And now I'm here at the University of Houston for Convention 2012

Kappa Kappa Psi
Southwest District Convention
Minutes— Committee Reports—Final Officer Reports
University of Houston- Houston, TX
April 20-22 2011
National Headquarters—Stillwater Station
P.O. Box 849—Stillwater, OK 74076
Telephone 800/543-6505—Fax 405/372-2363
Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Convention 2011
April 20-22, 2012
University of Houston: Houston, TX
Friday, April 20, 2012
Call to Order - 4:35 p.m.
Introduction of Joint District Councils
a) Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Council
i) President- Melissa Rice (Beta Lambda)
ii) VP- Powers Bilodeau (Delta Sigma)
iii) Secretary/ Treasurer- Mike Breaux (Theta Nu)
iv) Co-MAL- Brenna Hensley (Alpha)
v) Co- MAL- Kurt Cockran (Delta)
vi) Governor- Toni Castle
vii) Governor- John Graham
b) Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District Council
i) President- Kathryn Howell (Theta Theta)
ii) VP of Membership- Katie Langley (Psi)
iii) VP of Special Projects- Dustin Nguyen (Gamma Nu)
iv) Secretary/ Treasurer- Jennie Malone (Alpha Omicron)
v) Counselor- Erika Pope (Theta Theta)
Introduction of Visiting Dignitaries
a) Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
i) President- Adam Cantley
ii) VPCM- Christine Beason
iii) VPP- Jack Lee
iv) VPSA- Adam Bates
v) Immediate Past National President-Derrick Mills
b) Tau Beta Sigma National Council
i) VPCM- Nicole Burdick
ii) VPSP- Kevin Earnest
iii) VPCR- Jonathon Markowski
c) Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees
i) Mike Osborn
d) Tau Beta Sigma Board of Trustees
i) Chris Gordon, Vice Chair
ii) David Hammond
e) TBS AA Members
i) Amanda Dickson
f) KKY Alumni Association
i) Brent Cannon-Advisory Committee Member
g) Tau Beta Sigma Counselors
i) None
h) National Headquarters Staff
i) Aaron Moore- NHQs Alumni, Chapter and Colony Affairs Coordinator
ii) Evan Thompson-CFR
iii) Alan Bonner-National Executive Director
i) Past KKY District Governors
i) Danny George-Immediate Past Governor
ii) Brent Cannon
Recognition of Life Members in attendance
Recognition of Graduating Seniors in attendance
Final Call for New ALTO Bids
Final Call for Convention Host Bids
Announcements from Tau and Beta Sigma
Recess until Saturday at 5:30pm
April 20, 2012
Call to Order - 5:40 pm
Collection of Candidate packets and D.O. Wiley bids
a) Toni Announcement
Seating of Chapter Delegates
a) MEP’s first, then written, then random.
Random Proxy seating began with Beta Alpha
a) Random Proxy seating ended with Delta
b) Next year’s Random Proxy seating will begin with Lambda
Approve minutes from last convention
a) Zeta Tau
b) Beta Alpha
i) Motion Passes
Move to wave minutes
a) Gamma Alpha
b) Epslion Kappa
i) Motion Passes
Discussed committees
a) Colonization and Membership
i) Alpha, Alpha Omicron, Beta Sigma, Gamma Phi, Theta Phi, Nu Beta
b) Convention Site
i) Betta Gamma, Epsilon Beta, Zeta Beta, Zeta Xi, Theta Kappa
c) Judging
i) Beta Alpha, Gamma Zeta, Delta Sigma, Epsilon Delta, Epsilon Epsilon, Lambda
d) Ways and Means
i) Delta Psi, Epsilon Theta, Zeta Kappa, Theta Nu, Mu Mu, Mu Psi
i) Delta, Alpha Psi, Delta Delta, Epsilon Kappa, Mu Chi
f) Nominations
i) Gamma Sigma, Zeta Zeta, Eta Xi, Iota Sigma, Iota Upsilon, Lambda Pi
g) History and Traditions
i) Lambda, Alpha Tau, Delta Alpha, Zeta Gamma, Eta Nu, Mu Lambda
h) Publications
i) Gamma Alpha, Epsilon Chi, Theta Alpha, Lambda Epsilon, Mu Tau
i) Spirit
i) Rho, Gamma Theta, Delta Chi, Zeta Tau, Kappa Phi, Lambda Xi
j) Jurisdiction
i) Beta Lambda, Gamma Iota, Gamma Omega, Epsilon Zeta, Epsilon Rho
a) Concert tonight
Motion to recess until tomorrow
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Roll Call
District Officers in attendance
Final Officer Report—Kurt Cockran: Member-At-Large (Appendix A)
a) Alpha Omicron
b) Delta
i) Motion Passes
Final Officer Report—Brenna Hensley: Member-At-Large (Appendix B)
a) Delta Phi
b) Alpha
i) Motion Passes
Final Officer Report—Mike Breaux: Secretary/Treasurer (Appendix C)
a) Delta Sigma
b) Theta Nu
i) Motion Passes
Nominations announcements
a) All candidates eligible
Motion to recess
a) Delta Alpha
b) Eta Nu
i) Motion Passes
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Motion to open - 4:20 p.m.
Roll Call-missing 14 chapters
Nominations Committee Announcement of Eligible Candidates
Committee Report—Judging Committee (Appendix D)
a) Zeta Beta
b) Iota Upsilon
i) Motion Passes
Committee Report— Membership Education Committee (Appendix E)
a) Beta Sigma
b) Gamma Iota
i) Motion Passes
Committee Report—History and Traditions Committee (Appendix F)
a) Alpha Omicron
b) Mu Lambda
i) Motion Passes
Committee Report—Ways and Means Committee (Appendix G)
a) Epsilon Delta
b) Rho
i) Motion Passes
c) Accept the Budget
i) Eta Nu
ii) Lambda
(1) Motion Passes
Committee Report-Spirit Committee (Appendix H)
a) Alpha
b) Beta Gamma
i) Motion Passes
Final Officer Report—Powers Bilodeau: Vice President (Appendix I)
a) Nu Beta
b) Delta Sigma
i) Motion Passes
Motion to recess
a) Zeta Zeta
b) Lambda
i) Motion Passes
April 21, 2012
Call to order
Seating of Late Delegates
Presentation of Bids for New ALTO
Presentation of Bids for District Convention
Report of the Joint Action Committee on Music Education (Joint CHAIRS) (Appendix J)
Announcement of Area Workshop Hosts for 2013
a) Arkansas
i) University of Central Arkansas
(1) KKΨ : Epsilon Beta, TBΣ : Gamma Tau
b) Oklahoma
i) Oklahoma State University
(1) KKΨ : Alpha, TBΣ : Alpha
c) Louisiana
i) McNeese State University
(1) KKΨ : Iota Upsilon
d) North Texas
i) Texas A&M Commerce
(1) KKΨ : Zeta Kappa, TBΣ : Epsilon Beta
e) East Texas
i) Texas Southern University
(1) KKΨ : Gamma Omega, TBΣ : Beta Omicron
f) South Texas
i) University of Texas Pan American
(1) KKΨ : Mu Chi
g) West Texas / New Mexico
i) University of New Mexico
(1) KKΨ : Gamma Iota
Announcements from Tau and Beta Sigma
Recess until Sunday at 11 a.m.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Call to Order - 8:18
Roll Call
Final Officer Report—John Graham: Governor (Appendix K)
a) Mu Chi
b) Epsilon Chi
i) Motion Passes
Final Officer Report – Toni Castle: Governor (Appendix L)
a) Beta Sigma
b) Epsilon Delta
i) Motion Passes
Committee Report – Jurisdiction (Appendix M)
a) Alpha Psi
b) Alpha Omicron
i) Motion Passes
c) Motion to Adopt All Changes in Committee Report
i) Beta Lambda
ii) Eta Xi
(1) Motion Passes
Nominations Committee Announcement of Eligible Candidates (Appendix N)
a) Motion to accept the report of the Nominations Committee
i) Gamma Sigma
ii) Zeta Xi
(1) Motion Passes
The slate is automatically nominated when the report is accepted. 5 minute platform, 5 minute
b) Nominate Brenna Hensley from the floor for President
i) Alpha
c) MSP – Three minute caucus
i) Alpha
ii) Delta
(1) Motion Passes
d) Powers Bilodeau elected by majority vote
e) Accept Brenna Hensley by acclamation for Vice President
i) Delta
ii) Delta Delta
(1) Motion Passes
f) Nominate Bridget Horlader from the floor for Secretary/Treasurer
i) Beta Gamma
g) Caucus 3 minutes
i) Delta
ii) Zeta Tau
(1) Motion Passes
h) Helen Moore elected by majority vote
i) Accept both Co-Member at Large nominees by acclamation
i) Epsilon Beta
ii) Lambda Xi
(1) Motion Passes
Final Officer Report – Melissa Rice: President (Appendix O)
a) Alpha Psi
b) Beta Lambda
i) Motion Passes
Installation of District Officers
Motion to close
a) Beta Lambda
b) Beta Sigma
i) Motion passes 10:10am
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Call to Order : 11:42 a.m.
