• How and why do organisms respond to changes in their environment? • Can you list what is required for a coordinated response? • What makes up the CNS? • Can you explain that receptors are used to generate impulses in neurones, resulting in a rapid response? • What is a reflex arc? • In order for living organisms to find food, avoid danger, find a mate they need to be able to respond to changes in their environment. • These changes are called . • Receptor cells are special cells adapted to detect stimuli. • They are found in our sense organs. Movement of sound waves Light Pressure/heat Chemical Chemical • Information from these receptors passes as along nerve cells (neurones) to the brain. • The brain then coordinates the response. • Some responses are voluntary, some are automatic. • Some responses bypass the brain altogether, these are called reflex actions. • There are two parts: – The Central Nervous System (CNS) which consists of the brain and spinal cord. – The Peripheral Nervous System which is all the nerves that take information from our sense organs into the CNS and from the CNS out to effectors (muscles or glands). • Neurones transmit impulses around the body. • Impulses travel at speeds of between 10 and 100 m/s carry impulses from the receptor to the brain. carry impulses from the brain to the effector. • Stimuli are picked up by sensory receptors and passed into the neurone. • Stimuli are picked up by sensory receptors and passed into the neurone. • This generates an impulse which travels along the neurone. • Stimuli are picked up by sensory receptors and passed into the neurone. • This generates an impulse which travels along the neurone. • Stimuli are picked up by sensory receptors and passed into the neurone. • This is then passed to the spinal cord or the brain to interpret the initial stimuli. • The neurone is surrounded by cells made of a substance called myelin. • This insulates the neurone. Myelin sheath • The dendron carries the impulse up to the cell body, it then becomes the axon. Cell body Dendron Axon all the other • The cell body contains the nucleus and components that a cell needs to function. Cell body Junction with sensory receptor Dendron Myelin sheath Axon Junction with CNS • A message is sent out from the brain down the dendrites. • The impulse travels down the axon. Dendron Dendrites Axon Muscle Cell body Myelin sheath • The impulse arrives at a muscle (effector) causing it to contract. Dendron Dendrites Axon Muscle Cell body Myelin sheath • A reflex is a rapid, automatic response to a stimulus. • The action often protects the body. • The nerve pathway of a reflex is called the reflex arc. • A reflex is a rapid, automatic response to a stimulus. • The action often protects the body. • The nerve pathway of a reflex is called the reflex arc. For example Iris constricting in bright • A reflex is a rapid, automatic response to a stimulus. • The action often protects the body. • The nerve pathway of a reflex is called the reflex arc. For example Iris constricting in bright Touching something very hot Spinal cord Sensory neurone Relay neurone Motor neurone Spinal cord Sensory neurone Relay neurone Motor neurone The signal does not go up to the brain, but is processed in the spinal cord via a relay neurone. Stimulus Receptor Stimulus Coordinator Receptor Stimulus Coordinator Receptor Effector Stimulus Response Coordinator Receptor Effector Stimulus Stimulus Receptor Sensory neurone Coordinator Motor neurone Effector Response Stimulus Receptor Sensory neurone Coordinator Motor neurone Effector Response The candle Stimulus The candle Receptor Temperature receptor in finger Sensory neurone Coordinator Motor neurone Effector Response Stimulus The candle Receptor Temperature receptor in finger Sensory neurone Coordinator Motor neurone Effector Response Sensory neurone Relay neurone in spinal cord Stimulus The candle Receptor Temperature receptor in finger Sensory neurone Coordinator Motor neurone Effector Response Sensory neurone Relay neurone in spinal cord Motor neurone Muscle in arm Stimulus The candle Receptor Temperature receptor in finger Sensory neurone Coordinator Motor neurone Sensory neurone Relay neurone in spinal cord Motor neurone Effector Muscle in arm Response Arm moves away from candle • A reflex is an example of an automatic coordinated response. • In a voluntary response the brain would be the coordinator not the spinal cord.