, ii ½ dim 7, bIII, iv, viidim 7 5 fgr. exercise D Major/d minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Sight Reading: p. 110 no. 3 P. 70 Schytte – transpose to F 4D Keyboard Harmony Two Nos. 1 & 2 4D KH Three P. 99 Beethoven harmonization and transposition in G & F P. 155 Take Me Out to the Ball Game (sing melody as you play accompaniment) Handout: Jazz Bounce P. 240 open score Handout: Melody in G TEST: p. 70 Schytte TEST: G Major & g minor scales, diatonic chords, arpeggios Week 4 Mar. 14 to Mar.21 Week 5 Mar. 21 to Mar. 28 TEST: KH Two No. 1 in c NEW REPERTOIRE, TRANSPOSITION D Major/d minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. A Major/a minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Sight Reading p. 165, p. 98 no. 2 P. 99 Beethoven harmonization and transposition in A and D P. 155 Take Me Out to the Ball Game (sing melody as you play accompaniment) 4D KH Two no. 1 in c, g, d - no. 2 in C & G 4D KH Three in C & D p. 240 open score Handout: Jazz Bounce Handout: Melody in G TEST: D Major/d minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. TEST: KH Two no. 1 in c, g, d – no. 2 in C & G INTRODUCTION TO MIDTERM, CLEF READING Week 6 Mar. 28 to Apr. 4 A Major/a minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. E Major/e minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Sight Reading: p. 111 no. 2 P. 99 Beethoven harmonization and transposition: G, F, A, D Handout: Jazz Bounce 4D KH Three in C & D p. 240 open score Introduction to Midterm: (1) all scales, diatonic chords, arp., cadences to date, (2) clef reading (Handout), (3) Sight reading to date, (4) Melody in G, (5) KH Handout: Melody in G, (6) p. 332 open score TEST: A Major/a minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. TEST: Handout: Jazz Bounce TEST: p. 240 open score CONTINUED PREPARATION FOR MIDTERM E Major/e minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. B Major/b minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Sight Reading: pp. 234, 165, 110 no. 3, 98 no. 2, 111 no. 2, 72 no. 3 P. 99 Beethoven transposition: G, F, A, D P. 210 Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis in C and Bb 4D KH Three in C & D p. 332 open score Continued prep for Midterm: (1) all scales, diatonic chords, arp., cadences to date, (2) clef reading #3 (Handout), (3) Sight reading to date, (4) Melody in G, (5) KH, (6) p. 332 open score Handout: Melody in G TEST: E Major/e minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Week 7 Apr. 4 to Apr. 11 Week 8 Apr. 11 to Apr. 25 CONTINUED PREP FOR MIDTERM, MORE SECONDARY DOMINANTS NEW OPEN SCORE B Major/b minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Sight Reading: pp. 234, 165, 110 no. 3, 98 no. 2, 111 no. 2, 72 no. 3 Melody in G Open score p. 332 Handout: clef reading 4D KH Three in C & D P. 210 Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis in C & Bb TEST: B Major/b minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. TEST: 4D KH Three in C & D MIDTERM WEEK Week 9 May 2 F Major/f minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. KH Four no. 1 in g and f P. 290 Amazing Grace (sing melody as you play accompaniment) MIDTERM TEST: (1) all scales to date, along with diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 positions, (2) Handout: clef reading #3 (3) Sight reading to date (six examples) (4) KH 3 in C & D, (5) Melody in G, (6) p. 332 open score NEOPOLITAN SIXTH CHORD, FIGURED BASS, SECONDARY DOMINANTS Week 10 May 2 to May 9 TEST: p. 99 Beethoven in G, F A, D TEST: P. 155 Take Me Out to the Ball Game (sing melody as you play accompaniment) F Major/f minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Bb Major/bb minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Sight Reading: p. 164, 287 4D KH Four no. 1 (figured bass) in g & f, and no. 2 (with N6) in g and a p.286 P. 290 Amazing Grace (sing melody as you play accompaniment) P. 210 Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis in C & Bb P. 330-331 Ich grolle nicht TEST: F Major/f minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. TEST: Amazing Grace (sing melody as you play accompaniment) GERMAN SIXTH CHORD, FIGURED BASS, TWO HAND ACCOMPANIMENTS Bb Major/bb minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Handout: Schumann, Soldier’s March in G & F P. 333 Schubert – viola part only P. 268 German Sixth Chord Sight Reading: p. 269, p. 287 Harmonization p. 269 4D KH Four no. 1 (figured bass) in g & f, and no. 2 (with N6) in g and a Week 11 May 9 to 16 Handout: clef reading #4 P. 210 Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis in C & Bb P. 330-331 Ich grolle nicht TEST: 4D KH Four no. 1 (figured bass) in g & f, and no. 2 (with N6) in g and a TEST: BbMajor/bb minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. FIGURED BASS, ITALIAN SIXTH CHORD, HARMONIZATION P. 270 Italian Sixth Chord Sight Reading: p. 271, 199 no. 1, 188 Harmonization p. 271 Handout: Ein’ feste Burg with figured bass – first four measures P. 210 Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis in C & Bb P. 330-331 Ich grolle nicht Handout: clef reading #4 Handout: Schumann, Soldier’s March in G & F P. 333 Schubert – viola part only Handout: Lullaby TEST: p. 210 Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis TEST: p. 270 progression Week 12 May 16 to 23 FRENCH SIXTH CHORD, OPEN SCORE WITH CLEF READING, INTRODUCTION TO FINAL Week 13 May 23 to June 1 Eb Major/bb minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. P. 284 French Sixth Chord Handout: Wagner “Tristan und Isolde” Sight Reading p. 285, 188 Handout: Ein’ feste Burg with figured bass – first four measures P. 210 Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis in C & Bb P. 330-331 Ich grolle nicht Handout: clef reading #4 Handout: Schumann, Soldier’s March in G & F P. 333 Schubert – more parts Handout: Lullaby Handout: Verdi “Ave Maria” Introduction to final: 1) all scales and accompanying technique to date, 2) sight reading, 3) p.333 open score, 4) clef reading, 5) p.330 Ich grolle nicht. TEST: Handout – Ein’ feste Burg TEST: Handout – Soldier’s March in G FRENCH SIXTH CHORD, OPEN SCHORE WITH CLEF READING, PIVOT CHORD SIGHT READING Eb Major/bb minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Ab Major/ab minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. Sight Reading: p. 199 Handout: Wagner “Tristan und Isolde” P. 330-331 Ich grolle nicht Week 14 June 1 to June 6 Handout: clef reading #4 Handout: Schumann, Soldier’s March in G & F P. 333 Schubert – more parts Handout: Lullaby Handout: Verdi “Ave Maria” TEST: Eb Major/bb minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. TEST: Handout – Soldier’s March in F PREPARATION FOR FINAL Week 15 June 6 to Finals Ab Major/ab minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. db Major/c# minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. P. 330-331 Ich grolle nicht Handout: clef reading #4 Handout: Lullaby Handout: Verdi “Ave Maria” TEST: Ab Major/ab minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. TEST: Lullaby TEST: Handout: Wagner “Tristan und Isolde” CONTINUED PREPARATION FOR FINAL, FINAL PART ONE db Major/c# minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. gb Major/f# minor har. Scales, diatonic triads, arpeggios, cadences in 3 pos. TEST: scales of F, f, Bb, bb, Eb, eb, Ab, ab, Db, c#, Gb, f# TEST: Sight reading pp. 287 no. 1, 269, 271, 285, 188 (Eb), 199 no. 1 TEST: p. 330 Ich grolle nicht Week 16 FINAL EXAM PART TWO Exam Week TEST: p. 333 Schubert Death & the Maiden Quartet open score TEST: Handout – clef reading no. 4 TEST: Verdi “Ave Maria”