Announcement of District KKΨ/TBΣ Officers for 2012-2013
a) TBΣ
i) President
(1) Kathryn Howell (Theta Theta-Henderson State University)
ii) Vice President for Membership
(1) Katie Langley (Psi-University of Arkansas)
iii) Vice President for Special Projects
(1) Jaclyn Smith (Beta-Texas Tech University)
iv) Secretary/Treasurer
(1) Kristine Roberts (Alpha Omicron-Sam Houston State University)
b) KKΨ
i) President
(1) Powers Bilodeau (Delta Sigma-University of Texas at Arlington)
ii) Vice President
(1) Brenna Hensley (Alpha-Oklahoma State University)
iii) Secretary/Treasurer
(1) Helen Moore (Eta Nu-Southeastern Oklahoma State University)
iv) Co-MAL
(1) Vanessa Delgado (Epsilon Epsilon-Southwestern Oklahoma State University)
v) Co-MAL
(1) Kevin Sutton (Theta Phi-Henderson State University)
Committee Report: Joint Action Committee on Publications (Appendix P)
a) Gamma Phi (KKΨ)
b) Eta Epsilon (TBΣ)
i) Motion Passes
Committee Report: Convention Site (Appendix Q)
a) Delta Pi (KKΨ)
b) Alpha (TBΣ)
i) Motion Passes
c) Motion to accept committee’s recommendation to host 2013 SWD Convention by
i) Beta Lambda (KKY)
ii) Delta Alpha (TBS)
(1) Motion fails
d) Motion entertained from Kappa Kappa Psi to accept Convention Site Committee’s
recommendation as a slate
i) All in Favor : 32
ii) All Opposed 11
iii) Any abstentions: None
(1) Approved
e) Motion entertained from Tau Beta Sigma to accept Convention Site Committee’s
recommendation as a slate
i) All in Favor : Multiple
ii) All Opposed : Multiple
iii) Any abstentions : None
(1) Approved
Announcements from the Joint National Councils
a) Nicole Burdick Sanchez and Adam Bates
i) Table cloths at banquet were damaged. This can cause a fine to be placed upon the
Beta Sigma and Tau chapters. There is a possibility that a banquet will no longer be
hosted at any SWD Conventions because of this action.
Presentation of Awards
a) Brenna Hensley, Kurt Cockran and Dustin Nguyen
i) Talent Show
ii) Scrapbooks
iii) Displays
Motion entertained to Adjourn
a) All in Favor : All
b) All opposed : None
c) Any abstentions : None
i) Motion Passes - 12:36 p.m.
Appendix A –Officer Report : Kurt Cockran
Brothers of the Southwest District,
It has truly been an honor to serve as your Co-Member at Large this past year. It blew my mind
that you would give me the opportunity to serve the District in this way. It has been an incredible
learning experience for me, and many fond memories have come from the times that I would not
otherwise have as your Member at Large.
The year started with a bang with CLC and District Day right off the bat. CLC, which was so
wonderfully planned by Powers and Katie, contained many great lessons all around. District Day
likewise the next day was a total blast and the alumni rocked putting it together. Next came
National Convention, which was the experience of a lifetime, one that I probably would not have
been compelled to go to had I not been elected into this position. I strongly encourage each and
every brother and chapter to start saving now for Springfield. It’s totally worth it, even if you
don’t hold a chapter office.
In September, I had the pleasure, along with two other Delta brothers, of visiting Eta Nu down at
Southeastern. Talk about a great time. Every last one of them were hospitable and made us feel
like part of the Spirit of Southeastern Marching Band for a day! I was very impressed with the
way the Brothers interacted with each other and served the band. One thing in particular that
stood out to me was that they were ALREADY getting excited and planning the Oklahoma Area
workshop...a whole 6 months away! I look forward to seeing the awesome things Eta Nu can
accomplish in the coming years.
Due to a busy football season, my next adventure was down here to Houston for Winter Council.
It was nice reuniting with the joint councils and being productive while having a ton of fun. As
someone who helped a lot with last year’s District Convention, I was VERY impressed with how
much effort and detail Rolando and Dominique and the UH chapters had put into making this the
very best convention possible. This weekend has only confirmed the high expectations that
Winter Council gave me as it’s been an INCREDIBLE convention so far.
Workshop season was next and I had the pleasure of experiencing two FANTASTIC workshops
at Howard Payne with Zeta Beta and Southeastern with Eta Nu. At West Texas, the theme of
active burnout prevention was excellently implemented and all of the sessions were very
intriguing. At Oklahoma, my eyes are still recovering from the hysterical interpretive dance to
none other than “I’m Sexy and I Know it.” The entire day couldn’t have been better prepared and
they also exceeded my expectations, as high as they already were from my previous visit. While
I wish I could have made more workshops, I’m glad I was able to make both of these and to have
taken away the lessons I did.
Changing the tone a bit, while everything I said before remains true and I truly did have many
awesome experiences, being in this office hasn’t quite been what I expected it to be, and I
believe I owe the District an apology for what I consider an underachieving term.
Being in this office turned out to be completely different than anything I had imagined it to be
when I first ran, and my priorities changed immensely about halfway through the fall semester.
I first was disappointed by the lack of materials and guidance I was given from my predecessors
and felt clueless as to what or how exactly I should be doing the position. I eventually figured
some things out, but I never really felt like I had a handle on what it meant to be Member at
Large. My goal is to help my successors have an easier transition and feel more comfortable than
I did when I came into the position. Many other challenges, which I will not expand on, also led
me to feel very discontent with my position.
Halfway through the fall semester, I discovered I would actually graduate in May, as opposed to
when I had been thinking I would graduate the following December or even the next May. This
threw my priorities for a loop, since I now had to start thinking about what I would do after I
graduate. Soon thereafter, I made the decision that following graduation I would pursue a
seminary education in order to prepare for a vocation in the ministry. As you can imagine, my
desire and motivation to become more successful in this position decreased with each passing
day, especially with growing financial concerns prohibiting me from traveling as much.
While I will personally thank each individual later, for the sake of your attention spans and
avoiding references to inside jokes or stories nobody else gets, I want to thank the entire District
Councils of both K-Psi and TBS for their awesome friendship this past year. You all were
undoubtedly the people I most looked forward to seeing at each District event, and I look
forward to your friendship for years to come.
Another specific thank you in order is to my fellow brothers of the Delta chapter. While I do love
this fraternity nationwide and the friends I’ve made in the Southwest District, my heart really lies
with the brothers in the Delta chapter who I see and interact with every day. I would not be half
the man I am if it were not for my experiences with them. Words can’t describe how much you
all mean to me. If you are ever wondering what it means for a chapter to embody brotherhood,
honor, integrity, loyalty, respect and the five purposes of this fraternity, look no further than
The 2012-2013 District Council will have much it can improve upon. I wish them well and hope
that they are given the necessary tools and conditions to succeed and improve the District and
Fraternity. My specific charges for the next Council are as follows:
Establish a consistent bi-weekly online meeting time. I can’t express how important it is
to maintain communication throughout the entire year.
As soon as possible, make a contact list of officers of each chapter. Chapters, send your
officer contact info to the next President.
Increase usage of the Facebook page for all members of Council, not just M@Ls.
Create a new listserv that is managed by a Council member and follow through with a
full effort publicity campaign to get every member of the District on the Listserv.
Hold each other accountable to the goals you set.
Find new way to manage the website without having to rely on a middle man. Update it
Send a short one page newsletter to the chapters each month detailing specifically what
the Council is working on, establishing a closer connection for the Council to the District.
Without delay, get an updated 2012 constitution and ALL of 2012 convention minutes on
the website for all to see.
Charges to the next Co-M@Ls:
Find Andy’s clothes.
Supervise Andy’s Facebook page jointly with next chapter who will have Andy.
Hold each other accountable to the goals in your platforms. Discuss them immediately
and determine what is and what is not possible.
Pass down what you learn in your position to the next Council in written form.
In conclusion, thank you to the Southwest District for giving me the opportunity to serve you in
this position. It has taught me a lot and I hope to see much advancement for all chapters in the
District in the years to come.
AEA respectfully submitted,
Kurt Cockran
Appendix B – Officer Report : Brenna
Appendix C – Officer Report : Mike Breaux
Brothers of the Southwest, this year was by far one of the greatest years I have had as a brother
of Kappa Kappa Psi. Being a part of this council really opened my eyes to what this fraternity
can do for me and everyone in it.
My time on council started with CLC and District Day. CLC was put together by Powers and
Katie and was fantastic. Sharing what I have learned in the short time as Sec/Treas and from
helping in my chapter, helped me put on a great workshop of the Sec/Treas of the district with
my wonderful counterpart, Jennie Malone. District Day was much the same minus taking the
scenic route to get to Burgers Lake by going through downtown FT. Worth then realizing that we
were lost. Thanks Mel for the last second thought of your GPS.
Next came Winter Council here at UofH. This was the first time since CLC that we were all
together to have fun but still get business done. Once we looked at everything once we were
done we knew that this convention would be a fun one and one to remember.
