Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care Parent Handbook Providers Pamela Vest Contact Information 17 victory Heights Christiansburg, VA 24073 540-818-4465 Welcome Welcome to Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care! As a parent, I understand that it is a difficult challenge to find the balance of work and family. But, finding high quality and safe child care is the biggest and most difficult task you will be ever be faced with. We are pleased that you have chosen Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care for your child care needs. Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care provides a high quality child care in our home. You will find that the daycare is set up for learning and fun play. We believe that parent involvement is essential to any quality child care program and do encourage your participation. Our belief is that children need a chance to be just what they are…children. Children learn through play and interacting with others through all types of situations both negative and positive. We provide many opportunities for them to discover things in the world that they live in. Our goal is to provide an environment that nurtures their self-esteem, and encourage their imagination and exploration. Parents can drop their children off with a relaxed and worry free mind that their children are receiving a safe, secure, healthy, and educational environment. Our activities help children grow physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. Each child that is enrolled in the daycare brings in their own unique personality and we do not stifle that personality, but we nurture it and help them with socialization skills and guide them where they need guidance and enhance what needs enhancing. We keep home and daycare separated due to the fact that we are not babysitters, but professional child care providers. Our day care is a business and is run in a professional and serious manner. Family Child Care is a specialized business, not babysitting, slowly providers are receiving the recognition that we deserve. Besides being child care specialists, providers are also expected to be reliable small business owners who offer information and support to parents are well. To keep the day care operating, it is very important that parents respect our policies and payments are promptly paid. REMEMBER: CHILDCARE ISN'T EXPENSIVE… IT’S PRICELESS! Like other self-employed workers, Family Child Care Providers do not receive the benefits that many employees take for granted. These include health and dental insurance, life insurance, extended health insurance, retirement plans, paid personal days, worker’s compensation, paid vacations, flexible time off, or unemployment insurance. These benefits often amount to as much as 35% of an employee’s wages. Unlike other forms of self-employment, Family Providers are very restrictive. There is no room for growth. The province dictates the size of my business. I cannot take off for appointments or obligations without careful planning and covering or my responsibilities. To protect my rights and income, you will find that a guaranteed wage is part of my contract. Most people have a 40 hour work week and anything over 40 hours is overtime. With providers, including myself, we have 50+ work week without overtime pay. These hours include operating hours, cleaning, shopping, planning, bookkeeping, paperwork, daily preparation, and professional development training. For this reason, a flat rate is required when enrolled in our daycare. We believe that children are the future of tomorrow and we do our part with molding the world's future leaders into loving and strong individuals. With open communication with the provider and parent we can be successful with molding these children into healthy and happy individuals. We believe open and honest communication is a key ingredient in creating a successful partnership with parents. We operate our child care as a business in a professional manner. The following pages contain mutually beneficial requirements that are necessary to ensure that there are no misunderstandings, so please read them carefully, and feel free to ask questions about any material that may be unclear to you. Thank you again for your consideration in Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care and allowing us the pleasure to be a part of watching your child grow. Meet The Provider The daycare is owned and operated by Pamela Vest. Pamela Vest has 20+ years of experience working with children. This experience includes a previous licensed family daycare which was successful, but had to be closed due to a divorce. This previous daycare also named Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care was licensed through the Department of Social Services and NEVER received any violations from DSS or USDA. It was considered to be one of the top quality daycares in this area. Pamela Vest has many hours of training, a degree in Family Day Care Management and a degree in Early Childhood Education. She worked as a lead teacher in a child care center and as an aid in Head Start. Pamela Vest was recently employed in the Montgomery County School system as an Instructional Aid in the (Austic) special education department. You will find that her CPR, First Aid, and TB testing is current and that she currently holds her CNA license. She has many hours in training in all areas of child care and child development. Goals for Activities The children will be experiencing and learning many things as they play. Children learn at their own pace and are not on the same level. Due to this fact, the program is set to meet the goals of the individual children. Not everyone will be working on the same goal as another. While working with the parent, goals can be established. The following are goals we have adapted into our program for children in our care: COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT -To recognize objects, people, and self -To imitate actions of others -To develop decision-making capabilities -To develop problem-solving skills -To develop language skills -To develop planning skills -To develop math skills such as matching, pairing, and classification -To enhance creativity -To begin to understand scientific and physical concepts and math concepts such as gravity, cause and effect, and balance, size shape, and color. EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT -To be able to express feelings -To develop a concept of self -To develop self-control -To develop self-understanding -To develop a positive self-image -To develop the ability to stick with a task to completion SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT -To acquire social skills -To cooperate with others -To respect the materials -To respect other people -To appreciate and value differences PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT -To refine sensory abilities -To develop large muscle abilities -To develop small muscle abilities -To develop eye-hand coordination -To refine visual discrimination -To refine listening skills -To establish reading readiness skills Admissions & Enrollment We accept children ranging from Newborn to 12 years of age. We reserve the right to make age exceptions to this policy if slots are available. With the handbook you have received an Enrollment Packet and Policy Packet. These packets, back page of the parent handbook, and first week pay must be presented to the daycare no later than the first day of attending the day care. Please use your Enrollment Check List to insure that you are prepared for your first day. Parents have 30 days to obtain a physical to the provider for their child. It is advised you get this physical and immunization record as soon as you can and not wait till the last minute. Arrival & Departure Children must be brought in and out by an adult each day. Parents / guardian must come into the entry way during drop off and pick up. Children will be given their individual cubby to store any items. Children are not required to leave their shoes on all day if they chose to take their shoes off while in the daycare they may store them in their cubby. Shoes for outdoor play is required. Children should bring an extra outfit to be left at the daycare in their cubby. Sometimes it is difficult for a child to be left the first week in a daycare. It is advised that the child brings a family photo, doll, teddy, blanket or etc for comfort and emotional adjustment when attending for the first time. It is helpful if the parent / provider has open and honest communication with the well being of the child. The providers will be sending home an “All About Your Day” form each day explaining meals, naps, bathroom, behavior, etc. It is important that the parent provides the provider with any information about the child such as medication, sleeping that night, eating, mood, and behavior etc. If you are going to be absent or late, please call / text / email the daycare as soon as you can. This prevents me from worrying that something happened on the way here and prevent wasted time preparing for the child. It is normal for some children to have difficulty separating from parents or cry when being dropped off. Please be very brief during drop-off times; the more you prolong the departure the harder it gets. A smile, a cheerful good-bye kiss, and a reassuring word that you will be back are all that is needed. In my experience, children are nearly always quick to get involved in play or activities as soon as parents are gone. Please be very brief at departure times also. This is a time of testing when two different authority figures are present and all the children will test to see if the rules still apply. No child will ever be allowed to leave the child care with any person not authorized in writing by the parent. A driver license is required prior to any child being allowed to leave the daycare with anyone this we are unfamiliar with. Any person picking up in an impaired condition will be encouraged to allow us to find alternate transportation. Attendance Payment obligation is based on the time slot you agree to use for child care, not on actual hours of attendance. Fees will be charged based on contracted days, including missed days due to illness, holidays, parent vacations, or snow days. No refunds or deductions will be made for days your child is absent. You are paying us for your child’s space as well as for our services. Leave of Absence / Vacations We cannot hold a child’s space while you, on maternity leave, for parent or child illness, vacations, etc. unless you continue to pay for child care services. Termination / Trail Period We have a two-week trial period in which either party can end the contract with a 24 hour notice. Any money paid is non-refundable. After the two week trial period, a two-week notice is required to withdraw your. In the event we should ever find it necessary to end our agreement, we will also give the parent at least two weeks written notice. Except for reasons such as, but not limited to: Lateness of payment or nonpayment Lack of payment or nonpayment Lack of parental cooperation These situations will be grounds for immediate termination and any monies paid will NOT be refunded. Any payments owed to the daycare will be turned over for collections. Policy & Handbook Change Any time a change is necessary in the Parent Handbook, parents will receive two weeks notice of the change and a new Agreement Page will be required. Immunization Form Update Please provide the provider with any updated information concerning immunizations as soon as your child receives them. Paper Work The following paperwork (including; but not limited to) must be filled out and returned to us by the first day of care. Enrollment Packet, Policy Packet, Parent Hanbook Signature Page, Birth Certificate Viewing, and Immunization Record / Physical