Miss Lutz's Midterm Review Sheet: Patterns of Human Experience

Name: _____________________________ Pd.: _______
Miss Lutz’s Midterm Review Sheet: Patterns of Human Experience
Here is an outline of what concepts/information will be on the midterm. Use this as you make additional notes
using your class notes, packets, quizzes, and tests.
1. Gods and Goddesses (names, areas of control, symbols)
2. Creation myths
a. Archetypal pattern
b. Chinese, Apache, Hindu, Judeo-Christian Greek
c. Pandora, Prometheus
3. Destruction myths
a. Archetypal pattern
b. Pandora, Prometheus, Demeter, Garden of Eden, Fall of Man, Why Coyote Always Howls, Lycaon
and The Flood Phaethon, Daedalus and Icarus
i. Societal or Individual
ii. Causes of Destruction
4. Ages of Man
a. Gold, Bronze, Silver, Iron
5. Heroes
a. Archetypal pattern
b. Perseus, Theseus, Heracles
6. The Trojan War
a. Main characters, basic facts
7. The Odyssey (Books 1-2)
a. To be determined/updated
8. Important Terms
Key Terms from Mythology
Key Terms from Green Literary Packet
a. Golden mean
a. Allusion
b. Suspension of disbelief
b. Juxtaposition
c. Antithetical
c. Paradox
d. Ethnocentric
d. Archetype
e. Universality
e. Foreshadowing
f. Anthromorphism
f. Narrative present
g. Xenia
g. Narrative structure (Plot chart)
h. In media res
h. Characterization
i. Epithet
i. Theme
j. Prophecy
j. Epic
9. Main Ideas from each Unit
a. Attached on next page
10. Vocabulary: Units 1-6
11. You will also have to demonstrate your ability to close read and analyze a text.
a. Answer questions about the text
b. Apply an archetype to the text
c. Use CQA for selecting a quote
Don’t do this…
Turn to the next
page for studying
tips! 
Tips for Studying for Your English Midterm (And overall, some good studying strategies)
For Greek Mythology (All of our stories, gods/goddesses, Trojan War)
- Look back through your readings and notes and create a system of organizing materials, such as:
o Making flashcards – categorizing them by color (Creation = green notecards, Heroes = pink, etc.)
Just re-reading, will o Writing/typing an outline that identifies key points
o Creating quizlets
not help you!
o Creating charts/graphic organizers
For Greek Terms and Literary Terms
- Look at your packets/notes and review and study the definitions
- Rewrite them on flashcards or in an outline form if you’re struggling to remember the definitions
- Spend extra time on words you’re struggling with
- Make personal connections to the words or examples of when/how the word is used
o My example: ethnocentric – ethno means people, centric means centered
For Vocabulary
- Go through the units and make a list of the words you are confident with
and the words you have trouble with (If you cannot use the word in a
sentence, it should go on the trouble list)
o Write words in sentences that mean something to you
o Make and use flashcards (physical ones or online)
o Make a quizlet game
o Chunk it - Take about 5 days to put together your vocabulary
study cards/quizlet together by adding more words each day.
For the Main Ideas - Are you able to answer these questions?
- Creation/Destruction
o Where do humans fit in the gods’ universe? Where do the gods
fit in the humans’ universe?
o What recurring patterns do we see in the creation and destruction stories?
o Why do the gods and their stories continue to endure even though we don’t believe in them?
o What is revealed about the Greek people in that they created gods with both weaknesses and
o When is it necessary to rebel against an authority figure?
- Heroes
o What actions or behaviors define the ritual or ceremony?
o What power does man gain from rituals?
o What signifies a rite of passage?
o How does one's attitude reveal the value and the power of ancient/traditional rituals?
o How does the ritual or moment of great significance reveal identity?
- The Odyssey/Trojan War
o Why should we continue to read classic literature?
o How does The Odyssey reflect the ideals of the ancient Greeks?
o What is an epic poem? What is an epic hero?
o What is an Odyssey?
Now, the really important stuff…
Questions you will see
- Multiple choice (Literature and vocabulary)
- Read and respond
- Labeling
- Short Answer
- Essay
You have almost two weeks to study for midterms!
You should begin yesterday. 
We have some time in class to review, but
be proactive.
Start organizing and studying now!
Don’t hesitate to ask questions either.
This won’t work