I was only able to make one workshop this season due to prior engagements at NSU. I was able
to go to the Arkansas area workshop put on by the joint chapters at UAPB. The workshop was
really great. We got to hear/talk about everything. We got a great keynote from Erika Pope
about how yes we can be diverse but we still all have some things in common by showing us
different things in both Organization’s constitutions and other documents. It was interesting to
show that how similar we are but yet we are so diverse.
And now we are here, The 2012 district convention at the University of Houston. This has been
a great journey and have made some of the closest friends that I will ever have the chance to
Kurt- Thanks for keeping all of us on track during our meetings. Without that I believe that we
would have just talked randomly about everything.
Brenna-You were one of the closest people to me on council. Whenever we were together there
was never a dull moment and we continued to laugh.
Powers-What can I say, YOU ARE GREAT!! All of my trips to Arlington were full of way to
much fun and overall a great time to bond with you.
Mel- Even though we all were new to running a convention and new to the council, you helped
us look pass that and put on a great convention. Good luck in Washington and hope the wedding
goes great.
Toni- Thanks for being the guiding spirit to us all this year. When we had our heads down in the
dirt, you picked them up, washed off the dirt, and showed us a new way of going on. I cannot
begin to imagine where we would be without you
John- Even though you were always busy with teaching at UAPB, thanks for helping us
whenever we needed it. It was great to sit and talk with you at your workshop and learn where
you came from and why you became Governor.
Theta Nu- Y’all have made me the man I am today. Thanks for being there for me this fall when
everything started to get a little much. I do not know where I would be without any of you.
To the 2012-2013 Sec/Tres- Make sure that you are on time with all of your paperwork. And get
all the reports from all the chairs
Brothers of the Southwest- Thank you for letting me serve as your Sec/Tres for this past year and
have a good year next year
Fraternitly Submitted
Mike Breaux
2011-2012 SWD Sec/Tres
Theta Nu Chapter at Northwestern State University
Appendix D – Committee Report : Judging
Brothers of the Southwest District,
This year the D.O. Wiley committee reviewed packets, listened to presentations and questioned
the chapters eligible and presenting for the D.O. Wiley award.
During this year's convention, the following actions took place:
1. The committee reviewed the award criteria and process of selection for the D.O. Wiley
2. The eligibility for each chapter whom turned in packets was also confirmed.
3. Packets provided by the chapters presenting were reviewed and presentation times were
assigned to each chapter.
4. Chapters gave 5 minute presentations and entertained the following questions for 5
 Tell the committee about one service activity your chapter has done to make you
more deserving of the DO Wiley Award than other chapters.
 How has the national organization benefited from having you as a chapter?
 Explain a time when your chapter has had to deal with conflict within itself and how
it was resolved?
 Tell the committee about a time when your chapter has gone above and beyond and
truly striven for the highest.
 In one word, how would you describe your chapter?
 Tell us about a time when your band has appreciated an activity your chapter has
done in order to serve the band.
 What kind of image do you portray of your chapter to your campus community?
 How does your chapter keep up with its history?
5. The committee discussed the packets, presentations, and questions asked once all
presentations were completed and selected the recipient of the D.O. Wiley Award.
The 2012 D.O. Wiley Committee charges the 2012-2013 Co-Members-At-Large of the district
council with making the chapters in the Southwest District more aware of the district awards and
the eligibility requirements for each award. We feel like more chapters would apply for awards if
they were better informed about what awards are available and how to access the requirements
and paperwork for each award.
The 2012 D.O. Wiley Committee charges the Jurisdiction Committee to add a requirement to the
D.O. Wiley Award Criteria in Appendix I of the District Constitution that chapters applying for
the award must include their Fall Activity Report in their packets. After discussion, the
committee decided that there was pertinent information needed to evaluate that is included on the
fall activity report that would aid in the selection of the recipient of the D.O. Wiley award.
The recipient of this year's D.O. Wiley Award is goes to a chapter that has demonstrated
unswerving loyalty to Kappa Kappa Psi and their college band program. When asked what one
word would describe their chapter best, they responded with “dedicated”. This year, the D.O.
Wiley Award is presented to the Theta Phi chapter at Henderson State University.
The 2012 D.O. Wiley award would like to thank: our advisors, Megan Polis and Emily Holden,
past presidents of the Southwest and Midwest districts, Adam Bates, National Vice President for
Student Affairs, and each of the chapters that presented for the D.O. Wiley Award.
Respectfully and fraternally submitted,
Stephen Sullivan
2010-2011 Chapter President
Zeta Beta Chapter – Howard Payne University
Appendix E – Committee Report :
Membership Education
The 2012 Membership Education Committee was charged with nothing, so we set out to do what
we felt would make the world of Southwest District Membership Education Programs right
The first thing we talked about was the Membership Education Program (MEP)
collection policy from the 2011-12 year. We felt that punishing a chapter by refusing to sit its
delegate was too harsh a punishment for not submitting an MEP. We instead decided to begin
searching for positive reinforcement strategies regarding the submission of MEPs.
The first item we discussed was requiring chapters to submit an MEP in order to be
eligible for district awards. The committee voted in favor of this idea, so we sent a proposed
amendment to the Jurisdiction Committee for review.
We then discussed why we felt that chapters had not submitted MEPs to this point. We
felt that the reasons were varied enough that we would want the next Vice President to research
why these chapters did not submit their MEP.
We then discussed a potential "MEP Improvement Award," but upon further
examination, we found that the subject of MEPs was too subjective to create an objective criteria
system for judging this type of award. Instead, we decided to begin work on developing a
participation award for chapters who submit their MEPs.
We then discussed how to encourage participation in the MEP submission program, and
decided that the following could work:
A non-competitive participation award for chapters who submit an MEP
"Peer pressure" from other chapters
We also discussed ways that the District Vice President could work to communicate with
chapters, and came up with the following methods of communication:
 Phone
 Use of the listerve
 Facebook
 Skyping into chapter meetings
We then discussed the potential for a Southwest District Continuing Membership
Education Program (CMEP). We want the 2012-13 Vice President to begin work on an example
CMEP, by first collecting samples, and presenting them to the 2013 Membership Education
Committee so they can discuss what they like and don't like. This example CMEP should include
fun and educational activities.
After all this discussion, we charge the following:
To the 2012-13 District Vice President:
Communicate with the chapters that did not submit an MEP in the 2011-12 School year
and determine what the issues were and work to resolve those issues.
Develop a calling program where each chapter is contacted by the District Council once
every other month (in conjunction with the District President)
Collect CMEP samples from National and District sources
To the 2013 Membership Education Committee:
Develop a non-competitive participation award for submitting an MEP
Review the samples collected by the 2012-2013 Vice-President and begin work on
developing a SWD CMEP Model, including fun and educational activities
Thanks to all of the chapter delegates who participated in the discussion over the
weekend. Also thank you to Maggie Greenwood, who hates being thanked in these types of
things, but is still a really good committee advisor!
Respectfully Submitted,
Powers Bilodeau
2012 Membership Education Committee Chair
Vice President, Southwest District
President, Delta Sigma Chapter
Kappa Kappa Psi
Appendix F – Committee Report : History
and Traditions
Brothers of the Southwest District,
This year the History and Traditions Committee was charged with the following:
1. Review the 2011 History and Traditions Report.
2. Continue to perform interviews of national dignitaries to archive at National Headquarters.
3. Consider a revision of the questions used on the Chapter History forms to include information
not yet obtained.
After reviewing last year’s report, we first addressed interviewing national dignitaries. We
decided that the meaning to this charge has been lost, so we did not pursue further action and we
will not continue the charge for future History and Traditions.
The History and Traditions committees of both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma met
jointly to discuss both the joint ceremony, which you will see in action later this afternoon, and
the joint song, which some of you may have been taught in a workshop last night. At Baylor and
Oklahoma, the committees discussed and weighed the options of the different submissions of
joint songs and joint ceremonies, and have thought it would be cool that a joint ceremony and
song be adopted based on these recommendations, but have never passed an actual motion to
make it official. One of the questions brought up that should be clarified now before the motion
goes before the delegates is that these are motions that pertain only to the Southwest District
chapter, and is not binding for individual chapters to adopt, but rather that they may be used at
future District events, however now, hopefully, with the authority of a passing vote from the
delegation. The official passing and further implementation of the joint song and ceremony will
hopefully lead to other joint chapters adopting joint songs or ceremonies that may bring their two
chapters together. Another advantage to having these is that chapters without a Kappa Kappa Psi
chapter or without a Tau Beta Sigma chapter may feel a bond with the other organization when
coming to district events that they otherwise have never known from their own chapter.
After further questions and discussion, the Kappa Kappa Psi committee members voted
unanimously to recommend first the joint ceremony followed by the joint song. Subsequently,
the Tau Beta Sigma committee members likewise voted unanimously to recommend the joint
ceremony followed by the joint song. Following joint ceremony this afternoon at joint session,
we will entertain the motion that the joint ceremony be adopted. Following this, we will play the
joint song for everyone so that we can decide to make it the official Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau
Beta Sigma Southwest District joint song.
The Chapter Historical Archives Forms: Committee requested that the newly updated forms be
reviewed in 2013. The forms are now much more applicable to the history and traditions of local
chapters and are no longer redundant in terms of information acquired.