NOTE: Parents are required to supply a physical and immunization record for all children attending the daycare within 30 days. Please be prompt when supplying these items. You may supply the daycare with a copy if your previous daycare has a current one on file. Required Supplies The following supplies, according to the child’s age, should be marked with the child’s name and left at the facility: complete change of clothes, wipes, diapers, pacifier, bottles, burp rags, blanket, nap mat, Notice will be sent home when more supplies are needed. If it becomes necessary for us to purchase supplies for your child, you will be billed. Blankets will be washed by the daycare as needed or every Friday. Parents are free to take home the blankets and wash them if they prefer. NOTICE: Due to the start up cost, we are asking parents to provide their children with a yoga mat or preschool nap map for nap time. In time, the daycare will provide children with cots. If you are having problems finding one or financial issue in being able to purchase any please let us know. Hours Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care remains open all year round. We do plan to offer services to parents working 2nd shift. 2nd shift will receive a handbook designed specifically due to the rules and regulations being different from 1st shift. 1st shift hours - 5:30am to 6:00pm If additional hours are needed so that you will not miss work, please advise the daycare of your specific needs. Tuition Though we do not always increase tuition costs on an annual basis, we reserve the right to change our rates as we deem necessary. You will be given a 30 day notice when this occurs. Infant - $115.00 a week 16months – 23 months – $100.00 a week 24 months -5 years - $90.00 a week Before and After School - $50.00 a week (this rate covers before and after school, closed school days, closed weather days, and teacher work day. School age Children on vacation - $75.00 a week (ANY spring, summer, or winter breaks) Full Time / Part Time Full Time – 5 days a week regardless of hours (excluding children in school) Part Time – 4 days a week or less (excluding children in school) School Age – Any child enrolled in any school including head start Late Payment Fees All past due tuition will be assessed a $10.00 late payment fee each day at midnight that it is late (including weekends!). Late fee is applied Monday morning at drop off if payment is not in hand. Enrollment will be terminated if an account becomes one week past due and the collection process will begin. Parents will pay all costs associated with the collections of any unpaid debt. Payment Policy We have a “NO pay, NO play” policy. Payments will be made in advance for child care and is due no later than Monday morning at drop off each week. If your child is absent your payment still must be received by Monday to ensure your child’s spot. Do not bring your child on Monday without payment for services can be denied until payments are made. Payment is preferred in cash; however, money orders and personal checks will be accepted when drawn on a local bank. We are looking into accepting debit / credit cards, but nothing has been set up at this time. In the unlikely event of a returned check, we will require a $30.00 service charge in addition to the repayment of any extra bank charges we may incur as a result of the inconvenience. Subsequent payments will need to be made in cash or money order. Make Checks payable to: Pamela Vest If you prefer, you may pay once a month, or bi-weekly. If it becomes necessary for your payment schedule to be changed, then we require a notice of your plans to change. Receipts / End of Year Tax Statement Receipts will be given when payment is received upon request. We will also keep track of your payments throughout the year for tax purposes. You will receive a year end tax statement by the first week of January with the total amount paid for child care services from the previous year. Please note: we do not mail out Year End Tax Statements to current clients. It is the responsibility of the parent to contact us for a Year End Tax Statement, should your child no longer attend to make arrangements for us to mail / or pick up / or email these statements. Holidays We will be closed on the following paid holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas and the day after Christmas. If the holiday fall on a weekend we reserve the right to be closed the previous Friday or following Monday. Payments will not be adjusted for closed Holidays. Payments due are every Monday morning at drop off, if a Holiday happens to fall on that Monday, payments are due the last operating opening day. (the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas are still in question) Provider Vacation If the provider choices to take a vacation, parents are NOT required to pay for the week the daycare is closed. At this time, no vacations are planned. Parents Vacations / Absents Childcare payments are not adjusted for absents or vacations regardless of the reason. You are paying for the spot not attendance. If you are going on vacation, please advise the provider by obtaining a vacation notice form (can be provided or downloaded off the website) and submit it with that weeks payment BEFORE going on vacation. Unfortunately, if the payment is not received you are in danger of losing your spot. Personal Days Occasionally we may find it necessary to take personal days off for things such as sick days, funeral leave, or to attend professional training. You will receive as much notice as possible and payment is NOT required for these days. Parents may wish to secure their back-up provider for all of these situations. Although very rewarding, child care is also a very high stress occupation. In order for us to be the best providers that we can be, we will need time to relax with our family, accomplish household or child care projects, or attend training seminars/conferences. You