Music Department
COURSE: Music 300: Introduction to Keyboard Harmony, Sect. 0947
MEETINGS: Thursday 11:00-12:00
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Christine Gengaro
CREDIT: 1 unit
Email: Gengarcl@lacitycollege.edu
OFFICE HOURS: Monday and Thursday 12-1; Tuesday and Wednesday 12-1:30
PHONE NUMBER: 323-953-4000 (ext. 2884)
Student Learning Outcomes
Practice theory learned in Music 200
All one octave major scales (hands separately)
All one octave minor scales (hands separately)
One octave Chromatic scale (hands separately; with solfege & letter names)
All major, minor, diminished and augmented triads (hands together; with solfege & letter names)
Identifying all intervals above and below
Identifying specific notation on the keyboard (sight-reading)
Required Materials
Music 200 text, pencils, erasers, staff paper and headphones with ¼” adapter.
Class Requirements
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. There will be no make-ups given with unexcused absences. If you miss a class due to emergency or illness, please submit a legal document. You can make-up the quizzes within one week of your absence. Missing two classes will result in lowering your grade and more than two absences may result in a failing grade.
Grading: Grades will be based on weekly quizzes (50%) and a Final Exam (50%).
Students with a verified disability who may need a reasonable accommodation for this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact the Office of Special Services (CH 109; 323-953-4000 x2270) as soon as possible. All information will remain confidential.
Practice Lab Policies
You must set aside adequate practice time to benefit from this class. I recommend at least 20 minutes a day for this class. There are practice rooms available at school as well as a listening lab. To use the rooms, you must remain enrolled in this class, have a valid Cub
Card, and follow the rules. Check the music Department for practice room hours and policies.
9/01 Introduction to keyboard and specific notation – NO QUIZ
9/8 Quiz #1 – Name and play notes in specific notation
9/15 Quiz #2 – Chromatic scale, hands separately, one octave ascending and descending from C to C; playing and singing of letter names and solfege.
9/22 Quiz #3 – Play Major scales, hands separately, one octave (C, G, D, A, E)
9/29 Quiz #4 – Play Major scales (B, F#, C#, F)
10/6 Quiz #5 – Play Major scales (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb)
10/13 Quiz #6 – Play Natural minor scales (Am, Em, Bm, F#m, C#m, G#m)
10/20 Quiz #7 – Play Natural minor scales (Dm, Gm, Cm, Fm)
10/27 Quiz #8 – Play Harmonic minor scales (Am, Em, Bm, Dm, Gm)
11/03 Quiz #9 – Play Melodic minor scales (Am, Em, Bm, Dm, Gm)
11/10 Quiz #10 – Play and recognize intervals above and below the given note
11/17 NO CLASS—MACCC Conference
12/1 Quiz #11 – Play major, minor, diminished and augmented triads using letter names and solfeggio
12/8 Quiz #12 – Play scale degree in Major keys (C, G, D, F, Bb) with singing of solfeggio and Play scale degree in Minor keys (Am, Em, Bm, Dm, Gm) with singing of solfeggio
12/15 FINAL EXAM – Individual Testing times TBA