We also talked about Andy the Armadillo and the continuation of the Andy the Armadillo
Facebook page as an added bonus to the chapter having Andy that it allows that chapter to
publicize their activities.
Scrapbooks constituted a large amount of our discussion, especially how to utilize them at
convention. We are also looking to permanently store at an SWD chapter the four collected
scrapbooks that are currently handed down to subsequent Members at Large.
Charges to the 2012-2013 History and Traditions Committee:
Review the 2012 History and Traditions Report.
Review use of newly updated chapter history forms.
Analyze previous years’ use of Andy’s Facebook page.
Analyze use of scrapbook at convention.
Decide which chapter will store district history, especially the scrapbooks.
Charges to the 2012-2013 District Council:
1. Discuss ways to continue increasing submissions of the Chapter History Forms and
District Scrapbook.
2. Find somewhere to store district history regalia.
3. Make scrapbook completely digital and showcase on projector screens before and after
separate sessions.
4. Revamp listserv and ensure each chapter officer is on the listserv.
5. Utilize the district Facebook fan page to publicize district programs, chapter activities,
and other involvement opportunities. Also, condense random Facebook pages and groups
that accomplish same purpose.
6. Find ways to incorporate the new joint song, including distribution and instruction.
7. Utilize Council and Area Workshops to ensure that historical archives forms are being
Special thanks to the chapters who gave their time to serve on our committee.
Respectfully submitted,
Kurt Cockran
Brenna Hensley
Southwest District Members at Large, 2011-2012
Appendix G – Committee Report : Ways and
The 2012 Committee has been charged with the following:
Review the 2011 Committee Report
Present an overview of the 2011-2012 district account
Determine if any line item in the district budget needs to be adjusted
Create and present a budget for the 2012-2013 academic year
During this year’s convention, the following actions took place:
1) The previous report was presented and discussed
2) Due to lack of information on the account, it was not discussed.
3) Line Items in the district budget were reviewed and adjusted as necessary
4) It was determined that the following decreases should be made to the Office expences:
 Lower the Chapter assistance to $400
5) The following increases were made to the Office expences:
 Raise the district day fund to 150
6) The budget for the 2011-2012 year was written and is enclosed with this report.
To the 2012-2013 Sec/Tres:
Advertise the chapter assistance budget to make use of it
To the 2012-2013 Ways and Means Committee:
Think about adding a fee to CLC to have more revenue
I would like to thank Danny George for his help with advising this committee.
The following brothers helped with this committee:
Kyle Carlock – Theta Nu
Joseph Fochtman - Gamma Phi proxy for Delta Psi
Celesta Richard – Iota Upsilon proxy for Mu Mu
Bret Ryan, Lauren Cude- Zeta Kappa
Kaycee Rogers, Lexi Allen, Stephen Hollifield-Iota Sigma
Kris Ducharme – Delta proxy for Mu Psi
Zach Dabney-Delta Sigma proxy for Epsilon Theta
Luis Ortega-Delta Sigma
Ben Clifford – Delta Gamma
Mike Breaux
2012 Ways and Means Committee Chair
2011-2012 SWD Secretary/Treasurer
Theta Nu-Northwestern State University
Kappa Kappa Psi ~ Southwest District
2012-2013 Budget Proposal
Vice President
Co Member-at-Large
Co Member-at-Large
Postage, Copying, Etc.
$ 100.00
$ 450.00
$ 325.00
$ 150.00
$ 300.00
$ 250.00
Appendix H – Committee Report : Spirit
The 2011 Spirit Committee charged the 2012 Southwest District Council with the following:
1. Place the Outstanding Service to Music Education Award online under Resources.
2. Notify the Southwest District via hard copy or listserve of the Outstanding Service to
Music Education Award along with the criteria that can be found in the Kappa Kappa Psi
Southwest District Constitution
3. Notify the Southwest District via hard copy or listserve of the Spirit of the Southwest
award, a.k.a. “The Cup” and that not only is the application due, but a pack is due as well
before the opening gavel of the Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Convention separate
4. Review the 2011 Spirit Committee report.
5. Review and decide the award recipient for the Spirit Stick Award.
6. Work with the host chapters for percentages of who is in attendance at convention, and
for the attendance at reading bands.
7. Work with the Co-MALS to retrieve the chapters who submitted images for the
Southwest District digital scrapbook.
8. Review and decide the award recipient for the Spirit of the Southwest Award (The
9. Review and decide the award recipient for the Outstanding Service to Music Education
10. Review the revised application process for the Outstanding Service to Music
Education Award and make possible revisions if deemed necessary and submit changes to
the Jurisdiction Committee.
In reference to the first charge- the committee felt that the Outstanding Service to Music
Educator Award is a Director/Sponsor driven award, there is no reason to put it on-line for
access. There is no application to file. Therefore the Spirit Committee charges 2012-2013
SWD Council to send Outstanding Music Education Award requirements directly to the
Director/Sponsor of each chapter. Rational- according to the SWD Constitution, this award is
an anonymous recommendation by the Director/Sponsor on behalf of the chapters.
In reference to the second and third charge- we charge the SWD Council to have an
award F.A.Q. to be posted once per month on the SWD web-page, to be included with the
fall chapter mail-out, and sent out via Yahoo Group or on Facebook.
With regards to the 4th charge, we did. KK..
The committee members have worked with our host chapter for percentages of who is in
attendance for the SWD Convention, and for the attendance at reading bands.
In regards for charge 7- we did. Can I get a one nine.
The Spirit Committee recommends to the District Council that Appendix 1, Awards,
change “Spirit Award” to “Spirit Stick.”
The Spirit Committee made the recommendation to the SWD Council that Theta Phi is
the recipient of the Spirit of the Southwest Award, “The Cup.”
The Spirit Committee regrets to announce that there were no submissions for the
Outstanding Service to Music Education Award. The committee feels that there are chapters
worthy of this award if only they would be nominated.
The SWD Spirit Committee made the recommend the SWD Council for the Theta Phi
recipient of the Spirit Stick.
Based upon information given to us by the host chapter, the awards for furthest chapter
traveled and chapter percentage, based upon attendance check-in as of 1100 am, have been
recommended to the SWD Council. The furthest traveling chapter is Theta Phi, 11,470 miles,
and the chapter with the highest attendance percentage is Theta Phi, with 129%.
The 2011-2012 Spirit Committee charges the 2012-2013 Spirit Committee with the following:
Review the 2011-2012 Spirit Committee report.
Review and decide the award recipient for the Spirit Stick.
Review the application process for “The Cup” and recommend any changes to the
Jurisdiction Committee.
Work with the host chapters for percentages of who is in attendance at convention, and
for the attendance at reading bands.
Review and decide the award recipient for the Spirit of the Southwest Award (The Cup)
Review and decide the award recipient for the Outstanding Service to Music Education
I would like to thank the SWD Spirit Committee members for their hard work.
Chris Wells, Beta Alpha- Proxy for Rho
Ben Stuckey, Kappa Phi
Brian Ybos, Lamba Xi
Erin Burton, Gamma Theta
Dedrick Box, Delta Chi
I would also like to thank Dusty Brown, Life Member of Gamma Phi, for his help and guidance
as we made our decisions, and for his guidance during the convention.
Respectfully submitted
AEA and ITB,
Peter Burke
SWD Spirit Committee Chair
Zeta Tau Chapter
Kappa Kappa Psi
@ Cameron University
Appendix I – Officer Report : Powers
Brothers of the Southwest District,
It has truly been an honor to serve as your Vice President this past year. Having this
opportunity has been a goal of mine since my first Southwest District Convention in 2009 at
Baton Rouge, and I'm proud to say that it has been every bit as fun and challenging as I hoped it
would be.
My term started off very quickly, with the Chapter Leadership Conference being the first
project that I had to plan. Having been a member of the Host Chapter for this event for several
years, I knew basically coming in what I liked about the event, and what needed to be done
better. Myself and Katie Langley worked together to bring you all an event that would be both
educational and fun for everyone involved. We decided to continue the basic format of general
leadership workshops in the morning, followed by intensive leadership training for Presidents,
Vice Presidents and Treasurers in the afternoon. This proved to be successful yet again, and I am
proud of the work that each District Officer put into this project. I believe that we have found a
format for this yearly event that really works, and I hope that the future District Vice Presidents
find a way to really build on it and improve it for our brothers and sisters. Thank you to the host
chapters, Delta Sigma and Gamma Nu at the University of Texas at Arlington, for again
providing a great location for this event!
The day after CLC, I got to wake up and go to District Day, which this year was a day at
Burgers Lake Park in Fort Worth. It took me, Mel, Mike and Jennie a little while to get there,
because my chapter brother Damian was following the directions his dad was trying to remember
from the last time he went...nine years ago. But once we got there, what we found was a wildly
successful event, and I honestly had a blast just taking a day to unwind with other brothers and
sisters of the Southwest. Our SWD Alumni Associations have taken the District Day project
upon themselves, and I am glad they have. They are able to plan events that appeal to a wide
range of people, and I am truly excited to see what they have in store for us in the future!
