AP Psychology

AP Psychology
Free Response
Free response
• ESSAY: Read both questions. Make small
marks beside the words or phrases that are easy
for you to define or explain. Analyze the question
and answer ALL parts.
• ESSAY: Most of the 12 essay questions in the
last 6 years have given you an example of a
situation, and then asked you to use 4 or 5
specific psychological concepts to explain or
predict what might happen. Break down each
question into your own words, and see if the
question is about defining and using these
psychological concepts.
Free response
• ESSAY: Number each point on the question
sheet. There are usually about 10 possible
points per question to be awarded by the
readers. Use the question sheet to outline your
response before you begin writing. Include as
many names and lincs terms on your outline so
you will include them in your essay.
• Don't get upset. You don't need a perfect
answer. In 1999 students who earned 5 of the
20 free-response points were very likely to earn
college credit in psychology.
Free response
• ESSAY: Guessing can't hurt you. If you have some idea,
say it. There is no subtraction of points for being wrong
on the essay. Be calm, be precise, be swift, but use all
the time allowed.
• ESSAY: No points are ever given for an introduction,
preface, summary, or conclusion. Since you have
numbered the points to be given, answer only those
parts that will earn you points.
• ESSAY: No points are ever given for a list, a diagram, or
an outline. You must use sentences and paragraphs.
• ESSAY: Answer first the parts you know best. There are
no points given or taken away based on the order of your
parts in the answer.
Free response
• ESSAY: Relax. You have 50 minutes. As you answer the
parts you know best, other thoughts will come to mind.
Jot them on the question sheet, and get back to them
• ESSAY: Focus on T.D.A. Use proper scientific
psychology Terms. Define your terms (Show you know).
Apply to the problem in the question.
• The "essay" portion of the exam is not testing essay
writing. Rather it tests student’s ability to answer the
question posed. Students do NOT need an introductory
paragraph and a summary. They DO need to answer
each part of the question clearly and succinctly. They
DO NOT need to restate the question.
The Formula
• Use this 4-part formula to create paragraphs of
at least 3-4 sentences for each major section
– Accurately define the concept in psychological terms
(consideration and thought required)
– Provide a general example (text, class, personal life)
– Apply the concept/term to the question (as called for
by the question)
– Discuss the importance of the concept or any other
knowledge you have that is relative.
Question 1
Dimitri and Linda are trying to learn a new routine to compete successfully in a dance competition.
Give an example of how each of the following could affect their performance. Definitions without
application do not score.
• Extrinsic motivation
• Punishment
• Proactive interference
• Endorphins
• Vestibular system
• Divergent thinking
• Introversion
• 1. For each of the pairs below, use an example to show
how the first term in each pair affects or is related to the
• second. Definitions alone without examples will not
• • Serial-position effect . . recall
• • Functional fixedness . . problem solving
• • Operational definition . . replication
• • Double-blind research . . bias
• • Operant conditioning . . superstition
• • Reinforcement . . overjustification effect
• • Myelin sheath . . neural impulse
• Question #2 – Operant Conditioning, Social Psychology,
Motivation, Drug use (10pts)
• A. Define the following psychological concepts.
• • Cognitive Dissonance
• • Conformity
• • Incentive Motivation
• • Negative Reinforcement
• • Physiological addiction
• B. Use on specific example from each of the concepts in
part A to explain how the concept might relate to either
the development of or the
• continuation of a smoking habit. It is not necessary to
use the same example for each concept.
• Question #2
• Zoey wants to buy a new car but is having difficulty deciding
what kind of car to buy. She is feeling anxious and wants to
make a decision soon. Zoey visits several local car dealers and
asks for the advice of some of her friends. Explain how each of
the following could influence her decision. Be sure to discuss
each concept in the context of Zoey’s decision.
Approach-avoidance conflict
Central route to persuasion
The autonomic nervous system
The foot-in-the-door phenomenon
• 5. The human organism display various
reactions that are characterized by opposing
tendencies. Use a specific psychological or
psychological mechanism to explain how
both aspect of opposing processes apply to
EACH of the following.
Autonomic nervous system
Color vision
Drug use
Nerve firing
• 6. Five-year-old Jessie went to a fire station with her
kindergarten class. When she got home, Jessie,
who is in the preoperational stage of cognitive
development, eagerly told the story of her adventure
to her older brother. Describe how the following
factors might have influenced the story she told. Be
sure to define and provide an appropriate example of
EACH factor.
• Egocentrism
• Observational learning
• Overregulization or overgeneralization in language
• Reconstructive memory
• Schema
• . Time is an important variable in many psychological
concepts. Describe a specific example that clearly
demonstrates an understanding of each of the following
concepts and how it relates to or is affected by time. Use a
different example for each concept.
• Critical period
• Fluid intelligence
• Group polarization
• James-Lange theory of emotion
• Presentation of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the
unconditioned stimulus (UCS) in classical conditioning
• Refractory period in neural firing
• Sound localization
• Spontaneous recovery