will find that these days are limited if they do occur at all. At this time, we have NO personal days planned. Back Up Caare Parents are responsible for providing their own back up care for illness, holidays, provider’s vacations, provider’s illnesses, provider’s personal days, and of course in the event of a natural disaster. We will do our best to give enough advance notice when possible if we are unable to prevent you having to be burdened with this situation. You will find that we are very reliable, but please keep in mind unplanned events do occur, but we will do everything in our power to prevent these situations. It is always an excellent idea to have other child care arrangements available when placing your child into any child care program. This ensures you have care available should your regular provider become unavailable. Open Door Policy We maintain an open door policy. Parents are welcome to visit anytime during business hours. Visitors tend to make the children behave in an excited manner that does not usually occur when we are alone with them. Also, your child may become upset when your visit is over and you leave without them. Please keep these things in mind when planning your visit. When dropping off or picking up, use the front door and just walk on in. There is no need to knock or ring the door bell. Signing In and Out We are required to keep a log of the children and times we keep them in care. It is very important that you be sure and sign your child in and out every day. The sign in & out sheet is located in the entry way. Infants For the health and safety of our infant, we ask that nursing mothers, please bring their breast milk already prepared and in the bottle that we will be feeding the infant with. This will help lower the risk of cross-contamination by reducing the number of times the breast milk is transferred from container to container. We use a bottle warmer to heat them at feeding time. A mother who is breastfeeding and wishes to visit during the day to do so is more than welcomed. She will be given a private place to breast feed the baby. For infants who are formula fed, please bring a can of formula to be left at the daycare with the child’s name and date. We will notify you when we are running low so that you may restock your child’s supply. Diapers / Wipes We do require you to leave a package of diapers/pull-ups with our child’s name on it at the daycare. We will notify you when your child’s supply is running low. Parent Information Board / Web Site We will post information regarding upcoming events, reminders and other “newsy” information pertaining to the daycare and your children on our parent bulletin board. Please check it daily for any new information and ask any questions you may have. We have added a web-site for those who do not have a chance to look at the bulletin board. I ask that you check it at least once a week for any updates, closings, etc… With both of these options available to you, you should always know what is going on. Photograph Policy Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care feels that the parent is missing out on some things their children are doing during the day. So, we feel that taking pictures and emailing these pictures to the parent gives them a feel of being involved in the daycare. If you do NOT wish your child to be photographed, please sign the NO part in the policy form. Some of the pictures, I may want to post on the website. I do know the dangers of doing such an act. Please mark full permission, no permission, or blur out my child’s face permission on the photograph policy form. Meals, Drinks, & Snacks Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care supplies breakfast, snack, lunch, snack for the children. In the event that parents are picking up 2 hours after the last snack, another snack will be offered. When a child expresses a desire for food or drink, it will be provided. No child will be forced to “wait” for lunch time. Keep in mind, we will serve foods and drink that are approved by USDA due to the fact we are going to attend the program after being licensed. In the event the child does not like an item we are having, an alternative item will be given. Infants are considered on demand. Until we are licensed, it is up to the parent to supply any baby formula and food with the child’s name and date clearly wrote on the items. The daycare does supply whole milk and 2% milk depending on the age of the child and parent request. Water and 100% juice are offered throughout the day and upon request. Each child will have a labeled cup and must remain seated due to regulations when drinking and eating. Food From Home We discourage food be brought to the daycare due to it hurting others feelings. If it is avoidable please refrain from this. If a child arrives after breakfast has been served and they have not eaten at home, we will supply the breakfast as normal. If you do happen to brink drink or food, please write your child’s name and date on the food / drink as required by DSS. Some parents do wish to bring their children's meals from home. I do understand that, so please talk me about additional items or meals you need your child to have from home. Celebrations / Birthdays Unless parents objects, we will celebrate different holidays in the daycare with crafts, short educational videos, and food. Such as Martin Luther King Day, Christmas, Marti Gras and ETC… Each child will be given a mini-birthday party. Parents are invited to attend. Other children in the daycare will be encouraged to bring a small wrapped gift (don’t feel obligated to purchase expensive gifts or any gift at all). The daycare will give each child a gift, supply cupcakes, balloons, and a birthday certificate! If a child’s birthday falls on a weekend or the child is absent we will celebrate the next day in attendance. Dress For Play All children must arrive dressed and ready for the day. When dressing your