The next major event for the summer was, of course, National Convention in Colorado
Springs! While this entire event was way too much for me to explain in detail in the time I have
here, what I can tell you is that it was the experience of a lifetime! I was honored to be given the
opportunity to chair the National Jurisdiction Committee, and I got to witness the great work that
brothers from all over the nation can do when we're all gathered in the same place! It was also a
wildly successful event for the Southwest District, as we won the District Participation Award,
meaning we were the most well-represented district in the nation! Thank you to all the brothers
who made the effort to show up and represent your district, I am so very proud of you all. And to
everyone: begin making your 2013 National Convention plans NOW! It will be a little bit harder
for our members to make it to Springfield, but it is certainly not impossible to do it. Just plan as a
chapter and make it your goal to send at least one delegate to Springfield. If any of you need any
advice on how to get there, I am only a facebook message or call away! I have planned for my
chapter to make it to two National Conventions now, so I know how to get there!
Fast forward a few months, and we make it to Winter Council meeting here in Houston.
This was the first time that all of the District Council was gathered in one place since National
Convention, but we got to work like we had been having weekly meetings in a classroom. This
was also the first chance I had to tour the University of Houston campus, and I must say, I was
certainly impressed with both this beautiful campus and with the hard work that the host chapters
had put in to make sure that this convention was as successful as it has been! It was also then that
I got to get my first peek at the convention schedule and workshop presenters. Once I had all of
this information, I knew that this year's convention would ultimately be a successful one!
Moving into the spring, I got the pleasure of attending four different workshops. Each of
these workshops offered me something different, and I certainly feel that the bar has been set so
much higher for our future! Each and every chapter hosting a workshop was exceptionally
prepared, and I know that most everyone in attendance had a fantastic time! Thanks to the
chapters at UT-Austin, Sam Houston State, Tarleton State, and Grambling for welcoming both
myself and the rest of the district for some excellent learning experiences.
And now, we are here at Southwest District Convention. I am happy to say that, other
than being on the borderline of sleep-deprived, I have enjoyed myself more here than at any
other convention in the past. Seeing every one of you here to learn to better serve your bands is
nothing short of amazing. Thank you to Beta Sigma and Tau for putting on such an awesome
Convention. You guys did a LOT of hard work, and had to deal with a lot of badgering from me
over the course of the weekend, but I appreciate everything you've done for me.
Quickly, I want to elaborate on some of the projects that I worked on this year. The first,
and likely most controversial, was the collection of Membership Education Programs from
chapters in the district. I came into this office the day that our district passed a constitutional
amendment requiring our chapters to submit a copy of their MEP to me in order to seat their
delegate. From my experience this past year, I believe that this method, while well-intentioned, is
NOT the direction our district needs to be going in. It created an undue hardship on chapters that
weren't quite as well-informed as others, and sent many people (including myself) into panic
mode a few times. We need to be rewarding our chapters for their hard work, and give each
brother their voice. We need to create positive reinforcement for submitting to this project, such
as eligibility for awards, or even an award for improving upon your MEP.
Despite the methods used, we did collect, at this writing, 34 Membership Education
Programs. I cannot begin to express how important this project is for our district. It will allow
your district council to continue on to even better projects, such as continuing membership
education tools, and will give your fellow chapters an example to follow while they are
developing and improving their MEPs. Thank you to all chapters who submitted their MEPs, you
have truly done your district a service!
Another important project we worked on this year was the development of an SWD Joint
Ceremony. Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District Vice President of Membership Katie Langley and
myself collected several examples, and developed a ceremony for us and our chapters to use, and
we are happy to debut it later today for you all! Thank you to the Beta Sigma and Tau chapters of
the University of Houston, the Lambda chapters at the University of Arkansas, and the Delta
chapters of the University of Oklahoma for their submissions!
Also, congratulations to our newest chapters from this school year: the Zeta Tau Chapter
at Cameron University and the Nu Beta Chapter at Texas Wesleyan University. I am happy to
say that I was at both installations, and the passion for this brotherhood already runs deep in
those two chapters. I am truly excited to see what these chapters can accomplish here in the near
Anyway, I think it's about time we moved into the thanks and whatnot.
To both the Southwest District Councils of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, you
guys have become some of my greatest friends this year. I had no idea how insane we could
possibly be, and we all got along so incredibly well, and I feel like we got some incredible work
Dustin, you and I had very similar roads to council, and you have become one of my
closest friends throughout the years. Ever since we started going to workshops together, I have
considered you one of my closest sisters. I'm glad we both made it here when we did, and I wish
you luck in everything you do.
Jennie, you are one of the most energetic people I know. I appreciated getting to know
you this year, and congratulations on graduating this year!
Kat, you have been one of the people I quickly became friends with on council. Living
only a couple of hours away from each other really proved to be a great incentive to hang out
over the summer. Thank you for what you've done, and I'm excited to see how you contribute to
the district in the future.
Katie, my counterpart, you are one of the most amazing sisters I know. When I first met
you after we were both elected last year, I had no idea how we could possibly work well
together. Well, it turned out that you were just the sorority girl version of me, and I was the
nerdy boy version of you. You have such a great passion for this district, and I look forward to
seeing your contributions to your organization in the future.
Kurt, you were always the one to make sure we stayed on track (not an easy task for such
an A.D.D. council). You have a faith that I admire, and I wish you well as you move towards
Brenna, from the time I met you, I knew you had a passion for this organization. Getting
to know you and work with you this year has been a blessing, and I look forward to working with
you in the future.
Mike, you quickly became one of my best friends on council. I am so happy to have
worked with you this year. You may be a little too easily distracted at times, but I know you
basically mean well. The one thing I feel I must tell you though: stay focused, in everything you
do. I know you have an amazing amount of ability, and I know that if you focus your energy, you
will do great things, not only for this organization, but in your life.
Toni, I never thought that the Governor to follow Danny George could be anywhere near
as awesome as he is, but I must say, I have been pleasantly surprised. I'm glad that you are back
here on the district scene. Meeting you and getting to know you this year has been awesome, and
I look forward to (hopefully) working with you again next year.
Mel, wow, what a year it has been for you. District President, engagement, grad school in
Washington. You are doing amazing things, and I am so proud to have worked with you this
year. Congratulations to you and Daniel on your engagement, and I look forward to seeing you
both again in June! Thanks for what you have done for our district.
Maggie Greenwood, I'm putting you in here just because you say you hate these laundry
lists of thank-yous and sentimental nonsense. But still, thanks for what you've done for our
council, and for our district this year, and for putting up with my at times messy roommates.
To Jack Lee and Danny George, I can't let this report go on without thanking both of you
for supporting me throughout the years. Having you two as a resource has been an absolute
blessing, both for myself, for this district, and for the Delta Sigma chapter. I am glad to have
such amazing brothers just a phone call away.
To the Delta Sigma Chapter, you guys are my support system. Every single member of
our chapter has given me more than I could ever hope for in a brotherhood. Thank you for
supporting me, you guys are, in my opinion, the best chapter in the nation.
And finally, to the entire Southwest District. Thank you. Every single brother in this
room inspires me to give more of myself and my efforts than I could have done for anything else.
The work you guys do is amazing, and my only hope is that I can serve you all even half as well
as you serve your bands. I am excited to serve you in whatever capacity I am able to in the
future. It is truly an honor to be selected to serve, and I am serving the best, most passionate
district in this nation. Thank. You. All.
Fraternally Submitted,
Powers Bilodeau
Vice President, Southwest District
President, Delta Sigma Chapter
Kappa Kappa Psi
Appendix J – Committee Report : JACME
2011-2012 JACME District Committee Report
The charges from the 2010-2011 JACME reports were taken under consideration and adapted
based on the proposed new direction of the JACME Committee.
The Joint Action Committee for Music Education received the following charges:
1. The 2010-2011 JACME charge the Delta Chapters and Council members with finding a
middle or high school music program, local to your respective chapters, to reeve the 2012
JACME funds equaling roughly $3105 for the betterment of their program. We suggest using the
following criteria
> Demographics, Test scores, Local BMA District President's recommendation
and Director if Bands recommendation
> Local school should be chosen by the end of the Spring 2011 semester.
2. The 2010-2011 JACME charge that the District Council make the 2012 Joint Action
Committee for Msic Education be a closed committee based on the act that they will be
discussing/voting on Grant Applications for Chapters within the Southwest District
3. The 2010-2011 JACME charge the Kappa Kappa Psi Vice President & the Tau Beta Sigma
Vice President of Special Projects to create and application for the Service to Music Education
4. And last, but not least, we charge the Kappa Kappa Psi VP & Tau Beta Sigma VPSP to
continue their great work in progressing the attendance and participation of the Southwest
District Reading Band
During this year's convention, the following actions took place:
1. We revisited the previous report and discussed
2. Discussed the dissolution of the committee and the proposal was rejected
3. Defined exactly what this committee's purposes are
4. Read both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma District Constitutions and revised
5. Further discussed the dispersion of JACME funds collected at the 2012 Southwest District
After our exciting discussion, the following solutions were approved:
A. The instruction put forth in the Southwest District Constitution must say the same
things in both organizations constitutions order for the committee to run efficiently
through Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. In order to do so, we took the skeleton
placed by the Service to Music Education Grant set forth in the Tau Beta Sigma District
Constitution and amended the following:
Section 3.13: JACME awards may have final approval by the Kappa Kappa
Psi District Governor(s) and the Tau Beta Sigma Counselor with
recommendation of the JACME. Additional requirements will include a followup
article written by the chapter awarded and submitted to any southwest district
and/or national publication.
