File - Mr. Coffman's Classroom

St. Jerome Catholic School
Grades 6, 7 and 8
Classroom Policies, Procedures, and Expectations
Follow all directions and procedures.
Come to class prepared.
Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
Treat yourself and others with respect.
1. Praise throughout the year
2. Positive notes or phone calls home
3. Various other positive perks throughout the school year
Behavior: If a student is disruptive in any class he/she will receive a verbal warning. If the
behavior in question continues, or there are any other disruptions from the student, the student
will lose a BIC point. Please refer the school handbook for guidelines regarding repeated loss of
BIC points.
Supplies: Students are expected to come to each class with the required supplies. Students that
do not have their required supplies are at an academic disadvantage. If a student continues to
show up to class without their supplies, they will lose BIC points.
Homework: If a student does not complete and hand in homework in any subject when due, the
following guidelines will be applied:
 Students will have 2 days to make up any missing assignments. 10% will be taken off of
the final score if the assignment is turned in 1 day late. 20% will be taken off of the final
score if the assignment is turned in 2 days late. If the assignment is still not turned in after
2 days, the final score of the assignment will result in a 0.
 If students develop a pattern of missing assignments, parents will be notified via email.
 Parents, please make sure that you are frequently checking RenWeb so that you are aware
of your student’s progress in his or her classes. RenWeb (assignments) is updated
weekly. Gradebooks are updated every two weeks. The gradebook is NOT a reference
point for missing work!
Active Learning Position: Active learning position is the physical and behavioral position you
take in order to be ready to learn. You need to remember to SLANT!
 Sit up with your feet on the floor.
 Listen.
 Ask and answer questions.
 Nod your head (acknowledging the speaker)
 Track the speaker with your eyes.
1. Classroom Entrance: Students should always enter the classroom ON TIME and in an orderly
fashion. You should immediately indicate your lunch preference where your teacher has directed
you to do this. Then, get your needed books and materials for the morning’s first class. Next, go
to your desk and begin your morning bell work.
There is to be ABSOLUTE SILENCE during all announcements.
Continue SILENCE during attendance and lunch count.
Your homeroom teacher will dismiss you for your first class.
2. Coming to Attention: In order to get the attention of the class, the teacher will say “GIVE ME
FIVE”. When the teacher says “GIVE ME FIVE”, each student should go through the following
five steps:
5. Eyes on the speaker
4. Quiet
3. Be still
2. Hands free (put your materials down)
1. Listen
3. Bathroom policy: Students must use the bathroom before and after classes. Frequent requests
to use the bathroom (or get a drink of water) during class time is disruptive and takes away from
valuable class time, therefore it may be treated as a behavior issue.
4. Movement in the classroom: You may only sharpen your pencils before and after class. You
may only throw away trash after class. Do not get out of your seat to throw trash away unless
instructed by your teacher. Before class begins, please get enough tissues for the period. You may
not get up in the middle of class to get a tissue. You may throw them away after class. Individual
teachers may modify this rule to fit their class.
5. Absent Policy: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up the work that you
missed during class in a timely manner. All assignments are posted on my class website and it is your responsibility to check. If there were handouts
given, you will find them where your teacher directs you to look. If you need further explanation
of classwork and homework assignments, it is strongly suggested that you meet with you teachers
after school.
6.Food and water: Food and drinks will be thrown away as soon as you enter the classroom.
Gum is not permitted on campus. Water bottles (filled only with water) are permitted in the
classroom. Please get a drink of water before class begins.
7. Classroom Dismissal: The teacher will tell the class that it is time for them to get ready for
dismissal. This is the signal that it is time for students to begin packing away their materials into
their bags. Please also gather any trash at this time.
Dismissal at the end of the day: If you are not in your homeroom at dismissal, you will
wait until the room is empty before you enter. You will go to your homeroom seats and
wait for permission to begin packing up all of your materials for the day. Absolute
SILENCE is required during announcements. Please make sure to take your lunch box
home. Also, make sure desks are straight and all trash is picked up from the floor. You
are not dismissed until the teacher has given permission.
