Following is a list of trainings that Philadelphia Works, Inc. provides to the EARN System. Please review the
audience requirements to determine who is required or is optional to attend. Unless a different location is noted, all
trainings are held at Philadelphia Works, 1617 JFK Boulevard.
Case Notes
A review of guidelines and procedures for writing case notes
Trainers: Kathleen R. Pelzer, Senior Training and Policy Analyst, Philadelphia Works, Inc.; Delores Gay, Provider
Representative, Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Audience: All who write case notes are required to attend this training at least once and upon notification when there is
significant change to the content.
Offered: bi-monthly
Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
An overview of the paper TABE and TABE PC, including the purpose, administration and scoring of each test
Trainer: Jacqueline Gibson, Trainer, Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Audience: All who are responsible for administering and interpreting the TABE and their supervisors are required to
attend this training once. This training is for EARN staff only.
Offered: quarterly or as needed
Time and Attendance
TANF Reauthorization and the time and attendance requirements
Trainers: Kathleen R. Pelzer, Senior Training and Policy Analyst, Philadelphia Works, Inc.; Jacqueline Gibson,
Trainer, Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Audience: Staff and management (including directors) with time and attendance responsibilities are required to attend
this training at least once.
Offered: bi-monthly
CAPS (Data Entry)
An overview of the CAPS system and how to navigate and enter information in the system
Trainer: Barrett Harvey, Technical Support Specialist, Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Audience: All new data staff and others who will be entering information (excluding case notes) into CAPS are required
to attend at least once. Please contact Barrett Harvey 215 963-3478 for experienced CAPS users who no longer have a
password and do not need training.
Offered: monthly
CAPS (View Only)
An introduction to the CAPS system includes how to navigate, view information, and enter case notes
Trainer: Barrett Harvey, Technical Support Specialist, Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Audience: Those who need to only view information in CAPS or enter case notes. Please contact Barrett Harvey 215963-3478 for experienced CAPS users who no longer have a password and do not need training.
Offered: monthly
A general overview of CIS and how it relates to CWDS
Content includes: CIS log-in and maneuvering through the system to locate Special Allowances, benefits, TANF
Days, client demographics, members on a case (children under age 6), previous and current activities, projects
(calculating time used in limited activities), employment and wage history.
Trainer: Melissa Rivera, Sr. Manager for Data, Philadelphia Works Inc.
Audience: Required for data staff, employment advisors, supervisors and anyone who may have to review various
areas of a customer’s DPW service record.
Offered: bi-monthly
Commonwealth Workforce Development System (CWDS)
Teaches how to enter data into CWDS and navigate the system
Trainer: Bureau of Program Evaluation
Audience: All required to enter data into CWDS and who do not have a CWDS password are required to attend.
Location: Harrisburg and occasionally Philadelphia
Offered: bi-monthly
Kronos (Data Entry)
An overview of the Kronos system which tracks all client hours of participation, how to enter data and run reports
Trainer: Barrett Harvey, Technical Support Specialist
Audience: All data staff, their supervisors and others responsible for entering client hours into Kronos are required to
attend, unless they have used Kronos extensively for at least 6 months or attended this training in the last 6 months.
Offered: monthly
Kronos (View Only)
An overview of Philadelphia Works, Inc.’s Kronos system including how to navigate and view information in the
Trainer: Barrett Harvey, Technical Support Specialist, Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Audience: All who need to view information in Kronos are required to attend unless they are an experienced Kronos
viewer or have attended this training in the last 6 months. This training is recommended for managers as well.
Offered: monthly
Supportive Services/ Incentive Payment (SSIP Data Entry)
How to properly enter supportive services and incentive payments in Philadelphia Works, Inc.’s CAPS data tracking
Trainer: Kathy Pelzer, Senior Training and Policy Analyst, Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Audience: Required for employment advisors and others responsible for data entry and running reports for supportive
services and incentive payments. Attendees must have active CAPS passwords.
Offered: bi-monthly
Interview Stream
Attendees will learn to teach job seekers how to use this web-based mock-interview tool for improving their interview
Trainer: Jacqueline Gibson, Trainer, Philadelphia Works, Inc. and Barrett Harvey, Technical Support Specialist,
Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Audience: Instructors and employment account representatives are required to attend. Employment advisors and
supervisors are encouraged to attend
Offered: bi-monthly and upon request
Updated June 5, 2012
Resume Writing Workshop
This training will provide EARN staff with the skills to assist clients with developing a resume:
 focused on marketable/transferable skills
 listing relevant experience, training, and education
 identifying accomplishments
 targeting employers’ needs
Trainer: Johnetta Frazier, Director of Training, Workforce Services Division, Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Audience: All who review or assist clients with resume preparation are required to attend at least once.
Offered: TBD
Staff Ethics and HIPAA
This training has two parts: Staff Ethics reviews the protocols, rules, and acceptable conduct that is expected of all
EARN System employees. Part 2 explains the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and
how it applies to customers and employees of the EARN System.
Trainers: Jacqueline Gibson, Trainer and Kathy Pelzer, Senior Training and Policy Analyst, Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Audience: All EARN System employees must attend once each year
Offered: bi-monthly
Updated June 5, 2012