Section 3.14: The amount of the grant will not exceed the amount of available
JACME finds provided by the previous convention's JACME funds unless given
permission by the Kappa Kappa Psi Governor(s) and the Tau Beta Sigma
Counselor. If budgeted funds are not used, the JACME may redistribute funds
as they see fit.
Section 3.15: Guest conductor, artist, or music education speaker will be
selected by the chapter receiving the award or at the discretion of the district
Section 3.16: A cash gift can be given to a middle or high school music program
in need of support.
B. The Joint Action Committee for Music Education, after no applications were
submitted, chose to award the JACME funds for the 2012 Southwest District
Convention to the host chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. These
funds with go to the school already chosen by the chapters to receive the donations
from the convention.
1.The Joint Action Committee for Music Education of 2011-2012 charge the district council of
Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma to develop a program to promote the JACME fund to all
the district chapters.
2. We also charge the district council of KKY and TBS with amending both constitutions, and
revising TBS constitution (with the revisions requested by JACME), in order to create the exact
same constitution for both affiliations.
3. We charge the delegation to apply for JACME funds for the 2013 SWD Convention.
Thank You's:
We would now like to recognize the delegates form our committee:
From Kappa Kappa Psi:
Kendall Phillips: Mu Lambda
Jason Jones- Delta Delta
Jeremy Flint: Epsilon Kappa
Austin Kitch: Delta
Daniel Perez: Beta Lambda
From Tau Beta Sigma:
Megan Wagoner: Gamma Omicron
Blake Ritchie: Beta Zeta
We would also like to give a special thanks to our wonderful advisors, Amanda Dickson and
John Graham for their patience and input on this committee as well as Dustin Nguyen for his
remarkable assistance and insight. We also want to thank Toni, the southwest district governor,
for her wonderful clarification and comments!
Decorously submitted,
Brittni West
Howard Payne University
Tau Beta Sigma
Delta Upsilon
Allen Andrus
Howard Payne University
Kappa Kappa Psi
Zeta Beta
Appendix K – Officer Report : John Graham
Appendix L – Officer Report : Toni Castle
Brothers of the Southwest District,
It is an honor to be selected to serve and I would like to begin with what this honor has meant to me. I
was saddened to find out that Danny George was going to finally retire after many years of service. I
actually remember Danny running for District Office back in the day when I was a freshman at UH. I
remember that I had once asked Danny to let me know when he was going to retire because I really
wanted his job. Years later, I got an e-mail from Adam Cantley asking me to fill the position as SWD
Governor. I gladly accepted. It has been a rough year with the loss of my mother but in true fashion, my
Brothers were there to support me though this time. I am truly grateful for this opportunity to work
with my Brothers again. It has been amazing and exciting to be at my alma mater for my first year as
District Governor. I am so proud of Beta Sigma and Tau for putting together a great convention.
Now it is time to be Governor. Paperwork is the downfall of our district. No matter how long it has
been some things seem to never change. Looking back on how much money we have lost due to late
paperwork, how much time has been spent looking for documentation, and award eligibility denied due
to incomplete and late paperwork, I am saddened because I know the potential of our great district.
As a teacher, I know that documentation can save your job. Now lets look at how documentation can
save your chapter. Chapters can avoid late fees and probation by turning in paperwork and dues to the
National office on time. District officers would not have to stay up late worrying about making quorum
at district convention because chapters have not sent in their MEPs. Chapters have lost eligibility for
awards due to late and incomplete paperwork. Paperwork is the responsibility of every Brother. As an
active, you can work with your Brothers to make sure deadlines are met.
You may ask, where can I find the deadlines? The answer is the forms, District Webpage, District Listserve, Facebook, and the National Webpage. District officers have been posting updates regularly on
Facebook. We have deadlines that should be met. Initiate registration forms, Fall Activity Report,
Chapter Summary, Chapter Personnel, and award applications must be signed by chapter presidents,
but anyone can assist in preparing the reports as long as the chapter approves.
Just think of how many chapters could win an award if they just turned in their paperwork on time. In
addition to worrying about paperwork, a chapter needs to plan for their future. They must stay focused
on the purposes of this wonderful organization, while fulfilling the needs of their band program. This
takes strategic planning on a scale that many of us are not accustomed to. Things like attending
National Convention also need to be planned for well in advance. Time must be balanced and managed
as well as finances. Goals must beset and accountability established before you proceed with your plan.
Keep these ideas in mind as you go forth and plan for the next year.
I would like to thank several people. First, to my counterpart Erika Pope, thank you for your support,
guidance, and friendship. To John Graham, thank you for inspiring me and renewing my faith in the
power and dedication of our College Band Directors. To Danny George, thank you for the many, many
years of support, advice, and friendship. The Danny George Experience is truly something I will never
To my council, I would like to say thank you for your support and understanding. To Kurt, thank you for
your level head. To Brenna, thank you for being so knowledgeable and driven to keep us on track. To
Breaux, thank you for the constant entertainment. Oooh Shiny Object! To Powers, thank you for
helping me at workshops at Sam Houston and UT and selecting random on my i-pod. To Mel, thank you
for your organization, passion, and dedication to doing your best during trying times.
Respectfully submitted
Toni M. Castle
SWD Governor
Appendix M – Committee Report :
The 2012 Jurisdiction Committee had no charges issued from the 2011 Jurisdiction Committee.
However, the District Council had several proposed changes and amendments for our
consideration. We were also presented with and considered a proposed amendment from the
Colonization and Membership Committee.
1. Consider making the following subtraction from Section 4.01 from the District
a. 4.01
Each chapter in the district having paid its National,
District, and past due assessments, and having submitted a
current copy of their Membership Education Program to the
District Vice-President shall be represented at the District
Convention by delegate or proxy, as defined by section
5.601 of the National Constitution. This status will be
determined by a listing from the National Office at a date
one week prior to the opening session of the District
The committee unanimously supported this change as written, and recommends that it be
2. Consider adding an amendment stating that the Secretary/Treasurer will submit all
minutes and constitutional changes to National Headquarters by June 1st.
The committee did not feel that this addition was necessary as National Headquarters
is not responsible for maintaining or reviewing these documents. The decision was unanimous.
3. Consider amending Section 9.01 of the District Constitution to read as follows:
a. 9.01
All chapters considered for awards must be in good
standing with the National organization and with the
District, and have submitted a copy of their Membership
Education Program to the District Vice-President.
The committee opposed this addition to the District Constitution. The requirement of
submitting a Membership Education Program is another form of “red tape” and serves no
educational value for the chapters in the District. If MEPs were reviewed and evaluated
for the purpose of educating and bettering our membership, the committee would support
this decision. This vote was unanimous.
4. Add Texas Wesleyan University to the North Texas Area in the District Constitution.
The committee was extremely proud to support this addition, and added Texas Wesleyan
University alphabetically to the North Texas Area list.
The committee then took time to review and evaluate the District Constitution, making the
following proposed changes:
1. 2.04 Each person seeking a District Office shall submit a candidacy packet that
should include: letters of recommendation from their chapter and all sponsors,
resume, and a list of goals for their intended office complete with ways they
envision achieving said goals. The committee shall report on the eligibility of
such candidates to the convention at the next session. All names approved by the
Nominations Committee shall be read and automatically entered into nomination
for the respective office. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of
the convention by an official delegate. The Nominations Committee shall
consider the additional nominees to determine eligibility at its next committee
meeting following the nomination session. Election of officers shall occur at the
last separate session. The committee may further recommend one candidate for
each district office. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect.
The committee decided to remove this sentence from this section because it is
already stated in the previous section.
2. 2.06 The District Vice-President shall, in the absence of the District President,
preside over all meetings. The Vice-President shall coordinate colonization
activities for the district council and shall assist the National Vice-President of
Colonization and Membership and National Headquarters with maintaining open
lines of communication with colonies. The Vice-President shall act as liaison
between the District Council/Convention and the Southwest District Kappa
Kappa Psi Board of Directors seat on the National Alumni Association, to see
that the needs of the Association are met at District Convention. The VicePresident shall coordinate internal activities for the District; internal activities
being defined as membership growth membership retention, and music
education. The Vice-President will oversee and execute programs for the Joint
Action Committee for Music Education in consort with the Tau Beta Sigma
Southwest District Vice President of Special Projects. The Vice-President shall
also act as Sergeant-At-Arms at the District Caucuses and be responsible for
arranging meeting places at National Convention, unless otherwise delegated to
another district officer by the District President.
The committee proposes to remove this sentence because the National Alumni
Association and its Board of Directors no longer exist.
