Week 2: August 31st to September 4th

Aug 31-Sept4
Week 2
Basic Political
Lesson Plan
Due Today
Sign up for Schoology
Lesson Plan
Continue the introduction to the course (classes will be in different
places based on circumstances)
Finish 3x5 card exercise (if not completed last week)
o First Side: What does democracy mean?
o Second Side: Brainstorm issues with which public policy
must deal
Begin (?) lecture material on the Origins of Government
o Balloon activity
Read Ch 1-4 and complete the comprehension quiz on Schoology
o Due next class period before class
Standard comprehension quiz rules (SCQR)
The quiz will be a number of objective questions from the text and lecture.
You have 3 tries to pass. Each try has a time limit.
The theory for this is that after you have read and taken notes, you take the
quiz from memory and refer to your notes if you need to for answers.
Obviously your book is available, but I do not want you simply looking up
the answers, so I set a time limit that is too short for most to take the test
this way.
Think of it like this: Of 20 questions you should probably be able to
answer most from memory after reading and note taking. Most of the rest,
you may have to look at your notes for a reminder, and the one or two that
are left, you have time to look them up in the book (and add that info to
your notes)
If after 3 tries using text, notes, and memory you still can’t answer 60%
correct, you are probably guessing and didn’t do the assignment (or you
need to see me about your reading struggles)
Due Today
Week 2
Basic Political
Read Ch 1-4 and complete the comprehension quiz on Schoology
Lesson Plan
Daily Desktop: Trust in local government (graph)
o Use for analysis and debate. 1 minute free write to make
observations, questions, and theories for short class
Kathryn Schulz – The Value of Being Wrong
Continue lecture on Origins of Government and perhaps begin the
“Chinese Menu of Government Classification”
Watch video: Eli Praiser – Filter Bubbles
o Discussion in class of the impact of this on American
Political Culture and Government
Read Ch. 26-1 and complete the comprehension quiz on
Schoology (SCQR)
Due Today
Week 2
Basic Political
Read Ch 1-4 and complete the comprehension quiz on Schoology
Lesson Plan
Daily Desktop: Trust in local government (graph)
o Use for analysis and debate. 1 minute free write to make
observations, questions, and theories for short class
Kathryn Schulz – The Value of Being Wrong
Continue lecture on Origins of Government
Watch video: Eli Praiser – Filter Bubbles
o Discussion in class of the impact of this on American
Political Culture and Government
Read Ch. 26-1 and complete the comprehension quiz on
Schoology (SCQR)
Due Today
Week 2
Basic Political
Read Ch. 26-1 and complete the comprehension quiz on
Schoology (SCQR)
Lesson Plan
Daily Desktop: Demographic Transition
o Watch video: Singapore National Day Commercial
o Look at graph: 1 minute free write to make observations,
questions, and theories for short class discussion
o Explanation lecture and video
 Illustrate by showing articles - US Birth Rate at
Record Lows, A Billion Shades of Grey, The
Japan Syndrome, America’s Pension Problems
Classification of government
o Explain Chinese Menu concept
o With desk partner: What are the important ways
governments differ in their structure and function (3
o Explain thoughts
Begin lecture on “Chinese Menu of Government Classification”
Due Today
Week 2
Basic Political
Read Ch. 26-1 and complete the comprehension quiz on
Schoology (SCQR)
Lesson Plan
Daily Desktop: Demographic Transition
o Watch video: Singapore National Day Commercial
o Look at graph: 1 minute free write to make observations,
questions, and theories for short class discussion
o Explanation lecture and video
 Illustrate by showing articles - US Birth Rate at
Record Lows, A Billion Shades of Grey, The
Japan Syndrome, America’s Pension Problems
Classification of government
o Explain Chinese Menu concept
o With desk partner: What are the important ways
governments differ in their structure and function (3
o Explain thoughts
Begin lecture on “Chinese Menu of Government Classification”