child, please keep in mind that we do many “messy” activities such as painting, playing outdoors, etc… Weather permitting, we play outside at least twice a day. In warmer weather we frequent the outdoors more often. Please dress your child in appropriate clothing. Religion Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care is not a religious based program. Due to different beliefs and religions, we do not teach the children any type of religious programs. All religions are accepted into our daycare and must be respected. No child will ever be told their religion is wrong. I feel it is up to the parent to decide what religion they would like to teach their child and that should not be overstepped in daycare. We are more focused on education and quality care. Quiet Time Our rest time is from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. To avoid disturbing the children who are napping, please try not to schedule pick-ups at this time. If you must pick-up our child during quiet time, please notify us in advance so that we may have your child ready when you arrive. We believe children who rest during the day are better equipped to face the day emotionally and physically. If your child is under 5 years of age, please do not ask me to keep your child up at naptime. If you do not wish to have your child taking naps, or having quiet time, my program may not fit your family’s needs. We will provide a quiet place for your child to rest. Infants less than 1 year of age will be placed in a safety regulated crib for naps. If your child has a special stuffed animal or blanket to sleep with, they will be allowed to use them at this time. Children who do not fall asleep or who wake early will be directed to quiet activities that will not disturb other sleeping children. Naps are attempted to be kept on a schedule, but if a child wants to sleep they are permitted to do so. No basic needs will ever be withheld from a child. Potty Training Toilet training is a big step in a child’s development! Many parents feel pressured to potty train at an early age, but we prefer to wait until the child has shown an interest and has reached several developmental milestones. Readiness signs: 1. Your child announces when a wet or soiled diaper has occurred, and/or requests to have it changed. This shows awareness of bodily function, and also that the child dislikes the feel of a wet or soiled diaper. 2. Your child can express and understand one-word statements, including such words as “wet,” “dry,” “potty,” and “go.” 3. Your child shows an interest in the toilet or potty seat by asking to use the potty or wanting to watch Mommy or Daddy use it. 4. Your child has a tendency to wet or soil their diapers at about the same time period each day, and often remains dry for longer periods (2 hours or more) during some parts of the day. 5. Your child shows facial expressions when wetting or soiling their diaper and may even hide in a corner or behind the couch or squat when soiling a diaper. This again shows awareness of bodily functions. 6. Your child is able to undress without assistance to some degree. This shows the child has some of the physical coordination needed to do the work of toileting. 7. Your child is cooperative and shows an interest in pleasing parents and caregivers. Once several of these readiness signs have been consistently observed, then it is reasonable to consider potty-training. However, even if the child acts curious about toileting and expresses a dislike for soiled or wet diapers, that alone is not enough of an indication that the child will respond well to toilet training. If the child is not interested in cooperating and following directions, then all the curiosity in the world will not prepare him or her for successful potty-training. Potty training is a sign that they are growing up and should be a GOOD EXPERIENCE! Please keep in mind that the burden of training your child to successfully go potty will need to reside with you. We will do our best to assist you in our training efforts and will consult with you to be sure we coordinate our efforts in order to present consistent expectations at home and at daycare. But ultimately the responsibility to potty-train your child must rest with you. Feel free to discuss your concerns with us regarding your plans to potty train your child. We will attempt to help you to the best of our ability. Toys From Home In the past, it has been more of a struggle to prevent toys from being brought into the daycare than preventing problems with that toy. So, we have decided that children may bring an item if they wish. These items are considered personal property just as the child’s shoes, coats, blanket, etc... They are NOT made to share these items. If the item does prevent a problem, the child will be encouraged to put their item in their cubby for “safe keeping”. Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care will not be held responsible for lost, stolen, nor broken items brought into the daycare. Children are taught that the toys and items belonging to the daycare are meant for sharing with all our friends, but toys from home are personal property and not a requirement that they be shared. Show –N- Tell Friday during circle time is show –n- tell. Children may bring ANY safe, age appropriate item to the daycare to show and tell about if they wish. These items are not shared unless the child wishes it to be shared. Preschool Program We will be offering an educational Preschool Program. Preschool will be conducted throughout our day. It will consist of circle time, story reading, art activities, learning sheets, counting bears, weather, calendar, songs, dance, and through free play. Each child is encouraged to participate in our daily preschool activities; however, it is never forced upon any child. Our program will be appropriate for children ages 2 to 5 years of age. The curriculum will offer theme-based activities with a focus on letters, numbers, colors, shapes and more. Children ages 3 and up also practice name writing and recognition, as well as learning their home phone number and home address. This program is optional to the parents as well. If you wish your child not to participate, they can be given another activity. Toddler and infant programs are age appropriate. When we are working with the preschool program toddlers will be given an opportunity to be involved in some level that is age appropriate. Example: Of course a 12 month old is not able to cut and glue, but they will given crayons / markers to scribble. These will all be supervised to prevent the child from eating the crayons. Children learn by playing and watching older children, so our goal is to involve everyone in the program. Infants and toddlers are given the opportunity to enjoy circle time as well. No child is ever excluded from any activity, but they do have to be altered to fit the developmental needs of that child. Parents Night Out Monthly, on a Saturday evening we will have a Parents Night Out! It is from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00p.m. with dinner, snack, games and movies will be offered for children. The fee for this service is $20.00 per child. ($5 discount for siblings) The PNO fee is due when you sign your child up and is non-refundable should you cancel. Parents arriving after 11:00pm will be charged an additional fee of $10.00 up to the first hour and $5.00 per hour after that. If you are going to be late, please give us a courteous and call. This is an optional service and you are not required to attend. Please be courteous and notify us should your plans change and your child will not be attending. Guidance & Redirection Most providers and parents use discipline, but at Blue skies Butterflies Edu-care we use Guidance and Redirection. Spanking, yelling, or any other form of physical, mental, or verbal punishment is prohibited in the daycare by a parent nor provider and will not be used even if requested by parents. Children will not be subjected to guidance and redirection that is severe, humiliating or frightening. The goal of guidance and redirection is to help children see the sense in acting a certain way. This is a time consuming task and it is important we remain realistic in the expectation of the behavior of each child. The child’s developmental age and stage must be taken into consideration. We have house rules to ensure safety, comfort and happiness for all. We like using positive reinforcement and guidance based on individual needs and development. We like giving choices and giving praise for being good as well as trying to do better. We do not use “time-outs” with any daycare child. We will be very direct in letting you know of problems as they arise. If there are any problems that concern you as a parent or us as providers, please discuss them with us openly and honestly. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. We understand that biting in young children is typical in normal early childhood development. However, we do believe it is in the best interest of the children placed in care to set limits for aggressive behaviors such as biting, which has the potential to harm others. Biting can occur for many different reasons such as. Anger Frustration Over Stimulation Fear Teething Lack of Language Attention Reaction Curiosity It is our goal to recognize triggers that cause biting and redirect a child before the incident occurs. In the event we are unable to intervene the following steps will take place. We will attend to the bitten child by comforting and then cleansing the bitten area with soap and water and ice will be applied. The child who did the biting will be removed from the setting and in an age appropriate manner we will explain that the behavior is unacceptable. “Biting hurts” or “We bite food, not people”. (Child removed from the setting is referring to correcting that behavior without the other children hearing. Our goal is to correct the behavior without embarrassing the child. Words do hurt and we are very careful in the way we speak to the children.) The incident will be documented on an Accident form that will need to be signed by the parent of the biter and the provider. The parent will receive a copy of the signed form and the original will be placed in the child’s file. Neither parent will be given the name of the children involved due to confidential information rules by regulations. Parents will be asked to work with their child in discouraging this behavior. Facility Rules At rules are in place for the health and safety of the children. We also believe rules help in developing a child’s own sense of self-control. We teach respect for other people and respect for property. We achieve this through compassion and consistency. Please take the time and review the following with your child (ren). Walking feet used indoors at all times No gum chewing Keep our hands and feet to ourselves Use inside voices Furniture is not for climbing or standing on Always clean up your mess No mistreatment of toys No roughhousing or wrestling Children must sit at the table when eating or drinking (NO walking around with cups, bottles, or food) Always tell the truth Follow directions Respect for others property brought from home All daycare items are to be shared I do realize that these rules are unrealistic when dealing with certain ages. It takes time for a child to comprehend that we have rules and they must be followed. Within time, children do grasp that concept and are willing to follow the facility rules. Please do not get discouraged if it is reported to you that a rule was broken or that there was an incident. Children are not perfect and situations will and do happen. What is important is the provider / parent reaction and handling the situation. Children learn from their mistakes, just as adults do. No child will ever be punished for a rule violation. They will be reminded of