3. 2.07 The District Secretary/Treasurer shall record, publish, and post on the
district website all amendments and revisions to the district constitution and the
minutes of all meetings, and notify the District Governor(s), the National
Council, and officers. The Secretary/Treasurer shall locate and correct all
typographical/grammatical errors and remove all expired grandfather clauses
from the District Constitution. The Secretary/Treasurer shall submit reports, on
December 1st and April 1st, of all changes to each chapter, District Officers, and
District Governor(s). The Secretary/Treasurer shall control the receipts and
disbursements of all moneys of the district. The Secretary/Treasurer will be
required to submit an itemized list of all district expenditures on the following
dates: December 1st and April 1st. Copies of the itemized expenditures list will
be furnished to all District Officers, the District Governor(s), and the National
Headquarters. The Secretary/Treasurer will chair the Ways and Means
Committee and shall distribute a District Constitution to each chapter in the fall
term following a spring District Convention. The Southwest District
Constitution shall be maintained on a 3.5” computer disk (CHANGE TO:
“electronically,”) to be circulated to all new Secretary/Treasurers (ADD: “and
chapters.”) and a back-up disk will be available at District Headquarters.
Corrections and modifications then need to be made to the disk each year after
the District Convention. (ADD: “Corrections and modifications shall be made
following each District Convention.”) The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep
records of all chapters in attendance at District Convention with regards to
official delegate and chapters they proxy for. This information will be used to
assist the District Vice-President with encouraging less active chapters to
participate in District Activities.
The committee proposes removing any mention of 3.5” computer disks because they
are no longer used as a means for document storage. Changing it to “electronically”
will give the Secretary/Treasurer the ability to make the best choice when securing
and maintaining District Documentation.
This concludes the proposed amendments to the Southwest District Constitution for the 2012
delegation’s consideration. The committee now presents the following charges for the 2013
Southwest District Council:
Present a roster of committee members to committee chairs before meetings commence.
Maintain and distribute updated documents appropriately, and create a deadline for those
documents to be distributed.
All officers should review responsibilities and duties specifically stated in the District
Constitution to ensure thorough fulfillment of office requirements.
The committee presents the following charges for the 2013 Jurisdiction Committee:
Thoroughly review and maintain professional grammar and language within the District
Constitution, which has been neglected and is inconsistent to this point, and keep this
official document as up to date as possible.
I would like to thank our Committee Advisor, Evan Thompson, Chapter Field Representative, for
his exceptional support and assistance in evaluating these proposed changes. I would also like to
thank the members of the 2012 Jurisdiction Committee who helped make this year’s committee
efficient, quick, and thorough:
Robert Coleman
Epsilon Rho
Ryan Matejek
Delta Delta
Nick Roman
Gamma Iota
Matthew Roland
Gamma Theta
Gratefully and fraternally submitted,
Franklin Piland
2012 Jurisdiction Committee Chair
Chapter President, Beta Lambda
Kappa Kappa Psi
Proxy: Epsilon Zeta
Proxy: Gamma Omega
Appendix N – Committee Report :
The 2012 Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Nominations Committee was charged with the
1. Review the 2011 Nominations Committee Report
2. Examine and submit to the district a list of all constitutionally qualified nominees for each
3. Develop a series of questions for each candidate and establish criteria for a positive
recommendation for the district.
4. Re-evaluate general questions and consider any questions.
5. Re-evaluate the officer specific questions below and consider changes to the president’s
questions to outline previous work on council.
6. Prepare a slate of one candidate for each position that the committee feels would benefit the
district the most (the committee may feel that a “no slate” is best for any or all offices).
7. Recommend any changes to the nomination/election process to the Jurisdiction Committee.
The following criteria should be used in the slating process:
1. Review the applicant’s materials, checking for constitutional validity of their candidacy.
2. Conduct a personal interview with each candidate.
3. Combining the information from points one and two, determine whom the committee feels
would best serve the Southwest District in each capacity.
In order to create a fair and just interview, some of the following questions were used in the
interview process for each candidate:
General Questions for all candidates:
1. What are the responsibilities of this office?
2. Why do you want this office?
3. Would you be flexible if the committee slated you for another office?
4. What will your status with Kappa Kappa Psi be for next year? Will you be a chapter officer?
5. What is your current overall academic status? Do you have any academic honors?
6. What do you feel is the model time commitment for a district officer?
7. What is your view on the importance of council representation at SWD Area Workshops?
8. What is your personal philosophy on band programs and service?
9. What type of programs would you like to see implemented or expanded upon in the Southwest
10.What is your greatest weakness?
11. Tell us about a not so positive situation that you have encountered and how did you
overcome it?
12.What are your current top priorities?
13.Where do you think the District Stands on their faith in the Southwest District Council?
14.What would be your role within the council?
Questions for President candidates:
1. What do you think your finest moment as a leader has been?
2. How could you draw that experience if you were elected President?
3. Describe how your previous experience on the council will help you with being President (if
Questions for Vice President candidates:
1. What are your plans to keep colonies well informed?
2. How would you work with alumni on a district level?
Questions for Secretary/Treasurer candidates:
1. What experience do you have regarding finance and/or secretarial duties?
2. Do you have any fundraising ideas in mind?
Questions for Member-at-Large candidates:
1. Of what would your ideal visit to a chapter consist?
2. In your opinion, what constitutes effective communication?
3. How do you set your criteria for chapter visits?
4. How would your visit benefit a chapter?
5. What are your relations with other chapters?
Pertaining to the second charge which states: Examine and submit to the district a list of all
constitutionally qualified nominees for each office, the Nominations Committee found that all
six nominations packets submitted by the candidates met the National and Southwest District
Constitutional requirements. The committee found that the following candidates met all
For the office of President:
Powers Bilodeau of Delta Sigma
Brenna Hensley of Alpha
For the office of Secretary/Treasurer:
Helen Moore of Eta Nu
Brigid Horlander of Beta Sigma
For the office of Member at Large:
Vanessa Delgado of Epsilon Epsilon
Kevin Sutton of Theta Phi
After discussing all of the qualities and qualifications of the candidates, the Nominations
Committee came to its final recommendation for the District. Though the committee felt all of
the candidates were well qualified, we concluded that these candidates would provide the best
service to the Southwest Districtin the following capacities:
President: Powers Bilodeau Delta Sigma
Vice President: Brenna Hensley Alpha
Secretary/Treasurer: Helen Moore Eta Nu
Member at Large: Kevin Sutton Theta Phi
Member at Large: Vanessa Delgado Epsilon Epsilon
The committee felt that each person who was slated was by far the clear choice and the best
candidate for each position. The committee must express that the voting for the slate for each
office was a unanimous vote.
The Nominations Committee would like to thank all of the candidates for district office for their
time and interest in working for the good of the Southwest District and the fraternity at large.
The committee strongly uses the delegation to ask questions of all candidates for office so that
the delegation can make an informed decision that reflects the best for the district.
The Committee would like to charge the 2013 Nominations Committee with the following:
1. Review the 2012 Nominations Committee Report.
2. Examine and submit to the district a list of all constitutionally qualified nominees for each
3. Develop a series of questions for each candidate and establish criteria for a positive
recommendation for the district.
4. Prepare a slate of one candidate for each position that the committee feels would benefit the
district the most (the committee may feel that a “no slate” is best for any or all offices).
5. Recommend any changes to the nomination/election process to the Jurisdiction Committee.
I would like to thank the committee for their time and dedication that they put into this year’s
Derrick Radden - Iota Sigma
Tommy Salvador - Iota Upsilon
Joshua Grubbs - Eta Xi
Nick Vandenbush - Gamma
Jobby Baza - Lambda Pi
Jasmine Frye - Zeta Zeta
I would like to also thank Past Southwest District President, Sean LaFollette for his role as
advisor to the committee.
Respectfully submitted,
Angelique James
2012 Nominations Committee Chair
Lambda Pi chapter at the University of Texas at Tyler
Appendix O – Officer Report : Melissa Rice
Brothers of the Southwest District:
Never did I see myself on this stage giving a report of such magnitude. This is my sixth SWD convention
to attend and I never thought I would be running it one day. This year has been a learning experience
with lots of great journeys and relationships made.
When I became a brother, my main goal was to be my chapter Vice President. I had no aspirations to
be a district officer, because it wasn’t in the culture of my chapter. But I did it! I encourage all of you
to look at yourself and consider where you could be used to serve this fraternity the fullest and don’t
sell yourself short! Being from New Mexico and running such a large district wasn’t easy, but it is
conquerable! Never let circumstances beat you or get you down!
6,799. That’s how many miles I drove as District President. Never would I have thought the miles
would have added up to that huge number.
My year started in shock, I was SWD President, WHAT?! This was the most unexpected experience. I
came into this position as the underdog, and have left it as a name people recognize.
My first excursion as President was to CLC at the University of Texas, Arlington. I rented a car, packed
up, and made the 8 hour trek by myself. Driving into the Dallas/Ft. Worth area was a shock, the
biggest city I had driven in before that was Roswell, NM. This was my first long drive alone, and big
city drive... But look, I made it! The experience was a great one, at this time I remember I still didn’t
believe it was real. I got to meet great brothers, and run a workshop geared toward chapter
presidents. I learned a lot and got to start my networking with the brothers and sisters of the district.