 There will be homework every night. Studying is homework.
 If you are having trouble with a homework assignment, you can do two things! See me
before or after school for extra help if it is being offered. Set up a time to meet with your
teachers before or after school to review it.
Uniform Policy
 If at any point, a student is not in compliance with the uniform guidelines or regulations,
he or she will be given a Uniform Violation Warning.
 Students that do not dress out for P.E. will receive a uniform violation notice. Failure to
dress out, will impact the grade in this class.
 Grooming: Students are not allowed to write on themselves or their uniform at any time.
No makeup or nail polish is allowed. Repeated violations of this policy will result in a
loss of BIC points.
 This notice will need to be signed by the student and the parent and returned to the
homeroom teacher by the next day.
 The area of concern must be corrected prior to returning to school, or when specified.
Nurse Policy
 If you must go to the nurse and are suddenly ill, please raise your hand.
 You may get a nurse pass and fill it out.
 Then, have your teacher sign it without disrupting the class.
 There is to be no writing in textbooks.
 Workbooks are only to contain specified work.
 Defacing of workbooks (or agendas) is not allowed and students will have to purchase a
new book.
All electronics are to be kept off and in the school office at all times during the school day. You
are permitted to use your cell phone after school, if necessary, at your designated pick up spot
outside of the gates, not immediately outside of your classroom. All electronics that are brought
to school are at your own risk, and the school is not responsible if they are lost or stolen.
 Cell phones: You are not permitted to carry your cell phone with you during the school
day. Cell phones that are found in your possession during the school day will be
confiscated. Students that are using a cell phone inside of the gates will have the phone
 Cameras: You are not permitted to bring a camera to school and use it on campus. This
includes taking pictures with your cell phone.
 iPods: iPods are not permitted on campus at any time.
 Computers/iPads: Personal laptops or iPads are not permitted in the classroom. All
classroom computers are for classroom use only. Students are only allowed to visit
approved educational sites. Students are not permitted to change the backgrounds/screen
savers or icon names on the desktop. Students that violate this rule will lose BIC points
and may be barred from using the classroom computers.
 Kindles, nooks, etc.: These devices are not permitted in the classroom as per school
 Classroom laptops/ iPads: Students must follow all rules and procedures given for laptop
use. These are school property and students that damage this property will be referred to
the administration.
Switching classes
 Students are to change classes quickly and quietly. This is not a time for drinks or using
the restroom unless it is an emergency. This is not time for socializing.
Students that are tardy to class, (arriving late without a written note) may be sent to the
office for a tardy slip. After two class tardies, students will begin to lose BIC points for
every infraction.
Quietly line up outside the classroom in your designated area and wait for teacher to let
you in.
You are never to be in the room without a teacher.
Break/Lunch recess
 Get your books ready BEFORE you go outside for your next two classes.
 Use restrooms and get a drink at this time. Students will not be allowed to use the
restroom in the class right after a break. When time is up and the whistle sounds,
break/recess is over. Get to your next class immediately.
 Students that are tardy for class (especially repeat offenders) will lose BIC points.
 1 line- first, students who are hot lunch will line up alphabetically, followed by students
who are eating cold lunch.
 Class will not leave until it is ABSOLUTELY QUIET and we have prayed. Last student
out of classroom closes the door.
 We will walk in one QUIET, STRAIGHT line.
 Students will not leave the cafeteria until the area where they ate is clean.
Fire Drill/ Safety
 Aisles are to be kept clear at all times.
 Last one out turns off lights, closes door.
 Exit to your designated area.
How to head a paper
 Name and number (if required) on all papers. Work must be neat, completed in cursive
(unless typed), and on white notebook paper.
How to hand in a paper
 Follow the procedure indicated by your subject teacher.