the rules until they are able to grasp the concept of right and wrong. Health & Illness Policy State law requires every child in care to have up to date shot records. This is required at least 30 from enrollment. We will inform you when our records suggest that immunization is due. Please be prompt at giving us up to date immunization records. This is a violation with DSS and our goal to be violation free. We operate a “well” child facility and reserve the right to temporarily deny any child admittance, or to require early departure should symptoms become apparent during the course of the day. Please do not bring your child ill. Your child will not be allowed to stay if demonstrating any of the following symptoms. Fever of 100.4 deg. Or above Contagious disease Vomiting Runny nose (other than clear) accompanied by a cough you must provide medication to control the symptoms Diarrhea (2 or more loose stools) Tired, lethargic, or cannot participate in a play or group activities Rashes that are weeping Pink Eye or other eye infections Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness Head Lice Hand Foot Mouth Disease Please notify us at once in the event you find out your child has a contagious illness so that we may notify other parents and appropriate steps are taken to ensure the well being of others. Fever-Child must be 24 hours free of a fever without the help of medication before returning to daycare. Antibotics – Children may return to daycare after being on antibiotics for a contagious illness after 24 hours. Unless you can obtain a DR note that they are ok to return to daycare. Medication Administration Policy We cannot administer medication to any child when we become licensed without taking the MAT training as required by DSS. At this moment, I am unsure of the rules for medication and being unlicensed. When this information is discovered we will inform you. Until then, we feel it is too much of a risk for the future of the daycare and ourselves to administer medication. If your child needs regular medication, it is advised that you or someone of your choice arrive at the daycare to administer it. I do realize it is not convenient, but we will be sure to move along get licensed and MAT certified with much speed as possible. Child Abuse Policy Unfortunately, this is a topic that must be addressed in today’s society. It should go without saying that we will not knowingly allow any form of sexual, mental, verbal, physical or emotional abuse of any child in our care at any time. This includes the time that the child is in their own home. On the surface, this may seem like an invasion of privacy, but we cannot ethically turn a blind eye toward such abuse. Any facility offering services to children are required by law to report any abuse, regardless if it were to happen at home or a daycare. We will do everything in our power to prevent any instances from occurring. If we notice any sign of abuse at any time, we will alert the child’s parent(s) immediately both verbally and in writing, along with a full description of the symptoms, (bruising, sores, sudden extreme behavioral changes, etc…) we will document this same information for ourselves and if necessary, alert the proper authorities. You may get notes about your child having bruises or scrapes without needing to fear that we suspect you of abusing your child. Be assured, if we think your child has been abused, we will let you know! The notes we send home are just to inform you in general of any instances that may come up and also to protect us and you from mistaken accusations of abuse. We would prefer not to have to deal with this issue, but we think it is best that we handle it openly and honestly to avoid any possible misunderstandings. We both want what is best for our children. Please feel free to discuss this or any other issues with us at any time. Disaster Plan Policy As with any disaster we cannot predict exactly what areas will be affected. We have done our best to try to put together a plan to inform you of our intentions to insure the safety and security of your children. The drills and policies are set forth by the Department of Social Services and must be practiced to fulfill our requirements to be licensed. Fire / Fire Drill Take immediate precautions as practiced in our fire drill. During our fire drill the alarms are activated and the children are directed with how to respond. We practice our fire drills four times a month, even though once is a month is the minimum requirement by DSS. The children as taken to the end of the drive and a head count is taken. I feel by repeated practice, we are preparing the children with the information they need in the event a fire should take place. I would like them to be well prepared in a situation that a fire does break out or if I am unable to lead in the even a fire were to take place. Tornado Take immediate precautions as practiced in our monthly tornado drill. A head count will be done as soon as possible. If phone contact or travel is not possible, we will count on emergency services to remove us to a safe location and contact parents as soon as possible. Terrorism We will stay put until we are evacuated. We will contact parents with our location. Flooding We will stay put until evacuated by emergency services and removed to a safe location. Each provider will gather their assigned children. A final head count will be done before evacuation. Parents will be notified of our location. Handbook Signature This form is required to be signed by both parents and handed with enrollment forms. By signing you agree to follow all the rules and policies at Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care. Any questions, comments, or concerns should be addressed before signing. Thank you for considering Blue Skies Butterflies Edu-Care. We are looking forward to getting to know your child and watching them grow and learn in a safe, happy, fun, and high quality daycare!