District Day was next, and you all have heard of our time driving to the location, but once I got my
TomTom out, I got us to where we needed to be. It was hot, and I don’t swim, but it was a great
experience nonetheless.
Next, I went on a chapter visit during the summer at Alpha Psi at West Texas A&M University, and drank
my first bubble tea. I fielded questions regarding chapter/sponsor relations and helped them come up
with budgeting plans.
I then had the awesome experience of attending DLC. I got to meet and create relationships with all of
the national council members and learn the who, what, when, where, and why of district convention
and what it means to be a leader. It enriched my joint relations with Kat and I had much renewed hope
for the future of the Southwest District.
Next was National Convention. This was a great time with me running around, chatting, meeting new
people, and getting the Chapter Participation Award! Being a district president at National Convention
was more than I could have hoped for.
During the fall semester, I went to a Membership Education class at Alpha Psi at West Texas A&M
University. I spoke to them of district matters, and about being a girl in Kappa Kappa Psi. This was
successful because they initiated their first female this year!
Winter council was next here at the University of Houston and I got to meet the host chapters and see
this nice campus. I enjoyed my time here maintaining our joint relations and getting this great
convention underway.
I then got to travel to three area workshops: West Texas/New Mexico, Oklahoma, and North Texas. All
three workshops were very well planned and I couldn't have asked for a better spring experience. I
traveled to WT/NM with my chapter, Oklahoma alone, and North Texas with my wonderful ride, Alpha
Omicron. Every single workshop was a great learning and networking time. I learned a lot and could
not be more proud of what kind of leadership we have within individual chapters in the district. I
encourage each of you to try to get to at least one workshop next year, you won’t regret it.
I visited Alpha for their Third Degree and was able to eat at Eskimo Joe’s (twice) and help lug ritual
equipment up and down the stairs outside of Brenna’s apartment in the pouring rain. I observed the
ritual, met some great people, and then drove home to Portales.
I made two chapter visits to Alpha Omicron at Texas Tech University, we ate at a Japanese restaurant
the first time, and the second time I was able to observe part of their “Midway.” These guys have been
a great source of support for me.
And now I’m here at the University of Houston for Convention 2012. The last hurdle, the end of the
line. I hope you all have had a good experience here at this convention, a lot of work and stress went
into what you have experienced this weekend. THANK YOU Rolando, Dominique, and the entirety of
Beta Sigma and Tau.
In my non-fraternal life this year, I prepared and performed my senior clarinet performance recital,
became engaged, graduated with my Bachelor of Music in December, applied and auditioned at
graduate schools, and got offered a full Teaching Assistantship to Washington State University. Planning
a wedding, a move, and a district convention at the same time is not easy, but it can happen.
I am sad to leave the Southwest District when I move in the Fall, but I’m excited to see what the Iota
Gamma chapter at WSU has to offer me, along with the Western District. Don’t forget about me SWD
Jennie: You are a strong, confident woman and I look forward to what your future holds for you. I wish
you the best of success.
Dustin: You and I are kindred spirits here on the council, being the oldies. I’m glad I’ve gotten to know
you in this way.
Katie: Thanks for giving us our joint council name. You have been so easy to be around and have been
a great support and leader for the district. You are a very strong woman!
Erika: You are the wise one! Thanks for fielding all of my questions and being the most amazing
emailer in existence!
Kurt: I wish you well in your future endeavors. Your love for your chapter and Kappa Kappa Psi is a
great thing to hear.
Brenna: You and I have had a lot of things in common over our time serving. I always wish you well and
know you have a great future ahead of you.
Mike: You have an enthusiasm that is incomparable. Just try to do one thing at a time! Thanks for your
Powers: Thanks for your support. You are one of the most giving and understanding people there are. I
hope all of the best for you!
John: Thanks for your musical guidance and inspiration you have toward sponsor/chapter relations.
Next council: keep him in the loop!
Toni: You came into this and we met at DLC. You have been a great source of knowledge and guidance
for us. Thank you for all of the emails and bits of confidence when I have dealt with tough
Daniel: To my wonderful fiance, you are the thing that levels me out. I’m a worry wort (and I know
everyone knows it) and you calm me down and force me to get focused, no matter how annoying it
might be. I love you and thank you for supporting me through such a trying year.
Kat: There is literally nobody greater I could have had the genuine pleasure to work with but you. We
have had countless Skype meetings, email chains, phone calls, etc. You are the rope that kept me
tethered when the storm seemed too rough. I love you and I’m so glad to have created such an
amazing joint bond with you. I can now call you friend, bridesmaid, sister, and brother. You are a gem
in the Southwest District.
And last but not ever least, Beta Lambda: You all have held me up, supported me in this unknown,
scary time as district president. I am so incredibly proud of the chapter we have become. Nobody can
ever say “New Mexico, who?” anymore, right Gamma Iota? We have worked hard and never backed
down. We were upset that no district officers visited us, so we put up a fight, and now have the first
New Mexico D.O. in years! I love you all. Everyone says their chapter is the best, but I know that I have
people who genuinely love me and will never let me down. You all do so much to help me and support
me. I hope, more than anything, that I have made you all proud in my time here. Ayeeah!
Southwest District: get your paperwork in, plan for your future, make good decisions, love each other,
road trip, and always keep striving.
Fraternally submitted,
Melissa Rice
Beta Lambda Chapter
Eastern New Mexico University
Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District President
Appendix P – Committee Report : Joint
Action Committee on Publications
Brothers and Sisters of the Southwest District,
The Publications committee met this convention and discussed ways to make the New ALTO
more appealing for chapters to bid and what changes are needed to make the New ALTO more
known in the Southwest District. A huge problem the committee dealt was that the previous
committee chair did not post a formal report at last year’s district convention therefore we did
not have any charges to based our discussion on.
Appendix Q – Committee Report :
Convention Site
The 2012 convention site committee was charged with the following:
Collect information packets from all schools bidding to host the next district convention
Continue to add convention bids to bid library.
Review the report of the 2011 Convention Site Committee
Review the guidelines for bidding/hosting district convention. Have discussions with the
committee advisors and chairs regarding other criteria they have experienced that may
not be written in the guidelines.
5. Establish criteria and questions for choosing the 2013 Convention Site.
6. Review all bid packets from bidding chapters, and schedule interviews/presentations with
each one. Each bidding university that meets the stated requirements will have a
presentation and question/answer period during the 2nd joint session.
7. Discuss the deliberation which university the committee feels is best suited to host the
district convention. Use the convention site worksheet to help make your
recommendation. If the committee feels that no bid presentation meets the requirements,
they may recommend that no chapter be selected and the district council would accept
applications for the next convention host over the next 30 days.
Our streamlined committee report:
-established guidelines for the 2013 site selection
-reviewed bid packets
-heard presentation from the candidate with Q&A
-debated pros/cons
-Slated convention site
-Wrote charges for the 2013 Convention Site committee
The committee used the following criteria to slate the SWD 2013 Convention:
-Location within the district
-Capacity of and distance between facilities
-Selection of hotels and their distances in the community
-Support from the department, university, and local community
-Chapter involvement on the district and national level
-Professionalism of bid packet and presentation
-Preparedness of budget (quotes, reservations, etc.)
-Date and back up date
The committee would like to note that the Alpha Omicron chapter from Tau Beta Sigma was
well prepared to present this bid. Based on a thorough evaluation of the bid, the committee
recommends that the chapter of Alpha Omicron at Sam Houston State University host the 2013
SWD convention.
The 2012 convention site committee would like to charge the following:
1. To the 2013 convention site committee
a. Collect information packets from all schools bidding to host the next district
b. Continue to add convention bids to bid library.
c. Review the report of the 2012 Convention Site Committee
d. Submit to both jurisdiction committees: a set of clear, concise, and standard
guidelines for chapters to include in printed bid PACKETS.
e. Review all bid packets from bidding chapters, and schedule
interviews/presentations with each one. Each bidding university that meets the
stated requirements will have a presentation and question/answer period during
the 2nd joint session.
f. Discuss bids and slate a host chapter for the 2014 convention. If the committee
feels that no chapter is prepared to host, a “no slate” can be suggested.
g. Submit to both jurisdiction committees: a deadline for bid packet submissions. All
bids received after the agreed time should be disqualified.
2. To 2012-2013 District Council
a. In addition to having the current host chapters chair the convention site committee
and assign delegates from the immediate past host chapters to serve on the
Convention Site Committee, look into an easier, and understandable payment and
registration process
3. To the 2012-2013 District Council AND host chapter planning committee
a. Work with the immediate past council and 2012 host chapters to compile a list of
best practices and lessons learned in an effort to expand on previous success and
avoid repeating previous mistakes.
The committee would like to thank our advisors, Toni Castle and Erika Pope, for their continued
wisdom and guidance. I would also like to acknowledge the committee members from the Kappa
Kappa Psi chapters of Beta Gamma, Epsilon Beta, Zeta Beta, Zeta Zi, and Theta Kappa. And the
Tau Beta Sigma chapters of Beta, Beta Gamma, Gamma Tau, Delta, Zeta Phi, and Tau.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Hinton
Convention Site Committee Chair
Iota Beta Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma