The Governor & the Bureaucracy in Texas


The Governor and the

Bureaucracy in Texas

Chapter 24

O’Connor and Sabato

American Government: Continuity and Change

The Governor and the

Bureaucracy in Texas

In this chapter we will cover…

1. Roots of the Executive in Texas

2. The Constitutional Roles of the Governor

3. The Development of Gubernatorial Power

4. The Governor as Policy Maker & Political


5. Plural Executive

6. Modern Texas Bureaucracy

7. Making Agencies Accountable

The Roots of the Executive in Texas

Roots go back to Spanish period

1845 - Texas joined US - Texas governor relatively powerful – two-year term and governor appointed almost all state officials

Reconstruction period saw decline in power

1876 - Constitution further decentralized governor’s power

Today relatively weak governor who must share power

Texas governor- no term number limits

Constitution defines term, salary, impeachment and succession

Constitutional Roles of Governor

Role set by: constitutional and legislative mandates and custom

Constitution: governor is chief of state, chief executive, and commander in chief

Governor is also chief budget officer

Judicial role includes clemency and pardons

 Governor is powerful in legislative politics through the “governor’s message” and veto threat

Development of Gubernatorial Power

Generally the Texas governor has always been weaker than most state governors

Measuring gubernatorial power includes tenure, appointments, budget, signing and vetoing bills

Restrictions include plural executive, appointive and removal powers

Texas governor may be weak constitutionally but powerful in terms of personal power

Appointive,budgetary power, and staff power tend to bolster the governor’s relative power

Analysis of Gubernatorial Appointments

Governor as Policy Maker and

Political Leader

Governor’s skill at wielding political power important in Texas because governor is constitutionally weak (e.g., chief persuader)

Public opinion leadership –tours of the state to promote projects like education

Legislative relationship particularly important

(e.g., hostile lieutenant governor or House

Speaker) use of veto, special sessions, appropriation legislation, and the line-item veto

Plural Executive in Texas

Rooted in the legitimacy of “being elected as opposed to being appointed”

Primary statewide officials elected in Texas include:

Attorney General


Land Commissioner

Agricultural Commissioner

Railroad Commissioner

Modern Texas Bureaucracy

 Purpose of the bureaucracy is implementation of public policy, hence the executive branch to execute legislative policy

 Texas rule-making rooted in the

Administrative Procedures Act requiring, among other things, public comment, etc., before adopting rules and regulations

Modern Texas Bureaucracy

Legislation creates executive agencies to respond to particular problems

While governor is chief executive, he/she has little direct authority over agencies and may not reorganize them

Texas executive agencies are organized in a variety of ways

Two basic patterns: one person director and multimember board or commission

Modern Texas Bureaucracy

 Examples of Texas bureaucracies include :


Secretary of State (appointed by governor) serves as the state’s chief election officer and keeper of the records


Public Utility Commissioner


Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commissioners


Insurance Commissioner


Commissioner of Public Health & Human Services

6. Public Counsels

Making Agencies Accountable

 Legislative oversight of the bureaucracy includes:

-review of expenditure

-review of rules and regulations

-performance reviews


-sunset reviews

-review of staff sizes and functions

-response to constituent complaints about agencies

Making Agencies Accountable

 Issues and concepts related to agency accountability include:

“Good government” recommendations

Revolving door involving private interests and public agencies

Iron Triangle model and the process of developing public policy

Ideology and Governors
